Gym Boy

By Matty Matt

Published on Jan 8, 2002


Gym Boy Part 6

By Matty Matt

The Tuesday after I got it on with Jermaine and Jason in the shower, I went back to my gym to work out. I no longer feared seeing them since I knew that the likelihood of getting in trouble now was slim to none. Besides, I wanted to get back in the regular habit of exercising. I had to stay a little late at work to complete a project, so I didn't get to the gym until 7 p.m. I was lacing up my sneakers when Jermaine and Jason entered the locker room.

"Hey there," I said.

"What's up?" Jermaine said, in a very friendly way. They sat beside me on the bench, one on either side.

"Just got here. You?"

"Just finishing," Jermaine said. Sweat was dripping off his cheeks and his t-shirt and shorts were both soaked. He obviously had a vigorous workout.

"You and the wife doin' aerobics tonight?" I asked.

He snorted and said, "No. No, she ain't with us tonight. Probably won't be here any more."

"Um, sorry to hear that," I said. I didn't know what else to say.

"I'm not," he said. "Things have been kinda rough between us for awhile and we may be near the end."

"That's too bad," I said.

"Say, I know you just got here and all, but, you wanna get somethin' to eat? I'm hungry as shit and so's he," Jermaine said referring to Jason.

The opportunity to get to know them both better is what I wanted, so I accepted.

"Let us grab a shower, then we'll be goin'," Jermaine said.

"I think I'll join you. Been sitting in a hot office all day and a shower would feel good," I said.

"Cool," Jason said.

"I'm glad you think so," I said, smiling at him. He was wearing a basketball jersey and shorts and his high tops. At the talk of getting a shower, Jason started taking his shirt off.

"I think he's more horny than dirty," Jermaine said, shaking his head.

"Fine by me," I said.

"I'll go get our towels. See you in there," he said and went to their lockers, which were in another row.

Jason had his sneakers off and was working on his shorts when I stopped him. I was still sitting on the bench and Jason was standing in front of me. I pulled him in close to me and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"How are you?" I whispered in his ear.

"Good," he whispered back, his thin arms around my neck.

I squeezed his butt with both hands and then put my right hand up his shorts leg opening and grabbed his cock. It was half hard already.

"Mmmm, you feel so nice," I whispered back to him, slowing stroking his now hard prick.

He leaned over and started massaging my hard cock through my shorts. I grabbed his shorts and underwear by the waistbands and yanked them down. He instinctively stepped out of them. He groped me and I stroked him until Jermaine came around the corner.

"Hey," he said. "Let's wait till after."

It didn't bother him at all that I was stroking his kid's cock or that his kid was groping my crotch. I won't have to do much convincing that Jason's sexuality is normal after all, I thought. Jermaine is already on board.

I stood up and stripped off my clothes, Jason staring at me. So was Jermaine, it seemed. He waited for us before entering the showers. Jason took my hand into his and we walked that way into the shower.

The shower itself was uneventful. We washed and Jason spent most of the time checking us out. While toweling off, I gave Jermaine's fine cock a squeeze and said, "Love to suck on this again."

He just smiled and said, "You will. But let's get somethin' to eat first."

We all dressed and went to a diner a few miles away. The place specializes in home cooked meals and it's cheap. It was also nearly deserted which suited me just fine. We took a corner booth near the back and the waitress brought us waters. Jason had to use the bathroom, so Jermaine and I had a chance to talk privately. The subject of our sex adventure in the showers on Saturday was the first topic of conversation. I started it.

"I just want to say that I had a lot of fun on Saturday. And that I'm glad you were so cool with what Jason and I did together."

"He and I talked about that a lot over the weekend," Jermaine said. "You know, I always suspected that he was a fag – no offense – but I couldn't prove it. Until a couple months ago when he sucked my dick."

I just stared at him. He was asleep! Jason said he was. But maybe Jason was wrong. The look on my face must have been funny because Jermaine smirked at me.

He continued, "My wife and I have been lookin' for ways to spice up our marriage. It's hasn't worked. And I get frustrated 'cause she don't wanna do things with me or with Jason and she gets all pissed off 'cause I ain't interested in bein' both a mom and a dad to Jason."

"Huh?" I asked.

