
Published on Oct 22, 2001


Guys 1

By Bald Hairy Man

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This is an adult story for adults. It is not intended for minors, nor for persons who are offended by alternate life styles. There is no effort to portray real safe sex or real people. It is a fantasy pure and simple. Every one is of age, and more than willing.

Will and I had been friends since childhood. We lived next to each other when I started elementary school. My family later moved, but we remained friends and saw each other regularly. As we got older he turned into a jock; I became a geek. He was one of the stars on the football team. I became the head of the debating team and president of the Honor society.

We had played the usual kid games, "You show me yours and I'll show you mine" stuff, but we didn't outgrow it when we became teenagers. Will and I weren't the most adventurous kids, but we had fun. Will was blond and handsome, muscular and buffed. He was the quarterback and looked more like a swimmer than a football player. I am average height and thin. I was sixteen when I realized I had a big cock. Actually Will noticed.

When we matured our cocks grew. Will had a six incher, but I didn't stop and sported a seven plus tool. Will liked to look at it, but I didn't have a clear idea what to do with it. I admit I loved Will's cock and liked to touch it.

No one realized we were friends since we went to different schools. I was in the county system, he in the town. I helped him with homework and he solved a problem I had with a bully. It was a mutually beneficial arrangement. Will introduced me to several guys on his team, Larry, Lon and Lou. As I said Will was handsome, the "L's" weren't. Larry was tall and thin, dirty blond and already balding. Lon was short, stocky and looked like a fireplug. Lou was Italian, with a permanent five o'clock shadow and looked like a gorilla. This was during the Beach movie period when smooth beach bunnies were popular. "The "L's" were thought of as freaks.

I had two other close friends, Eddie and Bob. Eddie was the school artist. He was small, but had a beautiful body. He was perfectly formed, but not quite at full size. Bob was big and just plain chunky. He liked chemistry alot. I knew Eddie and Bob shared my sexual interests, but had no idea about anyone else in the school.

One day I was helping Will with his Physics home work when we began to talk about sex. Will didn't know much more about sex than I did, but he did have a sense of what we didn't know. I took that as being sophisticated.

"You like playing with our dicks?" Will asked. I wasn't sure if this was a trick question. I was sure what we did wasn't acceptable and sort of had the idea that we would outgrow it and turn straight. I was afraid Will might have done that and wouldn't like me, or might expose me. He was a jock, no one would believe he was gay. I decided to tell the truth.

"I do." I said. "Do you?"

"I love it, really love it." Will replied without hesitation. "I though I might change and like sex with girls, but as I get older, I like cocks more and more."

"Same here." I said. "I had figured when I got to be 16 it would change."

"We're 18 now and the feelings just get stronger." Will added. "Have you ever fucked?"

"No, never."

"Me neither. I think that there is a lot more to sex between guys than anything we have done." Will said. "Cock sucking and fucking." I had once licked Will's cock, but that was the extent of my experience.

"I love to find out more," I said, "but I have no idea how or where." We lived in a small town.

"I may have an idea."

"Tell me more!" I replied eagerly.

"Last week I was in the showers alone and the coach came in. He was looking at me."

"Coach Masters?" He was a well known figure in the area.

"Yep, Coach Masters. Well, I washed my dick a lot and he continued to watch. He told me to see him in the office when I dried off." Will explained. "I guess I came on to him in the office, but he said he wasn't interested."

"You said he was looking?"

"The Coach said he would never do anything with his team members. No way, no how. He told me he understood what I was going through and there was nothing wrong with it. It was natural and not to get worried thinking I was a fag, or anything like that. He liked it too and if he wasn't my coach he'd love to get together."

"I told him that I wanted to know a lot more about it. He laughed and told me when he was my age he didn't want to just know more, h wanted to do it!" Will continued. "I agreed that was what I really wanted. Experience, not just knowledge. I told him about you and the things we had done. Then I asked him right out if he knew anyone who might give me some lessons."

"Coach surprised me when he told me he did know someone. He said he knew some older guys who shared our interests and didn't mind helping some kids who wanted to know the ropes. If I could keep my mouth shut, they might be able to help me. I told him I had no problem with that at all." Will paused.

"He's arranged for a meeting tomorrow after the game."

"Who with?"

"He didn't tell me, but coach said he was a nice guy. Would you like to come along?" Will asked.

I did. I was scared half to death, but I did. I went to all the high school games and my parents would be off at a college game on the next day. It was 200 miles away and they would leave Friday night and wouldn't be back home until noon on Sunday. I was a good kid, so they didn't worry about me being home alone for a weekend. I couldn't believe the opportunity. I agreed to go with him to meet the man.

I felt liberated when my parents left and didn't sleep a wink that night. I was alone and in heat. The next day I drove my jalopy to the game and afterwards I picked up Will and we went to a house a few miles out of town. It was a neat, small house with a big garage to the rear. We went to the door and knocked.

