Guy and Ellen

By Eugene Webber

Published on Sep 7, 2004


Postcards from THE ESTATE

Guy and Ellen

Part IX

Jennifer had just turned the cart onto the trail leading to Guest House II when Brenda turned to Ellen. She stepped out of the cart, followed by Ellen. Ellen waited for Jennifer to alight, while Jennifer looked at Brenda.

"Another of the rules, Ellen," Brenda stated. "The suite belongs to Mr. Hughes, for your use as his guest. No other member or guest may enter except by express permission, just as Jennifer invited you and Mr. Hughes to her cabin. I can go up because preparing you for your date is part of my job. Jennifer has to be invited."

Ellen looked from Brenda to Jennifer. Some of these rules! "Jennifer, please come up with us!"

Both Brenda and Jennifer were all smiles as she stepped out of the cart. Looking at Ellen, Brenda realized that Ellen thought the rule and the little charade they just went through meaningless. As the three walked into the guest house, Brenda explained.

"No one is raped at THE ESTATE. Many of our submissive members and guests believed they could not refuse entrance or the advances of the dominants. Therefore, the rule was developed that any guest or member had to invite another member or guest into their residence. That's why you had to invite Guy in last night, even though you're his guest, and why you'll have to invite him in again tonight. A member cannot assume yesterday's invitation is open. Each visit requires an express invitation."

"Secondly, THE ESTATE started as a dominance club, and many of our members and guests are predators. They take great pleasure in their conquests, especially if it is the guest or spouse of another member. If a member or guest is in a room other than his own, he can only be there by invitation, so the supposed victim cannot complain. We don't believe in date rape. Everyone here is here for sex, and if you don't want to fuck someone, you shouldn't invite them into your room."

The conversation had taken them through the entrance and lobby of the guest house. As they waited for the elevator, Brenda finished her explanation.

"There are some exceptions to this rule, as to all rules, but they apply to certain dominance/submission scenarios, which Mr. Hughes, and therefore you, are not into."

The elevator came, and the three entered. At the door to her suite, Ellen ran her card through the keypad, then hesitated. "You've already invited Jennifer in," Brenda said. "You don't have to invite her twice on the same visit."

Ellen sighed in relief then led the trio inside. As she and Brenda headed for the bedroom, Jennifer stopped in the living room and looked around. It was the first time she had been in this suite since her weekend with Guy.

"Ghosts?" Brenda asked, standing at the doorway.

Jennifer turned around slowly, a melancholy look in her eyes. "Ghosts," she said. She joined Brenda and Ellen as they entered the bedroom.

More ghosts. Jennifer opened the closets, remembering how she felt the first time she saw all the women's clothing she ever wanted. She turned and looked at the bed where Guy had made her a woman, then at two other women who had shared that same experience on that same bed. She thought of the week she had spent at Guy's ranch, and the hope she had that she could live out her life as Guy's wife. A hope she never told Guy. Or anyone.

Brenda now had second thoughts about having Jennifer here. She had thought Jennifer could help her help Ellen. She thought Jennifer was over Guy completely. Sure, there had been hints of bitterness this afternoon, but that was Jennifer. She really could be the bitch. Now, there was only a very vulnerable woman who'd been deeply hurt by love. Brenda could empathize, even sympathize. Just as she was about to go to her, Jennifer turned to them, the tears in her eyes giving them a sparkle as she held them in.

"Well, young lady, let's get you ready."

Brenda moved behind Ellen and unzipped the back of the dress. When Ellen let the dress drop to the floor both Brenda and Jennifer were shocked to see her naked.

"Where are your panties?" Brenda nearly screamed.

Ellen was surprised at their reaction. "In my bag."

"Why aren't you wearing them?"

Ellen looked at them. "I kept taking them off so Guy could fuck me so I decided it would be easier to leave them off."

Brenda and Jennifer looked at each other in disapproval.

"You are such a slut," Jennifer said, in mock disgust.

"A lady always wears panties, Ellen," Brenda chided her. "No matter how many times she has to take them off and put them back on. Now go take a bath. We'll be in directly."

