Guy Times

By Mike Austin

Published on Oct 15, 2020


GUY TIMES By Mike Austin

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When they woke, Jack showed Guy, Jake's text msg. Jack sat on the edge of the bed and wondered aloud, "you think these guys are looking for anything more than a quick nut, wonder if they ever consider joining a couple on an extended basis?" Guy yawned, stretched and sat up on his side of the bed, then stood, walked to the head and peed. Jack made his way to the kitchen and was pouring their mugs of coffee when Guy added simply "nope, it's all about the sex." He continued, "well it was only all about sex when I was on the prowl." Dressing, Guy left soon and Jack found himself alone again; waiting for a couple of clients to reply to his proposals and waiting for another couple of landscapers to call him about pool and water feature work schedules. He thought, tomorrow is Tuesday and maybe Ted will want to have lunch together and at least and I can cruise him. Something fresh and new, different from my routine. Jack dressed, went to the gym for a quick workout and cruising. It was all pointless he considered. Guy and I will grow old together, each caring for the other. Maybe that's not a bad thing? His cell pinged. It was that guy Alan wanting to hook-up for lunch if available?' Jack replied sure let's, the Crown say 1:00'. Alan's reply `c u then'.

Alan was in a relationship and he knew we are as well, so why just invite me to meet? Fuck it, I'll go and if it works out and he want to bring his partner or Guy or both into a scene, Jack's thoughts trailed away. Jack arrived about 12:45 and found Alan had already arrived. They shook hands, ordered lunch and Alan began his recap of being in town for a few days, and reminded Jack that he and his partner lived in the burbs and rarely came into town, aside from business meetings such as the next few days. Jack admitted being attracted to Alan, with that perfectly designed grey hair and those incredibly blue eyes. He was model material and that lean build just added to his mystique. They finished lunch and Jack offered to cover things with Guy and let Alan know about tonight or tomorrow night for a hook-up. As they walked out the restaurant, Alan hugged Jack and offered simply, "I hope we can make something work out the next few days, I need the passion and connection." Jack immediately sent a text to Guy with the update. 'Will talk 2nite' came Guy's short response. Jack made his way to a client's office to pick up a check and a signed Change Order for an upcoming Holiday landscaping project. On his way home, he deposited the check at the bank, stopped for some fresh vegs at the nearby Farmer's Market and arrived home, checked the mail, started the CD "Chariots of Fire" and got ready to start supper. Pasta, baked fish and fresh vegs were on the menu tonight and as he removed the fish from the freezer, and got lost in the harmonies of the Vangelis CD. He was drowsy, brewed a fast mug of coffee as a perk up, then got the rest of dinner together. The frozen pound cake and strawberries would thaw and top off the meal. He chilled the Zinfadel, then showered and was ready to broil the fish fillets etc at the last minute, while Guy was grabbing his end of day shower. Guy came in, hugged and kissed Jack, eyed the fish on the countertop and nodded to the shower. Soon the RainShower spray was blasting away Guy's aches and draining his work day grime. He returned in running shorts alone, scanned the mail and sorted bills; knowing full well that Jack had already done the same. "Yum" Guy remarked finding the pound cake and bowl of strawberries and he moved behind Jack, wrapping his arms about his partner, kissing his neck and whispered "so tell me about Alan." "He's just lonely it seems" Jack muttered, and continued "they live in fuckin west Nowhere, only come into the city on business and he just said he needs to feel passion and a connection, to use his words. I thought we might have him for dinner while he's here is all and if you want to hook-up well he's already here and if not, we just pass on sex as it's a work day, sorta position." Guy began plating their meals as Jack opened and poured the wine and looked to Guy for feedback. As they sat to eat, Guy offered up to Jack, "now he's the grey n blue guy right and he's here solo on business you say; maybe we could invite him for supper tomorrow night, what say you?" Jack grinned and nodded his agreement and after they ate, but before dessert, Jack sent a text to Alan inviting him for supper tomorrow night and wondered about any prefs or restrictions. Before dessert was plated came Alan's response, `sure, tks, where, when, 0 restrictions, can I bring anything?' Jack replied with details and was satisfied with his effort even if no sex happened.