"Let me back up. His mama and I went to high school together and we were fuckin' and shit, you know. Well, she gets pregnant. She was 16 and I was 17 and our parents insisted we get married. 'No babies out of wedlock in my family,' her mama said. So we get married and we have Jason. But she wanted to go to college and be a social worker. But when we had Jason, all that changed. She had to stay home and take care of him. And I had to get a job to support us. She always resented having gotten pregnant and not goin' to college. She blames me and Jason. It's a fuckin' shame," he said.

I just sat there, sipping my water through a straw, taking all this in. We barely know each other and he's telling me some really personal stuff. It was a little overwhelming.

"So how old are you?" I asked.

"27," he said. "Why?"

"Just thought you were older. Jason and all, you know."

"Yeah, I know, but I'm still young. So's she. That's part of the problem. She's decided that she's going back to school and that I'll have to take care of Jason while she's doin' it. That's what I meant by bein' both a father and a mother."

"Sounds rough." I said. "And you don't want to?"

"It's not that." He paused for a moment. "It's partly my fault. When I was 18, 19, 20, I was partying with my boys. Drinking and smoking, all that stuff. She was sittin' home feeding Jason and wiping his shitty ass. Guess she feels it's her turn now to do what she wants to. Can't blame her, but it feels wrong."

"I understand. Neither of you were ready for a kid. You both had some growing up to do and had things you wanted to do with your lives. So where does your marriage stand now?"

"Pretty much over. She pissed me off Saturday night. Another fight. We've been fightin' over stupid shit lately. All just boilin' over, maybe. Anyway, I said I was goin' out drinking' and she got all righteous on me. I went anyway and got really shit-faced. I haven't told Jason this yet, but she told me today that she's filing for divorce. And she don't want custody. I can't imagine that we're gonna put things back together."

"Wow, that's really a shame," I said. I felt bad for him but I still wasn't sure why he was telling me all this.

"Wait a minute," I said. "We got off track. What's this about Jason sucking your dick a few months ago?"

"Oh yeah, that," Jermaine said. "Like I said, things have been bad between me and my wife and I've been goin' out drinkin' with my bros. So this one night a few months ago I come back all drunk and shit and the bitch won't let me sleep with her in our bed. So I go to the spare room and crash there. Next mornin', Jason comes in to wake me up but I was already awake. Puked a few times that night, mixed my booze. But I'm still not feelin' great when he comes in to get me up. I'm hopin' he'll try, give up, and leave me the fuck alone. But he don't. He rolls me over and shakes me but I'm doin' my best to pretend I'm still sleepin'. I had a boner, too. I was laying there, kinda strokin' it, you know, when he came in and the fuckin' thing won't go down. I was hopin' he wouldn't notice but him being a fag and all – no offense – he saw it. So then I am hopin' that since he can't wake me up that he'll just leave. So I'm layin' there and I feel him touchin' my dick! I thought, OK, it's there, it's fuckin' hard, he's curious. And he thinks I'm sleepin'. It was weird, but I was OK with it. I figure, he'll touch it and then leave. But he don't. I feel this warm on my dick and I peek my eye open and he's suckin' it! I was like, What the fuck? But I was supposed to be asleep and I couldn't wake up then, so I kept pretendin' I was out."

"How was he?" I asked. I already knew this of course, but I couldn't let Jermaine know that Jason already gave me a blowjob.

"That's just it. He was fuckin' awesome at it! Seriously. He really did it great. And I was tryin' to not think about it, you know, not get into it, but I couldn't help it. And then I fuckin' came!"

I was just watching him tell this story. It sounded hot from his perspective and it was interesting to compare versions of the same story Jason told me a few weeks ago.

"You came?" I asked. "He must be good."

"Fuckin' A, yeah. So I lay there, cum all over me and what does he do? The little fag licks it all up! No shit! He fuckin' eats my cum. I snuck a peek when he was doin' it. Looked pretty hot seein' him scoop up my jizz with his tongue, I gotta say."

"Then what happened?" I asked.

"Nothin' really. I think he thought I was wakin' up, 'cause he left. But after he left, I felt so gross, so disgusted by it all. I knew he was queer then. But I couldn't say anything about it. Until Saturday that it. I guess that's why I asked you to eat with us. Make sense?"

"Yeah," I said. Jason returned from the bathroom and sat beside me.

"Whatcha talkin' about?" he asked.

"Does he know you know?" I asked.

"Yeah, like I said, we talked a lot this weekend," Jermaine said.

"We're talking about how you sucked your dad's cock a few months ago," I said.

Jason just smiled. Our waitress came over and took our orders and left us again.

"How did that conversation go anyway?" I asked. "It must have been weird."

