Guy I Met in Orange

By ot.suomynona@esiryt28_72llyrhgiet

Published on Apr 16, 2001


Hey guyz sorry for the delay but I was totally beezee this past few weeks so sowee enjoy the continuation. Um I think it'll be a long while before I make my next posting ok. Enjoy!

"Can we at least talk about this Dan?" He looked at me with those unfathomable eyes. They were hurt. I wanted to stay and cuddle him to ease the hurt away but this is so wrong. I walked away and out of his flat. I went to the parking lot. My mind was somewhere else. I didn't see the streetlight was red so I collided with the car in front mine. Oh god this is trouble. I turned off the ignition key and got out of the car. The driver of the car I bumped into was looking at the damage. I think the guy must've only been seventeen or eighteen. He looked really piss off. When I went to see the damage, I was aghast. My headlights and his taillights were smashed and his compartment door was slightly warped. He was looking at his car. When he glanced at mine his mouth opened. I was driving a 1999Porsche 911 Carrera. God this will cost a lot, my dad's going to nag me with this for a long time.

"Um hey I'm Dan. I'm really sorry about this. Just give me your name and your contact number and my insurance would take care of it."

"I'm Jason, do you have a pen and a paper? And I also have to get your contact number. Just to be sure." I took my palm pilot in the car, got his number and address and handed him my calling card. I don't want to go through so much hassle calling and coordinating with our insurance agent so I decided to call my dad instead. I told the guy my plan. I told him to go to his mechanic; I'll go with him and have them estimate how much the damage would cost. I went inside the car to find my phone but I couldn't. I remembered how tense I was in Calvin's apartment that I forgot to check if I left something. So I borrowed the guys phone. It was four in the afternoon when I got home. Our driver had to pick me up from the mechanic center. I was exhausted to death. I made a sandwich took an ice tea and went to my room. I called Jelly and told her bout my awful day leaving the part of Calvin and me. I wanted to relax, so I went to my CD player and played my Vertical Horizon CD.I was about to go take a shower when my phone rang.

"Hellooooo." I was humming along the music. Suddenly I heard a very familiar voice.

"Uh Hello is Dan there. Uhm can I speak with him?" He sounded apprehensive. He didn't recognize my voice.

"Uh speaking who's this?" I continued humming. He coughed slightly before answering.

"Hey uhm its Calvin man."

"Hey Calvin," I hope my voice didn't sounded too edgy, "What's up?" God I am a jerk.

"You um left your phone here." His voice was flat. I felt guilty.

"Oh I did? Well yeah I know I didn't know your phone number so I wasn't able to call you. I supposed you'd call." There was a really long awkward silence. I don't know what to say to him. "So um when can I get my phone? If you'd like I can meet you or I can always pick it up at your place."

"It's up to you. Dan can we at least talk about-."

"Calvin look it's a mistake, my hormones took over and I took advantage of you and-"

"Dan you didn't took advantage of me. I liked it and I," he paused and took a deep breath, "thought you liked it too."

"Calvin I'm straight I have a girlfriend, I didn't knew I was misleading you, sorry. Look Calvin why don't we meet at Rockwell, Seattle's Café are you free now?" "Yes." His voice was a little shaky.

"Cool meet me there in an hour and a half."

"Ok." I went to take a shower. After I did went to get dressed and headed for Rockwell Center. After I parked the car I went to our meeting place. I got there first. I sat on a table and waited for him. After about five minutes Calvin arrived. He sat opposite me and gave my phone. Suddenly I froze in my sit. Visions of our first meeting came flooding back in my head. We met because I left my phone and he followed me to give it back. On my way I was planning what I'm going to say to him. How I want him to just forget he ever knew me.

"Are you ok?"

"Um yeah I am." I looked at my phone. He charged it oh how thoughtful of him. "Calvin," I have to get this out "I think it's best for us if this would be our last meeting."

I waited for his reaction. "What do you mean? Dan please don't, I know you don't mean it." I looked at him. Suddenly I have this strange feeling in my gut. I can't bear to see him hurting but I have to end this. What we're doing is wrong and it would hurt people if it gets out.

"Calvin I'm so sorry but all this is wrong. I'm not gay. I have to go it's getting late."

"Dan wait." I looked at him for a brief second then walked away.

When I got home I went straight to my bedroom and slept. I woke up at five thirty in the morning. I went to do all my morning rituals before going to school. Somehow I felt guilty. I don't even felt sorry for Calvin, man I hurt him badly I saw it in his eyes. I'll just have to forget everything it's for everybody's sake. I was getting ready to leave when my I came upon with my dad in our garage. "Hey dad morning. Why are you up too early?"

