Gym Class Sucks

By Bossed Boys

Published on Dec 4, 2020



Gym Class Sucks


--------------------------- ----- Gym Class Sucks ----- ---------------------------

Fourteen year old Tyler Hendricks was sitting in geometry class, staring at the clock on the wall. There was only one more minute until the start of his most hated class. The school bell rang. This was the moment of the week that Tyler dreaded. He put his geometry book in his backpack and walked down the school hallway toward the gymnasium.

Tyler was smaller than the average 9th grader, and he sucked at sports. He would much rather do math problems than go to stupid gym class.

Tyler opened the locker room door and stepped inside. He didn't even like how gym class smelled. The locker room smelled like sports and sweaty teenagers.

He went to his gym locker and started undressing, along with all the other kids. He took off his school clothes and put on his gym class clothes -- shorts and a t-shirt.

When he left the locker room and walked into the gym, Tyler saw that his teacher had basketballs.

"Great. Basketball. The worst sport ever."

Tyler Hendricks hated gym class. He HATED it.

-------------------------------- ----- Gym Class Is Awesome ----- --------------------------------

Fourteen year old Alex Gardiner was sitting in Science class, staring at the clock on the wall. There was only one more minute until the start of his favorite class! The school bell rang. Alex put his Science book in his backpack and walked down the school hallway toward the gymnasium.

Alex was one of the jocks in his school He loved watching sports, talking about sports with his friends, and especially, playing sports.

Alex opened the locker room door and stepped inside. He associated the locker room smell with sports -- having fun with his friends and showing off his natural athletic abilities.

When he left the locker room and walked into the gym, Alex saw that his teacher had basketballs.

"Cool. Basketball."

Alex Gardiner loved gym class. He LOVED it.

---------------------------------- ----- The Gym Class Incident ----- ----------------------------------

During the class, there were a few basketball games going on at the same time. In one game, Tyler was on one team, and Alex was on the other team. As usual, Tyler was sucking. He tried making a few baskets, but none of them went in. One of his throws hit the rim, and for a moment Tyler thought that it would actually go in. But it didn't. The others either just bounced off the backboard or didn't hit anything at all.

Alex was clearly the best player on his five-person team.

The P.E. teacher was rotating between the games, evaluating how each kid was doing and giving pointers. Tyler didn't like gym class, but he still wanted to get a good grade in it. He got good grades in all of his other classes. So he tried the best he could -- especially when he knew his teacher was watching. When his teacher rotated to his game, he started trying a little harder.

And then it happened...

Alex had the basketball. Tyler was standing sort of close to him. Alex tried to pass the ball to one of his teammates. Tyler lunged forward and knocked Alex's pass away.

The gym teacher said, "Nice hustle, Tyler."

This made Tyler feel good. But the good feeling didn't last for long.

Alex went over to Tyler, bumped into him, and said, "Don't do that again."

The bump was a reminder from Alex to Tyler that he was physically bigger and stronger -- a subtle act of intimidation. Alex didn't want Tyler to be annoying and interfere with any more of his passes, and Tyler got the message. He didn't try to do it again. Alex successfully changed Tyler's behavior.

------------------------------------ ----- The Locker Room Incident ----- ------------------------------------

Eventually, the class ended, and all of the kids went back in the locker room to change out of their gym clothes. Alex was talking to his friends. Tyler was hanging around, hoping to somehow make sure that Alex wasn't still mad at him. He didn't like when people were mad at him.

Alex's friends left, and Alex was alone, finishing up getting changed. Tyler gathered together his courage and walked up to him.

"Hi, Alex. I'm sorry I messed up your pass. You're not still mad at me, are you?"

"Yeah, a little. That was really annoying. Don't do it again."

"I won't."

"You suck at sports. They should have a special gym class just for kids who suck."

"Yeah. That would be better. Anyway, I won't mess up your passes anymore."

"Okay. Good... Hey, there's something you can do, and then we'll be even."


Alex yelled out to see if anyone else was still in the locker room.

"Hey, is anyone here?"

Nobody answered. They were alone.

"Come over here."

Tyler stepped closer to Alex.

"Kiss me here."

Alex was pointing between his legs. He wanted Tyler to kiss the front of his jeans right where his crotch was. Tyler hesitated. He didn't know what to do.

