
Published on Nov 4, 2001


Guys 2

By Bald Hairy Man

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This is an adult story for adults. It is not intended for minors, nor for persons who are offended by alternate life styles. There is no effort to portray real safe sex or real people. It is a fantasy pure and simple.

I told my friends Eddie and Bob about my meeting. I didn't tell them it was with Will and I certainly didn't tell them who the older man was. I was so excited I had to tell someone, but was worried. We had looked and touched each other once in a while , but what I did with the chief was light years away from what we did. I was afraid they would be disgusted by what I described.

Much to my relief they were excited. Looking back I guess there are few things which excite teenage boys more than sex. Eddie questioned me about every detail. Bob just sat there soaking it in. I saw there was a wet spot on his pants. The Chief had said he liked younger guys and he had given me his home phone number if I wanted to come by. I just assumed his open invitation was directed to Will and the football team.

The chief also told Will and me he drove past the West End Recreation Center around 3:00 every afternoon on his way home after his shift. He looked over the parking lot, so if I wanted to get together we could meet there.

About three weeks after my fist meeting with the Chief I got up enough nerve. I tried to get Will, but he had to study. I was uneasy about going alone, so I asked Eddie and Bob to come along. It didn't take much convincing. We drove to the parking lot and Eddie and Bob were shocked when a police car drove up and the police chief got out. I should have warned them.

"Get out of the car and show me your license!" he demanded. I got out and it looked like this was a routine police harassment of teenagers.

"You're interested in playing again?" he whispered once we were out of range of the other guys.

"I am and my friends are interested too." I said.

"They are okay with it?" he asked. "They look too young."

"We're all 18." I replied. "Eddie is just small. I told them what we did. They want to try it."

"Well everything is in order." the chief said. He lowered his voice and told me to drive to his house in about ten minutes. I returned to the car and told Eddie and Bob everything was okay. They had been scared shitless. I drove to a 7-Eleven and we got a coke and then I went to Chief Sullivan's house. His cruiser was in the garage, so Eddie and Bob still didn't know they were going to have sex with the police chief.

The house was secluded and couldn't be seen from the road. I knocked on the door. Sullivan answered the door wearing only a towel. He had showered. He was a good 6-4 and 270 pounds and Eddie gasped when he saw the Chief. He looked like a gorilla.

"Come on in." Sullivan said. We went in the door and he closed it. "I'm sorry. I got carried away when I saw you Johnny. When I asked you over I forgot I have to be at City Hall at six. We don't have enough time for a good session." I was crestfallen and so were Eddie and Bob. It must have showed.

"I'm not much of bang, slam, thank you Mam, guy," the Chief said, "but if you want to, get naked and let's get down and dirty." Bob is a big, slow moving guy. I never saw him move so fast. He was naked in a second! We all were. Chief Sullivan dropped his towel.

Bob was fully erect and had his cock sticking straight out. Bob got on his knees and started sucking the chief. It struck me Bob knew more about gay sex than he let on. He swallowed the Chief's cock whole and didn't gag.

Eddie and I gathered around and the Chief played with our cocks and balls. Eddie was small but perfectly shaped, quite muscular, his chest was covered in a down of pale brown hair, his cock was long and thin.

"Your friend here ain't no virgin!" the chief said. "He's been around the course a few times and learned a lot." He pushed Bob off his cock. "Work on one of your buddies. I don't want to shoot for a while." Bob swallowed my cock and Sullivan dropped down to suck Eddie while he stroked Bob's cock.

I soon knew what Sullivan meant when he said Bob was no virgin. Bob had no problem with my cock. He deep throated it and seemed to contract his throat to stimulate me. It was a new feeling to me and I enjoyed it.

"Let's go to the bedroom." the Chief commanded. He helped Bob get off the floor, then put his arms around his shoulders.

`Who's been giving you lessons?" he asked.

"My uncle." Bob said, "we've been messing around for three years." I could hardly believe my ears. I knew his uncle, he was a respected lawyer in town.

"He knows his stuff." Sullivan said, "He's been poking you too, I bet." Bob nodded.

"You like it?"

"I sure like it now," Bob replied. "but I've never been fucked by anything like your equipment."