It was quiet for a few seconds and the door opened. A huge man with a handlebar mustache appeared. It took me a few seconds, but I realized it was Police Chief Sullivan. He was in civilian clothes, with khaki pants and a flannel shirt. The shirt was only half buttoned an exposed a mat of thick, curly hair on his chest.

"We're Coach Master's friends." Will said.

"Come on in! I've been expecting you." We went in the house and he told us to sit down. The television was going and he was watching a football game and drinking a beer. He offered us a beer and we accepted.

"You are over 18?" he asked. We nodded yes. "No under age drinking at my house. Coach told me you boys were interested in getting some experience of the world. Is that what you want?"

"Yes sir!" Will answered. "That and sex." The chief laughed.

"I like for everything to be on the up and up." he said. "I'm not into love, I'm not into teaching. I like man sex and I like younger guys. As long as I get my rocks off, I'm happy, and if you guys learn something and have a good time that's just fine with me."

"That's fine with us too." I said, finally getting over my shock at seeing the police chief. "We're willing to learn."

"We're willing to have a good time too!" Will added. Chief Sullivan laughed again.

"One of the nice things about sex is everyone has a good time if you do it right." he explained. "If you work at making me happy, you'll be amazed at how much fun you can have. When guys get turned on they feed off their partner's excitement. If things work right you'll be shooting like a Roman Candle by the end of this afternoon." He looked us in the eyes.

"You don't want to talk about it do you? You want to do it!" He was right about that. He started to unbutton his shirt. Will followed. I was embarrassed, but stripped. Will was tanned except for the tan lines of his swimming trunks. The Chief was covered in thick curly black hair and was tanned also, he had no tan line and I realized he must have spent some time in the sun nude. I was pale and white.

Sullivan's cock was uncut and thick looking. The head was completely enshrouded in his foreskin. He had huge balls too.

"Shit, you're big!" Will exclaimed. The chief smiled.

"You boys come over here, get on your knees and take a good look at it" he ordered. "It looks good close up too." We did as he asked. "There's nothing pretty about my cock." he continued. "It's pure man meat, made for pleasure not looks. You got a pretty one Will, real nice. Your friend Johnny has a nice and big one." He was playing with his cock and stroking it and it was looking bigger. "Get closer boys!" We inched nearer. "Still closer!"

"Can I touch it?" Will asked.

"Sure you can." Sullivan said. "But only with your tongue." I was shocked. I had licked Will's cock once, but this was huge. Will stuck out his tongue and touched the puckered skin that cover the cop's cock head.

"That's it! Work your tongue into the pucker and lick my cock head." Sullivan commanded. Will swirled his tongue, working his way into the skin. "You got it, boy!" Sullivan said. He had been giving orders up to no, but as soon a Will's tongue began to circle the chief's cock head, the chief seemed to mellow.

Suddenly Will lunged forward and tried to swallow the entire cock! He seemed almost crazed. Sullivan was pleased.

"You're a natural, Will! A natural!" Sullivan whispered. He let Will suck on him for a minute then he forced Will off his cock and turned to me. "It's your turn now Johnny." I wasn't sure and hesitated. Sullivan smiled.

"You aren't sure, but look at your cock." he said very quietly. "You have eight inches of meat telling me you want suck it." I looked down and saw I was rock hard and bigger than I have ever been before. "Stick out your tongue!" he ordered. I did.

His cock was fully erect now and his big purple cock head was bloated and dripping a clear fluid. He rested the cock on my tongue and I wiggled it a bit. He moaned a little. I was licking the underside of his head and it must have been just the right place. Soon his entire cock head was in my mouth and I was treating it as an all day sucker. All my hesitation was gone and I was relaxed and happy.

Chief Sullivan seemed happy too. We adjourned to the bedroom where Will and I alternated sucking his cock. He said he was pleased with us. Once in a while he would run into a guy who was too scared to do anything. Sometimes their first contact with another man's cock was too much.

"You boys are natural cocksuckers." he said. "It's great when you can move from being a rank amateur to a being a confirmed cock hound in thirty seconds." We both must have looked shocked. He burst out laughing.

"Shit, boys. It took me twenty seconds!" he explained. "The minute my lips touched my first cock I knew this was for me. It seemed as natural as a babe on his mamma's breast to me."

"Did you have a teacher?" I asked.

"Sort of." Sullivan said. "It was the Master Sergeant in the Marines that broke me in. He liked it rough and I didn't. I got to like it soon enough, but I've always liked the slow and easy approach myself."

"How many guys has the Coach sent you?" Will asked.

"I don't count." he said. The coach and I have an arrangement. I run into some cops who share my interests and I send them to him. He sends me his boys."

"You like boys?"

"I don't mind them young and I like cops well enough." the chief said. "I hate the idea a guy's sucking my jiz from my cock to get a promotion, or to get something from me. Some of the guys in the barracks did that for the sergeant. Work is work and sex is sex. When sex is work it's not the same."

