Guy on Bus

By ten.feirb@yobrednU

Published on May 12, 1997


(If you are offended by gay, male sex, please do not read this story.)

The Guy on the Bus (Part 5) Darren's Date (Please post comments)

by Underboy

The heavy rain poured through the night sky as Darren arrived at his apartment in Seattle after his flight back from L.A. The handsome, blonde jock was tired and weary after the day he had spent with Richard and Al. The memories of the intense sexual marathon were fresh in his head since he had relived them continuously on the plane. As he put down his bag to reach for his keys, he felt the soreness in his ass from his devirinizing experience with the two male nymphs and thought how could he have capitulated to their demands. He smiled and laughed to himself when he realized how wild he got and how good it felt when they pinned him down until he said uncle. "Oh, well. So I got fucked.", He thought to himself.

He opened the door to his modern-style apartment and threw his bag to the floor before he grabbed a beer from the fridge and started to undress and listen to his messages. He heard the tapping sounds of the falling rain outside as he unbuttoned his shirt. As he pulled it off he exposed his broad, defined chest while the messages wound back. The first message was from his mother who asked him if how he was doing and reminded him about his sister's wedding next month.

"Here comes another divorce," Darren commented to himself.

He took off his shoes and socks as he listened to his friend Jeff ask if he could borrow his Armani jacket for a date with his new friend, Bruce.

"Fat chance Jeff, buddy. You're going to need my than my jacket to help you with Bruce."

Darren skipped over Jeff's rambling message and unzipped his Dockers revealing the white waistband of his Jockey briefs. The next message was from Kelly, a classmate, who has a crush on Darren and asked if they could "study" together for the history midterm this week.

"Sorry, Kelly. I don't do sushi," he remarked skipping on to the next message as his pants fell to the floor while he stepped out in his sexy white briefs. He plopped onto his black leather couch and sipped the beer as the next message played.

"Hi Darren this is Justin..." Darren's eyes suddenly widened as he sprang up from the couch and leaped to the answering machine. "Oh, shit!" he said as he listened intently to the sexy voice. "...We met at Clark and Stewart's party last month. I was really buzzed but I liked talking to you. I hope you don't mind me calling you. Stewart gave me your number. I was just wondering if you would like to get together this week and, I don't know, have coffee or see a movie..." "Hell, yes! I've been after you forever you stud!" Darren said over the voice. "Well, let me know if you if you're interested. I'm available. I mean I'm home. My number is ..." Darren fumbled frantically for a pen and quickly jotted down Justin's number and listened to the end of the message. "Anyway, call me if you'd like to get together and...we'll do something." The message ended and the robotic voice noted that the message was received on Saturday evening. Darren was already hard in his underwear. He was interested in Justin ever since he saw him on campus last semester. He was quite satisfied just having met and talked to him at the party and sensed there was something more to the playful flirtation. But the fact that Justin had a boyfriend stopped Darren in his tracks. Although Darren was a freak for sex, he was not the type to break up a relationship or date someone who was spoken for. He wondered why Justin had called him now and quickly tried to find the answer.

Darren grabbed the phone and immediately dialed the number. As he waited for an answer, he talked to himself.

"I can't believe this. Justin calling me? He's a god!"

"Hello," A deep, manly voice answered. It was him. Justin was an absolute knockout of a man. He looked like he just dropped out of a Hilfiger underwear ad from GQ magazine. He stood about six feet tall with a lean yet muscular build. His tan face had the classic high cheek bones of an Italian model with a straight nose and thin lips. His deep brown eyes sparkled as his long lashes fluttered in the cool night air. He had short, jet black hair with wisps falling randomly onto his forehead.

"Justin? This is Darren."

"Hey, Darren. How's it going? Thanks for calling back. So, what are you up to?"

Justin smiled and quickly shut off the television. He sat back in his recliner wearing a green sweater and faded 501 jeans. He put his bare feet on the coffee table and engaged Darren in a flirtatious dialogue. Darren began traipsing around the living room drinking his beer while his rock hard prick bounced inside his tight Jockeys. His shapely, round ass filled the underwear perfectly as his tight cheeks flexed with each step.

"I just got back in from visiting some friends in L.A. and I'm just winding down for the evening." He rubbed his balls above the cotton fabric.

"L.A., eh? I haven't been out there in a while. Did you have a good time?"

"Put it this way, I'm still in pain. But I won't bore you with the details." Darren chuckled as he sat back on the couch and worked his stiff muscle from above his soft Jockeys.

"I'm sure I wouldn't be bored..." Justin smiled as he imagined what Darren meant by the pain. He rested the phone against his ear while he sipped from his glass of wine. He also began to get excited and rubbed his blood filling tool beneath his jeans.

"I was really surprised when I heard your message. I don't mean to get personal, but weren't you with--"

"Everett? Yeah, we broke up a few weeks ago. It just didn't work out, you know."

"Sorry to hear that." Darren smiled and reached into his bulging briefs and pulled out his thick cock as he salivated at Justin's misfortune.

"I'm not." Justin barked as he undid the button fly of his jeans revealing the blue plaid pattern of his boxer shorts.

"Neither am I" Darren said under his breath while he stroked himself. "You two seemed so cozy together. What happened, if you don't mind me asking."

"Well, he was really into his work, being a photographer and all. He got this offer to work in New York for a new magazine shooting supermodels or something. He wanted me to just pick up and leave with him. But it was the middle of the semester and I still have two years left before I graduate. That would have been a huge move. I couldn't just leave, and he couldn't stay."

Justin reached into his boxers and grabbed his sensitive ballsack, massaging it gently.

"That's too bad. Any chance of getting back together?" Darren asked pretending to be sympathetic while his jerking motion grew more intense.

"Not really. Obviously I wasn't his priority. We were only together for a couple of months and, just between us, I liked Everett but I wasn't in love with him. We were more like friends than lovers."

Justin pulled down his Levis to his thighs and whipped out his huge dick. It was fully erect at nearly 8 inches in length with a thick shaft which made it seem enormous. He began to slide his hand up and down the rigid pole.

"So, now you're on the rebound? And I'm the ball boy?" Darren chuckled as he spread his legs and jerked himself with both hands at a frantic pace.

"Not exactly. I really liked meeting you at the party and you seemed like a nice guy. If I wasn't with Everett, I probably would've asked for your number or something."

Justin pumped his hardened mass harder as the conversation became more saucy.

"Something? Like what?" Darren said as he reached for his balls and jacked himself harder.

"I don't know. I probably would have invited you to my home and seduced you." Justin pulled his solid member through the fly of his shorts and ripped off his sweater revealing his ripped abs and firm pecs.

Darren relished the thought as his thick, hardened cock protruded from his tight briefs into the air as he pounded it hungrily. He retorted with the next volley. "Oh, I'm not that easy. You'd have to work harder than that."

Justin grew incredibly excited and aroused by this erotic conversation. He tried not to shake his voice as he jacked his purple spear.

"Okay, then. I would have gotten you drunk on wine, doped on pot, and then tied you up. Then I would have ripped off your clothes and have my way with you. Then I would wait until you were sober and have my way with you again."

Darren neared his peak as he repeated his jacking more tenaciously but struggled to perpetuate the dialogue.

