Guy I Met in Orange

By ot.suomynona@esiryt28_72llyrhgiet

Published on Mar 24, 2001


In my country homosexuals are accepted but they have like limited rights. People are cool with gays, but they don't approve in gay relationships and gay stuff. Sex between two guys or girls is considered taboo, it's the most disgusting thing a human would do, as the elders would say. Also people in my country stereotype gays, when you say gay normally the picture depicts in one's mind is a guy or a gal cross-dressing and acting the opposite. Like most country people are divided into classes. When you rank among the low class and the middle class being queer is most likely acceptable not like in the richer classes. This is because you have to carry your family's honor, your parents' dignity and blah, blah, blah. My countrymen are very religious and strongly believe in the bible. It's really confining. Like being in a tight cage not knowing how to move well cause you can't really move with the small space. So much for an overview, I'm a Filipino I was practically raised here in the Philippines but I had a share of the world's different culture, I mean my parents love to travel and they always took me with them even if it means missing a whole quarter of school. But they always make sure I pass. They always sweet-talk and bribe the school administration to give me special grades or if not advanced exams. My dad is a businessman, not the super in demand type that goes to the president's dinner and stuff but somehow pulled it through the top in our country. My mum is a very supportive housewife. I'm the eldest of my two siblings. My dad is half Filipino and half British, my grandfather is a Filipino and my grandmother is British. My mother is a Spanish, her ancestors migrated in the country since the Spaniards colonization. So my siblings and me have different skin colors from the typical Filipinos you see. And our eye colors are not brown like most of the Filipinos. My brother has gray eyes and my little sister like me have e very different eye color. It changes most of the time. It varies from the sun's light I think. In the morning and evening it's super gray to the point of being aqua green, but then in noon and most of the time its the lightest possible shade of gray with streaks of yellow around the iris. I don't think I'm handsome, though. My skin color and eyes help coz its like considered exotic here in the Philippines. This story happened when I was in my sophomore in college um that was just last year and I have learned so much about being gay since, but I'm still in the closet. I wrote this story to somehow express my closeted feelings. So here goes. I'm starting sophomore in De LaSalle University I'm straight then. I'm a playboy. I collect girlfriends. Oh yeah just call me Dadan that's short for um don't want to reveal specific names. I'm somehow popular in my class and our clique is also one of the respected in the university but not all of the students knew us, though. I'm going steady with my girlfriend then. Her names Angelica, she's really pretty, petit and mestiza. I love her to death, and she changed my "Collect and Select" motto. A week after the classes started my friends planned to go on a gimmick on the coming Saturday. They wanted to go bar and disco hopping. So after classes I told Angelica our plans and told him I'm gonna pick her up 10pm. So Saturday came it was three in the afternoon, I was real bored in the house and my brother and his friends were really getting on my nerves. They were playing in the pool shouting real loud, I was in the gazebo in the garden, which is my favorite spot in the house second to my room. It's near the pool, I had my laptop with me and was surfing the net. Alas I really can't contain my temper so I told them to keep it low and stop pushing each other onto the pool. That did it. They kept quiet and left me in peace. I remember then my brother came to me. He asked me if he could go out with his friend.

"Um Dan can I go out with Carlos and the guys tonight?" I didn't reply for a couple of minutes. I just raised my brows. Am really not cool about the idea them going out late. I'm responsible my parent's are in a business trip in Cebu and they made me responsible with my siblings. My brother is in fourth year high school, meaning a senior, he's only 15 and don't have a driver's license yet.

"What are you guys going to do?"

"Oh we're going to the mall. Eat and catch a last full show of a movie that catches our fancy. So?"

"So you guys does your parents know your going out tonight?"

"Oh yeah." The three guys replied in unison.

"Hey Ian and you three you have to promise me not to go to a bar and drink. Okay?"

"Yes!!!" The four of them replied.

