Guy on Bus

By ten.feirb@yobrednU

Published on May 21, 1997


Organization: Network Intensive

The Guy on the Bus - Part 9: Justin gets the works

by Underboy - Please post your comments!

NOTE: If you are offended by gay, male sex, please do not read this story.

It was after 2am as Darren and Justin's quiet date at home watching videos wound down. The titles rolled on the television as they finished watching "Maurice." The two were re-excited after having seen Hugh Grant in a gay role. Not to mention seeing Tom Cruise prance around is "Mission Impossible. As the fire died down, they sat together on the couch cuddled tightly in the thick comforter wearing only their underwear.

"That was really good." Justin observed. "You hardly ever see gay characters who are positive and multi-dimensional." "What about Matt on Melrose?" Darren asked. "Please! He's gay. He's proud. And he's the only guy on the show not having sex!" Justin quipped. "Yeah, you're right." Darren said as he held Justin tightly and looked into his eyes. "What?" Justin asked. "Spend the weekend with me, Justin. I want us to really get to know each other." Darren requested. "I'd love nothing better than to be with you. Just as long as we do something besides sex." He said as they laughed. "Speaking of sex, how about a quick shower before we go to bed?" "For a guy who was afraid to jump in too quick, you sure are eager." "Lets just say you helped to alleviate my insecurities."

Darren kissed Justin on the lips as they felt their warm bodies and their juices started flowing again. He took Justin by the hand as they got up and the comforter fell on the floor exposing Darren in his Jockeys and Justin in his boxers.

As they entered the bathroom, Darren turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature. He kissed Justin and then pulled him inside and the hot water quickly drenched them both in their underwear. Darren held both of Justin's hands down at his side and pressed chest to chest as they pushed up against the wet tile wall. The searing water cascaded upon their heads and down their lustful bodies as their tongues played together.

Darren lightly bit Justin's neck as he caressed his wet back and felt his flaccid organ begin to rise beneath his drenched Jockeys. Justin kissed Darren's big, round shoulder as he raised his muscular biceps and licked his wet armpit. Justin quickly became aroused, as his tongue rolled upon the saturated blonde hairs and slid across his chest until he began to suck on his hard nipple. His heavy cock began to stand at attention below his soaked boxers as Darren kneaded his hard ass and pulled it against his pelvis.

Suddenly, Darren slid down Justin's lean, hard body and yanked down his wet boxers as his thick, solid cock bounced up like a catapult. Darren quickly clutched Justin's burning prick and began to suck it savagely as he squeezed and massaged his spongy ass. Justin shuddered as Darren descended wildly upon his raging tool, tantalizing him with his spiraling tongue as his fingers probed along his reactive crack. As Darren accelerated his sucking action, Justin promptly boiled with orgasmic juices. Darren plunged deeper and faster upon the bursting muscle as Justin guided his head with his hand. The pleasure of Darren's adroit oral performance was too much for Justin to contain as his body shivered and his head jerked back. He moaned heavily as he felt the explosive zenith at the center of his balls.

Justin released his burgeoning load inside Darren's anxious mouth as shot after shot of the warm cream streamed to the back of his throat. Darren hastened to swallow Justin's precious cum and continued to suck as the white fluid dripped past his lips. Justin's sensitive body shook as Darren sucked and squeezed his softening shaft and tasted the final pearls of the salty juice before it was washed away.

Darren rose to kiss Justin as he rubbed his flaccid cock. Justin reciprocated Darren's performance and pruriently lunged upon his pulsing erection below the dripping briefs. Justin mouthed the expanding rod before wrenching his transparent Jockey's from his excited body and engulfing the dense, bouncing flesh into his mouth. He repeatedly slid his lips past the entire length of Darren's enormous shaft down his throat. Justin grabbed Darren's tight, round ass as he sucked up and down his wet pole ferociously. Darren's arousal increased by the second as his manly partner massaged his driving rod with the muscles in his throat. As Justin slid his soapy hand inside Darren's smooth crack, he was pushed over the edge of his sexual control and reached his explosive conclusion.

