Guy and Joey

By Pete

Published on May 19, 2000



Disclaimer: this story is a work of fiction and does not imply anything whatsoever about the persons who feature within it. Warning: This story contains homoerotic scenes.

(c) Copyright Brainwashed_UK 2000. The author permits the distribution of this story by any means and in any form provided that credit to the author is given.

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Guy and Joey ============

Guy glanced out of the window of his small room. Manchester's perpetual drizzle was evident against the green of the trees in the courtyard outside. He pulled a jumper over his head and checked his hair in the mirror, pushing a blonde strand out of his face.

Grabbing his coat, he left his room and locked it behind him. The corridor had a faintly sweet, musty smell from the joints that had been smoked last night by his corridor mates after a long, student night out.

The BBC studios in Manchester were between his university hall and Picadilly Square, the centre of the city, and it was here that Guy was heading today. He'd been told that if you got there early enough you could join the audience for the morning TV show which was broadcast live from here.

His luck was in, and he took a seat in the middle of the back row. The audience was only small, fifty people at the most, enough to provide clapping noises at the appropriate parts of the show, Guy assumed. He had no idea who was going to be on the show today, or what they were going to talk about.

As it happened, the guests were mostly not of interest to Guy. A few minor celebrities talking about their new projects, a doctor taking calls from women with PMS, and one of those godforsaken boy-bands that were all the rage at the moment, for reasons Guy couldn't fathom. In fact, the only guest who Guy really recognised was a cute young actor who plays in an American sit-com shown regularly on BBC2. Joseph Gordon-Levitt was his name, and the show was Third Rock from the Sun. Apparantly he'd been in a number of feature films too, but none that Guy had seen.

When the show was over and the credits were rolling, a man who Guy assumed to be a producer or director turned to the audience and told them that if anyone wished to collect autographs then to wait in the canteen and the guests would pay a brief visit.

Guy wasn't interested in autographs, but on a whim he thought he'd go hang around and maybe have a word with Joey, as he liked to be known. When Joey appeared, Guy was expecting to have to wait while he signed a whole load of autographs, but as it happened there was just himself and a middle-aged lady who went over. Guy let the lady speak first.

"Would you mind signing this for me?" she asked, holding out a small autograph book. "Its for my daughter Mary. She'd be so thrilled!"

"Sure, no problem," Joey replied, taking a pen from his pocket. "Dear Mary, with best wishes, Joey Gordon-Levitt."

"Thank you dear, you're most kind!" said the woman. "Good bye, have a nice visit to England!"

Joey looked at Guy expectantly, still holding the pen in his hand.

"Its ok, you don't have to sign anything," said Guy, slightly embarassed now. "I just thought I'd say hi, that was all."

"Oh. Well, hi, Nice to meet you. What's your name?"


"Great. Do you want to get a coffee or something? I could do with some time out."

"Uh, sure," stammered Guy, more than a little surprised. He surveyed the tables in the canteen. "Where do want to sit?"

"Not in here, that's for sure," Joey said. "I've been warned against BBC canteen coffee. Apparantly, you could use it to unblock drains," he smiled. "Do you know a coffee place anywhere around?"

Most of the fancy coffee houses were too far outside of Guy's student budget for him to frequent, but of course he knew where they were and they headed out of the BBC building towards the city centre.

As they walked, Joey and Guy told each other a bit about themselves. Joey had only arrived in the UK the day before, having been sent on a bit of a promotional tour by the production company in America. This was his first trip outside of the United States on his own and he knew nobody in the UK; this, he explained, was why he was inviting complete strangers for coffee.

Eventually, after they had each had a couple of cappuccinos and they'd been talking together for about an hour, Joey looked at his watch.

"I've got to get to a photoshoot this afternoon, I guess I'd better be on my way."

Guy was disappointed, but tried not to let it show.

"Are you free this evening? We could meet up for a drink or something, if you haven't had enough of me already," Joey grinned.

"Yeah, sure, I'm free. I don't suppose you know any pubs in Manchester though."