"Business matters. Dan be careful when you drive. If you wreck one more car you'll be the one paying for the damage ok? You're a grown up now, I trust you, your mum and I does. Please be responsible next time."

"Ok dad I will."

This day is one helluva lot better. I met Jelly in the cafeteria and we had lunch together. Our exams will be starting next week and I want to enjoy the week before it. So I asked Jelly if she would like to go out this Friday. I want to make it up to her. I haven't spent much time with her lately. She still has classes in the afternoon. I just went to play billiards with Emil and the guys while I wait for. It was four thirty in the afternoon when Jelly called me. I told her to meet me in front of McDonald's. I told the guys I have to go and paid the bill. She was talking with her friends when I got there.

"Hey Jelly, ready to go?" I gave her a peck in the cheek. "Hey gals what's up?"

"Well nothing much except for a bunch of projects and reports. God these professors are pain in the ass." Jelly's best friend Maria replied.

"Hey so you wanna go now?" Jelly was fidgeting with her phone.

"K then Jellatin." She said her byes and we left. "So Jelly you wanna go malling or maybe eat?"

"Not in the mood, I'm too tired."

"Ok then." I drove off to her house. When we arrived her parents were not there. Good we can play. When we got into her room I kissed her lightly on the neck. She caressed my back longingly. God is she in heat today. I looked into her eyes and it showed approval. I kissed my way down her chest unbuttoning her shirt with my mouth.

"God Dan this is hot. Ummmmm." When I finished she shrugged her shirt off her shoulders and unclasped her bra and slid them off. I went on to suck her right nipple gently biting them. She grasped my hair with her hands pushing my head onto her swelling breast. She was moaning gently. I took her left jug and massaged it blandly. She took me upward and kissed me hungrily. Then her hands slipped between us. She took of my shirt and unbuttoned my pants. I broke from our kiss to slide my pants off. I felt her sweet breath on my neck. "I want to see you hard. I want to feel you with my hands." Whoa she never held me before. I took of my briefs excited to feel her touch on my throbbing organ. I stood naked in front of her; she was studying my tool with intent gaze. Her alluring stare sent shivers in my spine. God she looks hot half naked. She then moved toward me and grasped my dick gently massaging. It She looked at me and smiled sheepishly. That was way too funny yet at the same time so erotic. She looked like a schoolgirl who just got a correct answer; get it? I smiled back and grabbed her breasts. I was nearing my orgasm so I took her hands off my dick and took a condom out my wallet. I went to her. She was lying on her bed. I tore the wrapper. I was about to put the condom on when she grabbed it from me. I gave her a quizzical look. She then motioned to come nearer. He again touched my dick.

"Oh god Jelly if you keep on touching me like that I'll lose it any moment now." She then fitted the rubber on me. I position my self. "Here I come baby." I entered her with less friction.

"Uh be gentle." Her muscles contracted as I withdrew. I plunged inside her again this time making her moan in pleasure. After I loosened her up I quickened my pace.

"Jelly can you cum with me?"

"I don't know. Oooh that's it deeper Dan god you're good. Just keep your pace like that and like get off in not time." I was pumping real fast. After few minutes her muscles squeezed my throbbing dick.

"Oh god Dan I'm gonna cum now." Her tight grip on my dick pushed my reserve. I felt my balls contract and I started to shoot into the condom. I lay on top of her spent. I was toying with her hair when we his brother knocked. I swiftly got off her and hurriedly put on my clothes. After her brother came we talked for a little while and I went home. The past few days were good and I got to spend more quality time with Jelly. Then Friday came. At seven in the evening I went to pick up Jelly. I took her to Chili's for dinner. We were half way through our dinner when suddenly a group of loud-mouthed guys and gals wend in. I looked in their direction. Suddenly I was looking into a familiar face. Calvin was one of them, we must've looked at each other for several minutes. He turned to one of his friend who I think was talking to him a while ago and pretending like he hasn't seen anybody. I was furious at him. Why didn't he even smiled or nodded at me. God I thought he liked me. A thought of going over their table and make a scene was swimming in my mind. Then I realized this is what I wanted. I must have looked like a nutcase because when I returned my gaze to Jelly she had this inquiring look. I just smiled at her and continued to eat. I didn't want to stay longer at Chili's so when we finished I paid our bill and led Jelly out. She was surprised with what I'm doing tugging her like I was trying to runaway or something.

"Is anything wrong? Are you trying to avoid someone?"

"Huh? No I just want you to hurry up coz I don't want well uhm... to miss the... rave party at... uh... Limits."

"There's a rave party at Limits? I thought we're going to Sambo's?"

"Well we're now going to Limits."

"You know I hate rave parties. Why don't we just try Vintage? I heard it's a cool bar?"

"Uhm well ok we'll go to Vintage."

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