"It was," Jason said. "But daddy's cool. I told him about you and me too."

"What do you mean?" I asked knowing exactly what he meant.

A sudden panic swept over me. I was convinced that I couldn't get into trouble for doing Jason, but that confidence evaporated. Maybe I was being set up. Maybe this trip for dinner was a plan to trap me so the cops could easily arrest me. I took a quick glance around the restaurant but only an old couple and a single woman were in the place, other than the employees. We were sitting next to the window and I checked in the parking lot. No visible sign of cops there either.

As I was scanning the place, Jermaine said, "About you two in the stream room and in the locker room. He told me about you guys suckin' and fuckin'."

"And?" I asked. Beads of sweat formed over my upper lip and I felt very hot and claustrophobic. This is it, I thought. He's either going to kill me, have me arrested or be turned on by it.

"It's cool," Jermaine said. "Really. Like I said, he's always horny and it don't surprise me none that he seduced you. That's how he said it happened anyway. That he propositioned you, not the other way around. You didn't hurt him. He liked it. I like you. So it's all good."

I just nodded my head. It was all out in the open and everything was all right. I started breathing again and let out a big sigh.

"Thought you was in trouble, didn't you?" Jermaine asked. He was smiling.

"Oh my god yes," I said, smiling weakly back. So much for trying to be coy earlier.

"That's one of the reasons I wanted to talk with you. Sorta clear the air about things. As long as Jason likes what he's doin' and nobody's hurtin' him, hey, what the fuck, you know?"

"So you are fine with use messing around?"

"Yeah, sure. Hey, when I was his age, I already fucked three pussies. Shit, I was eatin' pussy and getting' my dick sucked regularly. OK, he's queer, I can deal with that. So if wants to suck dick or get his sucked or fuck some ass, I say good for him. He should be gettin' his. And I know you ain't gonna hurt him. So I'm cool with you two gettin' it on. Besides, I can't teach him stuff since I ain't queer so he needs to learn from somebody," Jermaine said. "And maybe I can get some from you too, right?"

"Oh yeah, man, just say the word!" I said. "What about his sucking your cock? Are you two going to do it again?"

"He wants to. He said so. I'm not so sure. I ain't a fag but anybody who's good at suckin' dick can suck mine. I enjoy a good blowjob from anybody. I've have other dudes blow me and it was good. Prefer chicks down there, but if all I can get is a fag, then I'll take it. But I don't suck, so don't even think about that," he said to me.

"That's OK, I wasn't going to ask you to," I said, although I was thinking it would have been fantastic to get my cock in this stud's mouth.

"So Jason," I said turning to him, "This must be pretty good for you, huh?"

He smiled and nodded. Our waitress brought our food and we ate mostly in silence for a while. We chatted about other things like the gym, football, and Jason's school. Afterwards we relaxed for a bit before Jermaine looked at his watch.

"OK, boy, it's after 8. Time for you to go home and get your bath. School tomorrow," Jermaine said.

"Why? I just took a shower!" Jason said.

"You didn't wash, you was lookin'," Jermaine said.

"I did so wash!" Jason protested.

"You listen to your dad. Time for you to get ready for bed," I said.

"Can you come over? I can show you all my CD's and video games," he said.

"The wife ain't gonna be home. Left a note sayin' she was sleepin' at her folks place tonight," Jermaine said. "So you can come over if you want."

"I'd like to see your place," I said.

"Yessssss! And will you help me with my bath?" Jason asked.

I looked at Jermaine for his approval. "Whatever fun you two wanna have is cool with me," he said.

"Yeah, I'd be happy to help you with your bath," I said, squeezing his thigh.

"All right. Let's rock. It ain't far and it's easy to get to," Jermaine said.

We left the restaurant and arrived at their small house about 10 minutes later. In was in a lower income, blue-collar type of neighborhood. The house was a small Cape Cod style that needed to be painted. I could tell that even in the dark. Inside on the first floor were the kitchen, dining area, living room, and a small den. Upstairs were the three bedrooms and the one bathroom.

The place needed to be cleaned in addition to being painted. Dirty dishes were stacked on the kitchen counter and that morning's breakfast dishes were still on the kitchen table. Clothes, newspapers, empty potato chip bags and crushed beer cans littered the living room floor. Evidently Jermaine's wife didn't see any point in keeping a neat house for a man she didn't love anymore. Jermaine did not seem the kind of guy who would do a lot of housework either. But someone needed to.