"Is that an invitation?" the Chief asked. Bob giggled.

"I kind of think it was."

The chief looked at Eddie. "Do you have a kindly uncle?" he asked.

"I wish I did." Eddie said, then he smiled. "I am a fast learner."

"You're a real good looking kid, handsome and small. A lot of guys like that." the Chief said. "Once you're a little older you can have your choice of men who are more than willing to show you the ropes." Eddie smiled again.

"Would you believe I'd really like to know now!" Eddie said. "I'm willing to take a crash course."

"In cock sucking or fucking?" the Chief asked.

"Both!" The Chief laughed at the instantaneous reply. There was no hesitation in Eddie's voice.

"It's great to be young!" the Chief said. "We don't have much time. Let's make a daisy chain." We got on the bed. Sullivan sucked Bobby while Eddie sucked him. Bob sucked me while I sucked on Eddie's cock. His cock was leaking and rock hard. I knew he was close to shooting. It was a bit complicated, but fun. After awhile the Chief told us to switch.

I thought Eddie had been near shooting, but he was nothing like Bob. The Chief had primed Bob's pump and he was oozing precum like a leaking faucet. Bob was much bigger than I had thought and his head all but filled my mouth. I licked around the edge of his head and he began to shoot. The first volley spurt into my mouth. I was surprised, but instead of pulling off, I sucked harder and even shoved my tongue into his piss slit. The sperm spurting against the tip of my tongue was hot.

I was so excited I hardly noticed I was shooting into Eddie's mouth. We must have had a group orgasm. Bob was moaning as he shot and then took the Chief's sperm. It was all over in a minute, but it was the longest and best minute I had ever felt. We rested a little, but the Chief was going to be late for his appointment, so we quickly dressed and left.

"Damn, that was great!" Eddie said as we drove away. "I had no idea it could be so good."

"It was a lot better than with my Uncle!" Bob said.

"Why didn't you tell us about that, Bob?" I asked. "I though we told each other everything. We could have joined you!"

"I was kind of embarrassed." he said. "Chief Sullivan is a lot better. Uncle Harry doesn't do anything in return. I liked it with Harry, but he's nothing like Sullivan. Sullivan is a sex machine!"

"What's it like, being fucked?" Eddie asked.

"It's okay." Bob said. "He doesn't have much of a cock. I don't know, but I think a bigger cock would feel better."

"Did it hurt?'

"The first time it did, some." Bob replied. "It's hard to explain, but it's sort of like someone is jerking you off from the inside. Different. I think with someone you really liked, it would be really different."

"Do you think the Chief liked us?" Bob asked. I laughed.

"I think so! And I think he liked you a lot." I said. Bob was silent for a minute.

"I think so too." he finally said. "I've always been a chubby kid nobody much liked. I'm smart, but that doesn't count for much in school. I think he liked me. It's hard to believe someone wants me for sex! I don't mind being used." We all laughed.

"I'm not sure who was using whom! It seemed we all had a good time." We had reached Bob's house, so Eddie's comment was the final one. We all felt good, sexually relieved, but we also all wanted more.

I saw Will later in the week and told him what had happened. He hadn't been able to get back to the Chief's house. He told me he really wasn't sure the Chief really wanted to have him back. It amazed me. Will was worried. He was a hunk and a star football player, popular with everyone. I realized even he could be insecure sometimes. We agreed to try and find a way to get over to see the Chief again.

It was raining that day. It turned out it rained for the next week when a large tropical system ran into an arctic weather system from Canada. The systems stalled and soon the rivers in our area were rising and on Friday the schools were closed. At 6:00 that morning the Mayor called for volunteers to help sand bag. I was ready to help and after convincing my parents I was old enough to pitch in , I called Will and told him what I was doing, then got Eddie and Bob and drove to the volunteer center on the other side of town.

We were among the first to arrive . The Mayor was there with the County Emergency Services Director and Chief Sullivan. Will arrived with his friends, the "L's" shortly after. We all were sent to the edge of town to sandbag the city filtration plant.

"If we get river water into the town water system we're fucked for weeks." the Mayor said. The Mayor had always seemed like a pompous prick to me, but he had dropped his sanctimonious manner and seemed to be decisive and on top of things.