As Darren winced and flung his head back, Justin jacked the solid muscle firmly with his grasping fist and awaited the glorious climax. As Darren expelled his heated deposit, Justin looked up at him as the warm fluid pierced his tongue. Darren watched from above as the streams of thick, white liquid shot into his waiting mouth and dripped down his chin. He could see the creamy substance slosh upon his tongue before he swallowed the white gold and licked the remaining drops from his lips. Justin rose to his feet and planted his creamy lips on Darren's mouth as they tasted their sexual juices together.

They kissed and felt each other's expended bodies as they lathered and washed themselves with shampoo and soap. Justin rinsed off his smooth, tan body and kissed Darren again before he exited the shower and grabbed a towel. He dried himself off and stepped out of the steamy bathroom with a white, cotton towel draped just below his waist. Droplets of water fell from his soaked hair down his lean torso, rolling along his lean, muscular definitions. His bronze body starkly contrasted the bright towel as it hung below the washboard muscles on his abdomen. "Darren, I can borrow a pair of your underwear?" Justin asked as Darren rinsed. "Only if you give me a pair of yours. Just look in the top drawer and grab some for me, please."

Justin opened the drawer and was amazed to find a plethora of underwear of all brands and styles. There were briefs all types and colors: jockeys, bikini briefs, thongs, and athletic styles. There were boxer shorts, boxer briefs and combed cotton boxers. He had every brand imaginable: Calvin Klein, Jockey, Hilfiger, 2(X)ist, Structure, Joe Boxer, Chereskin, Hanes, Fruit of the Loom, GAP, Stafford. And of course a few assorted jock straps. "Say, Darren. Do you think you have enough underwear." Justin cracked. "You know what your mother tells you about wearing clean underwear? Well I take it to heart. And I always like to be prepared." "For what? Nuclear war?" Justin said as he sifted through the variety of briefs, boxers and jocks.

Justin was actually quite aroused by Darren's underwear collection. While not as avid as Darren, he too liked underwear and had his own custom filled drawer. He was also excited about wearing Darren's underwear. He felt kind of basic this evening and so pulled out a pair of white, Calvin 32" briefs. As he slipped them on, he looked at himself in the large mirrored sliding doors of Darren's closet. As he snapped the elastic waistband to his stomach, he noticed that he filled the white briefs quite nicely with his wonderfully shaped ass and liberal basket. A healthy bulge soon developed in his crotch as Justin grew excited in the tight whites. He grabbed a pair of trim fitting, black striped J. Crew boxer shorts for Darren.

As Justin continued to check himself out in the mirror, a wet Darren crept behind him with a white towel wrapped just below his hips. He pressed his chest against Justin's back and placed his hands on his hips feeling the smooth cotton of the briefs as he kissed his neck. "Mmmh. You look really sexy in those Calvins." Darren commented as he caressed his soft ass. "What did you pick out for me?" Justin handed him the slim boxer shorts and Darren quickly dropped his towel and slipped them on. Justin liked the sexy contrast of Darren's boxers against the white Calvin Klein briefs. Justin had the perception that boxers were more macho or manly than briefs yet he found them both sexy. The two men looked quite arousing as they held each other in their underwear. "Damn, you look good, Darren." Justin commented. "If I weren't so exhausted I could almost go another round with you." "Me, too. But I think we've had enough for one night. I think we'll feel different in the morning after we've had our rest. Besides, there's no rush."

Darren and Justin agreed to call it a night as they got into bed and caressed each other in their underwear. As they began to doze off, Darren cradled Justin against his chest and draped his arms over his waist before he turned out the light and they fell soundly asleep.

The rain in Seattle finally let up giving way to a rare morning of cloudless sunshine. The intense beams of idyllic orange light shined through the blinds, painting Darren and Justin's sleeping bodies. The image would make for a perfect Ken Haak style photo with the two handsome idols slumbering in bed, clad in their underwear as they lie above the heap of furrowed blankets. The golden lines of light crisscrossed the black stripes on Darren's boxers as they wandered along the smooth contours of his athletic legs and muscular torso. Justin slept on his stomach, draping his lean leg over Darren's. The folded blankets exposed his shapely, round ass covered by the white cotton briefs Darren had lent him.