Chastened, Ellen left the room. Brenda and Jennifer looked at each other ruefully. Ellen's reasoning could not be faulted. But there is more to being a woman than wearing a dress or being fucked by a man. One has to think like a woman. Ellen was far from a completed project.

"Are you going to be okay?" Brenda asked.

Jennifer looked around the room. "Yeah. ... I thought I was over him."

"Maybe it's not him." Brenda said. Jennifer looked at her quizzically. "You came into this suite Marcus, you left it Jennifer. Maybe it's Marcus you're not over."

This revelation hit Jennifer like a hook to the jaw. She sat on the bed, no longer able to hold back the tears. Brenda sat beside her, holding her as she sobbed uncontrollably. This is how Ellen found them when she returned.

It was the first time Jennifer had seen Nathaniel. Ellen stood in the doorway, naked, having removed the wig before entering the spa. Having washed off the make-up, removed the wig and the wig cap, the figure before them was a man, with breasts. It was also the first time Brenda looked at Ellen as a sex object, not a project. Both she and Jennifer noticed the translucency of Ellen's skin. Both stood, Jennifer to compose herself, Brenda to approach Ellen. She took Ellen's arm and led her to the windows, where she examined Ellen in the afternoon light.

"No wonder Guy fucked you five times," she said, running her hand over Ellen's buttocks and thighs. She reached between Ellen's legs and scratched the area behind her balls before caressing that same area with her fingertips. Ellen started to erect. She looked at Brenda in horror, wondering if Brenda was going to fuck her.

"Do that to Guy tonight," Brenda smiled. "He'll have the same reaction." She addressed Jennifer, "What are you having her wear?"

"Susie Wong is always wight," Jennifer said over her shoulder as she rummaged in the closet.

Brenda went to the chest of drawers and took out a pair of jade green control panel panties. "Put these on. And remember, a lady is never without her panties. And don't forget your tampon."

Ellen had almost forgot. She had removed the one Guy had placed in her when she took her bath, but had not replaced it. This she did now, under Brenda's watchful eyes.

"Give her a bra too," Jennifer added, rummaging through the closet.

Brenda produced a jade green lace bra, holding it up by the straps. Ellen placed her arms through the straps then stepped into the cups. Brenda circled behind her and fastened it, adjusting the straps and cups so that Ellen stuck up and out. Next came a matching garter belt, and dark stockings. As Ellen sat on the bed to put on the stockings, Brenda joined Jennifer at the closet.

Both spied the dress at the same time. It was the same dress Jennifer had worn on her second dinner with Guy. Well, not the same dress, that dress now nearly hallowed in cellophane and plastic in Jennifer's closet. This was an exact knock off. Jennifer took it out of the closet and could not resist modeling against herself in the full length mirror. As she looked at her reflection, she saw the ghost of herself of over a year ago. An exorcism was very much in order.

She looked over her reflection's shoulders to see Brenda on one side, Ellen on the other. Brenda worried, Ellen expectant. Brenda too saw ghosts. Jennifer turned, facing Ellen. Without the wig or make-up, she was staring at Nathaniel in bra, garter belt, panties, stockings. She laid the dress on the bed.

"You need to do your make-up before putting on the dress."

Ellen sat at the vanity and started to apply foundation, eye lashes, mascara. Brenda came over to help with eye shadow.

"There's a certain look that goes with that dress," she explained. She then selected a cherry red lipstick which smeared easily. "All the make-up you wear here comes off easily, which will help you tomorrow when we prepare you to return home." It was the first time since Saturday morning that Ellen had to think about becoming Nathaniel again. "But I want you to use this for a different reason."

She sat on the vanity bench next to Ellen. "So far, it seems that you've let Guy do everything to you. That's okay. I told you to let him take the lead. But you're his woman now. And you should realize that you're not going to see him after this weekend for at least four months." Ellen's eyes widened. "A guy's gotta make a living, honey. He's got a ranch to run. He won't be seeing anyone more than fifty miles from that ranch until the wheat harvest is over and the cows come home."

