Guy in the Hallway

By trese

Published on Jun 16, 2000


June 17, 2000 KILT: THE GUY IN THE HALLWAY - 02 (no sex) ===================================================== Disclaimer:

The story you are about read contains gay erotic experiences. So, if you are not of legal age or your country, religion, moral universe etc., consider this writings to be perverse, then I suggest that you should find something else to read. And, if you should decide to read this type of literature, neither this site nor the author will be held accountable for your actions. ===================================================== Background on KILT:

Kathang Isip Lamang ni Trese (KILT) is a collection of original writings, fiction, or non-fiction depicting gay erotic themes.

Posting, copying or redistributing this material via electronic mail or in any form is strictly prohibited. Only individuals, groups, or websites that were given proper authorization have the right to post, copy, or redistribute this material. ===================================================== Author's Note:

The Guy in the Hallway is base on real life. Names of individuals mentioned in this story were changed to protect their real identity. Earlier chapters of this story and other KILT stories can be found at my website: =====================================================

The Guy in the Hallway by tReSe Copyright (c) Friday Trese Co. 2000

Most of you might be wondering what happen to "the guy in the hallway." Well, here's an update about our encounter.

It's been so long since I last hang with my friends at our favorite watering hole, S--- S---. I've been busy with school and all. So, yesterday, I decided that after my classes, I would go and meet my friends to shoot some balls. When I arrived there, my friends were already playing pool and I'd joined them. We were having such a good time that I didn't notice that it was nearing dinnertime. I asked my friends if they want to join me for dinner, but none of them did. They told me that they're not yet hungry. So, I went table and look at the menu to order my meal.

I was still deciding what to order when I felt a presence of someone standing beside me. Without looking at the person, I know for sure that he's guy because of his cologne. He was wearing my favorite perfume, Cool Water. I continued to browser at menu.

"Good evening, what would it be for tonight?" He's voice is so deep and sexy. I couldn't help myself but look up to whoever it is talking to me. When I saw his face, I was totally taken by surprised. It was him, my "guy in the hallway" right in front of me. I haven't seen him since our last encounter. And of all places, I never would guess that I would see in S--- S---, let alone taking my order.

I guess, I stared at him too long. Because he asked me if I'm alright. I was in trance, I could see his red luscious lips moving, but I couldn't to hear what he was saying. I was transfixed to it. I couldn't move from where I was. All I know at the moment that my heart jumped out of joy. If I were in a cartoon flick in the television the scenario would be my heart would jump out of chest to the table and be grooving like BSB.

He shook my shoulder to see if I was okay. That broke the spell. I said something like "huh." He just smiled when he heard me uttered a sound. He repeats his question again, and I told him that I'd have the pizza supreme and ice tea. After finishing writing in the order slip, he asked me if that would all. I said again, "huh?"

"Man, are you sure you're alright?" He asked.

"Huh?" I wanted to say that I'm more than alright. I wanted to say to him that I must have died and gone to heaven seeing you again and talking to you for the first. But all the my stupid mouth could utter was a dumb "huh."

He just scared his head and asked me to sign in the order slip. When he gave me his pen his finger touched mine and I dropped the pen on the floor. My voice was somewhat weak when I apologized for my clumsiness. After he picked up the pen from the floor and I had finished signing the order slip, he asked me again if I was alright. I just nodded my head yes.

When he left, I could feel myself burning up more than my normal body temperature. My head was floating or something as if I was in cloud nine. While waiting for him to deliver my meal, I was daydreaming of him. My fantasy went something like this.

When I saw him standing beside me asking me for my order, I stood up without taking off my eyes from his lips. Then I grabbed his nape and started kissing him in the mouth. I saw his eyes go wide and then slowly closed it as his mouth starts to let my tongue slip in. After what seems to be eternity, which in reality was only ten seconds, I released his mouth from mine and told him that I wanted to do that ever since the first time I saw him. He smiled and then told me to show him again, how bad I really wanted it. Damn his cute dimples.

The next thing I knew, I was on top of him while his back on the table. I ripped his shirt off and my mouth dived right into his right nipple. I sucked it like a pacifier. He was moaning while pushing my head deeper it. My hand starts to unzip his fly when I heard a voice. I was zapped back to reality

"Here's your pizza and ice tea, sir."

I was disappointed when I looked up. The guy that brought my meal was not my "guy." But my friend who was working there.

"A penny for thoughts?" Shaneil asked.

"Cheap skate, your penny is worthless." I laughed.

"I've been observing you since I punched in tonight. You seemed to be thinking something deep. What's up?"

I wanted to say that my dick is but opted not tell him. I just smiled and told him nothing. I made an excuse that I was just tired from all the day's activities. Before he left, I innocently fished out for information about my "guy." I've learned that he just started a couple of weeks ago and that his name is Edward. But he prefers to be called by his nickname, Edge.

I'm hoping to see Edge again today. Wish me luck.

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Thanks, tReSe

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