Darren was awakened by a glint of sun shimmering through his blond hair and shining into his eyes. His blue pupils adjusted to the brightness as he woke up to Justin's picturesque, resting body. He reflected upon the marvelous night they shared together. He stretched his strong arms while admiring the handsome boy who was now his. Justin's jet black hair absorbed the brilliant sun as it cascaded upon subtle curves of his slim face and lean body. Darren rolled over to Justin and softly stroked the length of his body with his fingers. He started from his neck and glided across his silky shoulders down to his firm back. He slowed at the waistband of his Calvins to feel the smooth cotton of his tightly fitting briefs. His fingers swirled around each perfectly formed cheek of his protruding buttocks. As he continued he could feel the dark, wispy hairs on his compact thighs and defined calf muscles. He paused the caress to visually devour the beautiful man before him. "Why did you stop? That feels really good." Asked a waking Justin as he looked up. "I was just getting started. Good morning." Darren greeted his companion with a light kiss. "Mmm. Morning." Justin replied.

Justin's crinkled morning face and rumpled hair possessed a unique charm and beauty occasioned by his awakening at Darren's side. The blond lover rarely experienced such a presence after sex. It was mostly because he had never stayed more than a few hours after the act. He usually left a simple note or a flower, if anything, as his token signature. But this was much different. He and Justin wanted to be together. For the first time, escape was a moot point and Darren relished waking up beside Justin, puffy face and all.

Their morning greeting began with a tender kiss and an embrace as the two reveled each other's refreshed souls. Darren caressed Justin's renewed flesh as he braved the desire of his inviting body. Justin's silken shoulders and lean arms engaged Darren's fingers as he touched every contour of his velvety skin. Justin felt warm and secure in Darren's strong arms as he explored the jock's well developed muscles. As he sensed Darren's dexterous fingers glide over the smooth briefs above his round seat, Justin reached to feel his partner's firm ass from above the cotton fabric of his manly boxers.

Darren's sensitive lips tasted the sweetness of Justin's neck as they ventured to kiss his firm, smooth chest. Justin basked as Darren's tender stroke upon his receptive nipples peaked his excitement. As Darren slid back up to taste his Justin's wanting lips, he felt the poking of his solid erection against his own expanding crotch. Justin reached down inside the striped shorts to feel the protruding member and massage it with his gentle hand. Darren moaned and sought to behold Justin's quivering penis from beneath the arousing Calvins. The two godlike studs continued to kiss as they sensuously palpated each other's rigid flesh. Justin reached into the leghole of Darren's boxers and fondled his silky balls as he pumped his pulsing erection. At once, Justin stripped Darren of his enticing boxers and raised them to his face, consuming his unique scent with deep inhalation.

A naked Darren pressed his bouncing member against Justin's bursting crotch as he rolled him onto his stomach. Darren climbed over Justin's back and kissed him on the neck as he stroked his satiny shoulders. Justin felt Darren's bulging erection press against his ass while his own tool raged with blood. Darren kissed the length of Justin's feathery back and until he reached the cottony briefs. The spheres of Justin's ass felt smooth and warm as he brushed his face along the white fabric. He slowly peeled back the Calvin waistband from Justin's silken skin revealing the curvaceous artistry of his sumptuous ass. Darren touched his supple lips to the bronze surface as he slowly removed sexy briefs off past his ankles. He crumpled the borrowed briefs around his nose and absorbed Justin's erotic aroma. He sensuously ran his tongue along the Justin's hairless bottom as he spread apart his waiting cheeks. Justin moaned as Darren licked the length of his smooth crack and approached the awaiting bud.

Justin trembled as he sensed Darren's probing lingua sliding around his hole. Darren continued to lick the sensitive orifice as Justin writhed with pleasure. His round ass swung from side to side as Darren massaged the puckered opening skillfully. Darren moved his tongue faster and faster until he gently penetrated the anal aperture sending Justin into sheer joy. "Oohh, Darren. Uhhn." Justin pattered with utter ecstasy. Darren knew that Justin was in the throws of passion as he slid the tip of his tongue in and out of receptive channel. Darren then stopped and slid his body back up to Justin's neck as his rigid spear dangled between his cheeks.