Jennifer laughed at this. Brenda looked at her, pleased with her own joke and glad that Jennifer's melancholy was evaporating. She turned back to Ellen. "He wants to fuck you, you want him to fuck you, we," indicating her and Jennifer, "want him to fuck you. Let him know that he's not only going to fuck you, but he's going to give you the best fuck any sissy ever had."

Brenda studied Ellen's face, trying to see how the word "sissy" affected her. There was a momentary flare in her eyes, quickly controlled.

"Accept what you are and enjoy who've you become." Brenda said. She handed Ellen the lipstick. "When you kiss Guy, this will coat his lips, much like the 1950s. You should wipe the lipstick off him, and fix your own, every time you kiss. And you should kiss him, not wait for him to kiss you. When you get back into this room, let him undress you. Jennifer will explain that. You know his technique. And it is technique--routine and predictable. When he is through kissing you 'down there' as you like to say, kiss his body, especially his nipples. Everyone likes having their nipples sucked, man or woman. You should leave a lipstick trail from his chest to his crotch."

Ellen looked at Brenda apprehensively.

"I know, I know. You don't like sucking cock. You don't have to. But you should suck and kiss his balls, the base of his shaft, the inside of his thighs. You don't need latex between you and his skin, only between you and his secretions. If he fucked you twice last night, and once this morning, he'll probably do the same tonight, chemistry permitting. Guy's into smooth skin, and I must admit you've got the smoothest skin I ever felt on a sissy."

That word again, thought Ellen.

"Handle his cock. Handle his balls. Stroke his skin. Remember, you've got fingernails. Let them glaze his skin lightly. Pull his body hair slightly--with your fingers and your lips. And if it's not distasteful, lick him. His lips, his neck, his nipples, his cock below the head, his crotch. You're not going to see him for at least four months after this weekend." Brenda paused. "You might never see him again." Ellen's face clouded. "You want him to think of you while he's in Canada.

"Guy fucks women, and he'll be with the local ladies in Calgary and Edmonton. You're the last sissy fuck he's gonna have for some time. It might also be yours. You want it to be the best for both of you. You want to drain him so that he can't fuck either man or woman when he gets back to Canada. When he starts thinking about fucking a sissy again, you want to be that sissy."

At this Jennifer, in back of Ellen, became very agitated. Brenda didn't notice, intent on advising Ellen.

"Let's see how this fits," Jennifer said, holding up the dress.

Ellen stood and let Jennifer fit the dress on her. It was a lemon green sleeveless Chinese sheath dress with a mandarin collar. It fastened on the left side with wooden dowels through leather hoops two inches apart running from the hem to the collar. The closure started about three inches off center at the collar, straight down the bosom to the waist, diagonal across the bodice to the hips, then down the left side to the hem. The piping on the edge of the closure with the loops was red leather, as were the loops. The hem was at the knees.

As she began fastening the dress, Jennifer had her own advice. "When you get back here, let Guy undress you. This is a favorite dress of his. Well, it was at one time. Anyway, let him unfasten the loops. He should end up on his knees before you just as I am." Jennifer had just finished with the bottom loop. "He'll probably start eating you right away. Remember that he can't suck you without a condom on you, so you might want to put one on yourself before leaving the restaurant."

This was the first time Ellen had even thought about this. Brenda made a mental note of the suggestion.

"Let him have his way with you orally. If he kisses his way up your body, this dress should be on the floor by the time his tongue is in your mouth. From that point on do what Brenda said. Take over. Undress him. Kiss his body. Put the rubber on him. Sit him in that chair over there," she pointed to a high backed chair near the window, "grab his cock and stick it in your ass as you sit in his lap. You're in control. With your heels on, you've got the perfect leverage to give him a good fuck. Bounce up and down--not too fast--but give him a good fuck. And kiss him. Keep your mouth glued to his, your tongue inside his mouth as much as possible. If the Viagra is working, you'll get three fucks out of him before the two of you leave. And like Brenda says, he shouldn't be able to fuck pussy or ass for a month."