"I'll tell the driver specific instructions to drop you in the mall and wait. I want you home before one." It's not that I don't want my brother to go on discos and bar, but it's really not safe for young brats to go on a gimmick. It only means trouble.

My brother left so its me my sister and the helpers in the house. We ate dinner I told my little sister I'm going out. I told her not to watch TV `til morning. So got ready and called Angelica I'm going it's past ten and the traffic has subsided. I took the keys to the Jeep (my dad likes to collect imported cars). I drove to her place. Her parents welcomed me. They told me to wait in the den and they'll call Angelica. Soon we were speeding onto the highway. We agreed to meet in the Ayala parking lot. We arrived at quarter to eleven Mark and his girlfriend was there. So we still have to wait for my buddy Emil and two of our friends, Paco and Jed. After a couple of minutes Jed with Paco, Colleen his girlfriend, Emil and his girlfriend Erika arrived. Jed stepped down his car, "Sorry guys, I agreed to pick up these bums."

"Hey come on there's no use all of us bringing cars, though," Paco countered.

"So where do you want to go first?" Emil asked directing the question to me. I always have infos on street parties and good dig out places.

"Don't know anything raving tonight. Why don't we just try Tomas Morato? We can go first to Decades checkout whats brewin' and then to Limits."

"O.k. so lets get going the night's walking." Mark said and everybody hopped in the cars and we drove of to Quezon City. Since the road's not streaming with car, we got there after 30 minutes. The place was jam packed with people so we tried Limits. People are only starting at 11:45. We got a table and ordered for drinks. Angelica then pulled me to the dance floor and we rocked our butts to the music, and soon some of our friends joined in. We danced and drank for a couple of hours until Jed suggested we try The Fort.

We got to The Fort but it's not that striking anymore. It's not packed with people anymore, most of the people who go there are yuppies, so we just went to Sambo's to try some of the cocktail's they serve. The best cocktail I've tasted so far is blowjob, real smooth but strikes fast after a couple of shots. I just got one shot and a mule. I don't wanna get drunk coz I still want to live you know. We just sat there and talked for a while. Soon the bar was closing. The sun's beginning to spray its rays when we decide to call it quits. I asked Jelly if she wanted to go to our condo in greenhills first and talk. She agreed and. Soon as I closed the door, she was kissing me and was unzipping my pants. She gently stroked my penis and made me hard. I grabbed her tube shirt; she's not wearing a bra. I placed both of my hands on her swelling breast and hooked me thumbs on her nipples she was moaning and encouraging me to continue. We really haven't done the real thing I mean fucking. Often she only gives me a hand job and thinks blowjob is yucky only gays does it. So I really haven't gotten a blowjob. I was hoping I got to fuck her at that moment. So I left her breast. Damn the foreplay I really want to fuck right now so I dropped her skirt and her panties and looked her in the eyes and she nodded so I inserted my index finger in her cunt and started to finger fucked her. She continued to masturbate me. I was too excited I get to fuck my virgin girlfriend so I quickly move me cock in front of her cunt and started pushing. My head popped in and she gasped in pain. I told her it's ok, it really hurts in the first time so I told her to hold on my back. We were on the floor, she held tight as I drove deeper she was crying in pain and bit me on the shoulder. Her bite shocked me and made me push my 7.5-inch cock all the way in her. She gasped in surprise. " Dan shit it hurts can you just relax for a minute, get me accustomed with your penis inside me." God her voice sounded lovely when she pleads. So after a few minutes she nodded and I slowly pulled my cock and drove back inside. "Oh yeah do it again faster." So I made the push and thrust action faster until I get to the point I can no longer control my mind and made my action faster and harder. "Oh god you feel good Jel shit I think this is it uh I'm gonna fucking cum sweety. Oh shit!" I thrust for the last time and released my semen in her. After a few second when I regained my sanity I gasped. She was startled. I looked at her in total shock I think my eyes would pop out. She realized what I meant. We forgot to use condom and I shot my load inside her. "God Dan what if I get pregnant. O shit my dad will fucking kill me." She sobbed hysterically. After I regained composure I took her in my arms and held her tight. "I'll be at your back Jelly don't worry. We'll go through it together." Damn I love her to death, normally if this happened to another girl I would just leave her crying and I'll tell her it's her fucking fault she didn't remind me. Yeah I'm a total loser `til I met Angelica. I stood up and took her to the shower. She then stopped sobbing. We cleaned ourselves and after, we went to have breakfast in Starbucks. I took her home. I finally got home at 9:45 in the morning. My brother's gone to his hockey practice and my sister went to her ballet class.