"Are you ready for me now, Justin." Darren whispered. "Hmmm? I don't know, Darren." Justin moaned. "Why? What's wrong?" Darren asked. "Well, it's just that-- I've never done this before." "What? You're a virgin?" "Well, I've had enough sex not to consider myself one. I've just never been--" "Fucked? Haven't you ever thought about doing it? Or fantasized about it?" "Yeah, but I always thought it would be too painful." "Believe me, it's not like you think. Besides, I trusted you about this." "I know. I just don't want to have a bad experience." "How will you know unless you try? Look, we'll go real slow and I'll stop if it hurts. Okay?" Justin paused. "All right, but take it really slow." "Trust me. Just relax and try to enjoy it." He said as he kissed Justin for reassurance. Darren lay down on his back against some pillows and lubed his burgeoning cock with the slick jelly. "This is the easiest way to do it. Climb over me and ease it in." Justin slowly straddled Darren's waiting body and rested on his knees. Darren massaged his thighs to put him at ease. Justin spread plenty of the lubricant on his hand and began to lubricate his crack giving himself immense pleasure. He then lubed Darren's hard, throbbing cock and prepared himself for the maiden entry. "Now, try to sit on it slowly and put it inside. Add more lube if you need it." Darren advised. Justin then positioned Darren's bulging tool between his cheeks until it touched his virgin hole. The awesome width of Darren's thick probe between Justin's tight, spreading cheeks felt invasive and foreign. He tentatively sat on it and could feel the inflated head press against his pristine bud. He felt the dreaded sting as it began to penetrate him and quickly sat up. "Ahh. I don't know, Darren." "Come on, dude. Don't stop." Justin then spread more lubricant over the thick, veiny cock and over his tight asshole before he tried again. He placed the pointy rod at his hole and slowly descended upon it. As the head penetrated the anal orifice, he withstood the sting as it carefully slid it in a bit more. Darren's huge prick was about a quarter the way inside before he pulled it out and lubed it up liberally and put some more around his anus. With the initial pain out of the way, he cautiously inserted the monster erection once more. His hole began to loosen up as the pain lessened. He slid Darren's raging implement inside himself until it was halfway in. He then looked into the large mirror and was instantly aroused as he saw himself straddling Darren's enormous prick. He lowered his ass and slid the entire length of the rock hard penis inside his tight, virgin hole. "Oohh." Justin sighed with pleasure. "Now go up and down. Take it slow." Darren instructed as he guided his hips. Justin was finally getting comfortable and began to feel the anal pleasure of Darren's manly tool slide inside him. He felt the Darren's erection brush past his prostate and his limp cock began to rise as he felt the stimulating rod inside his previously untouched ass. He slowly moved his ass up and down the lubricated pole, each time increasing his rate. As Justin saw himself getting fucked in the mirror, he became more aroused at being in this compromised position for the first time.

Sensing that Justin was now getting used to the thick cock up his ass, Darren began to push his hips and drive his hardened probe inside of him. Justin was now very much into the action as he slid his virgin ass up and down the solid, fleshy spear. Justin's raging prick was now standing at full attention. He leaned forward and kissed Darren deeply on the lips while he thrust his pelvis intensely into his deep hole. Justin reached a new euphoria as he felt the intense sensation of his prostate being thoroughly massaged by Darren's muscular manhood. He whispered in Darren's ear. "This feels incredible, Darren. I didn't know it could feel this good." "Just keep taking it, Justin. It'll get even better." Darren promised. Darren was surprised and aroused at how freaky Justin reacted to getting fucked for the first time. This exclusive top man was now experiencing the joys of the bottom. Darren felt exultant that he was the first man to penetrate Justin's virgin ass as he intensified the anal action. He also could not believe he was fucking this staggeringly handsome stud for whom he had longed and was now developing strong emotions toward. Darren wanted Justin to remember his first time and decided to give Justin the full treatment. He kissed him harder and massaged his back as he pumped him incessantly. Justin wailed in pleasure as his rubbery body bounced erratically.

