Guy on Bus

By ten.feirb@yobrednU

Published on Jan 31, 1997


Organization: Network Intensive

NOTE: If you are offended by gay, male sex do not read this story

The Guy on the Bus (Part 1) By Underboy

(Please post comments.)

Taking the bus to work everyday, you don't see a lot of good looking men. Well, at least I don't. Occasionally I see a cute guy but he never rides the bus more than once. However, one morning as I stepped up to pay the fare, I couldn't help but notice a very handsome Latin young man. I sat down so I could get a good look at him during the ride. He had short, dark hair parted on the right side with the sides shaved close. His face was smooth and tan, and finely sculpted. He looked about 23 years old with a boyish quality enhanced by his dark brown eyes that seemed to twinkle. He was wearing a white T-shirt with a CK emblem on the front and faded 501 jeans which fit his shape with a slight looseness. I found his straight, clean look very attractive as he read his book.

He lifted his head up and we made eye contact briefly before he returned to reading. My stop was quickly approaching where I would transfer to the next bus. As I got ready to get off, I noticed that the guy I had been looking at was also getting off. It turned out that he was taking the same transfer as me! We both got off the bus and I thought this would give me a chance to look at him more closely. I followed him across the street to the next stop. From behind I could tell he was about 5' 8" and very lean but not skinny. He had a cute, compact butt enhanced by the slim fit of his faded jeans. As we both turned to wait for the next bus, we made eye contact again and this time I smiled and he acknowledged me with a slight nod and smile. I just about melted in that instant. But that was all.

I would see him every day since this became his regular route as well. We never said a word and only shared brief glances. I assumed from his straight look that he was, and I was content to simply admire his beauty. However, I noticed that the glances we had were non-threatening and frequent. If this guy was straight why would he keep looking at me, too? If he had no interest in me then it would just be me staring at him, but our eye contact was mutual. At the same time, I wanted t talk to him but I was petrified at the thought. Once I got the nerve to ask him a question about the bus route but some idiot butted in and practically gave me information for every bus line in the city. So everyday we just exchanged a quick glance and I would take in his handsome, boyish presence.

One day I reached my stop to go to work and as I walked to my office building I looked back only to see that the guy had gotten off, too! My heart rushed as he was right behind me. This wasn't his stop. What's he doing? I continued walking and so did he. He's following me. What should I do? I looked back and he smiled at me. As I got closer to work a million thoughts raced though my head. Should I just go to my office and ignore him? No, of course not, I can't let an opportunity to really meet him just pass by. He continued behind me. Does he want to talk to me? No. He could have done that on the bus. Then what? What if he wants me? Jeez, I'm going into work. I have to be professional. My heart was beating a thousand times a minute.

It's still early I thought. I usually get to work about a half-hour early to settle in for the day. I knew no one would be around yet. He followed me into the building and I headed for the stockroom. I opened up the room which was empty and left the door slightly ajar as I entered. My heart pounded while I waited to see if he would follow me in. A few seconds passed and nothing. I thought that I was imagining the whole thing. There's no way this gorgeous Latin guy would follow me to work for--. Just then the door slowly opened. It was him. He walked in and closed the door behind him.

The room was lit with a single fluorescent light that always stayed on. He walked up to me where I leaned up against some boxes. "Is it safe here?", he asked. "Safe for what?" I replied. "Safe for this."

He leaned his head toward mine and began to kiss me deeply. I returned the kiss passionately and pulled him toward me. We embraced and our hands began to roam around each other's body. I felt the softness of his T-shirt as I caressed his back and felt his lean muscles beneath. His hands found their way down my back and onto my ass while he kneaded my cheeks through my Dockers. We continued kissing and touching our tongues. I had to feel that round ass of his and my hands dropped down to feel the firmness of his cheeks. As I massaged his butt I pulled him toward me and I could feel the hardness under his jeans pressing against me. His hand glided downward and found my crotch. He grabbed my stiff dick over my loosely fitting pants and said, "You're pretty big."

I slid my hand between his legs and felt his thick hardness and replied, "You're pretty big yourself."

He unfastened my belt and then unbuttoned my trousers. He pulled my the zipper revealing the white waistband of my CK briefs. He slowly slipped his hand inside feeling the soft, cotton fabric of my underwear as he slid along my waistband. I moaned as his fingers glided across my crotch, reaching my ever hard penis and quivering balls. With the other hand he caressed my firm ass softly as my pants dropped past my knees. He frantically removed my shirt an and threw it on top of some boxes. His tongue wound downward to my nipple which he swirled around. His hand found its way between my legs and I groaned as he stroked his index finger along the way just under my balls.

I quickly unfastened his belt and unbuttoned his fly. I lifted up his shirt and was instantly aroused as he was also wearing white Calvins. His swelling cock bulged noticeably beneath his briefs. I grabbed his thick, pulsing member and squeezed it in my hand as he let out a soft moan. It was huge and must have been close to 8 inches long. I cupped his balls, feeling his soft briefs through my fingers. I slid down his Levis to his firm thighs and felt the soft wisps of hair on his brown legs. I massaged each tight nodule of his warm ass with my hand as I pulled him toward me and felt his hard cock against mine. With our white briefs pressed together, we continued kissing and caressing each other in a lustful frenzy.

He slid his tongue downward from my neck, again to my nipples and to my flat abdomen. As the tip of his tongue reached the waistband of my briefs, he opened his mouth and lightly began to bite my thick cock over the white fabric. He squatted down with his 501s down to his ankles. From above I could see the perfectly formed curves of his buttocks as his cheeks pushed outward from beneath his white underwear. He grabbed my ass and mouthed my balls as I could feel the side of his slim face against my thigh. He took the waistband of my underwear with his teeth and began to pull. I could see the "Calvin Klein" stretch across his mouth as he slipped them down. My raging 9 inch cock bounced terewdly when he pulled my briefs off my crotch. As my Calvins slipped down past my ankles, he took my dick in his hand and admired its size. "You have a nice dick", he said as he licked the head making me shudder. He licked off the drop of precum oozing out and then took it into his mouth and sucked it vigorously. My hard pole went almost entirely into his mouth yet he continued to breathe naturally. He cupped my cheeks in his hands and pulled me towards him thrusting my hard cock entirely down his throat. I could feel his chin hitting my balls and his nose brushing against my crotch hair. I held the back of his head as he slid his lips up and down my hard shaft. Each thrust down his throat got me more excited. Where did this cute guy who seemed so straight learn to give such good head? Before I got too excited, I pulled him off and lifted him up to me.

"Something wrong?" he asked. "Nothing at all. You suck great. Now it's my turn," I said grabbing his hardon through the soft cotton of his briefs. I gave him a deep kiss and slid down to his neck. I reached down and pulled his T-shirt over his head revealing his smooth, tan torso and washboard stomach. I threw his shirt onto some boxes and found my way to his dark nipple. He moaned as my tongue swirled around his firm pec and glided to his other nipple. I continued downward kissing his rippled abs finally reaching the waistband of his briefs. He looked so sexy as the bright whiteness of his Calvins contrasted the bronze skin of his perfectly tanned body.

My mouth felt his thick, hard member through the fabric of his underwear as I reached for his ass and massaged his pliable cheeks. I reached for the waistband of his briefs above his crotch and slowly slid them down his defined legs. His hard cock sprung forward and I took all 8 inches of his brown manliness into my mouth. He moaned again while I slid his penis in and out of my mouth and using my tongue to stimulate his head. I pulled it out of my mouth and rubbed it on my face as I licked his balls and took them into my mouth. I could tell he was excited by my mouth and tongue as I continued to suck his tool. I felt him pull me up toward him. He planted his tongue down my throat and then licked my earlobe as he whispered, "Do you like fucking?" "Yes," I replied. "Me, too. How about if I fuck you and then you can fuck me?" "Sure," I said as I needed no convincing.