"Come on, Tyler. Do it."

Tyler decided to do what Alex wanted. He kneeled down in front of Alex and kissed his jeans right at the spot where his cock and balls were.

As soon as Tyler stood back up, they heard some kids for the next gym class arriving. Alex and Tyler left the locker room and walked down the school hallway to their next classes. They both had boners inside their underwear.

-------------------------- ----- In Tyler's Bed ----- --------------------------

Later that night, Tyler was lying in bed, thinking about what happened in gym class and in the locker room.

Why did Alex tell him to kiss him there? Was he just trying to be mean? Or was it something more than that?

Tyler's cock was hard, and he felt horny. He pulled off his sweatpants and underwear, spread his legs apart, and started playing with his boner. A few minutes later, he cummed.

------------------------- ----- In Alex's Bed ----- -------------------------

Later that night, Alex was lying in bed, thinking about what happened in gym class and in the locker room. His sweatpants and underwear were off, and he was idly playing with his cock and balls.

Sports and jerking off were Alex's two favorite things. In a way, they were vaguely related in his mind. Alex's cock liked it when he dominated his opponents.

He was thinking about how wimpy Tyler was. How it was so easy to convince Tyler to kiss him between his legs.

Alex was playing with the cock that Tyler kissed earlier that day -- feeling the two eggs in his ballsac with his left hand -- stroking his shaft with his right hand.

What else could he make Tyler do?

A drop of precum appeared on the tip of Alex's cock.

"I'm gonna cum soon. Wimpy Tyler's gonna make me cum."

Suddenly, a string of cum squirted out of Alex's cock and landed on his stomach. After he finished cumming, Alex got a tissue and cleaned up the gooey, spermy mess that his cock just made. He also wiped up the extra cum that was still oozing out of the tip of his cock.

A few minutes later, with a softening, sexually-satisfied cock nestled between his legs, Alex fell asleep and dreamed the dreams that teenage jocks dream.

------------------------------ ----- The Next Gym Class ----- ------------------------------

At the start of the next gym class, Alex went up to Tyler. No one else was around them.

"See me in the locker room after class again. Okay?"


All during gym class, Tyler was wondering why Alex wanted to see him.

Just like after the last class, Tyler hung around the locker room until all of Alex's friends left. And just like last time, Alex wanted to make sure that no one else was around.

"Hey, is anybody here?"

No one answered.

Alex had already changed into his school clothes.

"Hey, Tyler, do you remember what you did the last time we were here alone?"


"I want you to do it again."

Before Tyler could react, Alex unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned the button on this jeans, unzipped his zipper, and pulled his jeans down. He was wearing boxer briefs. There was a big lump in front. It was obvious that he had a boner.

"Come on, Tyler. Do it. You have to."

This was different than the last time. The last time Tyler knew that Alex's cock was somewhere inside his jeans. This time he could essentially see Alex's cock. And it was hard.

"Tyler... Do it."

Tyler kneeled down in front of Alex. The shape of Alex's boner was right in front of his face. He puckered his lips and kissed Alex's ballsac.

Tyler's task was completed, so he stood up. Alex pulled his jeans back up.

"I see you riding your bike past my house sometimes. You live near me, right?"

Tyler knew where Alex lived. Sometimes he saw Alex playing basketball in his driveway with his friends.

"Yeah, I live sorta close. About five blocks away."

"Maybe you can come over to my house sometime."

"To do what?"

"I don't know. Whatever. It would be sorta cool hanging around with you, even though you can be annoying sometimes."

"I don't like playing sports or anything like that."

"That's okay. There's other stuff we can do."

"Like what?"

"Why do you keep asking me that? I don't know. Whatever. My mom and dad won't be around Saturday morning. You can come over then. Okay?"


"Around 10:00?"

"Yeah. Okay."

"And bring your gym clothes along."


"Stop asking so many questions. Just do it."

---------------------------- ----- Alex's Gym Class ----- ----------------------------

At 9:50 AM on Saturday morning, Tyler put his gym clothes in his backpack, got on his bike, and rode toward Alex's house. He was feeling kind of nervous.

When he turned the corner, he saw Alex alone, shooting hoops in his driveway. Tyler rode into the driveway and got off his bike.

