Gym Boy

By Matty Matt

Published on Dec 1, 2001


Gym Boy (gay, pedo, interracial, implied incest)

By Matty Matt

NOTE: This is a work of fiction. It never happened.

I really didn't feel like going to the gym that Saturday morning. I was tired and had a million other things that I needed to do. But I hadn't worked out since the previous weekend, so I knew that I had to go. I got to the gym intent on making it a quick session. Maybe just the bicycle and some weights this time. I changed and went into the main area to ride the stationary bike for 20 minutes.

I checked out the other people there to see if any cute guys were working out that morning. I didn't see anyone so I picked up a magazine and was content on doing my workout. I was about five minutes into riding the bike when a small person sat on the bike next to mine. I guessed it was a petite woman but it wasn't. Instead, it was a small black boy who looked to be about 9 years old. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a red shirt that covered his thin build. He had a medium-brown complexion with pretty brown eyes and long eyelashes. He was cute as hell, too.

He was grooving to music from his Walkman. He smiled at me as he began riding his bike. Cute kid, I thought to myself. What's he doing here? And who's he with? There were some black adults there but no one seemed to be paying him any mind, so I couldn't tell who his parents were.

The kid continued to listen to his music, and I resumed reading my magazine. I finished my 20-minute bicycle exercise and headed to the locker room to pee. I was also checking on the sauna to see if it was hot. I always enjoy sitting in the sauna or in the steam room after a workout. It relaxes my muscles and I sometimes get lucky. Once I gave this hot guy a blowjob in the steam room.

I finished peeing and turned around to wash my hands when I noticed the kid from the bike standing there. It's almost as if he followed me in here, I thought. He beat me to the sauna. There was a black guy in there already, so I figured the kid was checking in with his dad. Made sense since I didn't see anyone paying attention to him earlier.

The sauna was warm but not hot, so I returned to the gym to continue my workout. I hit the free weights for a while and then decided to try the stationary bike one more time before I left. Just as I was about to start another 20 minutes on the bike, I noticed the kid again. But the man who was in the sauna wasn't anywhere to be seen. Maybe that wasn't his kid, I thought. But there still didn't seem to be anyone who was paying any attention to the kid. Maybe he's here by himself, I thought.

I got back on the bike and decided I would check the kid out. He goofed off on the treadmill and pretended to be a tough guy lifting weights. But no adult checked on him. He must be here by himself, I thought. I felt a stirring in my cock. I never thought of a boy in a sexual way before, but there was something about this kid that was getting me hot. I think he did follow me into the locker room, I thought. I think he was hoping I would go into the sauna too.

My dick was getting hard just thinking about it. I bet he was in the sauna with that other guy. Maybe trying to sneak a peek at his big black cock. Maybe he got to see it. To touch it. Maybe even suck on it. And now he was back in the gym looking for me. Damn, I was getting turned on. I tried to get myself calmed down. Riding a bike with a hard-on was proving to be difficult and besides, he's just a kid.

I concentrated on other things until my 20 minutes were up. I was in the gym for no more than 75 minutes at this point, but I decided to go. I had other things that I needed to tend to. I picked up my towel and headed to the locker room. I decided against the sauna because it would take up too much time. I had to pee again (I was drinking a lot of water during my workout) and just as I turned around, I saw the kid walking through the locker room door.

Maybe he is after me, I thought. I checked on the sauna and it had gotten hotter.

A small voice behind me asked, "Are you getting in?" It was him - the kid.

"Yeah," I said. "In just a minute."

I turned the corner to get to my locker. I didn't know what was going on but my cock starting stiffening up as I stripped.

I never wear anything in the sauna except maybe a towel. I picked up my towel and covered my crotch as I headed toward the sauna. The kid's locker was right in front of the sauna door. He had a clear shot of my naked ass as I stepped into the sauna. Maybe he'd come in and maybe he wouldn't. Maybe my being naked will scare him off, I thought. I sat on the top row and draped my towel over my cock and picked up a magazine. I decided to play it safe. He was just a kid after all.