"How about I come to your hall? I can get a taxi there after I finish the shoot. What's it called again?"

Guy sat on his bed and looked around his room. It was quite tidy, which was usual for him. He didn't like mess. He wondered briefly whether to take down his Leonardo DiCaprio poster and put away the Gay Times magazines that were on his shelf, but he'd told already told Joey about his sexual orientation and Joey had been fine with it - he couldn't imagine he was going to be offended by the few items that he had that gave away his sexuality.

The clock by his bed said 18:03. Joey said he should finish work at about seven o'clock, all being well; Guy knew the taxi would take twenty minutes at least to get to the hall from the part of the city Joey was in. Time for a shower, he thought.

His room didn't have its own bathroom - some of them did but they were more expensive to rent - and he had to share with the other 7 members of his corridor. He poked his head around the door and listened for the sound of the shower, but it wasn't in use. Shutting his door, he walked over to the window and closed the curtains. Guy pulled his jumper and T-shirt off together, revealing his smooth, washboard chest. He hopped around pulling off his socks, and then pushed his jeans to the floor and stepped out of them. His legs were well shaped with a soft covering of light blonde hair on his calves, shins and outer thighs, leaving his inner thighs almost hairless.

He stood for a second in his white jockey shorts, rubbing his flacid cock though the fabric, thinking of Joey; but as soon as he felt movement in his loins he grabbed his towel and headed off to the shower at the end of the corridor.

The shower room had two showers, but they each had their own curtain. Many times Guy had caught glimpses of Jason, his cute next door neighbour, as he lathered himself down but Jason wasn't on his mind today. As the water streamed down his body Guy lubed his hard cock with plenty of soap and then, slowly at first, began to pump his hand up and down, gradually increasing the tempo. His eyes were tight shut as he imagined the feel of Joey's body, the taste of his tongue. But Guy was dragged back into the real world when he heard the sound of the bathroom door opening, and his hand stopped abruptly, despite the fact he was close to coming.

"Who's in the shower?" asked Jason's voice.

"Uh, hi Jason, its me, Guy.

"Oh, hiya. Where've you been today, I haven't seen you at all?" he asked as he climbed into the other shower.

"Just out and about," he replied, not wanting for some reason to tell Jason who he'd met today - perhaps out of guilt for what he'd been thinking when Jason came in. Jason of course knew Guy was gay, but there was no way he could have known about his little fantasy.

Guy turned off the water and grabbed his towel which was hanging over the curtain rail. He began to dry himself, trying to ignore the pain in his balls from his unspent load.

Jason spoke suddenly. "Uh, Guy... when I came in... were you... you know... cracking one off? I mean---"

Guy nearly bit his tongue.

"Um, yeah, I was. You interrupted me. Sorry."

"No no, its OK. I was just wondering... this might sound strange... do you want me to finish it off for you?"

"Jason... I... er..." Guy didn't know what to say. As far as he knew, Jason was as straight as a die.

But Jason had already turned off the water of his shower. The curtain to Guy's shower peeled back and there was Jason, naked and dripping. He got into the shower with Guy and put his finger to Guy's lips.

"Sssssh," he hissed, smiling at him

His finger ran down Guy's smoothe chest to the top of the towel, and then his hand pulled it away, revealing Guy's still hard cock. Jason hung the towel back over the rail and reached to turn the water back on.

Their cocks, both hard as rocks, stood up before them, and Jason ran his hands over Guy's chest and over his nipples before moving down to his belly and then finally his right hand took hold of the pounding flesh before him. Guy didn't dare touch Jason, still not sure what was going on, and Jason didn't encourage him... so he left his hands hanging by his sides while he stared at Jason's lean, hard body. Then he felt Jason's hands on his shoulders, motioning him to turn around. Jason pushed up against him so his chest was up against Guy's back, skin against skin. Jason's arms were around guy's front, his left hand resting on Guy's right nipple, his right hand slowly pumping Guy's cock. Guy shut his eyes and let out a soft moan. Guy was absorbed with thoughts of Jason's body... he could feel the small patch of hair on Jason's chest against the skin of his back... he could feel Jason's arm around his torso... he could feel their legs against each other...