He turned my body around with his smooth chest pressed against my back and began to kiss the back of my neck. His tongue rolled down my back until he reached my ass. He spread open my cheeks and began rimming my asshole with his tongue. I moaned in ecstasy as he pushed his face further into my butt as he lubed me up with his saliva. I jammed his head into my crack and he thrust his tongue deeper into my hole heightening my excitement. I felt his warm tongue slither in and around my pink orifice as I cried with pleasure. My ass was ready for more as he slowly removed his face and stood up again. He spit saliva on his raging cock and prepared to insert it into my tight ass. He started slowly by swirling his dickhead around my hole which excited me to no end. I felt a slight sting as he slipped it in about an inch. He repeatedly pulled it out and reinserted it each time penetrating me deeper. Finally, in a single forward motion he pushed his stiff penis entirely into my anus. I moaned in sheer delight as he continued thrusting in and out of me while holding onto my hips and kissing the back of my neck. "You like getting fucked, don't you?" "Uhhh, yes," I replied. "Fuck me. Fuck my ass."

I turned back and kissed him in the mouth as he continued thrusting into me faster and faster while we stood naked with our pants and white briefs dangling at our ankles. He took my raging boner into his hand and jerked it firmly. I could feel the slapping noise of his pelvis against my asscheeks as he pumped me relentlessly. I leaned forward and tightened my asshole clamping onto his stiff prick inside me. Faster and faster he pumped as the sweat dripped from his brow.

"I'm almost ready," he said as he pulled himself out of me and began to jerk his cock. I knelt down to see his rigid cock before my face as I jerked myself off. Reaching his peak, he flung his head back and released his load. His first pulse of cum shot directly into my mouth and then continued to spew onto my face. Shot after shot landed onto my tongue and dripped down my neck and face. The ecstasy was more than I could withstand.

"I'm gonna cum," I said as I stood up and jerked my rod preparing myself to shoot. He fell to his knees and faced my cock. A wonderful tingle spread throughout my body as I began to shoot my pulsing load into his face. The white juice spewed on the side of his cheek rolled down his neck. He opened his mouth to take another shot which hit the back of his throat. He took my dick into his mouth and I continued shooting onto his tongue and on his face. He sloshed the warm, creamy fluid around his tongue and swallowed it as the last bit dripped out of the corner of his mouth. As I completed my orgasm I rose up and he kissed me with his tongue and we tasted each other's creamy fluid as it dripped all over our face and chest.

We both breathed a heavy sigh of exasperation. We were totally spent after the mad frenzy of this spontaneous encounter. We cleaned ourselves off with some paper towels and began to get dressed. He pulled up his Calvins and jeans and put on his T-shirt. I helped him tuck in his shirt as I also got dressed. "That was excellent." he said as he buttoned his fly "Yeah, fantastic. Do you always do this kind of thing?" "No. Just for cute guys like you." He zipped up my fly. "There's just one thing. You got to do me but I didn't get to do you." "Don't worry," he smiled. "You can still fuck me. There'll be plenty of time for that later. I gotta go." "Me, too. I have to start work. You leave first then I'll go." As he started to head for the door, I grabbed him by the shirt. "Wait." I said as I pulled him to me. I gave him a big kiss on the lips. "What's your name?" "Richard. What's yours?" he asked. "Al." "I'll see you on the bus tomorrow, Al." "Yeah, see you tomorrow, Richard."

With that he headed out and I couldn't wait until tomorrow.

The Guy on the Bus (Part 2) by Underboy

The next morning I waited for the bus which seemed to take an eternity to arrive. When it finally did, I stepped up and saw Richard sitting by himself. We made eye contact and I quickly took the seat next to his and draped my jacket over my legs. "Morning, how's it going?" He asked. "Good. And you?" "I'm doing great." He leaned over and brushed his shoulder against mine affectionately. "So, what did you think about yesterday? Did you have fun?" "Of course I did. I mean that never happened to me before. You really surprised me when you followed me off the bus. I was nervous and excited at the same time. And the sex was exhilarating. Couldn't you tell? What about you?" "It was great. I think you're really sexy." "So, what made you decide to follow me? I've seen you on the bus a zillion times." "Well, for one I think you're really cute and could tell by all those times you stared at me that you were interested and willing. Plus I'm switching jobs next week and I won't be taking this route anymore. So I decided, what the hell? I just got up the nerve and followed you out. I don't make it a habit of doing that sort of thing and I was nervous, too. But, what was the worse that could happen?" "Well I'm glad you did. So, you're into Calvins, too? You really look good in them." "You fit them pretty nicely yourself. Is that all you wear?" "No, but I they really turn me on. But then again, I like variety." Richard put his hand on my thigh underneath my jacket and whispered in my ear. "So, do you still want to fuck me, Al?" I got an instant erection as his hand slid higher up my thigh. I whispered back, "Sure I do. When?" "Well, if you don't have any plans tonight, why don't you come by my apartment? How does eight sound?" "I'll be there." He gave me his address and we continued talking during our ride on the. Richard was a really nice guy and I would miss seeing him on the bus. I just hoped I could continue to see him off of the bus. As we neared my stop, I said that I would see him tonight and he said he would be waiting.

I arrived at Richard's place with a six-pack of beer and a single red rose. I knocked on the door and he answered wearing those sexy 501 jeans with a long sleeve shirt which was unbuttoned revealing his smooth chest. I could see the white elastic of his Calvins peeking over his beltline and I found this very arousing. He said hello with a big smile and let me in. As I entered I tugged the beltloop of his jeans and pulled him toward me for a soft kiss on his lips. My finger slid inside of his jeans and along the waistband of his briefs. "Mmm. The night is young, tiger." He said as he fondled my ass. I handed him the beer and the rose. "hank you. I love roses." "Nice place." I said while Richard put the rose in a vase. He cracked open a beer for us and gave me the grand tour. His apartment was done in an art deco style and had a classy look which was very appropriate for such a straight looking man. We sat down on his black leather couch and he offered me a joint. This guy's hitting me with all the right stuff, I thought. We took a few puffs which, along with the beer, made me feel right at home. "Weed is the only thing that really loosens me up." He said. "I think I can loosen you up." I said as he smiled and leaned toward me. "We'll see." He said as he kissed me gently on the lips and then began to French kiss me. I put down my beer and moved closer to him as I responded in kind. We embraced and fondled each other. I slipped my hand underneath his open shirt and massaged his torso. His tits were hard as my fingers glided over them. He unbuttoned my shirt and rubbed my back. My hand slid down to his stomach and I undid the first button of his Levis. As the petting grew more intense, he suggested we move to his bedroom.

He took my hand and led me onto his bed. We lay down and continued to kiss while we felt each other's bodies in an intense embrace. I peeled off his shirt and sucked his nipples while I unbuttoned the rest of his fly and felt his pulsing erection below his soft white briefs. Richard took off my shirt and flung it off the bed as he massaged my bulging cock over my trousers. He unbuckled my belt, unbuttoned my pants and pulled down my zipper to reveal my light blue boxer shorts which I decided to wear for a more macho feel. He was pleasantly surprised by the change from our first encounter. "Boxers! Oh, Al. Those are so sexy." The sight of my boxers sent him into ecstasy as he pulled my pants to my knees and fondled my hard dick passionately. He slid down the bed and buried his face in my crotch over my boxers as he grabbed my cheeks and put his mouth over my throbbing cock. He reached into the fly of my shorts and pulled out my stiff member and began sucking madly. I placed my hand on top of his head, guiding it as it bobbed up and down.

I reached down to his legs and pulled his jeans completely off and felt his round ass over the soft fabric of his white Calvins. I slipped my hand between his legs and stroked my fingers along his balls which caused him to moan. I could feel the wet spot of precum at the head of his dick as my fingers continued along his crack and he raised his ass to meet them. He rose to his knees while still sucking on my hard pole and his perfectly sculpted ass pointed up in the air. I massaged his ass and began jerking his 8 inch cock from above his briefs. I pulled down the front of his underwear exposing his bouncing hard-on and slipped them down past his legs and off his feet. I brought the worn briefs to my face and deeply inhaled the musky scent of his manliness. As I flung the underwear to the floor, I looked at Richard completely naked before me on his knees and sucking my cock voraciously.

I continued to feel his bronze ass and pressed my fingers against his tight hole. He let out a soft moan as I probed the area. He removed my pants and slid my boxers down my legs while sucking on my balls. He pulled my underwear off pressed them against his face as he also took in the scent of my shorts as he bit on the fabric and breathed in deeply. I got up on the bed and moved behind him as he got on all fours. I plunged my face between his cheeks and reamed my tongue into his asshole. He groaned loudly uttering my name as my tongue swiped around his pink orifice. I spread apart the cheeks of his ass as wide as I could and plunged my face in between as deep as I could while he gyrated his as to meet my tongue.

