Gym Class


Published on Sep 8, 2007


This is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblence between the characters and people in real life is purely coincidental. Enjoy!

It was an normal day in the shoes of Chris Rate. He was a normal 18 year old teen and was heading off to school. Chris had his own truck which he drove to school most days. It was about half way through the school year, around February. Chris was in grade 12 so it was his last year. He wasn't a smartest student, but he wasn't stupid either. He was best at sports. He loved hockey, baseball, basketball, tennis, swimming, nearly any sport. And he played all of them. But hockey was late starting up this year, so there was no school hockey team, and since it was winter, the only sport he was playing right now was wrestling.

Chris strolled out of the front door of his house, checking his watch as he went. 7:20am. He was early, but it really didn't matter. He opened the door to his truck and hopped in. Chris dug his keys out of his pocket and jammed them in the ignition. He turned the key. Nothing happened. Chris tried again. Nothing happened.

"Shit!" Chris yelled.

His truck had been acting up lately, but he had taken it to the mechanics and got it all fixed up. Well, he thought it got all fixed up. Chris took the keys out of ignition and roughly pushed them into his baggy blue jeans. Chris looked back at the house. His mom had already left for work and his dad was sick. He didn't want to get his dad out of bed to drive him to school. Chris checked his watch again. 7:27am. He could catch the bus if he hurried. He grabbed his backpack and dashed down the street. He lived 'in town', but his house was at the end of the street and the bus stop was at the other end. Chris ran quickly on the smooth road.

Chris reached the bus stop in a matter of minutes. He looked down the road, and to his delight, say the bright yellow school bus cross the train tracks. Chris sighed in relief. Chris wiped the small amount of sweay from his brow. Chris tapped his foot impatiently. Chris suddenly realized how dark it was out. The sun didn't come up for a while longer and the street was shrouded in darkness.

The bus finally reached it's destination and stopped in front of Chris. Chris crossed the street and jumped thrugh the open door. He said a quick thanks to the bus driver and started to head down the aisle. To his disappointment, nearly all of the seat were full. Chris spotted a muscular grade 9, Mitch, that had tried out for the wrestling team and Chris took the seat beside him. Mitch jumped in surprise and moved his hands about.

"Hey man," whispered Chris.

"Hey, what's up?" asked the other teen.

"My truck won't start so I have to take the bus today," answered Chris, not trying to mask the disgust he put in his voice when he said 'bus'.

Chris looked Mitch over. He had a soft, clean face topped with blond hair cut short. His eyes were a stunning blue. He had broad shoulders and you could see his pecks and abs through the thin t-shirt he wore. Chris eyes took a quick glance at Mitch's crotch and to his delight, saw a very large bulge. 'So thats what you were doing when I sat down, jerking off' thought Chris devilishly. The seats weren't very large on the bus, and Chris' leg was touching Mitch's leg. So Mitch thought nothing of it when Chris' hand strayed to 'accidentally' to rest on his thigh.

Chris let his hand stay on Mitch's thigh only for a few minutes. He then placed his hand atop the pressing bulge in Mitch's mesh shorts. Mitch sucked in breath from the contact. Chris moved his hand over the bulge over and over again. For a grade 9, he sure was packing! Mitch didn't protest was Chris snaked his hand under the waist band of the shorts, under the tight boxer briefs and took a hold of a very thick cock.

Mitch squirmed as Chris started jacking his cock inside his shorts. Mitch's eyes looked around the bus, but no one was paying attention to him and it was still quite dark out. Chris kept his head facing forward, as if he was innocently sitting there. Chris started jerking the hard meat faster. They would reach the school in a few minutes and Chris didn't want Mitch to walk off with his giant erection tenting his shorts.

Chris turned, so he was sideways and was facing Mitch. Chris started to babble about wrestling. Mitch answered his questions, but didn't understand. The hand had left his cock. Mitch then realized, Chris had turned so he could use both hands and it wouldn't look awkward if Chris was reaching across him.

Chris' right hand wriggled under Mitch's butt and stuck finger up his hairy hole. Mitch had to bite his tongue not to gasp. Chris' left hand found his cock again and started beating it off at an incredible speed. The sensations were driving Mitch wild. The finger in his anus was working magic while his hard cock was getting the mastrubation of a lifetime.

Mitch's balls started to rise up into his body and his delicious cum started gushing out of his cock. Mitch clenched his teeth to stay quiet. The cum had coated Chris hand. Chris removed the finger from his asshole and took his hand away. Chris pretended to cough as he licked Mitch's creamy teen sperm from his hand. Mitch adjusted his shorts and his boxers. The bus was just pulling into the school and Mitch and Chris got off the bus together, acting as if nothing had happened.

Next: Chapter 2

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