
Published on Nov 10, 2001


Guys 3

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and no gesture toward common sense too. If you have any suggestion or comments, please e-mail me.

The Chief called Hal at the water plant. Hal said the dike and sandbags had held, and the water had stopped rising. Everything was under control. He asked that we come back around ten or so. He told the Chief to let us sleep late.

The Chief hung up. Sarge had stopped massaging me and he got up. I could think again now that his cock was no longer in my ass. I could hardly believe the intensity of feeling I experienced while his cock was in control. My confusion must have registered in my face.

"You liked it. Didn't you?" the Chief asked. I nodded. Sarge laughed.

"It was more than just like, wasn't it?" Sarge asked. I said yes as I looked at him. His cock was a lot bigger than I had thought before he fucked me. At first I thought he wasn't hard, then I realized he was erect, but his dick had a downward turn. Mine turns up when hard.

"Sarge is designed for fucking guys from the rear. It's the prefect shape for his special massage-screwing." the Chief said. "He's been doing it to guys for years and he never loses his knack."

"Never loses what knack?" Lou asked as he entered the room. Will and Eddie were with him. They were naked and Lou was at least half erect. He was called gorilla man at school. Lou was muscular with huge shoulders and a broad chest, long arms and was covered in thick black hair. He was uncut, but his cock head was peaking out from the foreskin. Eddie was small, but looked even smaller standing beside Lou. Eddie was masculine, but looked almost delicate and elegant.

"The natives are restless." Sarge said. Lon, Larry and Bob appeared. They too were nude. I was thinking this was going to be a good morning, then I remembered all of our clothes were in the dryer. We were naked by necessity, rather than choice.

"Damn, I'm not sure there's ever been so much naked meat in this house before." the Chief said. He looked everyone over, from to top to bottom. His gaze lingered at each boy's cock. "Some of you guys I haven't met yet formally. Will tells me you are what you might call open minded when it comes to man sex. Some of us here are in a playful mood. If any of you aren't interested let me know. You don't need to do anything, or play with anyone, but Will told me he was interested in some heavy, no hols barred sex. If you aren't comfortable, let me know."

There was silence.

"I don't know of anything I wouldn't like to try." Larry said. "But, I'm damned if I know what there is to do! I know I like sex and I know I like men, and I'm pretty sure I like cocks a lot. Is that enough to get started?" Everyone laughed and seemed to relax.

"It's a damn good start!" Sarge said. "Damn good!" He was stoking his cock. As he and the Chief got hard we began to feel excited.

"Let me talk philosophy here." Sarge continued. "The chief and I were brought up when a cock was used to piss from and make babies. It was off limits for every other use and was specially bad if you used it for fun. It didn't matter if it was solitary fun, or fucking fun, the cock was off limits."

"It was bad if you had fun with women, but it was double bad if you had fun with guys." the Chief added. "I wasn't much interested in women, and I sure as hell wasn't a fag, so I was up the creek. There was nothing I could do!"

"The Chief and I were at a convention thirty years ago. We shared a room, and after a night of heavy drinking we shared a bed." Sarge said.

"Tell it like it was. We shared our cum." the chief said. "Let's get the story right. We were two incredibly uptight policemen who spent a night sucking each other off."

"When I got up in the morning I expected we would pretend we were drunk,"

"We were drunk." the Chief interjected.

"We were drunk and were going to pretend we didn't remember anything. The Chief surprised me. He woke and said it was the most enjoyable thing he had ever done in his life. He said it was too good to pretend it didn't happen and he wanted to do it again. I didn't want to, but I had to admit the same thing. We spent the next two nights trying things out and discovered there wasn't much you could do with a cock that wasn't enjoyable." Sarge continued.

"After that marathon weekend of sex, we came to realized genitals are sensory organs. They are like your tongue, nose, eyes or ears. They absorb sensations, they transmit feeling. To have a cock without using it for enjoyment is like eating for nutrition, without taste. It's like using your ears only to hear information, not to hear music. Your cock is designed for utility and pleasure, just like your ears or eyes."

"The nice thing about sex is that it is the sense that needs someone else to make it work. You need another person to make it all that it can be." the Chief added. "Sarge and I realized all that sex and power stuff you read about in psycho-babble magazines is shit. We don't want to dominate each other, or humiliate our partners. I want to see how much fun I can suck out of his cock."

"We both liked it and we knew it. Guys can feed and build on other guy's lust. I realized if the Chief was turned on and getting off, I was right behind him. If I worked really hard to get him to shoot, I was ready to pop too." I looked around the cluster of guys and saw everyone was turned on and showing it. Larry looked embarrassed at his full erection. He was a lanky blond guy who was already balding and had a big piece of meat. Sarge walked up to him and stroked it.

