Guy Times

By Mike Austin

Published on Oct 13, 2020


GUY TIMES By Mike Austin

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Guy's work schedule grew more demanding and Jack fell into a routine in which he was increasingly unhappy. After dating actively and having as much sex as can be crammed into a 7-day period each week, the guys had opted to move in together. As Guy's place was the larger of the two, Jack moved in, got settled and posted weeks of FB entries about their new life together. The first 6 months of this union was an array of fun times, exploring things they had in common and new interests. They settled into a "coupling" and did some entertaining and socializing, but as often happens, they were a couple and existed in that dream state of semi- isolation. After a long run of this show, their pairing grew a bit tense and then, after another long work Saturday, Guy came home and found Jack power keying the desktop, turns to face Guy and offers "I think our sex life sucks and think we need to explore a 3 way". The admission was not a shock to Guy. He too had feared the routine Jack spoke of as being anathema for a gay couple. Jack had prepared supper and the pair ate, chatting about their days, then slowly returned to the subject at hand. Jack eased back from the table, gathered a few sheets of paper from the printer and returned to sit and share his collection of social media posting ideas with Guy. Guy took the examples, as he ate, read a few, nodded, moved to the next, etc and looking up at Jack, said flatly, "let's try this one" and handed the stack back to Jack. Guy paused and reached for the selected posting idea and scribbled a slight revision on the page.

`Gay couple, celebrating 1 year anniversary on October 11, seeks 3rd to share. Details at....' and listed Jack's email. "Yeah this should do it" Guy remarked and finished supper. Jack was stunned that Guy was so ready to accept the concept. That night they 69'd for an hour and took turns sitting on each other's chests feeding dick to mouth then resuming their 69 activity, face feeding and such. Finally Guy had pushed Jack to the edge and while sucking Guy and jacking off himself, Jack came violently. Soon afterwards, Guy exploded down Jack's throat, then collapsed in a heap beside his lover.

Sunday morning found the pair dreading waking up and more to the point, getting up from their comfortable bed. Guy stood, crossed to the bathroom, peed, as Jack mustered the energy to do the same and both made their way to the kitchen for the auto-brewed coffee. Guy's heavy cock and balls swung low as he strode down the hallway into the kitchen where Jack now handed him a mug of java, before beginning; "you sure this 3way posting is gonna be ok for us?" Guy nodded yes, then eased open the front door, nabbed the Sunday Morning paper, returned to the mug of coffee and Jack's measured and intense scrutiny. "I don't wanna get this out there then you get all uptight about it, so if you're not 100% sure, we can forget it" Jack announced in a staccato matter-of-fact manner. "No, give it a try, let's see how it goes, I'm all in" came Guy's acceptance and he continued, "so now, you want toast or English Muffins with your eggs?" Jack pointed to the package of English Muffins before crossing to the desktop and booting up the PC. He opened up his refreshed M2M website platform, CONNEX, copied and pasted the ad, hit save and send. When he refreshed the CONNEX site, their new posting appeared at the top of the search listing. It was only 7:30. By the time he returned to the kitchen, Guy had the plates and such out, eggs ready to be scrambled, the English muffins split open and seated in the 4-place toaster and stick of butter and Sweet Orange Marmalade jar waiting. Jack read the posting aloud, then set about getting breakfast eggs scrambled as Guy manned the toaster. After breakfast, Jack had encouraged Guy to get in some physical fitness activities and usually on Sunday morning they would run, but this morning, both opted for a bike ride instead. Guy admitted he did feel better about himself and the run or bike ride helped him de-stress as well. The round trip ride was only an hour and when they returned, Jack found his desktop email beeping. He had responses and it dawned on him that he'd forgotten to enable the poster's reply to be forwarded to his cell phone as a text msg. He moved to the CONNEX site, made that change and within seconds of saving the change, Jack's cell lit up announcing text messages waiting. He opened the message queue and found 7 message entries. Hs heart pounded as he showed the results to Guy. It was only 9:30.

They settled in with fresh mugs of coffee, still trying to warm from the brisk Fall bike ride and began reading the responses to the ad.

MSSG 1: Dan-38 y/o hisp top, seeks gay couple 4 fun; 6', 200#, blue collar, stache/goat, 8" and listed Dan's contact info...

MSSG 2: Glen- 30 y/o blk bttm, for dad types; 5'8", 160#s, grn, smooth, gym type and gave Glen's info...

MSSG 3: Rob- 45, 6', 180, brn/blu, otter, vers, recent divorce lkg 4 new friends, and Rob's contact info.

MSSG 4: Jake- 60, gym bod, top, blk, 190#, 9" thick, professional, seeks cple 4 casual sex and Jake's info.