"I'm ready for you, Al. I want you inside me. Fuck me now!" He reached for the lubricant from inside his nightstand and handed it to me. "Lube it up good, Al. I want to feel your fat cock all the way up inside me."

I pulled my face out of his ass and rose to my knees with my stiff cock poised ready to meet his tight hole. I spread the lubricant onto my dick and placed a bit on my index finger which I slipped slightly into his hole. He moaned and bucked as I slid it in deeper. I pulled it out and rubbed the head of my cock up and down his crack. "Stop teasing me, Al. Fuck me. Fuck my ass." He moaned again as I prepared his ass with the gel. I placed the head at his asshole and pushed it in slightly to which Richard winced at the sting. I held my dick in my and hand and braced myself with my other hand on his ass. I pulled it out and inserted it deeper and he moaned in ecstasy. I pulled out again and thrust it about halfway inside and he cried out again partly in pain and partly in joy. I pulled out once more and thrust it all the way inside of him and he shrieked again. Then I continued at a faster pace in and out of his tight asshole with my hard cock. I could feel the arousing sensation of his soft inner membrane rubbing against my slick penis. For several minutes I continued pounding into his ass quicker, slapping his buttcheeks with my pelvis as his ball swung in the air. Richard moaned more as each thrust of my cock massaged his prostate. "You like getting fucked, don't you Richard?" "Oh, yes. Fuck me. Fuck me hard, Al." I jerked his hard, bouncing cock as I continued to penetrate his round, hard ass doggie style. I loved the feeling of him on all fours, helpless and vulnerable, while I fucked his ass from behind. I could tell he was about to lose it so I pulled out of him and flipped him onto his back. I threw his legs over my shoulders and lifted his ass to meet my cock. With a single thrust I penetrated him again and continued fucking him. He grew more excited in this new position. I leaned forward and kissed him with my tongue which he sucked while I thrusted my pole inside of him with my hips. His body bounced harder as I reamed him with more force. Faster and faster I went until Richard was just a floppy piece of rubber taking in my cock as it was part of his body. The ecstasy of the moment was too much to bare. "I'm cumming." I said as I pulled my prick out of his hole and slid up to his face. I began spurting uncontrollably onto his face and neck and then he opened his mouth to take in my jism. He took my cock into his mouth and swallowed each consecutive pulse of the warm, creamy juice until I was spent. He jerked himself off as my cum slid out of the side of his mouth and down the side of his face and ear. "I can't stop. I'm cumming." He said as I went down to his cock to meet his spew. The first pulse shot into the air and landed onto his bronze chest. The next one landed on my face and dripped down. I took the next stream into my mouth and tasted his salty cream. I sucked out the rest as he shuddered at the intense sensation.

I lay on top of him and could feel our cum slide between our bodies. I kissed him deeply and I could taste the ammonia of our glorious mixture. We both breathed a heavy sigh of exasperation as I lie on top of him completely spent. "That was incredible." He said. "I've never had a fuck like that." "Me neither. You're a freak, Richard."

We cleaned up and I went to grab my boxer shorts which he snatched from my hand. "No way. I get to keep these. They drive me crazy!" He said as he slid on my underwear. He handed me his Calvins. "You put these on." I slid on his white briefs which turned me on and we both became aroused again. I held him in my arms and I could feel my dick grow in his Calvins. "I don't know if I can do this again." "Why not? It's Friday night. You can spend the night with me here." "Okay, but give me a chance to catch my breath." "All right, let's rest for a minute."He said as we pressed together tightly."But remember, it's your turn again."

We held each other tightly as we got our rest for another round.

The Guy on the Bus (Part 3- Darren's Visit) by Underboy

The sun peeked through the blinds showering the walls with golden beams of morning light. Richard and I lie together on the soft bed on this Saturday morning as I held his smooth back against my warm chest beneath a single white sheet. We slept well, both completely exhausted from a heated night of unending sex. As my eyes opened I reflected on the passion and intensity we shared during the night. I remembered Richard on all fours with his face buried in the pillow while I pumped his taking ass. The memory aroused me as I began to become erect. I kissed him on the back of his neck and he awoke. "Good morning." I said as I held him tighter. "Good morning." He responded enthusiastically, turning toward me to kiss me. "Did you enjoy last night?" "Of course I did. You were incredible." "Me? How about you? I don't think I'll be able to ride a bike anytime soon." He reached down and felt my erection. "Mmmh, maybe we shouldn't have stopped. That reminds me, I think it's time for me to return the favor."

We began the ritual again by kissing and caressing each other. I flipped off the sheet to reveal that Richard was now wearing my blue boxer shorts and I was in his white Calvins. The feel of my boxers now on him was extremely arousing as I slipped my hands beneath them to feel his smooth, brown ass. I could feel that he was also excited as his thick, hard dick pressed against my own. We continued holding and feeling each other when Richard suggested we take a shower together. The idea was enticing so I pulled off his (my) boxers and he pulled off my (his) Calvins. We ran from the bed to the bathroom.

As Richard fumbled to turn on the water and adjust the temperature, I held his erection in my hand and gripped it tightly while our lips joined in a deep kiss. We jumped in the shower and I could feel the sensation of the hot water pouring down my body. Our bodies became drenched while we kissed and felt each other beneath the pulsing showerhead. The steam filled the room and the sex as Richard looked at me with his wet hair and sparkling eyes and said, "I want to fuck you."

He turned my body around and pushed me up against the white tile as the water fell down my face. He pressed his body against my back and ass and I could feel his northward facing penis slide up between my cheeks. He reached for the soap and lathered up his crotch and throbbing cock. I massaged his soapy balls as he rubbed his slippery tool. I felt the bar of soap slip along my asscrack as he prepared me for entry. He kissed the back of my neck and pressed me harder against the cold tile while in a single thrust he shoved his hard, soapy dick completely inside my waiting ass. I cried out as I felt the sharp pain of the sudden penetration. But the sensation became pleasurable when the soapy slickness lubricated his thrusting motion. Richard pounded me harder with each thrust, wanting to give me the same service I had given him the night before.

He continued pumping his blood-filled manhood into the soft membrane of my anal tract as the searing water fell upon us. I felt his hand glide across my tits and down my abdomen as he lathered up my shaking body. His hand slid down to my raging boner while he soaped up my crotch and balls. Every time he pushed his pulsing prick into me he cast my body up and forward slapping against the tile wall. All the while jerking me off. The incredible sensation of his cock penetrating inside me and massaging my prostate combined with steam of the hot water and his lips on the back of my neck sent me into ecstacy. Richard must have felt the same way as he moaned loudly and pulled out of my asshole and bent me foward. He shot stream after stream of cum down my back and neck. As he continued jacking me off with his slick hand, I could not restrain my excitement. I felt the creamy liquid fill my pulsing rod as I shot time after time against the white tile. Richard caught a few spurts of my juice in his palm and brought it to his mouth as he licked it with his tongue. He then held me tightly as I turned back to kiss him tasting the saltiness of my own cum in his mouth.