The door creaked open and his pretty face poked in. His eyes went right to my cock. I smiled at him and he looked up to me eyes and smiled. A moment later, he came in, still fully dressed and still listening to his Walkman. He sat on the same row as me but on the other end. Even still, the row wasn't very wide so he was no more than four feet from me.

My cock stirred as I caught him sneaking looks at my crotch. From where he was sitting, all he could see was my pubic hair since I had the towel covering my dick. We sat in silence for a few minutes, me reading the magazine and him listening to his music. He got up to leave and I thought he was gone for good. Maybe being naked did scare him off, I thought. I relaxed some and took the towel away from my crotch. My hard-on went away and I wasn't expecting the kid to come back. But that wasn't the case.

A minute later, he came back in without the Walkman. And without his sneakers, jeans and shirt. He was now only wearing his undershirt, polka dotted boxers and white socks. And that pretty smile. I could see his ass better now and it was gorgeous. Two upturned melons under that thin layer of cotton. I thought about hot it would be to spread his brown cheeks apart and lick his tiny asshole. I was getting really turned on.

"Hot in here isn't it?" I said as a way of noticing his fewer clothes.

"Yeah," he said.

He immediately looked at my now-exposed cock. I didn't try to cover it. I kept leafing through the magazine as if nothing was unusual about our situation. He didn't seem to mind either, a fact that got my heart racing. I was nervous, too, something that prevented my dick from getting hard again. Probably just as well, I thought.

He picked up a newspaper that someone had left but put it down after just a moment. He shifted his weight and turned to face me, his back moving from the same wall as mine to the side wall. His left leg remained on the lower seat; the right leg was bent at the knee and leaning against the back wall. This caused his legs to be spread right in my direction. This kid is trying to turn me on, I thought. I sit like that when a cute guy is in here and I want him to check me out.

I took a look at what he was showing me. Thin brown legs nicely parted so that I could look up his boxer openings. I couldn't see his cock or balls though. Damn! I thought. So close. I finished my magazine and sat it down beside me, leaning back against the wall and closed my eyes. I'll give this cute little kid a free view, I thought. I sat like that for a full minute before opening my eyes. I caught him looking at my cock again.

This kid is hot for something, I thought. I was really nervous now, because I felt this innocent situation getting out of hand. So I made some small talk with him.

"You here with your mom and dad?" I asked.

"Nope. Just my dad. Mom's at home," he said.

So he isn't here by himself, after all. That made things different. I couldn't take the chance of stroking my cock or something only to have dad open the sauna door and catch me trying to seduce his son. He'd kick my ass or worse yet, tell on me.

"Is he still working out?" I asked.

"Uh huh," the kid said.

He was friendly and not at all uncomfortable sitting next to and talking with a naked white guy. I leaned over to where the newspaper lay in front of him.

"You wanna read it?" he asked.

"Just checking to see if it's today's paper," I said.

It wasn't, but other magazines were underneath it. I stood up and walked over to the stack, leaving the towel where it was. I'll give him another clear view, I thought.

I picked one up and sat back down, this time sitting so that my back was on the opposite wall as his, facing him. He seems to be giving me a show, I thought. I'll give him one right back. I leaned back and leafed through the magazine with my towel on my right thigh so I could quickly cover myself in case anyone suddenly walks in. But my cock and balls were exposed to his cute brown eyes.

We sat in silence for a few more minutes when he leaned forward and took off his white undershirt. I was so turned on watching this hot little black kid strip off his shirt in front of me. His dark brown nipples were now exposed and I got a better look at his thin frame. Not much to him, I thought. But fucking cute as hell just the same. He has no problem stripping down in front of me, I thought. If he stays in here long enough, he may get naked.

I smiled at him after he leaned back against his wall. He smiled back. This is too fucking hot, I thought. A 9-year-old boy is turning me on and I think he's doing it on purpose! My heart was being really fast and the sweat was dripping off me in buckets. Just then he got up and left the sauna. Fuck! I thought. I scared him off. Turns out, his dad was finished with his workout so the kid had to go.

He stuck his head inside and said, "Bye! See ya next week!" and I sure hope I do.

There will be more to this story later. Comments on this can be directed to I love reading about kid sex and incest, especially real life stories, so drop me a line!

Next: Chapter 2

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