Jermaine got himself a beer from the refrigerator. He offered me one but I declined. Jason began to strip as he walked up the stairs.

"Go help him with his bath. I'll stay down here. If the bitch does show up, I'll let you know," Jermaine said. "When your finished with him, put him to bed and come back down. I still wanna talk to you some more."

"Anything the matter?" I asked.

"No, just wanna talk some more. You better hurry up. He's way ahead of you," he said pointing to Jason who was now completely naked on the stairs and his cock already hard.

I grinned at Jason and raced him upstairs to the bathroom. I started the water for his bath and he sat on the toilet waiting for the tub to fill.

"I'm glad we can have fun without getting in trouble," I said.

"Yeah, me too. Daddy is so cool."

"But you know you have to keep this to yourself, right? Just you and me and your dad can know about this. No one else," I said.

"Oh I know. Daddy told me, too."

"Good. "

I was on my knees beside the tub, feeling the water to make sure the temperature wasn't too hot. I scooted over to the toilet and ran my hands up and down his think brown legs. He was warm and firm under my hands. I lifted one foot and massaged it. He giggled.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked.

"Feels funny. You like my feet?" he asked.

"I like all of you. Now that we can mess around, we can talked our time and really explore what feels good," I said. "You like me rubbing your feet?"

"It feels OK," Jason said.

I kept rubbing his foot then switched to the other one, slowly rubbing it. I raised that foot and stuck his big toe in my mouth. He gasped. I sucked his big toe, then licked all the smaller toes.

"You like that?" I asked.

"Uh huh. Do the other one."

I lifted his other foot and sucked that big toe then licked the other ones. I looked up into Jason's big brown eyes. He had a slight smile and was clearly enjoying the attention I was giving him. I ran my hands up and down his legs, pressing my fingers deeply into his skin. He started to grab for his cock, but I pulled his hands away and held them both in my hands.

"That's mine, for now," I said. "When we're done, you can have it back. But I'm going to show you that if you hold off on touching yourself, the sex is much more thrilling when you do touch it."

"OK," he said.

I started rubbing his small hands, massaging each finger of each hand. He was so small. His hands are only about a little more than half the size of mine. I leaned in and started licking his fingers, lewdly flicking my tongue over each one. I looked up at him as I did this. He was mesmerized by what I was doing. I took his middle finger of his right hand into my mouth and sucked it. I flicked my tongue all around it and lightly raked my teeth over the tight skin.

"How's that feel?" I asked.

"Weird," he almost whispered. "But good. It feels funny in a good way."

"Mmmm," I said as I sucked on three of his fingers at once.

I slurped my tongue around them and started sucking them like I would a cock, bobbing up and down. I still held his other hand and I rubbed his palm and fingers. He responded by rubbing my hand. He was learning how to give pleasure when it was given to him.

I took his fingers out of my mouth and put both his hands on the side of the toilet. Then I put both arms around him and gave him a squeeze. My head was against his lower rib cage and I could feel and hear his heart pumping. He was so warm. I pulled up and kissed his belly, licking his belly button. He giggled at that. Then I stuck my tongue out and licked his sides and nibbled on his skin. He tasted so good. I went lower, sucking and kissing his skin around his waist and where pubic hair would grow in three years.

"You having fun?' I asked, my face inches from his hard boy cock.

"Oh, yes Matt!" he said.


I licked his shaft, which made him jump a little. I licked it up and down, flicking my tongue across the head and into the pee hole. I licked his cock for a few more seconds before swallowing it whole.

"Oh shit yeah!" he nearly yelled.

Both hands came off the side of the toilet and pushed my head down onto his throbbing meat.

I wrapped my arms tightly around his lower back and started sucking his cock in earnest. The head was at the back of my throat but it was thin enough so I could swirl my tongue around the shaft. I bobbed up and down, sucking his cock for all it was worth.

"Oh Matt, I feel it again! I have to pee!"

I knew he was going to cum and not pee so I kept right on sucking till he squealed, "Here I go!"

I felt three hard pulses of his cock then four smaller ones.

"Oh yeah!! Oh wow!! Oh God!" he said as humped my face to his dry orgasm. I slowed down my sucking, then eased his cock out of my mouth. He was still hard. I swallowed hard, gulping down my spit from off his dick.

"Oh Matt, that was awesome!" Jason said.

"There's more to that, later. But first, the water's ready. Hop in and let's get you all cleaned up."

Next: Chapter 7

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