"Wait. What kind of wine?"

Justin also neared his climax as he capped the conversation with a steamy repartee. "A fruity white Zinfandel. How's that?"

"I'm there. You have all the right moves, guy."

Justin's line sent Darren over the edge as his body tensed and he shot stream after stream of his hot load all over his flat stomach and upon his white Jockeys. Justin too could not hold back as he came almost simultaneously with Darren, shooting his warm white cream onto his chest and boxers.

Both men paused after their shared long distance orgasm. Now, the thought of getting together was quite arousing and it had to be soon.

"So do you want to get together?" Justin asked with his cum spilling over his body and drenching his boxers.

"I'd love to. What are you doing tonight?" Darren replied in his cum soaked Jockeys.

"Tonight? Nothing, really. I'm just sitting here having a glass of wine."

"White Zinfandel? Why don't we go to the Belltown Billiards. They play jazz on Sunday nights. Then afterward you can tie me up and have your way with me." Darren joked as he pulled down his wet briefs and used them to clean himself up.

"That sounds excellent. I love jazz. But all kidding aside, Darren. I have to tell you, I'm not really the type to just hop in the sack and that's the end of it. It has to mean something for me. I just want you to know how I feel."

"Justin, don't worry. I feel the same way." Darren nearly bit his tongue. "The way I see it, it's just a casual date with a very handsome and sexy guy. And you'll be there too."

"Touche. I'll pick you up in half an hour."

"I'll be here waiting."

Both men lay back and rested for a moment. Each thought that if it was that good on the phone, how good could it be in person?

NOTE: This latest edition is a slight departure from previous segments with more romance. Please post your comments. If you are offended by gay, male encounters, please do not read this story.

The Guy on the Bus - Part 6- Darren's Prelude to a Kiss

By Underboy

Darren, the cute blonde jock, spoke on the cordless with his best friend Richard in Los Angeles discussing his anxiety due to his upcoming interlude with Justin, the staggeringly handsome acquaintance who called him for a date. He splashed on some Drakkar cologne as he fixed himself up in front of the mirror.

"Dude, you cannot believe how incredibly gorgeous this guy is. I mean, were talking model material for GQ, Details, Vanity Fair! And he wants to go out with me." Darren exclaimed. "Maybe he thought you were someone else." Richard joked. "Thanks for the support, Rich. I'm a little nervous. I haven't gone out on a date date in a while." "No, Darren. You just have fuck fucks. Don't worry. Just relax and be yourself. Check that, don't be yourself. Just have fun." "I hope this goes well. I've wanted to meet this guy ever since I laid eyes on him last semester. I think if we hit it off, I might be ready for something, you know, long term." "You mean more than 2 days?" "Rich, you're not helping." "C'mon, D. For you long term is cumming more than twice with a guy in one night!" "I want Justin to like me." "Look, just be your wonderful, charming self. That's how you got me, remember?" "Oh, yeah. But we were at a bath house. Or was it a bus? Just kidding. Speaking of buses, it seems like you and Al really like each other." "Yeah, Al's really great. He's here with me now. We just got done fucking each other's brains out." "Again? You two are like rabbits. Only gay." Darren's conversation was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. "Shit! That's him. Wish me luck." "Good fuck!"

Darren hung up the phone with Richard and headed for the front door. He had one last look in the mirror and straightened himself out. He took a deep breath and opened the door. Justin looked more stunning than Darren had remembered as he stood in the doorway smiling and presenting a bottle of wine. "Take a guess." Justin began. "White Zinfandel", Darren responded. "Thanks. Come in." Justin entered wearing a loose fitting, blue peasant shirt and casual beige slacks. He was impressed by Darren's modern decor. "Nice place. Who does your decorating, Darren?" "Martha. But I had to let her go. She was getting too commercial. Why don't we open this now and have a glass on the terrace before we hit the Belltown Billiards?" Darren suggested. "Sounds good. How about a corkscrew?" Justin asked. "Later, but first open that bottle of wine. Oh, you meant a c-o-r-k-screw." Darren joked as he went for the opener and two glasses. "Cute and funny." Justin noted. Darren handed Justin the corkscrew as they walked onto the terrace in the cool night air. It had just finished raining and the skyline was clear and the lights shimmered. "Are you sure you know how to handle one of those? It's a pretty dangerous piece of equipment." "Please, Darren. I've done it a million times. You just stick it in and screw until it comes out. How hard can it get?" "You tell me." Darren quipped as the cork popped off and Justin poured the wine. "Later."Justin retorted. "How about a toast? You do the honors." "Why not? Here's to White Zinfandel and rope." "Cheers." Justin said as they clinked and drank. "So, you think I'm cute?" Darren asked with a smile. "Well, yeah, for a jock. And you seem to have brain which is always a plus." "Thank you, I think." "How about a little libation before we go?" Justin pulled out a healthy joint from his pocket. "Ahh, so you are trying to seduce me. Spark it up, dude." Darren said in a surfer voice as Justin lit up the doobie. They both took turns hitting the joint as the distinct scent penetrated the night air. "How about a shotgun?" Darren asked. "Is that different from a corkscrew." "Kind of but it's less painful. Here let me show you."

Darren took the joint and put the lit side inside his mouth and closed his lips. He signaled Justin to put his lips close to his. As their lips nearly met they shared a brief glance before Darren blew into the joint sending a steady, thick stream of smoke directly into Justin's mouth. Justin took it all in, barely able to hold it before he began to choke and release the hit. His eyes were ablaze and his head was light as the smoke lingered around his head. "How was that? Did you get a buzz?" Darren asked. "My name is Elmer J. Fudd, millionaire. I own a mansion and a yacht." Darren laughed at Justin's incoherent response. "Oh, shit. Let me try that on you." Justin proposed. He took the joint and carefully put it in his mouth. He put his hand on Darren's neck and pulled him close to his lips. He blew the white stream into Darren's mouth as he inhaled the monster hit. Darren held it in as long as he could before Justin began to tickle and poke his sides, after which he released the white smoke. They both laughed as the effects of the pot and wine seized their inhibitions. The shotgun hit set them at ease and put them into a mood of mutual desire. The two men paused and stared at each other for a moment as the cool breeze wafted gently through their hair. "Do you like Woody Allen?" Justin asked. "Yeah, why?" Justin slowly leaned toward Darren and kissed him gently yet deliberately on his lips then pulled away. " `The first kiss is always awkward and I like to get it out of the way.' " Justin said. "So you don't get nauseous about it during dinner? Annie Hall, right? But that wasn't awkward at all." said a surprised Darren. "I know." Justin replied. Justin and Darren were locked in a gaze filled romantic energy and excitement. Darren smiled and raised his glass of wine. "Here's to the second kiss. And the third, and the fourth..." The two clinked again laughing as they downed their wine. "I guess we better get to the club. We're both pretty buzzed. I'll call a cab." Darren said as he and Justin's back went inside. Justin sat on the couch flipping through the latest issue of OUT as Darren called for a cab. "Five minutes? Perfect. We'll be waiting in front." he said as he hung up the phone. Darren poured the last drops of wine in their glasses and sat down beside Justin. "So, what can we do in five minutes?" Justin asked. Darren looked into Justin's sparkling eyes and smiled. "How about this?"

