Gym Fag

By Rob J

Published on Jan 20, 2019


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Rick was restless all day. His encounter with Ruben at the gym a few days ago had been intense, unlocking years of repressed fantasies. He was hungry for more.

He was at the gym earlier than usual, unable to wait. He jumped onto an exercise bike where he had a clear view of the gym entrance.

As usual, Ruben arrived at 8 pm sharp. Today he was with one of his regular gym buddies, Nathan. They exchanged a couple of words and slaps on the back as they walked in, deep laughter echoing through the entire gym.

Rick straightened his posture. He was hoping to get some of Ruben's attention today, but it wouldn't be likely with his friend around. They were already setting up by the weights rack and so far Ruben had not so much as glanced in his direction.

But at least there was going to be a good show of muscle today with Nathan here. Rick settled into a rhythm on his bike and watched the two men.

Nathan was a blond replica of his friend Ruben. They were almost the same height and build, but where Ruben had olive skin and dark hair, Nathan was fair like the pictures of Vikings in movies. Rick watched them for nearly an hour without taking his eyes off them for even a second.

With a grunt, Nathan replaced his weights back on the bench and wiped the sweat off his forehead with his shirt, giving Rick a glimpse of his abs. He gestured across the room.

"I'm gonna go work the chest for a bit, bro."

"Go for it."

Ruben sat down on the bench and gulped down some water. Rick watched. Even something as simple as watching this man drink water was enough to stir something between his legs. He was still staring when Ruben finished and looked directly back at him. He beckoned him over with a tilt of his head.

Rick's heart skipped a beat. He basically fell off his bike and half ran, half stumbled across the room.

"Hey faggot."

"Hello Sir, it's great to see you again!"

"Ready to serve?"

"Yes Sir!"

"Get down and lick these shoes then, bitch."

Rick glanced around. Although it was late, there were still three or four people still working out. He did not want to have to explain why he was licking another man's shoes in the middle of the gym.

"I haven't got all day faggot. Do you want it or not?"

Rick got down on his hands and knees. Hopefully everyone else was too absorbed in their own routine to pay attention. He started licking. From this viewpoint, all he could see was the floor and Ruben's shoes. There was a faint whiff of rubber and sweat.

Ruben pulled his foot back and nudged Rick back up onto his knees. He pointed across the room at Nathan.

"See my buddy over there by the bench press? I want you to go over there and introduce yourself as a faggot. Then I want you to give him as much attention as you just gave me."


"C'mon fag, time to start paying your superiors some respect."

Rick's heart was beating furiously as he shuffled stiffly across the room towards Nathan, trying to conceal an erection. It was both hot and scary not knowing what kind of person Nathan was... Nathan was sitting at the bench press, peering at something on his phone while he rested between sets.

Rick glanced back at Ruben. He had already started his next set and wasn't watching. His face burning, he approached Nathan.

"H-hello Sir!"


Nathan looked up at Rick with clear blue eyes, and Rick's mind momentarily went blank.

"You okay bro?"

"I-I'd like to lick your shoes please Sir..." Rick's voice trailed off into a whisper.

"Sorry, what?" Nathan leaned in with his ear out.

Rick dropped to his knees and looked down.

"I'd like to lick your shoes Sir! I want to serve you any way I can!"

There was silence for a second. To Rick, it felt like five minutes.

"Where the fuck does Ruben find these guys..." Nathan muttered to himself.

"Fine, go ahead faggot."

Nathan stuck his foot out, and Rick took it in his hands. He noticed his feet were bigger than Ruben's, as he bathed the sole of the shoe with his tongue. Nathan said nothing as Rick continued to work down the length of his shoe, until Rick finally squeezed his eyes open. Nathan was staring down at his phone again, as if having his feet licked in the middle of the gym was was the most normal thing in the world for him. Somehow this turned Rick on even more.

A hand gripped Rick's hair from behind and pulled him abruptly off of Nathan's shoe. Rick stumbled and fell on his ass, looking up at Ruben.

"See what I meant?" Ruben said to Nathan, "Total faggot."

Nathan looked amused, "How do you manage to find all these losers?"

"They always find me somehow," Ruben shrugged, "You done?"

"Just about."

"Then let's see is this one's better than the last one."

Ruben nudged Rick with his foot.

"Get in the showers fag. Time to worship your gods."

Rick scrambled to his feet and ran to the lockroom, trying to hide a sizeable hard on and a wet spot at the front of his shorts. Luckily, at almost 9pm, the lockeroom was deserted. Rick undressed and stepped into the showers.

The showers at this gym were a large communal area where five or six people could shower simultaneously. Right now, Rick was alone, so he picked the far corner and got the water running.

He heard them before he saw them - two deep voices that reverberated in the locker room, first towards the lockers, and then towards him in the showers. He watched nervously as they approached.

Rick thought he already knew their bodies pretty well, given the types of tank tops they wore at the gym, but he was still a little giddy seeing them fully naked for the first time. Both had perfectly chiseled muscles that looked even better after their workout.

"It's your lucky day faggot," Ruben said, as they joined him under the spray of hot water, "Get cleaning."

Rick was in heaven again. He took several pumps from the soap dispenser and started to soap up these two muscle gods, taking turns with each of them so neither would be left out.

Ruben was still his favorite, and he took his time gliding his hands over his wide, strong back that tapered down to a narrow waist. His chest was pumped, and slightly hairy, leading down a treasure trail to that gorgeous cock. Rick took a sneaky whiff at his armpits before soaping them up, which only made his erection get harder.

Nathan's body was just as glorious, except he was covered in a light blonde fuzz. Rick enjoyed feeling the contours of his muscles as he massaged him, also catching a sniff at his pits. Rick knelt down to clean his cock. It was thinner than Rubens, but a little longer. He took it carefully in his hands.

"Use your mouth, faggot," Ruben pushed his head into Nathan's crotch. Rick open his mouth.

Nathan grew hard quickly and Rick sucked feverishly, extracting moans and groans out of Nathan. He knew he could give a good blowjob at least. However, Nathan turned out to be a lot longer than he was expecting, and there was still a half inch or so despite the tip hitting the limits of his gag reflex.

"C'mon faggot, I wanna see you work for it," Ruben growled. He grabbed a fistful of Rick's hair and shoved him into Nathan's crotch. Rick's nose smashed into Nathan's pubes and Nathan's cock slipped deeper into his throat. Rick panicked, and tried to push away, but Ruben held him firm. His gag reflex triggered, contracting his throat, which in turn pushed Nathan over the edge.

Rick's nose and mouth exploded in a torrent of cum and Ruben finally let go. He fell forwards, coughing and spluttering, with cum and slime everywhere. The water had stopped a while ago.

"That's more like it faggot. Open up for one more."

Rick looked up to see Ruben stroking his deep purple-red cock, just as it erupted as well. The first hit him in the face, and the rest splashed onto the tiles in front of him.

"Lick it up bitch. I don't want to see you waste a single drop of Alpha seed."

Rick reluctantly got on his hands and knees and lapped up the cum from the dirty shower floor. The tiles were filthy here, but he was too turned on to care. Then he felt something warm splash on his back.

"Keep licking faggot."

The smell of piss filled his nostrils. Soon a second stream hit the back of his head, running down the sides of his face and into his mouth. Rick slurped up the last of the cum from the ground, also getting a mouthful of piss. It felt a little cold now.

"Fucking disgusting."

"I told you, he'd be a good one right?"

Ruben and Nathan shared a laugh and headed back to the lockers.

Next: Chapter 3

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