Richard and I continued our shower as we cleaned each other's body thoroughly. He turned off the water and we toweled ourselves off. "Al, have you ever had sex with more than one person?" "You mean not counting myself?" "I mean, have you ever been in a three-way?" Richard said as he pulled the white towel around his waist. "There's a question you don't hear everyday. No, I haven't. Have you?" "Well, yeah. A couple of times." "Wow. When I saw you on the bus you seemed so straight, so timid. Now you tell me you want a three-way." "No, I just asked if you have ever been in a three-way. And I said I had. But if it's a problem--" "It's not a problem, Richard. You just surprised me. Jeez, I go from seeing you on the bus to us having sex in the storeroom of my office, then having sex with you here and now in the shower." "Forget I mentioned it, Al." "No, wait. It's just that I've had a great time with you and so far you seem to be a really nice guy. I like you, Richard." I said as I pulled him toward me. "I kinda' want to get more into you, at least before anyone else is involved." "That's sweet. I like you, too, Al. I just thought--" "What did you have in mind, anyway?" I asked. "Well, my friend Darren is coming into town today from Seattle to visit me for the weekend. I thought we could get together and have some fun. But if things are moving too fast for you, it's not a problem." "This Darren guy, would he be willing?" "Willing? If you think I'm a freak, just wait til you meet Darren." "And you're just friends?" "We're very good friends. And we've messed around a few times." While I felt Richard was very nice and someone I could really get to know, the idea of a threesome was a bit scary. I'm more of the one on one type and who was this Darren person anyway? While not completely closed minded to the idea, I approached with caution. "I'm not too sure about this, Richard. We'll see how things go, okay." "Okay." He said as he kissed me and yanked off my towel. As I bent over to pick it up, Richard snapped his towel on my bare ass and laughed. I tried to snap back but he was too quick. I chased him into the room and tried to hit him with my twisted towel but I missed and knocked over some picture frames on his anwar onto the floor. "Oops, sorry. I'll pick them up." "Don't worry about it." Richard said as he returned to the bathroom to brush his teeth. As I picked up the pictures, I noticed one of Richard with a beautiful blond, jock-type of a guy. He was tall, muscular and very attractive. "Who's the blond guy?" I asked. "That's him. That's Darren. It seems like I've known him forever. We went to community college together before he transferred to Washington State last year. He's a real jock type. He was the quarterback of the football team before he transferred. Imagine Darren with all those sweaty players. I better stop." "Yeah, sweaty." I said as I was entranced by Darren's photo. My mind began to race. "What time did you say Darren was getting in?"

I left Richard's apartment to go home and to get some rest. The plan was for Richard, Darren and I to go out for a night out in West Hollywood. Darren had rented a car and the two of them would pick me up at my apartment. It was about 7:30pm and I was just about ready when I heard a knock at the door. It was Richard and Darren. As they entered, Richard introduced me to Darren who was even more gorgeous than the picture I saw. He was tall and stood just under six feet. His bright smile accentuated his handsome face which featured slim, high cheekbones, thin lips, a perfect nose and deep blue eyes. His short blond hair fell naturally over his forehead as a few wisps hung over his dark eyebrows. He extended his hand and gave me a firm, manly shake. "Nice to meet you. Rich told me a lot about you." "Oh, there's not much to tell." I responded. "That's not what I heard." Darren said as he laughed and pat me on the shoulder. "Just kidding. Richard only told me about your big-- personality." "Darren's just a big joker, Al. You'll get used to him." Richard said. "One time he locked me out of our hotel room wearing nothing but a thong. Then a high school marching band strolled down the hallway. I had to cover myself with the do not disturb sign." "I let him back--after the band passed." Darren noted. "A thong, eh?" I remarked. "That's another story." Darren quipped. "Which we don't have time for." Richard interrupted. "We better get going." "So, what's the plan, guys?" I asked. "How about dinner first and then we can go to a club for some fun and frolicking?" Richard proposed. "Which club." I asked. "I don't frolick, but The Rage has always been good for me." Darren joked. "The Rage it is. And I have seen you frolick, Darren. And you're a damn good frolicker at that." Richard retorted. "Only you would know." Darren shot back. It seemed these two were quite familiar with each other as they jockeyed back and forth. I could tell they were good buddies and I was glad to be a part of the evening with these two studs.

We left my apartment and had dinner at the French Market Place. We were a bit tipsy as we walked down to The Rage. The boulevard was bustling with men as Darren howled at the handsome studs we passed. Before we hit the club, we found a side street and smoked a joint to heighten the mood. Darren went to take a piss and in the moonlight I could see the outline of his flacid penis. Even soft, his dick seemed monstrous. We entered the club and laughed uncontrollably, making fun of the doorman. We got there about 10pm and the place was jumping. As soon as we went inside, all eyes seemed to be on Darren. But Darren didn't let the attention get to his head as he concentrated on Richard and me the entire evening. We drank and danced and drank. While Darren was dancing with one of the locals, Richard turned to me. "So, what do you think of Darren?" "He seems really nice. And cute, too." "You noticed. He's a real good buddy. He would do anything for me." "Anything?" I asked. "Well, almost anything. He's a great friend." "So, he's just a friend?" "I won't lie to you. We mess around from time to time but our friendship is very important. So, have you changed your mind since this morning?" "Put it this way: I'll let you know tomorrow." I still wasn't sure about going through with the threesome but I sensed the uninhibited mood we were all in. "So, what about this thong thing?" "It's a long story, Al." Richard said. Suddenly, Darren plunged out from the dance floor, took my arm and pulled me into the merging mass.

As I was danced with Darren we began to talk.

"So, Richard tells me you're a jock." "Well, I wear them but I'm not one. I played quarterback for a while, but I do have a brain." "That's not all you have. I mean, of course. How else would you have gotten into Washington State?" "You know, Richard really likes you," he said. "You think so?" I asked. "Richard wouldn't follow just anyone off the bus like he did." "He told you about that?" "Yeah, we're buddies. Don't worry, it's safe with me." "So, how close are you with Richard?" "Real close. I mean we became good friends college and he helped me through some really hard times. I guess we helped each other. I probably wouldn't have made it to Washington State without Richard. He's someone you can really count on." "I see." "Al, don't worry. Rich and I are just real good buddies. I'm sure he told you we were sometimes lovers. But I know he likes you more than a buddy." "Thanks, Darren. I appreciate that." Then Darren leaned his head to my ear and said, "Richard has good taste," as he grabbed my ass and licked the side of my neck. I could feel the erection bulging in my pants.

We left the Rage and hopped from bar to bar until the every place was closed. By the end of the night we were all pretty plastered but we decided to take a cab back to Darren's hotel for a nightcap. During the ride, we all laughed hysterically as we tried to pinch each other's tits. After annoying the cab driver to no end, he finally dropped us off at the hotel. We entered Darren's room and he opened the fridge and broke out the little bottles. He mixed us some drinks until our heads were spinning.

Darren went to the bathroom and I plopped onto the bed. Richard was right behind as he lay next to me and began kissing me. He began to unbutton my shirt as his tongue entwined with mine. His hands slid across my smooth chest when I felt a hand on my bulging crotch. It was Darren! He looked up at me and smiled as he continued fondling me. He slowly unbuckled my belt and unsnapped my pants. He pulled down my zipper and slipped his hands inside and felt the soft cotton of my Calvins over my growing erection. I kissed Richard harder as Darren fondled my dick and balls with a gentle and sensuous touch.

I pulled Richard's polo shirt over his head and began to feel his warm body. We continued our deep kissing while my hand slid down the subtle muscles on his back until I felt the waistband of his underwear. He was wearing sexy, black bikini briefs which fit the form of his round ass perfectly. I continued downward and massaged his pliable ass beneath his trousers. I unfastened the buttons on his fly exposing the bulging crotch beneath his smooth underwear. I pulled down his jeans past his lean, brown thighs. His firm, bulbous ass jutted outward as I kneaded his cheeks passionately. My hands moved down to feel his hardened basket above the black fabric of his bikini. He moaned softly feeling the stroke of my fingertips glide along his balls and between his legs.

Meanwhile, Darren took off my shoes and pulled my pants down past my legs. He then slid up and buried his face in the white cotton of my briefs as he explored my crotch with his mouth. The gentle bite of his mouth on the smooth fabric over my cock aroused me further as I placed my hand on his head and soft hair to press him toward me. Richard's hands held and massaged the cheeks of my ass as I turned on my side. Darren turned to Richard and pulled his Levis off past his legs while he caressed both of our pulsing cocks. Richard and I sat up in our briefs as we pulled Darren toward us. Richard leaned to Darren and French kissed him deeply while I removed the buttons from his shirt revealing his smooth chest and defined muscles. I felt his soft skin as I peeled the shirt away from his finely sculpted torso and down his bulging arms. The blond hairs on his forearms brushed along my chest as he continued to massage my raging erection. I then unfastened Darren's slacks and pulled down his zipper unmasking the sexy whiteness of his Jockey briefs. The firm cheeks of his fine ass filled his underwear perfectly as he gyrated it in ecstacy. He sighed at the feel of my hand probing his sensitive crotch and tickling his ballsack. I grasped his hard cock in my hand through the white material. It felt as bigger and thicker than I imagined. His solid member poked outward stretching the cotton fabric of his underwear. A wet spot of precum at the headoozed onto his briefs. Darren's pants fell down his muscular legs as he kicked off his shoes and socks. Then he pulled away from Richard and turned to me and engaged my lips with his. His versatile tongue danced with mine as our mouths connected. Richard fondled both of our rigid poles over our underwear, rolling his palms around our sensitive heads. He then included himself in our deep kiss and the three of us pressed our lips together as our tongues probed virtually in tandem. We were all three locked together in our scant briefs, kissing and fondling each other passionately.