"Um Cynthia what time did Ziara left?" I asked the butler.

"Sir siguro seven thirty po. Kasama si Miya at si Dong." She answered in our native language. That means; Sir I think seven thirty. She's with Miya and Dong. Miya's her babysitter and Dong's one of the drive.

"How bout Ian?"

" Sir eight o-clock po."

I excused my self and went to my room. I was uneasy the whole morning. I was praying hard Jelly wouldn't get pregnant, duh praying? I skipped lunch. I just stayed in bed. I was going nuts, so I got my cell and called Jelly. We agreed on seeing a gynecologist. I wasn't my self the whole week, everybody's asking me what's my problem or what's bothering me, but I haven't got the nerves to tell my friends bout the situation. Everyday I would go meet Jelly in the school cafeteria. She's more relaxed than I am, whew I'm getting stressed I don't want to be a father yet. I have not completely enjoyed my youth. So Saturday came and we went to see the doctor. She was examined, we were later told to go back on Tuesday 3:30 in the afternoon. We didn't spent much time the weekend. I just stayed in Emil's house, Sunday. We played video games and watched a couple of movies. When I got home I went straight to bed.

Monday was a repeat of the other week. I rather look more exhausted. The whole day I was thinking about what would be the result. Lunch came I told Jelly I won't be able to meet with her. I wanted to relax a little, just by myself. So I went to Starbucks. I hate being troubled or stressed, cause I always want to eat and eat. I was relaxed after about an hour, digesting Danish, pasta, and frappe.

I didn't sleep well, so Tuesday morning I went to school earlier than usual. I went to the library and just sat there. Then Lunch came I went to the cafeteria and found Jelly sitting. "Hey Jelly so you ready?" I kissed her on the cheek and sat beside her.

"Yes, Um don't you think it's a little early?"

"Oh. Um Jelly no matter what the result is just remember that I won't live your back. I'm always going to be there." She started to sob quietly. I took a tissue out of my bag and wiped her tears.

"I know and I trust you. I'm just scared you know."

"Me too, but you won't be alone I'm here."

I wrapped my arms around her. She continued to do her homework. At exactly 2:30pm we went to St. Lukes. The doctor was waiting when we arrived.

"So doctor. Is it positive or negative?" I was holding Jelly's hands and both of us where slightly trembling. Then the Doctor looked both of us and knew what answer we would like to hear from her. "Its" silence she looked at us intensely, "negative. Should I say I'm Sorry or Congratulations." I breathed a sigh of relief. Angelica embraced me. "I think you Congratulations would be o.k. but not appropriate doctor." I winked at the doctor. We went out to eat. Both of us were relieved. After we ate I drove her home. I was cruising Edsa; I wanted to go home and rest but decided to have a little drink. I went to Orange. I was drinking my second margarita when a group of guys and some girls sat on the table next mine. There were nine of them, six guys and 3 girls. One of the guys was looking at me. I somehow felt conscious, not because he was staring but the fact I'm alone. I usually want company when drinking, and I hate going out alone most of the time. I don't want people to get some ideas. You know people might think I don't have a girlfriend or like I'm kind of an outcast. So I looked at him, I have a "why are you staring" kind of expression. He moved his gaze, but from time to time I would catch him staring and eventually he'll move his eyes when I caught him. After drinking a bottle of mule a shot of blowjob three glasses of margarita, two of martini and a shot of Kahlua, I was getting ready to leave. I looked at my watch and it's already 2am. I went to the john. My head was spinning. I pissed and went to wash. I splashed water onto my face. I grab some tissue and was drying my face when someone taps me on the shoulder. "Hey, um I think you this is your cell phone. You forgot it on the table." I looked at the guy. It was the guy who's staring at me. I took the little titanium-covered phone from his hand. "Um thank you." He was looking at me.