Darren extended his hand to Justin's cheek and slowly leaned toward him and engaged him in a passionate kiss. The magazine dropped out of Justin's hands as he kissed Darren back. He softly caressed Darren's face as the two shared an impassioned union. The mixture of the wine and marijuana relaxed any uneasiness between these handsome men and allowed them to discover their emerging emotions. Their new fondness lent enough significance to this tender osculation to preclude the compulsion for plain sex.

Darren's thoughts raced through his mind as his lips pressed against Justin's. He could not believe he was together with this statuesque man with whom he had become infatuated at first glance. Besides that he was also quite pleasant and easygoing. He remembered telling his friend Richard earlier that he was ready for someone to be part of his life beyond the length of a passing carnal encounter. He asked himself if he was being honest with himself and whether his basic sexual desires no longer provided the substance he now craved and needed. Then he realized how good he felt being so close to Justin, the warmth of his face, the softness of his skin. This simple yet profound kiss afforded more meaning to Darren than any sex he had ever experienced.

Justin, having recently ended his relationship with Everett, was also ready to explore new territory. The dissatisfaction left by the abrupt departure of his ex-lover left him unfulfilled and empty. Was Darren someone with whom he could share more than just a physical attraction or a lustful fantasy? Then again, this was after all just a date. Or was it? He recalled his conversation with Darren weeks ago at the party and remembered the unique connection he felt. Had it not been for his relationship clouding his perspective, might he have already been with Darren all this time? All he knew was that in the midst of this kiss, he felt very comfortable being close to Darren.

In a single moment, both men resisted their common urge to fall into a purely physical and ravenous interlude. There was something different about this encounter, a feeling, perhaps, which transcended the mere lust and sex to which they had grown accustomed. Amidst this mutual realization, they slowly disengaged the subtle kiss and pulled apart looking into each other's eyes. Their musing gaze into each other's eyes seemed to last forever as the effect of the kiss astonished them both.

"That was really nice. I don't think I ever kissed someone like that." Justin admitted. "That's funny, I was just going to say the same thing." Darren agreed.

They both realized the silliness of their words and began to laugh.

"I don't know. I mean, I've kissed a million times before. Well, not a million. It just seemed different. I guess it's kind of corny." Justin submitted. "No. I don't think it's corny. It was a great kiss. Maybe we should do it again." Darren suggested.

Darren and Justin leaned toward each other and kissed once more, this time more passionately. They held each other tightly, entranced in this warm embrace, as though this wonderful feeling would somehow end any second but neither man would allow that. They were suddenly startled by the horn of the cab as they jumped apart.

"We better go now." Darren said a bit frazzled. "Yeah." Justin said.

The two men rushed downstairs and hopped into the cab as it whisked them away. "Where to?" the Driver asked. "The Belltown Billiards." Darren replied. "The Billiards it is."

Darren and Justin sat quietly in their seat not knowing exactly what to say after their profound kiss. They were both overwhelmed not just by the kiss but all it entailed as a symbol of an attraction as yet unknown. Justin broke the awkward silence. "Do you know whose playing tonight?"He asked. "Uh, I'm not sure. They have a jazz quartet or something that usually plays on Sundays. It's always good." "Really? I can't wait." He replied clumsily.

Again the silence returned. Despite the quiet mood, they each felt incredibly positive about the kiss and wanted to divulge their feelings about it. At the same time there was a trepidation about the vulnerability they faced in sharing perceptions not mutual. They endured the ride until they finally reached the Belltown Billiards.

Darren paid the driver and they stepped out of the cab. They walked into the club and the mood was festive as the quartet played a sassy version of "My favorite things." The hostess sat them at a cozy table in a private corner. They began to loosen up after they each ordered a glass of the standard White Zinfandel.

"I hope this wine isn't going out of style. Maybe we should try a Chardonnay or a Port." Justin suggested. "Naah. This is fine. Besides, it goes with the rope." Darren said as they laughed.

"Can I ask you something at the risk of making a complete fool of myself?" Justin ventured. "Sure, go ahead." Darren approved. "Back at your apartment just now, did something just happen between us?" "Yeah, I think so." "That wasn't just a kiss, was it?" "No, there was a lot more there. I felt it, too."

Both Justin and Darren smiled and breathed a sigh of relief at being able to get beyond their fears of exposing themselves without a safety net. The die was cast and they were now able to talk. Justin began the exchange.

"I'm so glad it wasn't just me. I felt so stupid. I told myself: It was just a kiss, wasn't it? It's just that it felt so..."

"Natural? I know. I've never been the romantic type, but when we kissed, I felt safe with you. Like everything was all right." Darren confessed.

"Is that okay with you? Are you all right with that?" Justin asked.

"I'm not sure. I mean, I don't know what "that" is. I know it feels good but I'm not sure what to expect. How about you?"

"When something clicks like it just did, people usually just go with it. You know?"

"Not really. I've never clicked with anyone. I mean really clicked. It's new for me."

"Do you want to give it a try? Just to see what happens? I think I do."

"You know when I first met you at the party, I asked myself if I could ever be with someone like you. You're smart, together, absolutely gorgeous, and gay. I got the sense that you were someone who would be totally committed to a relationship. Then I wondered if I could handle that. I've never had a problem meeting guys--just keeping them. When I think about being with someone for a long time, I get a little scared. What if I get hurt? God, knows I've hurt enough men. Would I be able to endure the same? I guess that's what's held me back."

"Maybe you just haven't met the right guy, Darren. It has to feel right for you to give in to your fears. But it's not easy."

"Do you think if we go out again and things keep clicking, am I someone you could stay with? Because I think I like you, Justin."

Justin reached for Darren's hand on the table and held it gently.

"I like you too, Darren. I've liked you ever since the party. And yes, I'd like to keep seeing you. Why do you think I called you in the first place? I think you're gorgeous, too. But I also think you have a lot to offer."

"Well, Justin. Let's give it a try." "Okay. Here's to trying." Justin raised his glass as did Darren. They smiled and toasted to the excitement and uncertainty of what was to come.

Darren and Justin thoroughly enjoyed the evening talking, drinking and listening to the melodious Jazz music. They laughed and joked and began to discover each other's subtle nuances. They were so involved and concentrated on each other that they were oblivious to the world. The time quickly passed and the waiter had to tell them that the Belltown Billiards was closing for the night. The two left the table and went outside to hail a cab which snatched them up. When they got in, Justin held Darren's hand for the entire ride home.

The cab dropped them off and Justin walked Darren back to his apartment. They went inside and Darren turned on the lights. Justin turned to Darren and kissed him once more as they embraced each other tightly. Again the kiss was good as the closeness cemented their newly forming bond. Still holding each other, they disengaged the kiss but could still feel their breath fall upon their lips.

"I had an incredible time, Darren." "So did I. I'm so glad you called me tonight."

They kissed again and began to feel their young bodies press together, but before the interlude took the familiar route, they stopped themselves in a mutual decision and slowly separated.

"I want so much to be with you, Darren. But tonight was so wonderful and so perfect that I feel completely satisfied right now." Justin confessed.