We pulled apart and I slid down along Richard's neck and chest. Darren licked down my hard nipples past my abs to my briefs. I also reached the waist band of Richard's black briefs stripping them off as his steel member bounced upward. I crumpled his soft underwear and rubbed them along Darren's face and he inhaled them deeply. I grasped Richard's hard prick and took it into my mouth as I began to suck intensely. The soft texture of his rigid tool on my lips aroused me, beckoning to take it in deeper. He moaned and I nearly choked as it hit the back of my throat time after time. I felt his pubic hair against my lips and nose while took his slick pole in as deep as I could, bobbing up and down insatiably. Darren pulled aside the leghole of my Calvins and licked my balls, taking them into his mouth and bouncing them on his tongue. He then yanked off my briefs and attacked my stiff cock voraciously, engulfing my entire muscle into his warm mouth. He bunched up my white briefs and brought them to his face for a deep whiff as he continued to suck me off. My body tingled with each thrust of my dick into Darren's mouth as his tongue swirled around its sensitive head and then rubbed against the back of his throat. Richard moaned in ecstacy while he guided my head along his cock and watched excitedly as Darren serviced my purple erection.

I then withdrew from sucking Richard's throbbing cock and pulled Darren off my own. I turned to Darren and wrapped my mouth over the softness of his Jockeys above his hard dick and soft balls. I grabbed his jock ass and pulled it toward me as I plunged my face into his briefs. His unique manly scent aroused me as I reached for the waistband of his undewear and stripped them down and off past his legs. The enormity of his erect organ was astounding as it pointed in my face. It seemed nearly 10 inches long and its thickness reminded me of a rolling pin. Darren thrusted his huge prick into my waiting mouth and I massaged it with my tongue and throat. My jaw grew tired from first taking Richard's big cock into my mouth and now Darren's whopper which was thicker and longer. He pushed my head up and down his throbbing penis. His soft moans indicated his pleasure while I sucked passionately. Then Richard took my lonesome dick between his lips and sucked it madly stopping intermittently to rub my slick rod around his face. Richard's speedy, up and down motion intensified my arousal but I did not want to reach my orgasm just yet. I pulled Richard off my erection before it was too late. Richard then stood up and waved his bouncing erection before my face as my lips slid down Darren's rod. I took Richard's tool in my hand switched to sucking it. I then alternated sucking Darren and Richard's bursting cocks as I saw them looking at me from above. "Take them both, Al." Darren said as he and Richard tried to shove both of their huge pricks into my mouth. I managed to slide both of their warm, hard boners into my mouth and began sliding up and down while I felt the edge of my mouth about to tear. This was the first time I ever had two cocks in my mouth and they were two of the biggest I had ever seen. I felt the heads of their dicks poke outward against the inside of my cheek. They held my head and began thrusting their poles in and out of my weary mouth. Although my jaw muscles were strained, the feeling of two guys shoving their hard rods into my mouth was exhilarating. What more could I expect?

Just then Darren pulled himself out of my mouth pulled me up. Richard's cock slid out and across my face as I stood up. Darren pulled me up onto the bed on my knees as I continued to service his imense pump. As I leaned down to take it into my mouth I felt Richard grab my cheeks and spread them apart as he buried his face into my ass. I sucked Darren harder when I felt Richard's tongue probe my hole. I moaned as his tongue penetrated my anus and slithered around inside it. I raised my ass high into the air and Richard followed with his tongue pushing harder inside me. The feeling of Darren pushing me down on his hot spear while Richard reamed my asshole sent me into a sexual stupor and I was ready for anything.

Richard pulled his face from my ass and positioned himself behind me while on his knees. He asked Darren for some KY jelly and I knew what was coming next. Darren reached into his bag and through the tube to Richard who squeezed some out and began lubricating his rock hard cock. He then rubbed some along my asshole and poked his finger just inside. I moaned at the incredible feel of his finger inside me and his hand sliding along my crack. Richard then took his cock in his hand and aimed it into my quivering oriface. I felt the head of his prick slide up and down along my crack which Richard knew I liked.

He then touched the head to my hole, inserted it, and slowly slid the entire length of his fat cock up my asshole. My cries were muffled by Darren's cock in my mouth. Richard started out slowly pumping in and out of me as he braced himself with his hands on my cheeks. The initial pain of Richard's insertion subsided and became pleasurable the more he slid inside me. My hard cock bounced in the air when Richard grabbed it and began jerking it as he fucked me. My body jumped forward as he thrusted into me faster, his pelvis colliding against my ass. I tried not to bite Darren's hard muscle as he braced my shoulders from above me and bucked into my mouth.

I experienced the heat of the moment as I glimpsed into the mirror opposite the bed and saw myself on all fours like a dog. The sight of Richard pounding into my ass from behind and Darren's cock completely down my throat was heightened as the two leaned toward each other and exhanged a deep, wet kiss. I felt vulnerable and excited at the same time, sandwiched in this degrading position: Richard fucking my ass while Darren fucked my face. We were all three connected in a carnal, sexual circle.

Richard cried out as he pumped my ass at a heightened rate. He could not hold back any longer. He pulled his throbbing cock out of my asshole and jerked it frantically. I felt the warmth of the first steam splashed on my back. The next one spewed against the back of my neck and rolled down my shoulder. Richard could sure shoot a load, I thought. The rest of his juice splatted on my back and ass and rolled down my sides. Darren leaned over my back and began licking up Richard's white liquid. I could see the cum roll on his tongue and lips and around his face as he bathed himself in the sticky fluid. "Now it's my turn," Darren said as the cum fell down his face and mouth. My God, I thought. Richard's 8 inch cock was big enough. How could I now take Darren's imense cock into my ass without bursting at the seams? I practically choked just sucking it as it barely fit into my mouth. The thought of Darren's dick inside me was arousing but I wasn't sure if I could withstand the pain.

Darren switched positions with Richard as I rested briefly, my body already feeling like a wet slinky. Darren positioned himself behind me ready to jab his enormous manhood into my waiting ass. "Ready for me, Al?" "Just make sure you lube that fat cock of yours good." I said. "Don't worry, Al. I'll go easy on you." Darren said, smearing his post with the lubricant. I looked again into the mirror as he pushed the head of his thick cock inside me. Darren's hard sausage instantly felt bigger than Richard's as it stretched out my asshole even further . I winced at the initial sting as he slid his thick stick up inside me a bit further. I could see that his penis was about halfway inside me but my hole already felt like I was being fucked by a horse. I cried out as he thrust forward again penetrating me entirely and I could feel Darren's pelvis against my cheeks. "It's not so bad, is it, Al?" He said as he began pumping me in a slow groove. As he slid inside me I could feel his pulsing member stretch my anal tract to the limit. I might as well be fucked by a rolling pin. Darren pushed into me as far as he could and I felt the tip of his tool against my bowels. As Darren thrust into me faster, Richard inserted his fleshy penis into my mouth. Although he had just come, his dick became hard in my mouth as I massaged it with my tongue. The circle was again complete as Darren and Richard resumed their kiss.

Darren contined to pump me faster and deeper as his blond hair swung in the air. I heard the slap of his pelvis against my rubbery ass. My balls swung loosely as he cupped them in his hand and gripped my erect cock tightly. I bobbed up and down Richard's slithery prick as it hit the back of my throat. Not ready to cum, Darren stopped his thrusting motion and pulled his endless dick out of me. He then flipped me onto my back and pulled me to the edge of the bed. He lifted my legs into the air and threw then over his shoulders. He lubed himself again and then plunged his slick tool into my asshole once more. He thrusted into me harder, jolting my body with each joust.

I turned my head to the side to take in Richard's rejuvenated wang into my mouth. My body was a mass of jellowy flesh as Darren continuously plunged into my ass bouncing me back like a pendulum while Richard knocked my head back with each thrust of his prick down my throat. I was like a piece of raw meat being tenderized by two hard hammers. But the whorish feeling I had was also ecstatic as I was at the mercy of these two boytoys.