It wasn't long before Guy came, his hot jism splashing up the shower curtain and then dribbling its way slowly down. Without a word, Jason released Guy from his grasp and turned him around so they were facing each other again. Once more he put his finger to Guy's lips, and then he pushed the shower curtain aside and got out of the shower. Guy stood silent, and heard Jason wrapping his towel around himself and then the sound of the door opening and closing as he left the room.

It was half-past six by the time Guy got back to his room. He was still feeling a bit bemused -- but excited -- by what had just happened. Pulling a fresh pair of jockeys from the drawer, he let the towel drop to the floor and climbed into the fresh underwear.

Still three-quaters of an hour until Joey was due.

He lay on his bed, reliving the events of the last half an hour over and over in his mind. More than once he wondered whether he'd dreamt it all. What were Jason's feelings? Would he ever be able to ask him about it? No, he didn't think so... Would they ever do it again?

As his mind raced there was a knock at the door.

"Oh shit," thought Guy, getting up and grabbing a clean pair of jeans. "Hold on a sec!" he called.

He opened the door.


"Hi. Sorry, I'm a bit early..." he said, seeing Guy standing in his jeans, the elastic of his jockeys showing around the top.

"That's OK... I've just got out the shower... come in."

Guy held the door open for Joey as he walked into the room, and then shut it behind him. Joey put down the bag he was carrying on the floor.

"So this is where you live?" Joey asked, looking more at Guy's body than the room around him. Guy didn't seem to notice though.

"Yeah. Its functional, but its OK, especially when you get some posters on the walls and stuff. Anyway, do you want a drink?"

Guy walked over to his wardrobe and opened it, pulling a T-shirt from a drawer inside and grabbing his bottle of vodka from the top shelf.

"Sure. That looks good," Joey replied.

Guy pulled his T-shirt over his head, revealing the patch of soft, light hair under his arms as he did so. Walking over to his basin, he grabbed two glasses and rinsed them under the tap. He poured a good measure of vodka into each glass and then added some coca-cola.

"Sorry, it isn't cold... we're not allowed fridges."

Joey laughed. "Never mind. I brought some beer, that's cold. Its in the bag."

Guy had assumed that they were going to go out, but by closing time they were still in his room. There was a collection of empties surrounding the bin, and they were back on the vodka and coke, the beer having run out. They were sitting on the floor leaning against the bed, where they'd been talking and laughing all evening. The alcohol had helped to get them merry, but they were both sure that they were forming a new, lasting friendship between them.

The vodka was running out too, and there was just enough left for one last drink.

"Well, I'm the guest, so I reckon the last drop's mine," Joey said, playfully, picking up the bottle.

"No way! Its my vodka... give it here!"

Guy grabbed the bottle back off Joey, and a little playfight began between the two, each trying to get the bottle off the other.

Joey pushed Guy over so he was pinned beneath him. Their eyes met, and they looked into each others' eyes. Slowly, Joey put the bottle down and leaned closer into Guy, neither of them saying a word. Guy could feel Joey's breath against his face now. Joey's lips brushed against Guy's for a second, and then enclosed them altogether as he kissed him for the first time. Guy kissed him back tentatively, and then Joey rolled off of Guy and lay silent for a second or two.

"Guy, I think I'm falling in love with you."

"And I with you," Guy replied, quietly.

They stood up and faced one another.

"I've never done this before," Joey said, his eyes staring into Guy's.

"Don't worry," said Guy gently, as he laid a hand on Joey's shoulder. "I wouldn't do anything to hurt you."

They pulled themselves close to each other and kissed hard. Joey's hands were racing over Guy's body, while Guy held Joey to him. Guy let Joey take control, not wanting to rush him or take things too quickly, and slowly Joey calmed down, his hands finally resting on Guy's sides before he pulled away slightly and stared into his eyes once more.