"Normally, I would already have ripped your clothes off by now and we'd be tearing away the sheets in my bed, but I feel exactly the same way as you. I don't think I've ever had this good a time. If what we shared tonight says anything about how things can be with us, I can wait as long as it takes to be with you, Justin."

"I guess I had better go home." Justin said somewhat reluctantly. "Yeah, I know."

Justin opened the door and started to let himself out before they lunged at each other for one last kiss. They quickly pressed their faces tightly together and shared the sweet taste of their warm lips until they pulled apart.

"I better go before I change my mind." Justin uttered. "Or before I drag you back inside." Darren threatened. "Well, goodnight." "Goodnight, Justin."

With that the door closed and Darren leaned back against it rejoicing in the tumultuous emotions he felt toward Justin. On the other side, Justin wanted so much to go back inside but knew that the wait for their next encounter would give them so much to look forward to. Darren looked out the window to see Justin entering his car. Justin looked at Darren from below and waved excitedly before he got in and drove away on the shiny, wet street.

Darren and Justin were both left not only with a deep desire to see each other again, but an excitement never before felt. They also felt a confidence that the next time they saw each other would be even better.

The Guy on the Bus - Part 7 -Darren's Dream

by Underboy

NOTE: If you are offended by gay, male sex and relations, please do not read this story.

The bed shook and undulated violently in the darkened room as Darren found himself on his hands and knees and in sheer pain. He gripped the sheets tightly to brace himself with his tensing hands as he tried to maintain his position. He saw drops of his sweat fall upon the white linens while he felt his body being thrust forward harshly and repeatedly from some force behind him. With his body shaking, he struggled to look back and noticed the deep impressions of his knees into the blankets. He then looked at his tightening thighs and observed another pair of thighs right behind his own covered in faded denim jeans, thrusting back and forth harshly against his body.

As he swung like a pendulum, he looked up and was surprised to see the reddened face of Justin towering above him, angrily clenching his teeth and wincing his face, as he held onto his buttcheeks and thrusted into him repeatedly with the voracity of a jackhammer. Darren fought to move his body but could not. He had no control as he was locked in this vulnerable position and was at the mercy of Justin's will. Justin was fully clothed and Darren was stark naked as he found himself being painfully fucked in the ass. Justin's fingers gouged deeply into Darren's cheeks until blood poured down his legs and onto the white sheets. Justin's cock felt like a thick, serrated spear ripping his insides into ragged meat. Justin's head flung back and his hair flailed wildly as he pummeled Darren endlessly and without remorse until he reached his orgasm, spewing streams of hot lava upon his back as he screamed out in ecstasy with a loud, piercing voice.

The blaring sound of thunder woke Darren from his intense dream as he shot up in utter confusion. The sheets quickly fell down his smooth, defined torso as beads of sweat poured from his brow. Realizing he was dreaming, he breathed a sigh of relief and held his head in dismay. His return to reality allowed him to ponder his strange fantasy."What was that about?" Darren thought to himself as he turned on a lamp and looked at the time. It was four thirty-nine. He threw off the blankets and sat at the edge of the bed wearing only a pair of black boxers with tiny white dots. He rubbed his face in the palms of his hands and got up for some water in the kitchen.

He turned on the tap and filled the glass as he heard the intense rain fall outside. He took a drink and then contemplated the unsettling dream. He was so excited and enthralled about his time with Justin the night before. How could he have such a negative vision of him? Why was the sex so hostile and painful? He really liked Justin and could not understand why his dream was so violent and graphic. Perhaps it was because of his earlier experience with Richard and Al where he reluctantly lost his virginity. But that sex was enjoyable. This dream was not. Maybe it was his flippant attitude toward casual sex which haunted his subconscious moral turpitude. Darren racked his brain for answers but he found none and finally went back to bed.

The deluge of rain was pleasantly interrupted with a respite of the sun's glow. Slivers of sunlight shined through the cracks in the blinds and fell upon Darren's sleeping body. The warm, orange stripes fell upon his smooth back and round shoulders and poured through his blonde hair. The phone rang and woke Darren from his slumber. He opened his eyes and winced as the bright light penetrated his blue pupils. He fumbled for the phone which fell off the nightstand before he picked it up. "Hello." he said in a groggy voice. "Darren?" asked the voice on the other end. It was Justin. Darren was unsettled by the interruption of his slumber and sat up in bed as he was instantly reminded of his vivid dream. "Hey, Justin." he answered. "Sounds like I woke you up. Sorry. I thought you'd be up by now." "That's okay. I have to get up anyway. I have class at noon." "I just got back from class. English. I just called to tell you--I had a great time last night. Really great." "Yeah? Me, too." Darren smiled. "I was just wondering. When can I see you again? How about tonight?" Justin asked eagerly. "Uhm, tonight's bad. I have a math midterm I have to study for." Darren spoiled. "How about tomorrow night?" Justin suggested. "Tomorrow's no good. I have a film class at night. Maybe Wednesday?" Darren offered. "No, wait. Wednesday and Thursday are out. I have tutoring." "I'm free on Friday." Justin proposed. "Friday sounds good." Darren finally agreed. "How about dinner or a movie. Or we can just hang out." Justin said. "Let's play it by ear. I just remembered, I had a dream about you last night." Darren said. "Really? What happened?" "I dreamed you fucked me in the ass like a jackhammer." Darren thought to himself. Then he spoke. "I'll have to tell you about it later. It was kinda' weird." "Whatever you say. I'm looking forward to seeing you, Darren. I hope I can hold out `til Friday. I couldn't stop thinking about you last night. The incredible time we had-- I think we're really going to click together." Justin said. Darren paused for a moment of uncertainty. "Yeah, I know. Look, I gotta get ready for class. I'll call you, okay?" He said hastily. "Okay, Darren. Talk to you soon." Darren hung up the phone leaving Justin with a strange feeling. Darren stared at the phone for a moment and then collected himself as he got ready for class.