Darren then grabbed my ankles and lifted them high so my ass was directly in line with his fierce spear. His pelvis swung harder and more freely and he continued to pump me with more voracity. The slapping sound against my ass became louder as he bounced my body harder. I struggled to keep Richard's cock in my mouth as I gripped it tighter with my hand. I clamped down harder with my ass onto Darren's tool as it slid in and out of my ass like a jackhammer.

Darren was still not ready for his orgasm. Once again he stopped the action and I could see he had an idea in his head. He pulled out of me and I stopped servicing Richard. Darren lay back on the bed and positioned me to sit on his beckoning pole. He moaned as I lubed up his throbbing pole with the slick jelly. I then inserted his smooth, hard dick into my loose hole and slid it inside me. I began sliding my body up and down Darren's tool and he thrust his pelvis forward to meet my ass. Richard stood on the bed and shoved his erection into my mouth. I took his penis in my hand and sucked it hard as my body bounced in the air. Darren grabbed the sides of my ass, pulling me along his steel tool inside me. My legs felt weak and rubbery as I lifted myself up and down while Darren fucked my ass. "You get him too, Rich." Darren said as Richard slid his cock out of my mouth. What? Get him, too? Before I could react, Darren pulled me toward him with his hard, pulsing member still inside me and began kissing my mouth. While he continued to pump my ass, Richard moved behind me and began lubing himself up. He got on his knees and, with Darren's huge manhood still inside me, inserted his brown muscle into me. I could feel my hole spread even wider as Richard penetrated me further until he was completely inside of me along with Darren. Both men began to double fuck my spreading ass intensely as I felt two hard cocks slide in and out of my completely filled asshole. In the mirror I could see Richard pumping me from behind as his pelvis thrust forward repeatedly while Darren plunged into me from below and took my tongue into his mouth. The two friends coordinated their positions and thrusting motions perfectly as they both fucked my writhing ass.

They both pumped me faster and faster as sweat fell down all of our faces. It seemed like they were fucking me for hours by the feeling of their two hard rods sliding in and out of me while I was sandwiched between them. My hole felt like the Grand Canyon with their double-penetration. When it seemed like neither man could pump me any faster, both of them let out a scream of ecstacy and simultaneously pulled their dicks our of my loose hole. Darren jerked himself uncontrollably until his load was finally spewed. He cried out loud releasing the energy of his long awaited orgasm. Shot after shot of his thick, white cum streamed onto his chest and continued up to his own face and mouth. Ropes of his warm jism were strewn from his head and chest with a small pool in the wisps of his hair near his navel. He licked a few drops of his own cum from the corner of his mouth.

Then Richard cried out ready to shoot his second load. He stood up and pulled my face to his dick as he jerked it radically. He shot his thick liquid directly into my mouth and I could feel its warmness on my tongue. More pulses hit the back of my throat and I couldn't help but swallow the salty juice. The rest of his load landed on my face and dripped down my neck as Richard leaned down to kiss me and taste his tasty load.

Finally, the excitement of this potent orgy was too much to withstand. I got up on my knees which were barely able to support me, and jacked my cock fervently. I pulled both Darren and Richard to meet it with their faces looking straight at my pulsing pole. I felt the tingly sensation in my body as I finally reached my intense orgasm. I endlessly spewed hard pulses of my creamy liquid into their open mouths. I shot my first streams into Darren's mouth as he nearly gagged when it hit the back of his throat but he eagerly gobbled up my cream. Then I aimed at Richard and I shot thick ropes of juice onto his waiting tongue which he quickly swallowed. I squeezed the remaining cum onto their faces and smeared the falling drops on their cheeks as they lustfully licked the sticky substance from the palm of my hands.

Totally spent from this intense and spontaneous session, we all collapsed on the bed in utter exasperation and tried to catch our breath. Darren and Richard began to caress my chest lightly as my breathing returned to normal. "Wow, Al. That was incredible." Darren said. "You're a freak, Al." Richard noted as he kissed me lightly. "I won't be able to walk for a month because of you two." "But it was worth it? Wasn't it?" Darren asked. "Yeah. It was definitely worth it. Now I'll have to repay the favor to both of you." "I don't think I can take it." Richard said. "Yeah, and I don't get fucked." "There's a first time for everything." I said.

Darren and Richard looked at each other not knowing if they could withstand the same pummeling they had just given me. But Darren didn't have to leave until Sunday and that gave me the next day to exact my revenge on both of them, although I really liked what we had done together. I just wanted them to feel as vulnerable as me.

NOTE: This is the final chapter in the Guy on the Bus series.

The Guy on the Bus (Part 4) by Underboy

I awoke to the sound of the shower and a darkened room. My head was spinning as I tried to regain my bearings. I felt Richard's warm body next to mine and remembered the incredible frenzied night we had all shared. I pulled him close to me and gently kissed him on the back of his neck. He arose from his slumber. "Morning, sexy," He said as he kissed me back. "Where's Darren?" "He's in the shower." "Did you recover from last night?" "I'm not sure. I'll tell you when I put my ass back on." "Maybe I can help you with that." Richard said he began to tickle me. "Then I can take yours off." "We'll see." Richard and I held each other in a tight embrace beneath the blankets, caressing our soft skin and smooth backs. We looked at each other with a bubbly gaze that lovers share when they are content to be together. Although we had only been together a short time, Richard and I had something special, besides the sex, which would bond us together.

Richard looked so attractive to me with his hair mussed up and that just woke up look. His brown chest peeked out of the light blankets exposing his even darker nipples. He was just my type of man. Young, handsomely lean yet not skinny. He was a manly gay man, if there is such a thing. He was not afraid of his own sexuality and open to new experiences without the heavy baggage of petty hang ups or feelings of guilt. I was more conservative and thus found his "throw caution to the wind" persona a bit scary. Yet somehow I was not afraid to have an orgy with him and his friend Darren, whom I hardly knew. I guess I felt comfortable with Richard and his decisions as I began to trust him.

The twinkly look in his dark eyes was heightened by his long, fluttery eyelashes which brushed lightly against my skin when he blinked. I leaned toward him slowly and pressed my lips to his. As he reciprocated the kiss, I could sense his mutual feelings of attraction to me. I must admit that this mutual exchange of intimate emotions is one of the most wonderful feelings in life. We continued our embrace which became more passionate as our unspoken realization intensified the sexual exchange.

The water from the shower stopped and Darren emerged with wet his wet blond hair and wearing only a pair of blue shorts. He smiled as Richard and I held each other. "Morning you two lovebirds," he said as he toweled off his hair. "I'm going for a jog. I'll be back in a bit. Then we can get some breakfast before I have to check out." "Sounds good." I said still totally into Richard. "Yeah, great." Richard mumbled. Darren threw on a white, cut-off T-shirt and some sneakers and headed out. "You two behave yourselves." "You, too." Richard said. "Just don't bring back any messy surprises." "Yeah, yeah." He said as the door shut.

Richard and I were now alone to share our mutual desires. We began kissing passionately while we felt our bodies pressed tightly together. My fingers brushed along Richard's muscular ripples as wandered down his back to his bright white Calvins. His firm, curvaceous ass was firm in my hands while I massaged each tender cheeks from above the familiar cotton fabric. Richard's hands discovered the flannel boxers which Darren had lent me as they wandered below my waist. His soft moan indicated his arousal of my furry shorts. I felt his hands knead my ass as he pulled me against him, kissing me harder. We were both completely aroused as our pulsing erections pressed together.

With my hand upon the whiteness of Richard's ass I ventured downward to his protruding crotch and fondled it lightly. His sensuous sigh expressed the tingly caress of my fingers gliding across his blood-filled penis and silky balls. The cool spot of his precum which oozed through his briefs slid between my fingers while I massaged his hard cock gently. My hand roamed on his ass and maneuvered beneath the elastic band of his tight briefs to feel supple smoothness of his brown cheeks. His arousal increased when he felt my hand slide between his crack, brushing past his hole and stopping just below his scrotum. His moans of delight grew louder as my other hand slid beneath the leg hole of his briefs and clutched his rigid member firmly. My probing hands and fingers drifted wildly beneath white cotton of his Calvins until I yanked them completely down his tensing legs. His solid erection bounced against his abdomen as I cupped his balls with my palm and squeezed delicately.