MSSG 5: Alan- 51, toned, grey/blue, lean 178, 7", vers, in open cple, burbs, and Alan's info....

MSSG 6: Pete- 24, gym rat, swimmer build, blnd/grn, 6", 155, smoothy, vers, in town and Pete's info

MSSG 7: Don- 34, 6', 170, blk/blu, med hairy, 7+", gr8 pecs, in twn and Don's contact info...

Before Jack could read them all to Guy, he was getting more hits. Guy agreed this was better than he'd imagined and they sat together w/their coffee mugs, reviewing the hits and raising questions to pose of each. Jack and Guy's review ruled out Glen and Pete. Jack responded with a tks but pass response to them. The three they both seemed initially interested in were Rob, the recently divorced guy; Jake the 60 y/o black professional; and Alan the 51 y/o member of a couple who was out there looking for another couple. Jack grabbed a pad, jotted down some ideas and questions for each, reviewed them with Guy who added points of his own, then Jack responded to the 3 with questions and remarks, added a few details about he and Guy, then hit send. That still left Dan and Don as possible choices. Jack and Guy discussed letting them know of their interest and asking for more details. Five of seven now out for consideration and Jack added more details about both of them in the respondent mssgs. They waited for replies from the 5 guys as still more new entries appeared. Jack suggested they get replies from the first 5 before launching into follow on mssgs and Guy agreed, to make it easier to manage the contacts. Jack had a feature programmed on the CONNEX site, to indicate a response from a high potential (hi-po) contact and as he'd responded to the initial 5 contenders, had tagged them with the hi-po designator. About 11, Jake's ping to Jack's cell advised he was currently out of town, but was returning home on Weds. night and might they connect the following w/e? His response included a set of torso and face pics and comments about both Jack and Guy's stats, then went on to ask for pics of them and if interested, their availability next weekend? Jack then consulted with Guy and as he was doing so, the cell pinged again, this time from Rob the recently divorced guy. Jack beamed as his CONNEX site was working well for them and the apparent feedback from other users was now being born out for Jack and Guy as well.

After a brief discussion w/Guy, Jack replied to Jake with an all-in for next weekend hook-up, and asked for confirmation details when Jake returned Weds. He then responded to Rob asking for a meet n greet during the week and go from there? Both contacts promptly replied, with Jake indicating it might be late evening before he was home, but would reach out then about the w/e schedule. Rob's reply was more immediate, asking to meet sooner vs later in the week and wondered about dinner or coffee later Sunday afternoon/evening? The Jack/Guy tension rose some at Rob's eagerness, but they reminded each other this was what they'd agreed on and a meet n greet was not a mandated hop in the sack action. So they agreed to meet for an early supper at The Rainbow Parrot, a gay-friendly small home cooking place on the other side of the gay area in town. Rob knew of it and they agreed to meet at 4:30 and take it from there. Jack sent their body and face pics and Rob replied with his own.

Jack and Guy set about getting their own house and such chores done, then showered, dressed and headed to The Parrot about 3:45 allowing for cross town traffic and parking which was always tight at the restaurant, due to a pair of gay bars flanking the restaurant's block. They arrived at 4:15, scanned the premises for Rob and not seeing him, got seated near a front window overlooking the fenced in patio that would enable them views of the entry and the patio area and kept the place light and not confined. At just 4:30 Rob came in, scanned the dining room and Jack waved his way. As Rob approached, both guys stood, they shook hands and the waiter asked for their drink orders and if they needed time to select their menu options? They agreed on wine, began scanning the menu, Rob admitting that he'd never been there before though he'd seen it several times and it was a fun looking place. There was background music, but not overly loud that enabled an easy going chat between the 3 guys. One of Jack's former tricks was leaving the patio through the main dining room, paused for a little chatter with Jack then continued to exit. The pause set up the waiter's return with glasses of wine. Rob was nervous. Guy sensed it and tried to put Rob at ease and it was working. Rob had taken a seat between our pair and Guy's hand gripped Rob's to reassure him that they were all good. As noted, Guy's effort to calm down the new man was working. You could see the relief on Rob's face and almost hear him sigh.