"By the way I'm Calvin."

"Uh. I'm Dan."

I attempted to shake his hand but I missed it my head was spinning and my eyesight's a blur. He just took my hand and shook it. I felt sick at the moment; I went to the toilet and puked. I think I vomited my brain. I was lightheaded after. He was stroking my back and asking me if I was ok. I stood and washed my face. " I think I'm gonna go home. I started walking but my knees are weak and I started to wobble.

"Dan are you going to drive?" He asked me.

"Uh, yeah."

"I think you can't drive considering your drunk."

"Of course I can drive I have a drivers license."

"Your too drunk to drive. You might get on an accident. Why don't you show me to your car and I can drive you home. I'll just take a cab home." I just stared at him with eyes wide. No way I'm going to let a stranger in my car more make him drive. He must have read my mind. "I'm not a carjacker or a thief and I am not going to kill you ok. I'm just being a good Samaritan." And he started laughing. I started thinking. He's right I can't drive. So I gave him my keys and led him to my car. The minute he drove, I drifted to sleep. He must've tried to wake me for instructions, coz when I woke up I don't recognize the room. He was taking my clothes off. I lay down and closed my eyes. He unbuttoned my jeans and slid them off. I was about to go to sleep again when I felt his hand brushing my crotch. I just looked at him. He continues to massage my encased cock. (In the Phil. When a guy lets another guy blows him he's not considered gay you know. The one who's giving is.) He then released my penis and started stroking it. I was moaning with pleasure. I haven't had someone touching me since the last time Jelly and I had sex. I was really surprised when he ate my tool. God a gorgeous guy's blowing me. He kept on bobbing his head on my tool, while I rested my hands on his silky black hair slightly thrusting my hip upwards. The sensation is killing me. My head's spinning from the alcohol and pleasure I was having. I was moaning, I'm not a sex talker, so I just kept on moaning and grunting until I came. It was intense. I was blown for the first time, and it was a guy, a real gorgeous guy. It's too much so after a minute or so I went to sleep. When I woke up me head was throbbing real hard. I needed aspirin fast. So I went to the kitchen. I forgot I wasn't home but I found the kitchen.

"Oh, hey there you are. I thought your not going to wake up I was getting worried." Suddenly I remembered what happened. This guy blew me.

"Um, am ok. Do you have some aspirin? I have a terrible headache."

"Oh sure here. Have some breakfast." After I drank the aspirin I sat across him and ate."

"So you live here alone?"

"Yes. I wanted to live on my own. My parents agreed so here I am. You look like a high school student you know. Are you still in high school? Coz you shouldn't be driving alone."

"Nope I'm 18 yrs. Old. I'm a sophomore in LaSalle. So how bout you, you working or still studying?"

"Still studying, I'm third year in Ateneo. So what's your major?"

"Psychology in BS. How bout you?"

"Business Administration."

We asked each other bout things and talked for about an hour. I told him I needed to go home. We didn't talk about he blowing me stuff. So I left, he lived in a condo in Ayala; the streets are familiar. Everybody in the house panicked my parents were worried I didn't go home on a school day. As soon as I was home my parents nagged at me. Asking me why I didn't call. I told them I lost track of time; I was reviewing with a classmate. I told them how I forgot to call. They didn't ask me more questions, so I went to my room and slept again. The next day when I went to class Emil looked pissed. When I greeted him he just looked at me, no expression on his face. Then I suddenly remembered Wednesdays is our buddy day. Yeah I know sounds dorky, but hey we give time for our friendship.