Justin shifted from his knees to his feet, squatting over the massive organ for better mobility. He was now able to slide his ass down upon the entire length of Darren's pulsing erection inside of his anal chasm. The bed began to undulate as the virile bucks enveloped themselves in the torrid intercourse. Justin now rode Darren's stiff pole like a pogo stick faster and faster as his own pulsing erection bounced uncontrollably. As he slid deeper, Justin moaned and felt the tip of the gigantic member press hard against his bowels as Darren thrust upward. He winced and flung his head back as his hair bounced upon his forehead and his body shook like rag doll. Justin braced his right hand on Darren's firm leg and was now riding his swollen cock like a wild stallion.

Suddenly in mid fuck, Darren drew Justin toward him and their chests pressed together as they kissed fervently. Then, with his hardened arrow still piercing the virgin hole, Darren spun Justin onto his back and began fucking him in the missionary position. Now he was on top of Justin as his legs flew in the air and Darren pumped him tenaciously. Now Justin felt a bit compromised as Darren fucked him from above as he was used to doing with so many men. But the extreme anal pleasure dwarfed his insecurity and as soon as he saw himself in the mirror in this vulnerable position, his freaky nature took over. Their breathing quickly grew heavier as the carnal desire magnified. Justin sucked Darren's tongue and threw his legs over his broad shoulders as he grasped his round ass and pulled him deeper inside. Darren's firm, round ass pumped up and down, flexing and bending repeatedly in the air. The sight of Darren plowing into him like a woman in heat was degrading and exciting at the same time. But now he loved getting fucked by Darren like no other man. He was now fondly attracted to this beautiful blonde jock and he trusted him even to take his own virginity.

Both men began to sweat as their encounter became more fierce. Darren pumped Justin's taking ass faster and faster. Justin clenched his anal muscles tightly upon Darren's hard, fat organ. Darren bit Justin's tender earlobe as his ass undulated and rammed into his tight asshole. "Do you like me inside you, Justin?" He whispered. "Fuck me, Darren. Don't stop fucking me." Justin replied in utter ecstasy.

Without interruption, Darren lifted Justin's lean leg over his head and turned his body so they both lie on their side while Darren continued pumping voraciously from behind. Darren held onto Justin's hips and kissed his back as he continued to fill his bouncing ass with his juicy stick. Again, Justin's lean body lurched forward with each of Darren's fucking thrusts. Justin watched in the mirror as Darren lifted his leg in the air and pierced his virgin hole with his unbending, blood-filled drill. Justin could actually see Darren's thick staff sliding through his rubbery hole and touched the slick shaft with his fingers as it passed in and out of his virgin tunnel. He became quite aroused at seeing the reflection of himself getting fucked by Darren. He pushed his ass against Darren's pelvis as he firmly grasped his long, shiny prick and jacked it wildly, closing his eyes and feeling the stimulating sensation of his ass endlessly getting rocked. "Ready for more, Justin?" Darren whispered again. "Oh, yes. Keep fucking me. Don't stop, Darren." Said Justin now drunk with ecstasy and desire. Darren remained lodged inside of Justin's elastic hole as he held his arms and lifted him to his knees while kneeling behind him. As both men stood erect on their knees, Darren held Justin tightly and caressed his glistening torso and continued fucking his worn ass from directly behind. Darren kissed his neck and shoulders and pinched his pointy tits as he bucked his hips against Justin's quaking ass faster and faster. Justin was excited again by the image of him and Darren up on their knees as he got plunged from behind. While in the throws of ecstasy Justin could feel himself nearing the point of his climactic explosion but he struggled to maintain his control and simply enjoy the anal massage Darren gave him. His lean thighs flexed tightly as he fought to hold himself up and take Darren's pummeling action. Darren increased the energy of his thrusts as his strong pelvis lunged forward. He took Justin's undulating cock into his hand and began jacking him fiercely while he fucked him harder. Justin turned his head back to take Darren's tongue into his mouth as he felt the pounding into his ass and the jerking of his throbbing rifle.