"Cool. You actually showed up."


Alex threw the basketball to Tyler. Tyler shot it at the basket and missed. The ball didn't even hit the backboard or rim.

"You suck. Obviously, it wouldn't be fun to play basketball with you. Let's go inside."

Tyler followed Alex into the house. No one else was there. They walked down a hallway and into Alex's bedroom. Tyler looked around. It was clearly a jock's bedroom. There were trophies on a shelf and sports posters on the walls.

"You know I'm gonna make you kiss my balls again. Right?"

"Yeah. I know."

"It's time for gym class. Get changed into your gym clothes."

Alex and Tyler both stripped down to their underwear and put on the clothes they wear for gym class.

There was a Nerf basketball hoop connected to Alex's bedroom door. Alex grabbed the Nerf ball and threw it to Tyler. Tyler tried to catch it, dropped it, and picked it up off the floor.

"Here's the first gym class game. We take turns, each making ten throws. Whoever makes more baskets wins. Loser kisses the winner's balls. Okay?"


"You shoot first."

Tyler threw the ball at the hoop, and surprisingly, it went it.

"One-nothing. My turn."

Alex threw the ball. It bounced off the rim and almost went in, but it didn't.

"Still one-nothing. You know you're still gonna lose, Tyler. There's no way you can beat me. Your turn."

Alex threw the ball to Tyler. They alternated taking shots at the basketball hoop. Final score: Tyler 2, Alex 7.

"I win, Loser. Like I said, there's no way you can beat me."

Alex pulled his gym shorts and underwear down. This was the first time that Tyler actually saw Alex's cock. The first time Tyler had to do this, Alex had his jeans on, and the second time Alex had boxer briefs on. But now, Alex's actual cock was out, and it was hard.

"Kiss my balls."

There was a bush of pubes above Alex's cock, and there were a few hairs growing on his ballsac. A year earlier, when he was thirteen, he didn't have any hairs on his balls. Tyler kneeled down in front of Alex, puckered his lips and kissed the jock's sac of balls.

A thrill of sexual excitement ran through Alex's body. He loved dominating a weaker kid, telling him to do stuff and watching him obediently do it. Alex pulled his underwear and gym shorts back up.

"The next game is arm wrestling. Do you think you can beat me?"


"Why not?"

"Because you're way stronger than me."

Alex liked hearing Tyler admit this.

"Let's take our shirts off."

They both took off their gym shirts. Tyler's upper body was pretty scrawny. Alex had a lot more muscle. He worked out sometimes. Alex flexed his bicep.

"Feel my bicep."

Tyler squeezed Alex's bicep muscle. It felt hard and strong.

"Let's see yours."

Tyler squeezed his hand and flexed his bicep muscle as best as he could. It wasn't very impressive. Alex squeezed it.

"Damn. You hardly have any muscle at all. You should try working out sometime. Okay, let's get this over with. This is gonna be an easy win."

Alex had a table by his bed. He moved it out, so they could use it for arm wrestling. They got on opposite ends, put their elbows on the table, and grabbed each other's hands.

"I'm obviously gonna win, but try as hard as you can. I wanna see how strong you are. Ready... Go..."

Tyler used all of his strength and tried to move Alex's arm. Alex easily counteracted the weaker kid's meager force.

"Okay, Tyler. You can start."

"I'm trying."

Alex let up and allowed Tyler to start to win, giving him a little bit of false hope.

"Time to put you out of your misery."

Alex pressed hard against Tyler's hand and easily brought the much weaker kid's arm down to the table.

"Ha! I win again!"

They both stood up.

"You lose again, Loser. Pull down my pants and do it."

Tyler grabbed the waistband of Alex's pants and underwear and pulled both of them down. Alex was still hard. And once again, Tyler puckered his lips and kissed the two eggs that make Alex's sperms.

"This is like the fourth time you kissed my balls. You like kissing them, don't you?"


"Yes you do."

"No, I don't."

"Say, `I like kissing Alex's balls.'"

"I like kissing Alex's balls."

Alex liked making Tyler say that.

"The next game is wrestling."

Alex got down in the defensive position on his hands and knees. They both still had their shirts off.