The guys learned that Rob's divorce was less than 6 months ago and he'd come out to his ex-wife after being on a business trip and having gay sex for the first time in his life. He'd always been anxious about any sex and always felt a draw or attraction to men, but that was his first overt roll in the hay. His wife was understanding and their divorce was amicable if not costly; she kept the house in lieu of any of his retirement and pension monies, their new SUV and split the savings and investment funds. Rob was free to explore this side of his life and he'd lived in a shadow for too long. The waiter delivered their meals and they eased off Rob's background material. As they ate, Jack gave a quick recap of their life together and their sexual prefs. Rob found Jack's candor a bit stunning in the middle of the restaurant, but remained fascinated and eager. Guy ate quietly. "You're both very attractive guys" Rob declared and continued, "I'd really like to hook up if you're interested back?" Guy used that to open an inquiry on Rob's sexual experience and prefs? Rob's blue eyes were almost sorrowful as he explained that he'd only had a handful of sex partners, the first of which was on that business trip. Mostly he had sucked and 69'd, but had fucked one guy he'd met while jogging a few weeks ago. He always practiced safe sex and had been tested two weeks earlier and was negative, just to get that out in the open. Again you could see his face relax and almost hear his sigh at the explanation. Again Guy took Rob's hand and gripped some confidence into it. "Well I don't know about Jack but I'm eager to check out what you've learned these past 6 months Rob" Guy remarked and all three grinned agreement. The waiter returned with the bill, Rob reached for his wallet, but Guy interrupted him saying "this one's on us." As they made their way to the parking lot, Guy suggested Jack ride with Rob to their place. Rob and Jack agreed and they headed back across town.

Once inside, Jack offered more wine to the trio, Rob eagerly accepted, and again Guy noticed Rob's nervousness, approached him and taking Rob's head in his hands, slowly began kissing the new man in the room. Jack joined in, kissing Rob's neck from behind. Rob was sandwiched between Guy and Jack and felt suddenly at ease; AND suddenly bone-achingly hard. The 45 y/o professed "otter" lightly furred, recently divorced guy with limited experience kissed wonderfully well, Guy thought, as he drove his tongue ever deeper in Rob's willing mouth. Rob responded to jack's neck and now ear kisses and suction by arching his back and his butt against Jack's crotch. While no top, Jack's dick responded to the scene and the feel of Rob's pressure against his torso, reached between him and Guy and began slow steady gropes of Rob's crotch and growing hardon. Jack being shorter than Rob made kissing his neck a reach, but he stood on tiptoes to lavish their new playmate with all the sensual teases he could muster. Guy worked Rob's golf shirt up and off his chest and neck, tossing it to the floor. Rob busied himself kicking off his Topsiders as Jack worked to unzip and unsnap his jeans and gently nudge tem to the floor as well. The fact that Rob was commando only added to the excitement and now that his 7" bone was freed, Jack dropped between Guy and Rob's crotches and began deep throating Rob as he worked to free Guy's cock and balls from his khakis. Jack knew that rubbing his face against Guy's crotch got him boned and he delivered a face-rub from hell. Jack grabbed at Guy's shoulders, then his back and finally his glutes all the while sucking the top man's tongue. Soon the mouth fuck motion Rob was delivering Jack turned into a full on throat fuck as Jack gobbled Rob down. Guy guided two fingers to he and Rob's mouth, as Rob coated them with slick spit. Once well slicked, Guy guided his slick fingers to Rob's eager warm furry ring and as Rob pressed back against them, Guy's fingers slipped inside and Rob moaned passionately. Guy heaved Rob off the floor and onto the sofa on his back. Jack dove for Rob's cock as Guy began rimming the new man. Rob held his legs back for both men to devour him; then holding Jack's head with one hand and Guy took the other leg and held him wide. As Guy kneeled against Rob's ass, he stroked his thick veiny dick and big head against the slicked ring and as he pressed the head through Rob's ring, felt it tense then give way to the hard cock. That sudden freedom to dive deeper in the new man's ass gave Guy that amazing turn-on sensation of a fresh butt to fuck. Guy delivered one ass poundingly hot and hard fuck. Somehow there were rubbers applied and as Guy came, he filled the latex tube not only with his hardon but loads of fresh cum. Rob couldn't hold off and had maneuvered Jack to a 69 position as he was being fucked and at the same time Guy shot off in the latex sleeve, Rob and Jack shot across each other's chests. The trio fell against each other, panting but satisfied. Jack was the first to stand, retrieve the 3 glasses of wine and they sat quietly chatting about their shared hot 3-way. Their chat was punctuated with periodic kisses and nips on ears and pecs. A quick shower ensued, more kissing then plans for a repeat 3-way soon. At this stage it was too soon to ensure that would happen but at least the door was left open for a follow-on booking. Rob left, feeling good about the encounter. Jack and Guy were equally pleased and hoped for a repeat, sooner vs later. The meal, dinner conversation return trip to the apt, hot 3-way sex and group shower had all occurred in a 4 hour window. Guy and Jack finished the wine and watched a PBS mystery before turning in for the night. Just before doing so, Jack's cell beeped a text msg from Rob, `thanks guys gotta repeat soon!!!'

Next: Chapter 4

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