Richard slipped his warm hands beneath flannel of my red plaid boxers massaging my spongy buttocks amorously. He found his way to my throbbing tool as he held it and squeezed firmly. My moans intensified as I felt his hand slide up my thigh and into the leg hole of my shorts, his artful fingers probing between my legs. He reached into the fly of my shorts and pulled out my rock hard flesh. Pressing his lips against mine, our tongues played together until he slid down my neck to the prize waiting below. His warm, smooth body brushed downward against my chest until his face reached my waiting member. He engulfed my raging, red erection with his impatient mouth, his soft lips clinging firmly as they began to slide down my slick pole.

He bobbed up and down incessantly trying to please my erogenous sensations. I felt his probing tongue slither along my sensitive dick head reaching my most arousing spots. His hands rolled beneath my boxers, wandering between my legs and caressing my testicles, while my stiff rod slid to the back of his throat. I thrusted forward piercing my rigid spear into his warm, wet mouth as he held tightly to my buttocks and pulled me into him. He pulled my boxers down past my legs as my dick bounced forward. He continued sucking me off as he grabbed my shorts and crumpled them to his face, inhaling my musky scent. Richard knew he was turning me on and continued sucking me until just before I was ready for my orgasm. At that moment he stopped his oral massage and pulled his strained mouth off my quivering cock.

He slid back up my desiring body and returned to the passionate kiss then paused. "Ready for more?" He asked. "I'm always ready for you." I responded. Richard turned on his side with his back against my chest. He reached onto the night stand for the lubricant and handed it back to me. I squeezed out the slick jelly and applied it to my thick, pulsing manhood as I kissed the back of his neck. Richard moaned sensually as I spread more jelly around his puckering hole and pushed my middle finger inside it to lubricate his anus. I aimed my slick, rigid arrow between his cheeks and slowly plunged into his anal entrance. "Uhhhg." He cried out at the initial penetration as I slid myself into him farther. "Easy, Al." He pleaded, his body pressed against mine as my long, hard barrel completely penetrated his tight tunnel.

I began to slide in and out of his lubricated tract more easily and his pain became pleasure. I wrapped my arm around his chest to brace my self and pumped into him faster. My hips thrusted forward slapping against his soft, fleshy ass. I lifted his firm leg into the air and repositioned myself slightly so I could better pierce his tight hole. Richard reached down below his balls so he could feel my hard, thick cock sliding into him. He turned his head back to me and I pulled him closer as we engaged in a deep, steamy kiss while I fucked his writhing ass from below. His body shook intensely with each upward thrust of my pelvis against his cheeks. "Oh, fuck me, Al. Fuck my ass harder." Richard demanded. I plunged deeper and harder into Richard's slick hole and I could almost feel his bowels against the tip of my raging cock. I took his bouncing rod into my hand and jerked it repeatedly while my ass undulated from below and my steel pole bored into him faster. The sweat dripping down our heated bodies intensified our frantic sexual exchange. As we kissed I pinched his tits hard, turning him on as he tightened his anal grip upon my thick, sliding rod. Richard was in utter ecstasy as he could feel his prostate being massaged by my purple dick head. I jammed myself into his glorious asshole faster and faster until we both neared our long anticipated orgasms.

Richard felt the sensitive tingle first as my slithery dick slid up inside his body and sent him over the edge. "Uhh, uhh. I'm coming." Richard said as he spewed his first long stream all the way to his chin. Ropes of his warm jism landed onto his sweaty chest and then dribbled down his softening dick to into the hair on his crotch. My hard prick slid inside him a few more times before I pulled it off and jacked it for the last time. The orgasmic feeling inside me filled my balls and propelled my eruption. My first shot released my sexual tension and landed across Richard's face. I continued to spurt my creamy white juice as stream after stream shot onto Richard's already glistening chest and abs and rolled down his exasperated body. Both of us were completely spent as I held him tightly and caught my breath. We eased back on the bed and kissed. "You're incredible, Al. I love getting fucked by you." "Well, you have something to do with it. That's why it's so good."

As we rested from our steamy encounter, Darren returned completely sweaty from his run. His perspiration drenched the collar of his shirt which was cut off just below his chest exposing his rippled abdomen and flat stomach. His hard, athletic body stood before us waiting to be groped as Richard and I became aroused once again.

"Looks like I missed breakfast." Darren quipped. "Actually, you're just in time." Richard responded. "Now it's your turn, buddy." I said. "Oh, no. I had my fill last night." He refused. "Correction," I said. "You're about to get your fill right now."

Richard and I leaped up from the bed stark naked and converged upon Darren. We intended to corral this athletic stud as he tried to get away. All three of us struggled uncontrollably in this game. Richard and I became aroused as we felt up Darren's firm body and grabbed frantically at his crotch and ass. Darren put up a fight although he was no doubt having fun. "Come on you guys. Knock it off! "Darren said as we got hold of his arms and wrestled him to the bed. "There's no way you guys are fucking me." "Wanna bet?" Richard said as we pinned him on his back. "It's payback time big D." I informed him as we battled to control him. As Richard held Darren on the bed, I reached for his red shorts and yanked them down his muscular legs exposing his sexy Bike jock strap which was beginning to swell. Pinned on the bed, Darren looked incredibly tempting wearing only his sweaty, cut-off shirt, his sockless jogging shoes, and his skimpy athletic supporter which was quickly bulging in the crotch. He was unable to overtake the two of us and stopped struggling. "Okay, okay." Darren said as he finally relented. "Look, I've never done this before. I'll cooperate but you have to go easy." "Like you did me last night?" I asked. "No. Just take it slow, okay?" Darren pleaded. "Don't worry."Richard said. "We'll go real slow." "I don't know about this." Darren worried. "You're going to love it." I promised.

Richard and I released our hold of Darren and slowly began to feel his hard, muscular body. Richard began by kissing Darren deeply while I tended to his lower half. I reached for his huge, hardened meat pulsing just below the fabric of his jock strap and squeezed it firmly. Fondling his sensitive balls, I moved my head to his protruding bulge and massaged his pulsing erection with my lips, biting him softly. Richard's hands wandered about Darren's buff chest until he ripped off the sweaty shirt and stuffed it in his face. This plus my action on his crotch aroused Darren as he moaned and kissed Richard harder. My hand slipped below Darren's balls and stroked along his crack, probing around his virgin hole. His subtle sigh indicated his pleasure as my finger explored the light blond hairs between his solid legs.

Richard disengaged his deep kiss and then knelt before Darren, waving his own erect flesh before his waiting eyes. He opened his mouth invitingly as Richard stuffed his thick, 8 inch cock past his lips and down his throat and began to slide in and out. Darren may never have been fucked but he knew how to suck cock as Richard's ecstatic expressions indicated. The stiff prick between Darren's sliding lips became wet with saliva as he grabbed Richard's soft ass and pulled him further down his throat. He relaxed his throat muscles and took Richard's rigid pole entirely into his mouth like a pro as his lips pressed against the dark hairs of his pubic nest. Richard held Darren's blond head as he guided him up and down his muscular appendage.

Meanwhile, I reached inside the ribbed crotch of Darren's jock strap and pulled out his enormous, 9 inch throbbing piece of manhood. I was still amazed at the size of his incredibly large cock as I pointed it northward and slid my gripping hand up and down the thick shaft. I struggled to place my mouth upon it and felt the strain in my jaw from sucking him off the night before. I bobbed upon it a few times before my jaw muscles were too painful to bare. I removed my lips from his steel pole and my tongue licked upon its length until I reached his shiny balls. My mouth found them more palatable as I swished his soft, hairy nuts around in my mouth with my tongue. Darren moaned as I probed just beneath his ballsack, nearing his tentative hole.

I spread Darren's solid legs apart and lifted them up and back as I plunged my face into his crack and began to service his pink asshole. Darren moaned with delight as my tongue swirled around the quivering orifice until it poked inside. With the straps of his jock stretching across his shapely, round ass, I spread his firm cheeks further apart trying to penetrate his puckering bud with my yearning tongue. His cries of joy continued with every probe and swipe of my versatile tongue along his virgin hole. I could smell Darren's manly scent as my nose brushed under his balls. I momentarily withdrew from his hole to pull the crotch of his jock strap aside so I could slide along his large balls to his sensitive crack. I quickly returned to lubricating his entry hole with my organ of taste and licked deep inside. Darren moaned again as I pushed my middle finger partially inside. Although he loved this reaming action, he had no idea of the unique pleasure he was soon to behold.