We loaded my jalopy with tools and set off to the filtration plant. Will followed with his friends. The plant was all but empty, except for a bulldozer operator and several DPW employees.

"We're here to help." I announced to a man who seemed to be in charge. He introduced himself as Hal Smith, the Manager and said most people were down stream, sandbagging houses. They were alone and needed individual manholes and inlets sand bagged. The bulldozer was trying to make a dike for the main building.

We set to work. My team filled bags and Will's placed them. It was around noon when we broke for a few minutes. I had been so busy, I hadn't noticed work crew hadn't grown. It was still just us and the DPW guys. Hal was on the phone calling for more help, but none had arrived. Hal walked over to me.

"You boys need to go home or you will be here for a while. The road will be covered in another fifteen minutes." he said. "They'll need to send a `copter to get you out later, if you don't leave now."

"Who's going to do the sandbagging?" Will asked.

"They're worried about volunteers being in danger. They only want the city crew here." Hal replied.

"I thought we were gaining on it?" Lou said.

"You were, but it's too dangerous." Hal said. "Your parents will be worried sick." There was silence.

"I didn't work my fucking balls off to have it get washed away!" Lou said. I'm over 18. I say we stay and finish the job!"

"What are the chances we will be able to save the plant?" I asked. Hal thought a while.

"I'd guess about 50/50."

"Not bad. Worth a try at least." I said. "I'll stay too." We were all in agreement, so we ate a sandwich and went back to work. I called my dad and told him what we were doing, and asked him to call the other parents. He told me he thought I should come home. I said the decision was made. He said he thought it might be the wrong decision, but it was the decision he would make in the same situation.

It was not a good afternoon. The football players and Eddie were in better shape than me, or Bob, but this was heavy physical labor and it was back breaking. Hal offered to relive us, but I had a good idea if we stopped and let our muscles tense up, we would be too stiff to move.

We did switch around, with my group stacking bags and Will's filling them. Changing muscles helped some, but we discovered later it meant every muscle on our bodies was sore, rather that every other muscle.

It was almost dark when we finished. Every penetration of the plant was sealed either by the dike or our sandbags. Hal had a refrigerator in his office filled with food and we ate sandwiches and had a coke. I knew the "L's", Lou, Lon and Larry, but had never been friends. There was no reason for the geeks in my school to be friends with the jocks. By the time we sat down to eat, we were all pals. Working hard on a common project breaks down barriers.

Will called his parents and told them we were safe and the water plant was safe too. We were stuck at the plant until the road could be reopened.

Chief Sullivan appeared in the office. I could not have been more surprised. He said the a minor back road serving the plant was still open. You couldn't get back into town because the main road was flooded but we were all welcome to stay at his house for the night.

"I think we should stay here in case we are needed." I said.

"Don't worry about that." Hal said. "We can't do any more to the dike in the dark, so nothing you could do will help until tomorrow . If you guys could get a good nights sleep and come back tomorrow morning, that would be great." That sounded good to us, so we followed Chief Sullivan out and he led us to his house.

It was 8:00 by then and dark. I was dead tired. The adrenaline rush of the day was gone and I knew I would pay for putting my muscles to a test they weren't ready for. When we got into Sullivan's brightly illuminated kitchen, we realized we were filthy, caked in mud and sand. Sullivan and a deputy walked in. They burst into laughter.

"You boys need to strip, give your clothes to the Sarge here and get to the shower!" the Chief said. "Being sore is bad enough, but the sand will rip you raw if you don't get it off. I hope you don't clog the drains!" I was more than willing to strip, but the presence of Sarge disappointed me. I had fantasized a night of sexual abandon and was now confronted by a night of sleep. Actually, sleep sounded pretty good too.

The house had two baths, so half of us went to one and the rest to the others. I was with Larry, Lon and Lou. Will was with Bob and Eddie. We were told to share the showers since there wasn't enough hot water in the house for nine individual showers. I was so tired I didn't notice the naked guys bedside me. When the warm water hit me, I felt as if I had taken a powerful sleeping pill. I got out, dried off and Sarge told me to get in bed and wait until my clothes were clean and dry. Lou and I shared a bed. I must had fallen asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I woke and I didn't know where I was. The house was dark except for a light in the hall. Everyone was asleep. I remembered the night before and found the bathroom. When I got out, Lou had moved and occupied the entire bed, so I went looking for another place to sleep. Every room upstairs was fill so I wandered downstairs.