"Oh man, sorry was too drunk and I slept till noon. Sorry Emil, I'll make it up to you, K?"

"Yeah you weren't home, I called your house. I can't believe you. You didn't even call me."

"I'm sorry man. I was too drunk." I looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Ok, so what happened last Tuesday?"

"Man am I relieved. The result is negative." He shook my hand.

"Congrats man, thought you're going to be a father soon."

"Funny Emil, so what did I miss?"

"Nothing much, just a few lectures." We talked about the past few days. We got to our classes. I am really in a good mood. I was thinking of Jelly, I haven't talked or called her since Tuesday. So I dialed her number.

"Hey watcha doing?" She was gasping on the other line.

"Hey baby am fine, I have classes. I went out just to answer your call. I was getting worried you haven't called and you weren't in class yesterday. I called at your place but they said you're sleeping. Your brother told me you didn't come home. Is something bothering you?" Her voice sounded concern in the same time hurt, confused and nervous. I have to admit I felt guilty. "No baby I just stayed in a friend's house. You know um I went for a few drinks after I took you home and I met a high-school friend. We haven't seen each other for years and asked me to his place, you know catch up on each other and stuff." God that was easy!

"Oh so are you free this lunch we can talk."

"Yeah sure meet me on the cafeteria."

"Ok bye I have to go inside." We hang up. The day was really boring but it didn't got to my sunny mood. Jelly and I talked, the usual stuff.

The things got back to normal. Friday night Jelly and me got together for dinner and Saturday, the guys and me planned to have a boy's night out. Saturday I showered and dressed up. I wore a black shirt without sleeves and a gray cargo bell-bottom pants. I decided to wear black leather sleepers. So when I got to our usual meeting place all the guys were already there. We went to Pier 1. We went to the bar and ordered drinks. The Emil and the guys went to the dance floor. I just sat there and watched the girls dancing. God I love watching these girls shake their booty. Then someone asked me if the sit beside me is taken. I answered the guy without glancing it his direction.

"So you're a snob in person huh?" I suddenly realized the guy's talking to me so I looked at him. Whoa it was Calvin I was shocked to see him there. I mean I was shocked to see him again. I didn't thought I would see him again.

"Hey um you're here?" God was I stupid.

"Oh no I'm not. Its just my hologram."

"Funny, I mean what a coincidence."

"Yeah, I was dancing with my friend when I saw you alone here. So you like going out alone, huh." He was asking but it sounded more like a statement then a question.

"Oh, no I'm here with a couple of friends. I'm just not in the mood to dance, yet."

"Uhu, but you're in the mood to watch girls." I blushed but it's dark inside so he must've missed it.

"Uh yeah. So how's it going?"

"Nothing much just busy with school. How bout' you?"

"Same with you." I was beginning to run out of things to say to him so I think I'm in the mood to dance. "Hey um Calvin right? I'm going to join my friends." I don't wanna sound vain but remembering his name would might imply something. You know like I'm interested on him or something.

"Yeah, so I'll see you around then." He was kind of disappointed, I'm not sure but he sounded like.

"Yeah, see you." So I joined the guys and danced. There was this girl, a good dancer I danced with her a couple of times. I got tired then and decided to sit on the bar. Calvin was sitting beside an empty chair, I scanned the bar for an empty chair but I wasn't able to find one. So I just decided to sit beside him.

"Hey there." I turned to the bartender and asked for a mule. "So, not in the mood to dance?"

"Actually I've been dancing for like two hours. I needed a break." I was too thirsty so when the bartender handed me my drink I finished it in one gulp. Suddenly I felt dizzy, the alcohol's getting into my system. I had six bottles of mule since we got there. I needed coffee.

"Um Calvin I want to grab a coffee. You want to come?"