The week passed and Darren had not returned any of Justin's calls. Darren's strange dream repeated every night of the week leaving him feeling very insecure. It was Friday afternoon and the two had not committed to any firm plans about going out. Taking matters into his own hands, Justin decided to pay Darren a visit. He knocked on the door and a surprised Darren answered. "Justin. Hi. Uh, I thought we were getting together later on." "Were we? I wasn't sure. You didn't return any of my calls and I was wondering what was going on, Darren." "Hey, I'm sorry. This has been a hellacious week and I have had no time for anything. Really. But we're still on for tonight, right?" Darren said defensively. "I don't know. You say that like everything's okay. But it's not. I know when I'm being avoided and it bugs the hell out of me, Darren" "Avoided?" "Like the plague. I don't understand. I thought we hit it off. I thought we were going pursue this thing with us. Last Sunday we both knew something happened between us and we both felt very good about it. And now it's like you don't want to see me or talk to me. What's with you, Darren? I thought you liked me." "Look, Justin. You misunderstand. I still like you and I do want to see you. Things will happen when they happen. That's all." Darren justified. "Oh, I get it." Justin resigned himself. "What do you mean, you get it? What's to get?" He asked. "You know, I thought you were different, Darren. I thought you were ready to at least try something new. But it's the same old thing. You don't know what the hell you want and I'm not holding my breath to find out. I'm just glad I didn't go to bed with you and make a bigger ass of myself. See you, Darren." Justin headed for the door until Darren held his arm and stopped him. "Justin, wait." Darren blurted. "What?" "You're right. It guess it seems like I don't know what I want, but I do. I want you." "Then why all the drama? Why couldn't you just call me back?" Justin questioned. "I don't know. Ever since Sunday, I've felt really uneasy. And I'm not sure why. I felt so good with you that night. Like I wanted you to hold me forever. Then I had this really bad dream. And it repeated all week." Justin led Darren to the couch and they sat down together. "Tell me about the dream, Darren." Justin queried. "I don't know. It's kind of, well, embarrassing." Darren hesitated. "Look, if this dream has something to do with your avoiding me, I want to know. Besides, I'm a psychology major. I won't judge you. It's okay. Go ahead." "Well, it starts out very dark and I'm on the bed and it's shaking like an earthquake. I can't move my body. I'm on my hand and knees and--" "And what?" Justin nudged. "And I'm getting fucked. Hard. I mean real hard. The pain is unbearable. It feels like a construction ball is repeatedly pounding into my ass. But I can't move no matter how hard I try. It's like I just have to take it. Is this too much for you?" "No, go ahead. It's okay." Justin reassured him. "As my body is getting rocked I struggle to look back and then I see you." "Me?" A surprised Justin asked. "Yeah, you. You're the one whose fucking me. Which is strange because I'm usually the top. You're really mean in the dream. You have this angry, gnarly expression but you're smiling at the same time. Like you're enjoying the pain your inflicting on me. Oh, and you have all of your clothes on and I'm completely naked." "I have on all my clothes and your naked?" Justin was intrigued by the image. "Yeah, and then you dig your fingers into my back and into my ass until the blood pours on the sheets. And I still can't move. It feels like your fucking me with a knife or something. Then you scream at the top of your lungs as you reach your climax and shoot scalding lava all over me. Then I wake up in a cold sweat." "Wow. That's some dream." Justin admitted. "I knew you would think I was stupid. I shouldn't have told you." Darren turned away. "No, no. Darren. I totally understand. Really." "You do." "Don't you see what your dream is about? You're afraid of me." "Afraid of you?" "Well, of what might happen between us. You're afraid that if you get involved with me you'll get hurt very badly." "But why? I really like you." "Your subconscious is telling you something else." "That I'm afraid of the pain I'll have if I keep seeing you?" Darren realized. "But why can't I move or get away?" "The fact that you can't move in the dream symbolizes your vulnerability and lack of control. You said that your usually the top. And here you are getting fucked by me violently. It's the ultimate emasculation. You're afraid that you'll give up your own self identity and leave your feelings completely exposed." "And why do you think you have all your clothes on while I'm completely naked?" "You have this fear of humiliation and hurt if you allow your feelings to take hold. And then I cum in a painful way and the dream ends. It's like you think I'll get what I want and then leave you with nothing but your feelings for me." "I never understood it like that. I guess you're right. But I feel so good about you, Justin." "And that's why your dream is so natural." "Natural?" "Yes. You told me that you've never had a serious, long lasting relationship with another man. And along I come. For the first time in your life, you see the prospect of a real commitment and it scares you to death. But that's okay. It just shows me the kind of feelings you have toward me otherwise you wouldn't have this profound effect." "I guess I understand it now. Hey, you're a regular Sigmund Fruit." "Very funny. Look, Darren. I just want you to know that I really like you. I think we can have something very special together if that's what you want. But you have trust me. I would never hurt you." "I'm sorry I avoided you, Justin. I guess I am afraid but I feel very good about you, too, and I really want to see you." "It's okay, Darren."

The two men hugged and held each other tightly in an embrace which symbolized a breakthrough for both of them. They had broken new ground and were starting to take root. They breathed a sigh of relief.

"I guess this is enough heaviness for one night." Darren noted. "So, you're usually a top?" Justin smiled. "Yeah, usually. How about you?" Darren smirked back. "I'm always a top. I guess something has to give." "How presumptuous of you, Justin. I never agreed to sleeping with you." Darren shot back playfully. "And I never asked if you would." Justin retorted. "Besides, if anyone was going to be the top it would be me. I have to find some way to release the hostility of these dreams. It would be therapeutic. As a psychology major you certainly have to agree." "I think it would be more therapeutic for me to be the top to help you face your fears head on. Don't you think?" "No. I guess we'll come on that bridge when we cross it."

They both laughed. "So, are we still on for tonight?" Justin asked. "Yeah. What if we just rent some videos, have some popcorn, and just stay here tonight?" Darren proposed excitedly. "Great idea but you forgot the wine." "White Zinfandel." They both said at the same time and laughed. "Sounds like a perfect evening." Darren agreed as they kissed on the lips.

The Guy on the Bus - Part 8 - Justin & Darren Consumation

by Underboy

Darren and Justin arrived back at the apartment as they removed their jackets dampened by the rainy night. They returned from the video store and were ready for a quiet evening of popcorn and movies. They had rented "Maurice" and "Mission Impossible". They both had a thing for Tom Cruise and had discussed whether he was really gay with more hope than fact. They were both in a jovial and frisky mood as Justin nuked the popcorn and opened a bottle of wine. The cold and rainy night prompted Darren to light the fireplace. He dimmed the lights for a cozy ambiance and threw a comforter over the sofa for both of them to share.

"Which do you wanna see first?" Darren asked. "How about "Mission?" Justin suggested as he sat down next to Darren.

As Justin set the popcorn and wine on the coffee table, Darren was reminded how handsome Justin really was. His sparkling brown eyes and long, fluttery lashes accented by his sharp, dark eyebrows denoted sincerity and openness. His reassuring smile featured straight, pearly white teeth enhanced by thin lips and boyish dimples. Across his forehead fell seductive wisps of his short, black hair, still damp from the rain. Darren was particularly affected by sexy way Justin raised his single right eyebrow crowning his slim, tan face with utter allure and charm. "Get comfortable, take off your shoes." Darren prodded as he pulled out a joint and lit it up. "Why, Mr. Robinson, are you trying to seduce me?" Justin quipped. "Not yet." Darren retorted. Justin untied the laces on his Sketchers and pulled off the shoes before he lifted up pantleg of his 501s and slipped off his white socks sensuously. "Oooh. Sexy feet." Darren commented. Justin sat back and propped his legs on Darren's lap as he massaged them gently. "And smooth, too." "Now you." Justin said. Darren kicked off his Nikes and yanked off his white socks before setting his feet on Justin's legs. "You have nice feet, too. Not even a blemish." Justin said as he stroked them softly. "That feels good." Darren said as he took a big hit of the joint. As Justin felt the soft hairs on Darren's ankles, he admired his natural manly beauty. His deep blue eyes were indeed a window to his soul as Justin saw a genuine person who longed to love and be loved. His slender face featured distinctive cheekones, a straight, angular nose, and a sexy cleft chin. His ruffled, blonde hair indicated his lack of concern with perfection and reminded Justin of his spontaneous and carefree spirit.