Guy lifted Joey's T-shirt above his head and stared at the beautiful body that was unveiled before helping Joey to remove his own top. Joey pulled off his shoes and socks; Guy still wasn't wearing any after his shower earlier on. Joey reached over and touched Guy's bare chest and let his hand run down to Guy's belly button, and down the treasure-trail of soft hair to the top of his jeans. He undid the button and pulled the trousers slowly down Guy's thighs until they fell in a heap to the floor. Guy did the same with Joey to reveal a tight pair of grey Calvin Kleins, with a fair bulge in the front. They each stepped out of their fallen trousers and Joey motioned Guy towards the bed.

Guy lay on the bed and Joey sat astride him, running his hands over Guy's soft belly and then rubbing the hard cock that lay trapped beneath the fabric of the underwear.

Joey slowly peeled Guy's jockeys away, allowing the hard, uncut cock to free itself. Joey slowly lowered his face to Guy's member and stroked it with one hand, feeling around the head and down to the base; he ran his finger along Guy's piss slit and Guy moaned at the sensation. Guy put one hand in Joey's thick dark hair and caressed, encouraging but not pushing Joey towards his cock head. Slowly, Joey took the end of Guy's cock into his mouth and sucked hard. Gradually he took in more and more of Guy's shaft, sucking and swallowing all the time. Joey's tongue darted around inside his mouth, and Guy was groaning with pleasure.

Meanwhile Joey's hand were clutching at Guy's thighs, running down the outside of his legs and then back up again, and then on to the sides of Guy's chest. As he sucked, he moved one hand under Guy's leg and grasped his balls, caressing them softly.

"Oh my God!" called Guy, "I'm coming, I'm coming!"

But Joey wasn't going to pull off. He wanted every last drop of Guy's hot juice... he wanted to taste, he wanted to swallow... and sure enough he was rewarded with Guy's hot liquid spirting into his mouth and down his throat.

Joey moved up the bed and lay next to Guy. Guy turned to face him and kissed him, his tongue darting into Joey's mouth so that he might taste his own jism. Guy couldn't be restrained any longer though and he caressed Joey's body, his pecs, his belly, his buttocks... He moved his head down slightly and sucked gently on one of Joey's nipples before tracing his tongue down Joey's front, licking playfully at his belly-button and then down to his Calvin Kleins. Guy sucked Joey's erect cock through the wet fabric of his underwear, enjoying the taste and the smell of Joey's body. Finally he slid his fingers into the waistband and carefully pulled the CK's down far enough for Joey to kick them off.

Guy was transfixed by the beautiful cock and balls that he had uncovered. A small but dense mass of hair formed at the base of Joey's perfect uncut cock, and his almost hairless balls dangled freely below. Guy bent down and kissed the tip of Joey's head, then darted his tongue up and down the slit, making Joey squirm with pleasure. He kissed his way down to Joey's balls and took one and then the other into his mouth, sucking gently on each, before moving back up to take Joey into his mouth.

Joey's head was sweet with precome and Guy lapped at it, savouring every drop, before going all the way down on him in one thrust so that his nose found itself rubbing against the hair at the base of Joey's cock. It wasn't long before he felt a tell-tale swelling in the member in his mouth and he knew that Joey was nearly there... Guy slid one hand beneath Joey and traced a finger down his crack until he found his hole; but he only had to tease the edge of Joey's arse hole and then all of a sudden there was an erruption of sweet juices in his mouth, and a shout from of ecstacy from Joey.

Guy pulled himself back up the bed and reached out to hit the light switch, plunging the room into darkness. Joey pulled the duvet over them and they lay together in each others arms, their naked bodies entwined.

"You're the best thing that ever happened to me in my life," Joey told Guy.

"I've never loved anyone before... not like I love you," Guy replied. "I want us to be together for the rest of our lives."

"Sure thing."

They hugged each other even closer and kissed passionately before sleep overcame them.

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