"Oh sure I think I needed one too."

"Ok, I'll just let my buddy's know I'm going. I think I can stay much longer." I went to Emil and told him I better go. He told me to be careful. I headed toward the bar and Calvin wasn't there. I thought he changed his mind. So I started to leave when he came beside me.

"Hey I just told my friends I'm going to grab a coffee."

"Cool so lets go." We went cruising the streets finding the nearest cafe open. We found a Seattle's Best Cafe pen. So I parked and we got out off the car. We ordered coffee and settled on one of the tables outside. It's a smoking area. He was fun, he didn't even bored me a single minute. I was laughing too loud when his phone rang. He looked at the display screen and answered.

"Hey Zandra, why?" ... "Um its okay, you guys go ahead." ... "Okay, bye." He put his phone on his pocket and turned to me. "It's my friend she told me they have to go. They asked me if I would mind and I said no."

"So do you want to go then?"

"No it's okay. Why do you want to go?"

"We can stay here for a few more minutes." I told him so he continued to tell stories; he was really funny. I glanced at my watch it's already 1:30 in the morning so I told him we better go. We got to my car. "So Calvin where will I drop you? Did you leave your car on the bar?"

"You can just drop me on the bar I can take a cab their. I don't usually bring my car when we go out. I hate to drive alone. And I might get drunk so I just usually leave the driving to my friends." It's really not safe in the streets this hour. Some cab drivers turns out to be thieves and kidnappers so I decided to take him home.

"Oh, I'll just take you home then. It's safer so what do you say?"

"Okay if you don't mind."

"I don't. Just give me instructions." He gave me instructions. When I pulled in front of his condo building he asked me if I would like to go up and have something to eat. I was a hungry so I agreed. I parked my car and we went up. He made us a sandwich and got two Snapple. After I ate I felt sleepy. I always get grumpy after I eat. I stretched back in the sofa. I told him I'd rest for a while. Then my left leg started to cramp. "God ouch."

"What is it?" He asked me.

"I'm having a cramps, my left foot is."

"Stretch your foot towards your head." I did and the pain started to lessen, but the muscles are still aching.

"God it hurts." I rubbed my left leg.

"Wait, I'll grab a Bengay." He went to his room and came back with a tube of Bengay. He told me to remove my pants. I was a little hesitant at first but then the pain's killing me so I removed my shoes and socks first. After, I removed my pants and lied down on the couch. He squeezed some Bengay on his palms and spread it on my left leg then he started massaging it. It felt good. His hands were warm and soft. I closed my eyes; the feeling was intense. I liked to be touched. He just massaged my leg. Then suddenly I felt his hands wonder onto my thighs and forced its way onto the opening of my brief. I couldn't protest coz it's making me nuts' I wanted him to touch my dick, no I want him to suck me. God he knows how to pleasure Guys. A moan escaped my lips when he found my hard dick. He was massaging it inside my underwear. It was so erotic. I mean I was aroused no far more aroused I'm in ecstasy. I can't control my libido; I think my dick has gotten bigger than usual. "God Calvin suck my fucking dick, please." He moved his hands away and situates his face in front of my throbbing dick. He teased me licking just the head of my dick. I shivered. "Oooh God Calvin suck me now please." He looked at me for a while and stopped his licking. I was pleading with him but he just looked at me smiling. God this guy is a whore a fucking hot one. Then he lunged at my dick surprising me. I held onto his head. When I regained my balance I started fucking his face, with strong thrusts. He was pushing my hips away trying to get some air but I was too horny to comply making him gag. He was pushing me desperately but didn't succeed, until I felt pain on my balls. He squeezed it.

"Hey easy, I need to breathe you know." I felt my face flush.

"Um sorry you made me real hot and I need to cum, your giving me blue balls."

"Why don't we try something new." I didn't like the idea, though.

"I don't give head, Calv sorry. If you want I can wank you that's the farthest I would go."