Darren became aroused as Justin's fingers stroked his soft skin and blonde hairs and wandered up his ankle into the pantleg of his Dockers. He blew out a cloud of smoke and felt the potent effect of the hit as he passed the joint to Justin who interrupted the foot massage. As Justin took the cigarette and inhaled deeply holding it as long as he could until he released a thick, white cloud. His glossy eyes and wide smile indicated his relaxing buzz. Darren sat up and draped the thick comforter over them as the fire began to rage and the rain poured outside. They nuzzled closely together in this warm setting. "Shall we begin?" Darren asked with the remote in his hand. "Begin what?" Justin asked in a buzzed state. "The video, silly." Darren bumped his shoulder. "Oh, yeah." "Why, what were you thinking?" He asked. "I don't know. We're just so cozy here. I thought we could get more comfortable." "What did you have in mind?" Darren asked, knowing the answer. "Do I have to come out and say it?" Justin said. "Sex? You wanna have sex?" Darren said as Justin nodded. "I guess we could have sex but that might complicate things." "Are you saying you don't want to have sex?" "No. I do. Believe me, I do. I'm just afraid of jumping into it too quick." "Why? Is it the dream again?" "I guess a little, but also because that's what I always do. Well, not always. I'm not a slut." "You're a slut. Admit it." Justin joked. "No, I'm not." Darren barked. "You think that if you jump into bed with me it'll end up like your other experiences, right? Just another empty fuck." "Right." "But have you ever felt this way toward any other guy?" "No." "Then it won't be like the other times. On our first date, the night was so wonderful neither of us could have made it any better. But this is different. We both know how we feel towards each other and I think we're ready to express it. Let's give it a try." "Okay." Darren agreed. Justin leaned toward Darren and kissed him deeply on the lips as he softly caressed the back of his neck. He pulled back and looked at Darren. "Was that like all the other times?" Justin asked. "No. Not at all." Darren replied softly.

They kissed again more passionately and embraced each other tightly as their heads danced together. Darren's fingers gently combed through the silky strands of Justin's soft, black hair. Justin felt Darren's firm back over his clothing as his hands wandered intensely. He slipped his hands beneath the Washington State sweatshirt Darren was wearing and could feel his smooth, warm skin above his muscular back as he stroked him fondly. An aroused Darren kissed Justin harder and removed the buttons on his flannel shirt one by one until he felt the smooth, lean muscles of his chest and subtle bumps of his nipples. Justin sighed while Darren probed each medallion sensuously and pinched gently. He pulled Justin's shirt from his pants and yanked it off his shoulders exposing his beautifully toned, bronze torso. Darren slid to Justin's neck and kissed it lightly while he felt the silky skin of his shoulders. Justin lifted Darren's sweatshirt off over his head and flung it to the floor as he felt the perfect ripples of his abdomen and the firm muscles of his chest and broad shoulders. Justin pulled Darren to him and they felt the warmth and smoothness of each other's yearning bodies pressing together.

In the midst of this passionate foreplay, Darren could not believe the intensity of his sexual arousal. He realized how much more meaningful this encounter was when his feelings for Justin were added to the mixture. The fact that he was now intimate with this most gorgeous man was enhanced by the inner emotions he felt toward Justin which were now growing exponentially. Each touch, each caress was infinitely significant and erotically profound. He began to understand what making love was compared to the mere sex of his life before this moment.

Justin could see Darren letting go of the fears which had limited him to this point. He felt the response of each sensuous action returned from Darren in a tender and delicate way. As Justin took the time to show him the depth of making love Darren became less apprehensive about exposing his feelings in this bath of emotions. Justin knew that Darren was entering a new realm and could see the walls falling down all around him.

Darren loved the sensitive feel of Justin's fingers running along each smooth ripple of his back as they drifted to his waist and found their way just beneath his trousers. Justin stroked along the white waistband of Darren's Jockeys and felt the soft cotton of his briefs inside. Justin leaned Darren back along the couch as his hand slid to the front of his pants and felt the protruding bulge of his emerging erection. Darren moaned as he gently squeezed and fondled his quickly growing crotch over his trousers. The size and thickness of Darren's hardening protrusion astonished Justin as he could only imagine its size when fully erect. He slowly unbuckled Darren's belt and removed the button on his Dockers before he slowly pulled down the zipper and spread apart his fly exposing the stark whiteness of his tight-fitting Jockey briefs. The sight of the white briefs excited Justin as he slipped his hand inside Darren's pants and firmly caressed his solid member above the cotton fabric. "Oohh, Justin." Darren whispered. The touch of Justin's fingers upon his sensitive genitals drew a heavy sigh from Darren as he tried to control himself. Justin continued and tickled Darren's balls lightly and prompted another sighed when he found an arousing spot just behind them and between his legs.

Darren reciprocated as his fingers slid below Justin's faded 501s and felt the corrugated waistband of his boxer shorts which he found very exciting. Darren's hand found his way to Justin's fly and felt that he was also bursting at the seams with an immense, hard bulge that rivaled his own. Justin moaned as Darren squeezed and fondled his ballooning crotch from above the soft, faded denim. Darren found Justin's burgeoning fly and removed the buttons revealing his sexy boxer shorts colored with brown, burgundy, green, and beige stripes. Aroused by Justin's cool boxers, he spread his fly apart and slipped his hand inside his pants and took hold of his hard, thick tool and grasped it firmly from above his shorts. Justin moaned in Darren's ear excitedly with the first touch of his gentle fingers fondling his erect penis. Darren was amazed at the length and thickness of Justin's hard cock as he measured it thoroughly in his hand. It was nearly nine inches long and two inches thick, he thought, almost the same size as his own. The two would make a fine set of bookends.

Justin knelt up and looked into Darren's sparkling eyes before kissing him deeply. He reached down and slid Darren's trousers down his muscular legs and off past his feet before he threw them to the floor leaving him wearing only the sexy white briefs clinging to his beautiful, round ass. Darren then sat up and slowly removed Justin's jeans. He pulled them down his shapely ass to his knees and then slipped them off his lean, tan legs fully exposing his trim, earthtoned boxers. Darren flung the faded jeans onto the floor and lay back on the couch below Justin. The two men lie together in their underwear, pressed together in sinuous motion as they continued to kiss and feel each other's incredible bodies passionately.

Darren's hands discovered the perfectly round nodules of Justin's ass as he fondled each cheek fervently above the smooth fabric of his somber striped boxers. He felt Justin's hard, thick pole press against his hips as he gyrated erotically. Darren returned the motion by pushing his own hardened mass against Justin as their bodies wound in tandem. Justin was very excited by Darren in his tight Jockeys and kneaded his full, round ass intensely above the white fabric. Each man caressed and probed the firm muscles and soft skin of the other's finely sculpted body and took great delight in this moment of unbridled ecstasy.