There was someone on the couch, covered in a blanket.

"Lost?" a voice whispered.

"No, I just lost my place in bed." I said

"Jump in with me, you'll catch your death of cold if you wander around naked like that." I recognized the voice. It was Sarge. "There ain't much room in here, but it's better than freezing your ass off." He pulled me into the couch, put his arms around me and flipped the blanket over so I was covered. I hadn't noticed the cold, but it was warm inside the covers with Sarge.

I had a brief sensation of being a little kid again and sleeping with my mom and dad. That feeling of being safe and warm. Sarge was in his late fifties or maybe 60, with a trimmed white beard and a weather beaten face. It took me a few seconds to realize he was naked too. I tensed up. He noticed.

"Don't worry kid. I ain't going to jump you." he said. I think he may have been chuckling. "Not unless you want me too."

"I'm sorry," I said. "I don't think I've ever been in bed with a naked man before. I guess I'm kind of jumpy."

"Don't worry. Nothings going to happen. Just relax. Let's switch places. I can sleep on the edge and you get the safer inner spot." We traded places and I fell asleep again.

There was a dim light coming in the windows when I woke the next time. When I tried to move the pain hit. I was stiff as a board, I could barely move a finger. Sarge must have sensed my predicament. He got up and came back with some liniment.

He was of average height and a bit more than average weight. His cock was at my eye level when he came back. It must have been wider than it was long, sitting in a sea of white hair and resting on a big ball sack.

"What hurts the most?" he asked.

"I can't move enough to tell," I said truthfully.

"This is your lucky day. I just happen to be the departmental masseur." Sarge said. "Get on the floor and I'll work on your back." He spread a quilt on the floor and he helped me get on it. He put some liniment on my back and began kneading it in. In a few minutes I felt as if I might live.

"Are you Johnny?" He asked. He had straddled my ass so that he could massage my back with full force. I knew his balls were resting on my ass.

"Yes I am, how did you know?"

`The Chief and I are old friends. We exchange notes some times. He said one of his new friends was really hung." Sarge explained. "I guessed that was you."

"You guessed?" I asked. Sarge laughed.

"Actually I felt you out while you were sleeping." Sarge said. "Most guys pretend to be asleep and let you play, but you were dead to the world. I couldn't get you up at all."

"You mean I had sex and didn't know it." I wanted to be irritated, but Sarge was a great masseur and I didn't want him to stop. He was really getting into it and I was sure he had an erection. I could feel something lying on my ass crack. It seemed heavy. I tried to squeeze my ass tighter. Instead, I actually relaxed some and opened up a little.

"Well you know it now." he said. He leaned over me and whispered in my ear. "The Chief calls me the Cherry Picker. I have a real nice way of introducing guys to the joys of ass play. You don't do nothing. Just relax." His oiled hands continued to roam over my body. He had rearranged himself so he could massage my ass.

Sarge moved again and I knew he had his cock at my hole. I was excited rather than offended, or scared. He continued to massage me and continued to apply slight pressure to my hole. As I relaxed it slowly slipped in my ass.

"Enjoying yourself?" a voice said. I started and Sarge's cock slipped an inch or so further in my ass. It was the Chief. "I see Sarge is helping you out. He's a good man." I was going to say something, but suddenly a wave of sensation engulfed me. I didn't know what hit me. I was moaning in ecstasy.

It stopped and I realized that Sarge had withdrawn his cock except for his head. He slipped it in again and the feeling returned. He pulled out again and then very slowly went deep. I soon realized Sarge must have had a lot more cock than I had guessed.

"Would you like to take a test drive, Chief?"Sarge asked. "He's nice and open now. You though he was going to be real hard to open up. " The Chief laughed.

"Not this morning, there are a lot of guys in the house that will want the same treatment." It was going to be a good morning.

Next: Chapter 3

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