Sensing that Justin nearly drained, Darren began the coup de grace of his virginal fuck. He leaned Justin forward to his hands and knees and ceaselessly persued the final anal engagement. Justin looked into the mirror again and saw Darren fucking him in the ass doggie style. Once more he felt compromised yet aroused by the wonderful sensation of Darren's awesome, solid, prick sliding through his body at an accelerated rate as his balls bounced in the air. "Oh, Darren. Pound me harder." Justin said as he grabbed his cock and jerked. Darren held onto Justin's smooth, firm shoulders, bracing himself as he sprung forward repeatedly and broke in this wild stallion. Darren was surprised that Justin's virgin ass still felt very tight and indulged his ripe ass with continued jousts. Justin took Darren's potent dart with extreme delight and thought that this was the best position of all. Overwhelmed with pleasure, Justin's face fell into the soft pillow as his arms collapsed into the sheets. He lifted his ass high in the air to meet Darren's jolting lunges. Now each pass of Darren's plump organ along the sensitive nerves of Justin's anal tract became intensified making his ass a virtual receptacle of pleasure. Darren grasped the beautiful, round orbs of Justin's ass and now took his hardest and most intense thrusts into him, shaking his fleshy body abrasively. Pressed into the pillow and grasping the sheets, Justin looked once more into the mirror and watched as Darren pumped his rubbery body wildly as his blond hair flew about his brow.

Finally, Darren could no longer hold himself back. He felt the climactic tingle in his swinging balls and thrust into Justin for the last time. As he removed his blood-red pump, Justin felt an empty chasm in his asshole the size of the Grand Canyon. Darren grabbed his throbbing prick firmly and he jacked it fervently. Justin turned his abused body and knelt up to face Darren's raging demon. He opened his mouth as it jerked before him. "I can't hold it. I'm cumming." Darren burst. The surging sexual energy finally exploded in Justin's face as the first long spurt of Darren's hot load splashed from his brow to his chin. The next hard stream spewed directly into Justin's mouth as he lavished the salty fluid. Yet another pulse streamed upon Justin's tongue and dripped off his lips and chin. Darren's huge load continued to spray upon Justin's face before he engulfed the erupting penis into his mouth to enjoy this splendid cumfest. Gobs of Darren's warm juice sloshed inside Justin's mouth as he swallowed and licked his lips to savor the fruits of his devirginizing experience.

As Darren smeared his thick semen all over his partner's face, Justin had reached his own orgasmic epiphany. He stood on his knees and jerked his impatient cock madly as Darren watched closely. The wonderful feeling in the pit of his body gave rise to his waiting load before Darren's eyes. "Ahh. Ahh. I'm cumming. I'm cumming." Justin cried out. Justin proved that he could also shoot a hardy load as the first lengthy eruption stretched from Darren's blond hair to his rippled abs. Justin pointed his exploding tool at Darren's face and shot another stream from his nose to his chin. Darren loved the hot ropes of Justin's white syrup dripping down his skin and opened his mouth widely for more. Justin poised his pulsing rod between Darren's lips and fired shot after shot of the white cream inside his mouth drenching the back of his throat. Darren eagerly sloshed the tasty semen inside his mouth and quickly swallowed it before licking his lips to consume the last drops.

Justin and Darren rose up for the last time and kissed deeply and passionately as they tasted each other's sexual honey. Wrought with exhaustion, they collapsed side by side on the bed struggling to catch their breath. The two beautiful lovers lie together breathing heavily, trying to regain some of the energy spent during this overwhelming encounter. "I can't believe how incredible that was. It was fucking wonderful." Said an overwhelmed Justin as he looked up at the ceiling. "I knew you would like it. You really got into it. That's what made it great for me, too." Darren said. "I don't know what came over me. I loved it. I never thought I would do that. I never knew getting fucked could feel so good." He confessed as he turned on his side and faced Darren. "For a top, you sure took it like a bottom." Darren joked. "I was in total euphoria. I didn't know such pleasure existed." He realized as he gently caressed Darren's smooth chest. "You're a genuine freak, Justin." Darren commented. "And you? You were amazing. Where did you learn to do that? Believe me, this won't be the last time you fuck me." "I'll make sure of that." "You totally fucked me just now. Just saying it turns me on." Justin said honestly as he continued. "I think the real reason I enjoyed it so much was because I really like you, Darren. You made it incredible for me." "And you for me. I wanted your first time to be memorable." "That is was. I know I sound like a fucking nympho, but I can't wait to do it again." "Justin, we're going to get along just fine."

Darren and Justin lie together fondly kissing and holding each other. The two men consummated their new found relationship which would soon blossom into something wonderful.

To be continued in part 10. (Please post comments.)

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