"You know, I think, the taboo against guys being naked is so they can hide their sexual feelings." Sarge said. "Men don't like to have their emotions showing. We get all hard and start to drip. Everyone knows what we are thinking. That's okay around here. A good hard tells us you're ready." He took a good look at Larry's cock. " Damn, that's pretty." Sarge dropped to his knees and began to suck Larry.

The room dissolved into two lust filled groups. One formed around Larry and Sarge, the other around the Chief and Will. It was confused. All of the younger guys wanted to get at the older men's cocks, and I knew Sarge and the Chief wanted the younger guys.

"Time out guys!" Sarge ordered. "I'd love to get in all your asses, but we may not have time to do each one of you justice. How about a little organization. The Chief told me he had promised Will a cock ride."

"I'm really open minded, but I would really like to screw a virgin ass. If anyone wants to satisfy me just let me know. The rest of you can either play among yourselves, or watch. You might learn something." Sarge paused.

"That sounds good to me." Lon said. "Can you fuck more than one guy?" Everyone laughed because Bob clearly wasn't sure about the mechanics of man sex. No one else was that sure either, but we were glad Lon asked. The Chief answered him.

"Don't worry." he said. "If we are lucky, we will. Cocks aren't dependable, sometimes you can screw for hours, sometimes you pop on the first thrust. But, I sure wouldn't mind a nice, long session. Anyone who wants to get fucked should lube up his ass and get ready in case the opportunity arises." he announced. "You got to strike when the iron is hot."

Will spent the night with the Chief and Will must have convinced him he could take the monster cock. He got on his back and the Chief worked some lubricant into his ass. Lou was going to be the Sarge's mate. Sarge told him to get on his hands and knees. They were going to do it doggy style.

In retrospect it was an artificial situation recalling the old porno movies that purported to have educational value. Sarge and the Chief told us what they were doing and why. It should have been artificial and uncomfortable, but it was hot as hell. Much to my surprise everyone lubed up their ass. We all wanted to ride the older men's cocks.

Most wanted to be fucked, but liked the idea that someone else would go first. They wanted to watch, and then decide if they really wanted to be fucked. After my experience a half hour earlier, I knew how good it could be, but only Bob and I had that knowledge. Everyone wanted Lou and Will to enjoy the experience.

Being fucked for the first time in front of your best friends could have been really uncomfortable if everyone hadn't been as excited as they were. Eddie, Larry and I were with Sarge and Lou. Eddie lubed Lou's ass and really got the football player going. Larry and I stroked Sarge's cock and coated it with the slippery gel.

Lon and Bob were with the Chief and Will. Bob was finger lubricating Will and the Chief's ass, while Lou slicked up the Chief's cock. The Chief was giving Bob detailed instructions on exactly where to press and push to stimulate his prostate. I knew the Chief liked ass play and he wasn't shy at all about where Bob should press to get his hot spots. Bob must have used this information to turn on Will. Will was moaning on the floor.

I didn't guess how exciting it was to watch a big dicked bear fuck another bear. This was especially so since Sarge's cock had been in my ass earlier that morning. Sarge's cock looked big, veiny, and purple. Lou's ass was pink, and small. It looked tender, an island of soft pink in a sea of hard muscle and black hair.

Lou winced when Sarge's head forced its way through the sphincter. Bending over Sarge whispered in Lou's ear. "You've got a tight one. That's real good for me, but may be a real challenge for you. Do you want me to pull out? There are other guys willing to take your place."

Lou told him to stay in. Sarge took his time. He worked his meat slowly into Lou's quivering ass. Sarge was telling him how good it was to have such a tight ass. I was astounded it fit. We were all rock hard of course and stroking each others meat. Larry turned me on. Maybe this was because we had hardly known each other the day before and we were now playing with each other's cocks. He had a club cock, thick, with the head the same size as the shaft.

When Sarge's pubic hair was pressed against Lou's ass, Sarge told Eddie to slick up his meat and get in line.

"We're going to do a quick switch here." Sarge said. "I've opened him up. I want you to churn something up in this football player's ass." Eddie was ready in a second. Sarge pulled out and Eddie went in. Eddie's long thin shaft slipped through the sphincter effortlessly and you could see Lou relaxing as he accommodated the smaller cock with ease.

The other group cheered when the Chief was fully imbedded in Will's ass. Everyone there was enjoying the view.

"Who's next?"Sarge asked. He was finished with Lou but looking for another ass. I looked at Larry.