As it happened, Jack did have a burger lunch with Ted and learned Ted was straight, but played for pay and gave Jack his personal cell, "if you ever want some on the side." The meal done, water pump at the site checked and running well, Jack checked another property, met with a client, closed down a pool in a near-town residence and on his way home, went by the deli, picked up 2 broiled chickens and a cheesecake for dessert. He knew he had potatoes and more of the fresh vegs from yesterday and they had plenty of wine, if Alan even drank. For a moment he thought about Ted's big dick and what it may cost to blow him or to get fucked by him? Jack grabbed a quick shower, made the bed just in case, and began the meal prep, with the CD of collected Leonard Bernstein works filling the apt. Guy arrived home just 30 minutes before Alan was due, but in plenty of time to shower and redress, albeit more than just the running shorts of the night before; and observed to Jack, "you're doing a good thing I think, for Alan and who knows we may make a pair of new friends of it in the process." Jack mouthed "THANK YOU" as the gym dance from West Side Story drilled away. Right on time, the buzzer went off and Guy released the entry door, then greeted Alan as he climbed the stairs to the huge loft apt that was Guy and Jack's. They shook hands, eyed each other and as soon as Alan got inside, Jack greeted him with a hug and shared the dinner menu, while Guy took Alan's light jacket. "Guys, I really can't thank you enough for the invitation, especially after the hectic day I've had, but things are all good now that I can relax in your home and get to know you both" Alan shared. The meal was almost ready to be plated as Guy offered wine to Alan, who gave a thumbs up to the rose and Jack served the portions. They sat, talked with ease and Guy found Alan, both refreshing and handsome. They learned of Alan and Rick's relationship, which was a 20 year duration. Rick had inherited monies and the estate they shared out west and Alan had been a financial planner for Rick's family before the parents passed away. After their deaths, Rick fostered their growing relationship and they'd gone to The Netherlands to marry, many years ago. Rick collected things and worked behind the scenes of several charities, but made effort to socialize, leaving Alan isolated and away from any gay contacts. Their relationship had grown stale and lonely. He both dreaded and welcomed the periodic business trips into the city. While he hated admitting it, he'd paid for sex during previous trips, and just hoped for "more". Perhaps he'd found that "more" in the guys? They finished the meal and dessert, were enjoying a cup of coffee as all three worked in the kitchen cleaning up, when Jack turned to Alan and kissed him softly. Alan tensed up; Jack offered, "it's ok with Guy" and resumed the kiss and embrace. Guy changed the Cd to a collection of Easy Listening Pieces "Sunny Morning" by Peder Helland and joined the pair in an embrace. Again it was Guy that brought rest and solace to their new partner, as he'd done with Rob. Guy reassured Alan they were all good, as long as he was content that the pair, Guy and Jack, were ok with whatever came next. The trio moved to the bedroom as each kissed and grew increasingly romantic, taking time to undress each other as the Easy Pieces on the CD re-enforced their new bonding. Night replaced the brilliant sunshine of the day and now the echoes of the three men's soft moans and kisses took prominence in the room. It had been so many years since Alan had enjoyed this sense and feeling, so many years................he thought!!!! It was the first time in a good while that Jack admitted needing this sort of response from Guy. He mused, that their lives had become humdrum and Alan made a difference. While Jake's intensity filled the senses and Rob's eagerness was exciting, it was Alan who brought peace, comfort and enabled Guy to express his full selfless tenderness and love. Jack flashed that awareness to Guy as each kissed Alan, getting Guy's wink in response.

Soon the trio were aligned in a line of slow cock sucking. There was no rush to get anyone off, just the smooth and focused need to express tenderness and touch another man. Alan was so lost in the exchange and interplay, he forgot to call Rick to say goodnight. None of the three got off that night and when they woke early the next morning, Alan was afraid he'd ruined any future connection for his lack of "performance". Again Guy reassured him they were all good, as he dressed and left the pair in bed together. Jack stirred, asked Alan about breakfast, they nestled against each other for a bit more, enjoyed coffee and English Muffins with Sweet Orange Marmalade. Jack invited Alan to join him at the gym and offered a pair of Guy's running shorts, t-shirt and jock; he could wear his own sneakers, then they could maybe meet Guy for lunch. Alan was all in and Jack texted Guy about lunch who agreed to meet at a nearby diner at noon. Alan took the time to call Rick and just check in, indicated progress with the meetings, but offered nothing more. The pair returned to the apt, showered and dressed, met Guy for lunch and afterwards, Alan begged off needing to get to an afternoon meeting, but asked them to join him for dinner at his hotel that night. Jack accepted for he and Guy and got details set, then updated Guy. When Guy arrived home, he quickly showered, changed and he and Jack left to meet Alan at his hotel. The three grew closer that night and made love 4 times. The morning wake up call arrived. Alan urged Guy and Jack to wake and get their day's going as he prepared to check-out and return to his life out west. The three agreed to meet again soon and even offered making a trip out west one weekend if that was possible. A new friendship was made that week. One not based on 3way sex, but on bonding. Later that afternoon Alan sent both guys a thank you text and hope for more. That night Guy and Jack made the sort of love, absent from their bonding for so many months. The sort that Alan sparked the night before.

Next: Chapter 6

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