"Get next to me in the offensive position like you learned in gym class."

Tyler got in position. He knew he was supposed to stay on top of Alex, and not let him get up. It was going to be impossible.

"One... Two... Three... Start!"

Within a few seconds, Tyler was on his back on the floor, and Alex was sitting on top of him. Tyler could feel Alex's weight pressing down against his body, and he could feel Alex's strength. He sort of liked being in this helpless position. There was something exciting about being physically dominated by a stronger kid. There was something vaguely sexual about it.

"Try to get me off you."

Tyler struggled. There was no hope of him getting up. Alex started to lightly slap at Tyler's face, trying to annoy him.

"Come on wimpy Tyler. Get up."

Tyler struggled some more.

"I can't."

Alex slapped at Tyler's face some more.

"Is this annoying?"


Alex kept slapping.

"Do you want me to stop?"


"Say `Please'."


"Say `Can I please kiss your balls?'"

"Can I please kiss your balls?"

Alex pulled his gym shorts and underwear totally off and got back on top of Tyler. His naked butt was sitting on Tyler's bare chest. His balls and hard cock were right in front of Tyler's face. Alex moved up, so that his balls were dangling directly above Tyler's mouth.

"You lose again, Loser. Lick them."

Tyler stuck his tongue out and licked Alex's ballsac. Alex rolled Tyler over onto his stomach and lay down on top of him. His hard cock was right on top of Tyler's butt. Tyler still had his gym shorts on. Alex rubbed his cock against Tyler's butt in sort of a fucking motion. Alex was feeling extremely horny and wanted to cum. He got up off of Tyler.

"Last game. Football. Take off your gym shorts and underwear. Alex's gym shorts and underwear were already off. Tyler pulled his off, too. They were both naked. Alex noticed that Tyler's cock was just as hard as his own. He thought, "Cool. He's liking this as much as I am."

Alex got out a football and handed it to Tyler.

"Get in the Center position."

"What's that?"

"You don't know what the Center position is? That's lame. The Center's the guy who hikes the football to the Quarterback."

Now Tyler understood.

"Oh. Okay."

Tyler bent over. His feet and hands were both touching the ground, and his naked butt was pointed out toward Alex. In this position, Tyler's butt cheeks were spread apart, and Alex could see the butthole inside his crack. Alex was feeling very, very horny.

"Just stay in this position."

Alex moved forward and rubbed his cock on Tyler's naked butt cheeks. His cock was leaking precum, and some of his cock slime rubbed off onto Tyler's butt. He looked inside Tyler's crack at his butthole again. He had an instinctual urge to stick his cock inside Tyler's hole. To slide it in and out until he cummed. In the end, he thought that would be too `gay,' so he decided not to do it... at least not that day.

"Get up."

Tyler stood up. Both teens had boners sticking up in the air. Alex wanted to cum. He decided to give Tyler one final order for today.

"Suck on it."

Tyler looked down at Alex's horny cock and saw that the tip was juicy with precum. Tyler kneeled down in front of Alex and put the jock's cock in his mouth. Alex felt instant sexual pleasure as Tyler started sucking. This was Alex's first blowjob, and it was the first time Tyler ever had a cock in his mouth.

The longer Tyler sucked, the better Alex's cock felt. Alex's horny teenage body couldn't hold off an orgasm for very long. It just felt too good. He was going to cum. His cock spurted out a hot load of cum into Tyler's sucking mouth. Tyler could feel Alex's cum squirting inside his mouth, and he could taste its flavor. When he finished cumming, Alex took his cock out of Tyler's mouth, and Tyler swallowed Alex's slimy sex goo.

"Thanks, Tyler."

"Did it feel good?"

"Yeah. It felt awesome. Can you come back again next weekend?"



Tyler put his gym clothes back in his backpack and pulled his underwear and jeans up over his boner. He already decided that as soon as he got home, he was going to go to his bedroom, get naked, and cum.

On his bike ride home, Tyler was thinking that maybe gym class didn't suck so much after all -- at least gym class at Alex's house.

This was the second Bossed Boys story. I hope you liked it. It would be really cool if you sent me an e-mail, telling me what you thought.


If you were one of the characters in this story, would you rather be wimpy Tyler or athletic Alex?

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