We had been working on his cock for a while. He made us stop and 69. Will's cock was the perfect size for me to deep throat. Will tried to do me, but it didn't fit. The chief kept on talking.

"I loved that old Sergeant's cock, but I never got to enjoy it as much as I should have. The guy was such an asshole. I don't think he ever knew guys hopped into bed with him to move up in rank. He was hung like a horse and it would have been great if his cock was attached to a nicer guy." he paused. "Let's mix it up a bit." He separated Will and me and then began to 69 with me.

He kissed my cock head then swallowed it hole. I was shocked. I had the impression that we were there to suck him and it hadn't occurred to me he really would suck mine. He did like it and I was in heaven. He deep throated me and I couldn't believe the sensations. From the 69 position I almost got all of his cock down my throat. I tried to do everything to his cock he did to mine.

The chief would do something and I would try to copy it. Then he would slow it down so I could figure out what he had done. He would do this until I got it right. Will watched us for a while, then complained that he wanted to try it. He switched places with me and I got to watch.

I liked sucking a lot, but Will must have liked it more than alot. He was cool, aloof guy normally, but he wanted to get all of the Chief's dick. I saw the Chief's hand move and he poked his finger at Will's ass. I thought Will would close his ass cheeks, but Will did the opposite. He opened wide. They broke apart. The Chief said he needed to take a breath.

Will went off to the kitchen to get us all another beer.

"Your friend is a live one." Sullivan said. "He wants a cock in his ass bad!"

"You're kidding." I said. The minute I said it I knew that the Chief wasn't kidding.

"When a guy opens up like that it means only one thing, he ripe!" Sullivan explained. "Sit up and let me finger your hole." I didn't really want to, but the Chief was used to being obeyed and I did. His big finger didn't bother me, but it didn't do much either.

"It will take a while to open you up." he said. I asked if he liked to have his ass played with. He sat back on the bed and spread his legs, exposing his asshole. Will returned and sat next to the Chief. We drank the beer and the Chief got out some lubricant and told me to work a finger into both their asses. My fingers slipped in easily and he told me where to probe.

Will began to moan and the Chief said I had hit the right spot. A second or two later I must have hit the same spot in the Chief's ass. His eyes glazed over and he seemed to melt. He told me to stop a few minutes later.

"Damn, that was good. What were you hitting?" Will asked.

"Your friend was pressing the magic button, your prostate." Sullivan explained. "You've never been stimulated from the inside before, have you?" Will didn't say anything, but he didn't need to either. "I bet you can guess what feels the best in your ass?" Will nodded.

"I'd love to pop you tonight, but that's a bit much for your first real night of man sex." the Chief said as he squirted some lotion on Will's cock then spread some on his own. Will's was sticking straight up in the air.

Chief Sullivan got up on his knees, pivoted around and sat on Will's cock. It just vanished in the Chief's hairy ass. Will moaned in pleasure. The chief began to undulate and grind his ass and poor Will was all but crying in pleasure.

"You thought that shit chute was just for crap, didn't you?" the Chief asked. "It's a tunnel of love for those of us who know to use it. Warm and tender and just the right size." Will began to twitch and I knew he was having an orgasm. The chief kissed him than got off. Will was lying still and looked as if he was asleep.

"It's your turn now." the chief whispered to me. "I love them big." He coated my cock with the lotion then got on his back. He put his legs on my shoulders and I figured out what he wanted me to do. I got my cock head at his hole and slowly applied pressure. My head popped through the sphincter and then he moaned.

I didn't know what to do, but my cock did. Soon I was pumping him at a furious rate. He was loving it and I began to shoot my cum eight inches in his ass. I made several deep thrusts and his cock spewed long ribbons of cum. Seconds later his hairy chest was overlayed with a filagree of white manseed. We all lay on the bed exhausted.

We all took a shower and then I had to get home. My parents would call around nine and expect me to be at home there. My life had changed, I knew a lot more about myself than I had several hours earlier.

"Would you boys like to come back sometime?" Chief Sullivan asked.

"You want us back?" Will asked.

"I would." The chief answered. "You boys are good. I wouldn't say I get to do this a lot, but I do have some experience. You boys are good. I like young guys, but sometimes they are timid, or shy, or too scared to be much fun. You were good sports and good looking to boot. I would mind having you guys drop by regularly." he laughed. "Or if you have friends like you, I could give them a spin. It's been a good afternoon."

"I loved it." I said.

"If I come back another time will you fuck me?" Will asked. He had a strange tone of voice. I think he was afraid that the Chief would say no. The Chief looked at him.

"I'm a big guy." he said. "A friend of mine calls my meat, the ass spliter. Are you sure you want my cock in your hole?"

"I sure do." Will said. "And I have some friends that might like to meet you too. Members of the team."

"You can trust them?" the chief asked. Will nodded. We left knowing that we wanted to come back to the Chief as soon as we could.

Next: Chapter 2

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