"Sarge fucked me earlier this morning." I whispered to Larry. "It was great, but if you want to try it, be my guest." Larry looked at me oddly, then he burst into a grin.

"I've never been so turned on in my life. If I'm not ready now, I never will be." he said.

"Do you want to do me doggy style?" he asked of Sarge. Sarge smiled.

"Why don't we skin the pole? You sit on it." Sarge got on his back on the floor and Larry straddled the erect cock. He sat back on it. Sarge's oddly bent shaft must have been designed for Larry's rectum. It slid in effortlessly. Larry's cock was half erect. It immediately doubled in size. His dick curved up like mine. It was so hard, the piss slit touched his navel.

Lou and I had both been fucked. We lay there and let Sarge work his magic. You sensed that Larry was fucking Sarge. Larry bounced and twisted and undulated in any way possible to stimulate Sarge's bloated cock. Larry began sending shots of cum straight up into the air. The cum splattered over his dirty blond chest hair.

Sarge quickly rolled Larry over and began pumping the boy's ass furiously. Larry was moaning in ecstasy. Sarge began to moan too. He was rear loading Larry.

The Chief was still slow pumping Will, even though Will had already shot off. Bob was in Lon's ass and they seemed happy. Lou and Eddie seemed lost in their own world. I couldn't tell if they had cum, but they were enjoying the sensation. I was enjoying the scene when Sarge told that he wanted to finish my massage.

After screwing me, Lou and Larry, Sarge was still hard and his cock immediately hit the good spot. I was floating in a sea of pleasure.

"This has turned out to be a good morning. A real good morning." Sarge said.

"It sure has." the Chief replied. "Not a dud in the bunch. Did you boys enjoy yourself?"

There was a general mummer of assent and one very brisk "Shit yes!" from Larry.

"I've never done this with a group this big. I was kind of uncomfortable with the idea, but it's turned out to be just fine." the Chief said. "Everyone seemed ready, willing, and able." He looked at Larry. "You're a live one. Been fucked before?"

"Nope." Larry answered. "I liked it, though. I liked it a lot. Could you tell?" Everyone laughed. Larry had been both enthusiastic and vocal as he did his dance on Sarge's cock.

"He a natural, Chief." Sarge said. "Johnny's a good one too." Sarge said this as he continued slowly pumping his cock into my ass. "Some guys pretend they really aren't interested. I hate it when you've been screwing a guy, and he has shot his wad, then wants to play Mr. Cool. Chief. Do you remember Kevin?"

"He was a cool customer." the Chief said. "Hated fags, hated men, he though he was the strong silent type."

"If he hated fags, how did you meet him?" Bob asked. Bob was still in Lon's ass. Lon looked as if he were asleep, except he whimpered when Bob was fully embedded. Sarge burst into a belly laugh. When he did that he must have forced his cock another inch in my ass. I felt winded.

"Kevin hated fags unless they had their cock in his ass." Sarge said, still laughing. "I finally said to him, "You asshole! You come by here once a week to get plugged and you say you don't want it. Well find someone else to poke your sorry ass." I sent him away and he made it two whole week before he came back begging."

"Did you let him come back?" Bob asked.

"Do you think any self respecting man would let a guy back after being treated like that?" Sarge asked.

"I bet you did." Larry said. Sarge let out another belly laugh. His meat went still deeper in my ass.

"You're smarter that you look, kid!" Sarge was still laughing. My prostate was being pounded and I could hardly stand it anymore. "A good ass is a terrible thing to waste! Kevin was really grateful. He was a good screw and a better person after."

"Kevin has Sarge's dream ass." the Chief continued. I was shooting off. Sarge knew. He must have felt my contractions as I ejaculated. He bent over me, held me tight and began to twitch. It may have been my imagination, but I thought I could feel his cum shooting against my prostate. We both relaxed while we finished draining. The Chief was still talking.

"You know boys, cocks are greatly varied, and you can spend a lifetime looking for the prefect cock that will hit the perfect spot in just the right ass. Sarge found that in Kevin, and Kevin in Sarge. I screwed Kevin, but it was never the same. Kevin was more turned on by me than Sarge but that curved cock and mushroom head was perfect for Kevin."

"One time Kevin and the Chief 69'ed, while I fucked. Kevin told me it was as close to heaven as a guy could feel on earth." Sarge added after he roused himself from his post orgasmic stupor. "Kevin moved to California and it's never been quite as good since." he paused. "Until now."

The phone rang. It was Hal and we were needed again. Five minutes later, we were dressed and in the cars, back to the water plant.

Next: Chapter 4

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