Justin slid down to Darren's neck and kissed him sensuously as he continued down the path of his hard, athletic body. He stopped at each bulging pectoral muscle, massaging his nipples with his versatile tongue giving Darren considerable pleasure. Justin descended further and kissed the washboard ripples of Darren's trim stomach before tickling his navel with the point of his tongue. He found his way to the white waistband of his briefs and could see the Jockey emblem sewn in gray letters. His chin felt the nub of Darren's pulsing erection just below the soft cotton and ventured lower to feel the hardened tool between his soft lips. He slowly mouthed the length of his long shaft dampening the white fabric of his briefs with his saliva. Darren's thick, hard muscle felt enormous between Justin's lips as he massaged it with his tongue. He looked closely at the bulging outline of Darren's stiff prick and was amazed by its overwhelming size. He placed his mouth back onto the long shaft and massaged it gently with his lips. He reached Darren's large balls and felt them with his mouth above the white cotton.

Justin then returned to the waistband and clenched it with his teeth, slowly peeling it off Darren's hard, fleshy erection, exposing the purple glory of his long spear which sprung forward. He pulled back the briefs from his entire crotch revealing Darren's round, pink balls which dangled below his blonde pubic nest. Justin took the immense pole into his hand and admired its statuesque beauty. He was in awe thinking it was a work of art: smooth, perfectly shaped, and wonderfully proportioned. He looked up at Darren. "You have a beautiful cock, Darren." He said. Justin swiped it once with his tongue across the head and then again along the thick shaft. Then at once, he engulfed the head into his mouth and began to service Darren's monster prick. He struggled to take it into his mouth and started by sucking on the head with all of its sensitive points. Darren moaned and closed his eyes as Justin skillfully probed his dick head with his tongue and lips and then slid his mouth over the top of the rigid shaft. He undulated his mouth over the top half of Darren's rock hard manhood and began sliding up and down methodically, each time taking a bit more of the massive meat in.

Darren shivered with each pass and could feel his libido rising as Justin tickled his balls lightly. Justin's jaw muscles strained as he sucked the blood filled mass harder and deeper as Darren guided each move with his hand on his head. Justin then relaxed his throat and took the solid organ entirely into his salivating mouth with his lips pressing against Darren's pubic hair and balls. Darren was nearly at the edge of his climax as he felt his cock being massaged by Justin's throat muscles, but he maintained his control and enjoyed the deep, oral action. Darren relished Justin's deep throating action as time after time he sucked up and down the entire length of his thick, long shaft, massaging the head with the muscles of his throat.

Realizing that he was nearly sending Darren over the edge, Justin removed the fleshy cock from his mouth and began licking his blond-haired balls. As he went to work, Justin slowly removed Darren's Jockey briefs from his full, round ass, along his firm, muscular legs, and then off his smooth feet rendering him completely naked. He crumpled the sexy, worn briefs and brought them to his face where he deeply inhaled Darren's unique, musky scent which aroused him even more. He rubbed the cotton underwear all over his face and then pressed them to Darren's face as he inhaled his own scent and bit the damp briefs before they fell to the floor.

He continued to licking Darren who spread his legs giving Justin ample space to maneuver. He loved the sensation of Justin's wet tongue sliding and probing along his sensitive testicles and took hold of his thick, pulsing cock as he began to jack it. Justin bounced Darren's round balls with the tip of his tongue before taking each one into his mouth and bathing it with his salivary fluid. Darren lie back in sheer pleasure while he jerked his rigid pole and Justin massaged his balls inside his mouth. Justin released Darren's slinky balls and began licking just behind his scrotum sending Darren into another realm. Darren loved to be serviced orally in this most sensitive spot and lifted his legs to give Justin better access.

Justin continued licking below Darren's balls and edged closer to his waiting anal orifice. He slowly ran his tongue from the base of Darren's quivering testicles along the sensitive line between his legs until he reached his pink asshole. Darren nearly leaped when Justin's tongue touched the puckered bud and licked torridly. Darren positioned his legs in the air and continued jacking himself as Justin swirled his object of taste repeatedly around the tender and sensitive hole sending his blonde, jock partner into ecstasy. Justin spread his perfectly round cheeks apart and dug in deeper. He penetrated Darren's anus with his tongue, sliding it in and out of the tight cavity with a heightened effect. Darren moaned loudly and wriggled his ass to meet Justin's skilled tongue enhancing the delight of the anal massage. Not yet wanting to reach his climax, Darren stopped Justin's rimming and pulled him up to his knees. "That was fucking wonderful. Now it's my turn." Darren began by kissing Justin passionately and intertwining their tongues as he took hold of his quaking prick which stood at full attention below his sexy boxers. He intensely ran his hand up and down the striped fabric clinging to his bouncing cock and hanging balls as he descended upon Justin's incredibly sculpted, bronze body. Darren's lips felt the smooth, supple skin on Justin's neck and shoulders as he continued downward. He lifted Justin's arm and began licking his armpit exciting him further while he cupped his boxer-draped balls in the palm of his hand. Darren was utterly aroused by Justin's manly underarm scent as he proceeded to his perfectly formed chest and then sucked on his brown nipple, feeling the subtle bumps on the hardened teat.

Darren then grabbed Justin's perfectly curved asscheeks and fondled them firmly above his boxers while he ran his tongue along his rippled abs to his flat navel until he reached the colorful waistband. He ran his lips over Justin's raging prick and ran his mouth over the length of his hard, thick flesh, biting it lightly. He slipped his hands inside the legholes of Justin's boxers and kneaded the smooth skin of Justin's firm ass as he pushed against them so he could feel the rock-hard boner pressing against his face. Darren slid his hands around to Justin's crotch and felt the hardness of his unbending rod quivering before him. Justin moaned and enjoyed the sensation of Darren's probing fingers fondling his raging genitals beneath his boxers shorts. Darren took the inflated organ into his hand and slid up and down while tickling his soft ballsack with the other hand. Justin moaned again as Darren jerked his pulsing cock and slipped his hand between his legs, running his fingers below his scrotum along his tender crack.

Darren opened the fly of Justin's boxers and reached inside to expose his enormous cock which he paused to admire due to its smooth and awesome appearance. He gripped the huge cock firmly and jacked it slowly before he licked the head and tasted its spongy surface. Justin's hard dick felt huge in Darren's hand as he placed his mouth over the wide head and began to suck. He opened his mouth and took in the wide organ a third of the way inside as he went up and down sliding his moist lips along the veiny shaft. He reached inside the fly once more to pull out Justin's silky balls and felt them gently as he sucked intensely. Justin's satisfaction with Darren's action was quite evident as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes, savoring the delight of the moment. Justin rested his hand on Darren's blonde hair as he performed orally and pushed slightly, prompting him to descend deeper upon his masculine appendage.

Darren loved to suck cock and having his mouth over Justin's made it even better. He felt Justin's hand pushing down on his head and responded by taking his steel tool completely down his throat. His eyes began to water as he struggled not to gag but he continued up and down the mammoth prick, each time brushing against Justin's pubic forest and smelling his unique scent. He stopped sucking to remove Justin's boxers and gently pulled the waistband back over the protruding cock and balls. He slipped the sexy shorts off Justin's perfectly formed ass, past his lean legs and down his ankles and feet, leaving the incredibly handsome stud standing in his naked splendor. Darren brought the cool shorts to his face and took in the arousing odor of Justin's manly essence.