"No that's not what I mean." He was making this seductive look that makes me wanna taste his lips. "What I mean is I want you to try fucking me."

I got hard on the idea. I'm going to have my first buttfuck. He went to his dresser to get some Vaseline. He then kneeled in front of me and started to apply globs of the jelly on my dick. Then he inserted his middle finger in his hole. God he looks hot. He continued to lubricate himself while I watched. Then he stood up and put his arms around my neck and hopped on me.

"Carry me to bed stud." I gave him a quizzical look. I didn't like the idea of carrying him to the bed but I'm fucking horny to think of what's good and not. I laid him on the bed and spread his legs. I raised his feet to my shoulders and readied my dick. I pushed it but his ass was resisting. "Gentle stud, believe it or not but its both first time for us, I presume?" He winked at me and I got what he meant. I stared at him flatly and made a face. I tried one more time but my dick was too slippery. He took my dick and guided it. I gripped his hips with both hands and made a third attempt. This time the head of my throbbing organ pushed through his super tight anus. He gasped; he kept looking at me as I pushed. When I was half way I felt something like tear and he writhed in pain under me.

"Hey Calvin are you okay?" I looked at him. His eyes were closed and he was biting his lower lip.

"God it fucking hurts. Don't move let me adjust to the pain." I did not move and waited for him to give me the go signal. Every time my dick throbs he reacts in pain. I was really aroused looking at him writhing in pain because of my entry. I know it's a sadistic thought but he looks really hot with his eyes closed and grabbing the sheet. Then he opened his eyes and nodded to me. "Gently please. Push in little by little."

When I was all the way in I didn't move for a little while in order for him to make jibe on the situation. Then when he started to touch my thighs I slowly started to fuck him.

"Oooh God yes It feels good now Dan." I'm not a sex talker nor I want dirty talk. I hate a sex partner that has a loud mouth and who swears a lot. I think sex is sacred. Yeah I know I sounded cheesy but hey I'm still conservative. As I thrust in and out of his ass I was looking intently at his eyes. He was doing the same. I was looking at him with such passionate eyes. All my inhibitions left me, I felt complete with him. I felt in love with him. He became silent and stared at me with passion and longing in his eyes. I started to fuck him faster. I knew I won't last longer any second and I will blow my load. I kept thrusting into him with more force our eyes stayed locked together. I felt my balls tighten. This is it; he guessed what's going to happen. He smiled at me and I returned his smile. I buried my dick deep in his ass. I collapsed on top of him as I unload my sperm inside him. Then I felt his organ pulsate between us. He kissed me on the lips. I was shocked at first and debated if I would kiss back or no. I felt obligated that's what I want my mind to believe but deep inside I felt a connection between us, more of a bond so I kissed back. Then the next second we were engaged in a fervid kiss. I felt complete and mostly connected. This is what I feel when Jelly and I kiss but this one is more intense. We kissed more and the next thing I remembered was our laughing. His laughter sounded angelic. I felt heavenly.

"Dan god you make me feel complete. Um goodnight." He kissed me on the cheek. I was too drunk to dissect the situation.

The next morning I when I woke up I was smiling. I remembered I had a really hot sex last night or should I say this morning. Then I felt a body next to me. I thought of Jelly. Wait this is not her room neither mine. Then I looked at the person beside me. It's a he um Calvin. Then the memories came flooding into my mind. I was confused so I gently made my way down the bed as to not wake him up. I started to put my clothes on. When I opened his room he stirred. I looked at him and he was smiling. God his face was very angelic, innocent yet there's a certain depth in his face. A look I can't fathom. Then he realized I was dressed.

"Um I have to go. Iiiiii uuuuu neninineed totttto go-go-go." I stuttered, I don't know how to act and what to say to him.

Hey readers hope you like my story. I would appriciate any comments you have. Feel free to send any good or bad comment bout my first ever story ok, my email address is

Next: Chapter 2

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