I pulled my face from Darren's blond-haired ass and Richard pulled his raging brown pump from his slurping mouth. The moment of truth arrived. "Are you ready, Darren?" I asked. "I don't think we should do this, guys." He begged. "Just get on all fours, dude." Richard ordered. Richard and I moved Darren onto his hands and knees despite his reluctance. Darren could not believe what he was about to do. Just being on his hands and knees gave him and uneasy, compromising feeling. He was the macho jock who usually did all the fucking and now the tables were turned. He was about to get fucked in the ass for the first time. His tight virgin asshole quivered in anticipation of the pain of being penetrated. "You go first, Richard since you're his best friend. You get to do the honors of popping his cherry." "Don't worry, buddy. You're gonna like this." Richard said as he assumed the position behind Darren's waiting ass. "That's what I'm afraid of. Just please don't hurt me, Rich Put plenty of KY." Darren asked as he looked back to see Richard about to plunge into him. Richard began to lube his long, thick shaft slowly as he knelt behind Darren with his jock strap still on. He savored the glorious moment since he had always played the bitch for Darren's numerous fucks upon him. Now he was about to fuck his best friend and he especially relished the fact that he would be the one to take his precious virginity. Richard slid his hand up and down his impatient cock and prepared Darren by sliding his lubricated sword up along his quaking crack. Now ready, Richard placed the purple head of his solid pole at Darren's pink hole and thrust forward gently. "Ahhhg." Darren cried feeling the initial sting of Richard's penetration. "Wait, hold on." He pleaded to Richard in a panicky tone. Richard pulled out and back in again as he ignored his pleas and continued to slowly slide his slick, brown spear up Darren's ass. After it went in about halfway, Richard pulled out and lubricated his pulsing pump once more before he shoved it in completely inside Darren's tight virgin asshole with a single forward thrust. As Darren felt the long tool slide into him his pain began to subside as Richard assumed a consistent rhythm to his fucking motions. The feeling of Richard's well-sized boner inside Darren's ass was completely foreign although it became quite pleasurable once he pumped against his prostate gland. Darren began to relax his nervous hole and enjoy getting fucked as he took hold of my rock-hard prick and engulfed it with his warm, wet mouth as I guided his head and caressed his muscular back.

As Darren looked into the mirror he saw himself on all fours getting pounded doggedly by Richard from behind and sucking off my wet, rigid cock. The sight of his vulnerable position actually turned him on immensely and he began to suck me harder and push his ass into Richard's forward thrusts. This time I completed the carnal circle as I pressed my lips to Richard's and we kissed deeply while he fucked Darren's ass and I fucked his mouth. Richard braced himself with his hands on Darren's firm cheeks as he plunged into him deeper and faster shaking his abused body. His slick, hard dick slid into his friend's tight hole as his moans of pleasure grew louder. Richard took hold of the waistband of Darren's jock strap as he rode this wild stud and relentlessly plunged into his pristine hole. The slaps against Darren's ass became louder as Richard thrusted harder and deeper pressing against his bowels with his blood-filled missile. He took hold of Darren's long, bouncing pole and gripped it tightly as he jerked him off. "You like me fucking your jock ass, eh Darren?" Darren simply mumbled in ecstasy with my thick cock filling his mouth. Richard neared his glorious climax as he plunged harder into Darren's virgin ass, pelting him uncontrollably with his thrusting pelvis. Finally, he cocked his head back and bucked into Darren's ass one last time before his spewed his hot load onto Darren's smooth back. Darren felt the warm streams of cum splash upon him as Richard completed devirginizing him. I spread Richard's thick liquid over Darren's back and then smeared it into his face as he licked my fingers eagerly. "So, buddy. How was it?" Richard asked as he caught his breath. "It was amazing. I never thought I'd like it but I love it." "Ready for the grand finale, Darren?" I asked as I switched positions with Richard while Darren waited in his doggie stance. "I don't know if I can take your fat cock inside me, Al. Just put plenty of lube." "Would I hurt you, Darren?" I took my position behind Darren's now gaping asshole as he instinctively took to sucking Richard's soft, expended penis which was quickly getting hard again. I pulled his cum soaked jock strap off his round ass past the wisps of blond hair on his muscular legs. I crumpled it in my face, taking in the erotic combination of Darren's musky scent and Richard's cum. I applied the creamy lubricant all over my rigid, throbbing tool in preparation for Darren's soft asshole. With the head of my solid dick aimed directly at his puckering bud, I pushed into his anal chasm and thrust forward. "Ouuww." Darren cried in pain as my cock was noticeably larger than Richard's. I did not relent and instead plunged the entire length of my pulsing, veiny tool up into Darren's quickly widening tunnel. "Take it easy, Al." He asked as I pumped my fiery manhood into his scorched ass, thrusting his body forward as he serviced Richard's now hardened prick. Darren began to enjoy the pleasure of my thick arrow sliding inside his anal tract. But I wanted to make Darren feel as I did when he fucked me the night before. I slammed my cement flesh into him with all my might trying to sear this carnal memory into his head. I pulled his cheeks to my pelvis, extending my pulsing boner inside him as far as I could. His blonde hair flailed erratically every time I bumped his body forward while he tried to keep Richard's muscle in his mouth. Despite my torrid pummeling action, Darren took it in like a pro as he felt great delight in this first fuck of his life. "Fuck me, Al. Fuck my jock ass." He demanded as his firm body bounced wildly.

Richard pulled his hard erection out of Darren's strained mouth and moved to a sixty-nine position with him. He slid his head and body beneath Darren's crotch and took his enormous tool between his lips while he thrusted his own tool inside his mouth as I continued spearing him from behind. We were all three enmeshed in a sexual conveyer as we experienced the incredible ecstasy of our orgy. Darren and Richard sucked each other's bursting poles while I fucked the shit out of Darren's taking ass.

Our hot man tools slid passionately in and out of our sensuous orifices as we all felt the rising pleasure of our steamy intercourse. I could see Richard sucking Darren's searing, thick organ below as he saw my inflated, fleshy hose slide in and out of the quarterback's pink anal hole. My soft testicles swung wildly with each forward thrust. The profuse sweat dripped down our heated bodies as we sucked and fucked each other until we could hardly control our basic sexual functions.

I finally felt the wonderful, tingly feeling in my ballsack as I pulled myself out of Darren's loosened hole and jerked myself frantically. Richard, too felt the same ecstasy as he slid from underneath Darren and knelt before his red filled face. Richard and I jerked our purple flesh side by side as we held our blood-filled rifles in front of Darren's open mouth. Suddenly, we both reached our peaks simultaneously and shot our huge, creamy loads directly into Darren's welcoming mouth. Shot after shot of our warm, white cream landed upon his slithering tongue and dripped down his pink lips. Seizing the intense moment, Darren quickly swallowed our thick, salty loads and grabbed our softening cocks to squeeze out the last bits of our cum juice as it rolled down his waiting throat.

Darren could hold back no longer as he forced our faces before his impatient cock, jacking off crazily until he reached the point of no return. His body shook intensely and his head flung back when he felt the weakening feeling just before his orgasm. Finally, he shot his long anticipated load upon our sweaty faces and into our mouths. We lunged for his Darren's spewing hose to take in every drop of his virgin cum. We swallowed the sticky juice as the rest rolled down our faces and the sexual energy of this fiery encounter dissipated into space.

We all collapsed on the bed and rested our exasperated bodies as we struggled to catch our breath. The beat of our lustful hearts calmed and our minds embraced the memory of our most torrid orgy. "Darren? You okay?" I asked. "Okay? Yeah, I'm okay. I don't know how, but I'm okay." "Darren," Richard noted. "You're a freak, dude. No doubt about it." "Well, I guess we're even, guys." "At least until next time." I said. "What next time?" Darren asked as we all laughed. We fell back to the bed and held each other's weary bodies.

Next: Chapter 2: Guy on Bus 5 8

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