He returned to his attention to Justin's impeccable rod. He took hold of the massive meat and stroked it over his face leaving trails of precum shining on his skin. He turned to Justin's dangling balls and licked them voraciously and sucked them into his mouth. Justin moaned as he bounced the tender testicles on his tongue and swished them in his saliva. Darren let the velvety balls slide out of his mouth as he returned to Justin's impatient member. He slipped his lips over the wide shaft and continued to suck, sliding up and down at an intense rate. Justin felt the tingly excitement building with each pass of Darren's lips but was not ready for his peak. He interrupted Darren's action and pulled him off as he leaned him along the sofa and slid over his finely sculpted body.

The two Greek statues began kissing each other madly and fondled each other in a crazed frenzy as their nude bodies twisted together. Both men breathed heavily as their hands and arms flailed wildly, sailing over the smooth, muscular contours of their desiring flesh. Darren grasped and kneaded the soft, spherical cheeks of Justin's flawless ass and held tightly as their long, hardened cocks pressed and slid together. Justin gyrated his hips against Darren's pelvis spreading his legs apart and positioning himself between them as their swollen organs brushed side by side. Darren sighed as Justin's lips slid to his strong neck before moving to his ear. He began to nibble sensuously on his earlobe as he whispered. "So, do I get to be the top now?" Justin said as he raised his sensuous eyebrow in that particularly way and made Darren melt. "Hmm. Can I be the top afterward?" Darren replied now at the mercy of Justin. "Yeah--whatever you want? But I want you now." Darren sensed an apprehension in Justin's voice. However, in the midst of this passionate interlude Darren was helpless to resist. But he knew he would have his chance with Justin, by hook or by crook, and agreed to the submission. "Okay, but I'm holding you to it. But I'm not sure I can take that huge thing of yours inside me." "Don't worry, Darren. I'll take it real slow and easy." "I guess I have to trust you. There's some KY in that box on the coffee table." A happy Justin smiled as he found the lubricant and knelt up to spread it over his hard, bouncing cock. He slowly spread the creamy substance completely over his raging flesh as it now glistened brightly with anticipation. He squeezed more of the jelly onto his hand before placing it between Darren's firm legs and rubbing it along his sensitive crack and waiting hole. Darren moaned as he carefully spread the lubricant around his tight anus and gently pierced it with his middle finger.

Justin then took Darren's strong legs and lifted them in the air as he slowly jacked his impatient cock and climbed on top of him. He spread Darren's knees apart and moved between them as he positioned his hard, shiny pump to meet his quivering asshole. Justin prepped Darren by rubbing his thick organ up and down his tender crack and then placed the head at his hole and massaged it gently. Darren moaned sensuously as Justin teased him in anticipation for what was to come. Justin rested his dickhead at the puckered bud and pushed forward slightly as the thick mushroom head slowly penetrated the tight hole. "Aahh!" Darren winced and cried at the initial sting of Justin's gigantic pole as he slid it in. This was not Darren's first time but his limited experience in getting fucked did not include a dick the size of Justin's. Darren felt his tight hole dilating but tried to relax as Justin pushed forward and penetrated his anus a third of the way. Justin pulled out his immense rod and reinserted it to loosen Darren's taking hole. Now halfway inside, Justin's thick, pulsing cock felt like a can of hairspray inside of Darren's hole until he removed it once more. He applied more of the lubricant and then penetrated into him again, this time thrusting forward all the way in as he felt his balls press against Darren's cheeks. "Aaaahhh!" Darren cried out again in pain as he felt the entire great length of Justin's monstrous erection slide inside his bowels. Justin began to slide his thick tool within Darren's dark tunnel with regularity. After a few thrusts, Darren's hole became accustomed to Justin's large probe and the pain diminished. Justin then leaned over Darren and kissed him deeply as he began to fuck him with repeated thrusts. Finally, Darren could feel the wonderful sensation of his prostate being massaged by Justin's hard cock and now took great pleasure with each thrust. Justin's smooth, round ass moved up and down flexing tightly with each pelvic lunge into Darren's snug anal tract. Justin kissed him deeper as he held onto his spreading legs and pumped incessantly into Darren's ass.

Justin was comfortable and secure in this top position and felt a bit triumphant as he fucked Darren in their first lovemaking experience. But he also felt his affection for Darren growing increasingly and the emotions of this union made the moment very meaningful. And as Darren lie on his back with his legs in the air, he felt a bit compromised since was not used to getting fucked. But when he looked into Justin's eyes and kissed him deeply, he saw that their connection was genuine and sincere. This realization put Darren at ease as he began to trust Justin and really enjoy the pleasure of this encounter. Both men understood that this encounter was more than mere sex as they released their inhibitions and let their emotions go.

Justin's hair flailed as he pumped Darren more intensely. He flipped Darren's strong legs over his shoulders and pumped him harder as kissed him passionately. He felt the tingly sensation on his penis intensify with each pass inside of Darren. He was closer to his climax and thrusted even faster. Darren was in utter ecstasy as Justin massaged his hole with his bursting cock. His body rocked with each of Justin's thrusts. He tightened his anal muscles and clamped on Justin's pumping rod giving them both increased pleasure. Darren grasped his rock-hard cock and began to jerk it as he felt himself nearing his climax.

Finally, Justin's continuous thrusts pushed him over the edge. He pulled his throbbing prick out of Darren's tight ass and jacked it rapidly. He felt the orgasmic tingle in his gut and then cocked his head back as he released his hot load upon Darren's body. The first shot landed across Darren's face and dripped down his lips. The next landed directly inside Darren's mouth as he tasted the warm, salty fluid on his tongue. Shot after shot of the white cream poured upon Darren's chest and stomach before dribbling in his pubic tuft.

The taste of Justin's warm cum on his tongue sent Darren beyond the point of return as he jacked his rigid cock intensely and felt the orgasmic climax rise through his body. Justin watched eagerly above Darren's bursting prick as he released his explosive load. A long stream shot across Darren's body reaching his neck as Justin opened his mouth over the exploding rod. Another pulse streamed directly onto Justin's tongue as did the next. Justin savored Darren's warm, salty cream and sloshed it in his mouth before swallowing the thick, white honey. He placed his mouth over Darren's spilling hose and consumed the final spouts of the milky fluid.

Justin then lay on top of Darren as both men struggled to catch their breath. They kissed each other deeply, exchanging their seminal fluid. They lie still together for a few minutes and just held each other as they rested from the exhausting session. As they embraced and basked in their emotional coronation, they experienced the meaning of making love. Darren broke the silence.

"That was unbelievable. I've never felt anything close to that." Darren confessed. "I mean I've had great sex, but that was so much more." "I know. Me, too." Justin agreed.

Justin looked at Darren and saw a twinkle in his eye which made him glad. He took pleasure in helping him break down his fears and tear down the walls which limited him all this time. And he felt even better that it was Darren's feelings for him that made it possible.

"We have got to do that again. But next time I'm on top." Darren said. "Maybe we should take a break and watch a video." Justin said with apprehension. "Okay, but you're not getting out of it."

Justin knew it was only fair for Darren to have his turn at him but he was afraid since it would be his first time.

To be continued in Part 9. (If you're interested in reading part 9, post your comments.)

Next: Chapter 3

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