Brenda was as impressed with this advice as Ellen was overwhelmed by it. It was quite clear that both trannies had fucked Guy senseless in the past and hoped she'd do the same. All this talk about sissies being bitchy and jealous didn't apply to these two.

The next item was the wig. Brenda chose the first one Ellen had worn yesterday, and helped Ellen put it on and style it. Meanwhile Jennifer brought out a pair of dark green alligator pumps with 3 1/2 inch heels, and a matching shoulder bag. Brenda checked to make sure both types of rubbers and a package of tampons were inside, as well as Ellen's make-up. It was now 7:25.

On cue, the phone rang. "Ms. Sharpe's suite," Brenda answered. "Yes, Mr. Hughes, Ms. Sharpe awaits you."

Five minutes later the door bell to the suite buzzed. Brenda opened it. "May I come in?" Guy asked.

Brenda turned to Ellen, standing in the middle of the room. "Yes, Guy. Yes, please, please come in," she said nervously.

Guy stepped inside, then stopped in his tracks as he saw Jennifer. He looked from her to Brenda, wondering what was going on. Then he looked at Ellen, his lust fighting with his head as the image of Jennifer of a year ago morphed with the Ellen of today.

Brenda sensed some of his apprehension, but not all of it. "Jennifer has helped us prepare for this evening, Mr. Hughes. Doesn't Ellen look lovely?"

Guy looked at Ellen and had to agree. "Absolutely beautiful," he said.

"Jennifer picked the dress, Mr. Hughes. She said it was a favorite of yours." Brenda continued, not realizing the conflict that dress was causing between Guy's brain and his dick.

"Yes, Guy," Jennifer chimed. "I even suggested how Ellen should respond when you two return here. It should be as good as the last time, I think."

Brenda detected the edge in Jennifer's voice, as did Guy. But looking at Ellen, seeing nothing but the desire to please him in her eyes, and knowing what a good fuck Jennifer was as a sissy, his dick began to overrule his brain. Brenda was slightly behind Guy, and she gestured to Ellen to be assertive. Swallowing hard, Ellen stepped up to Guy, placed her right hand at the back of his head and pulled his face to hers. Kissing sissies was one of Guy's favorite pastimes. He put his arms around her and for several minutes the two of them were lost in each others' lips.

Breaking the kiss, Ellen stepped back, took a tissue from the box on the cocktail table and wiped her lipstick from Guy's lips. She then took out her compact and redid her own lips, looking sensuously at Guy over the compact. Finished, she placed the compact in her shoulder bag.

"Shall we go?" she asked, slipping her arm into his.

Guy looked at Jennifer, Brenda, Ellen. His pants tented, he guided Ellen toward the door. Just as he opened it, Jennifer said, "That's our little girl, there, fella. You treat her right, you hear? We expect her to be back here in bed by midnight."

Guy looked at Jennifer. The one thing he did not like about her, at least in her sissy days, was Marcus' sense of humor surfacing every now and then. Brenda quickly cross over to them and pushed them out the door, closing it behind them. Turning, she could barely keep from laughing as she shook her head at Jennifer.

"I hadn't thought about it, but Guy might not be able to perform with Ellen dressed like you."

"Oh, he'll perform okay," Jennifer returned. "In fact, he'll probably dry fuck her in the elevator. Now, Ms. Duncan, what was that 'You're the last sissy fuck he's gonna have for some time. You want it to be the best for both of you. You want to drain him so that he can't fuck either man or woman when he gets back to Canada. When he starts thinking about fucking a sissy again, you want to be that sissy.' "

"It's the truth."

"The truth! That was the exact same thing you said to me!"

"And how long was it before you saw Guy again?"

Jennifer pouted, "Four months."

"After the fall harvest, right?" Brenda asked. Jennifer did not answer. "And had Guy fucked a sissy since fucking you?" More silent pout. "And didn't you give him the best sissy fuck you knew how to give?" Pout, pout, pout.

"You didn't have to call me a cocksucker." Jennifer continued to pout. Brenda was confused. "This afternoon."

Brenda rolled her eyes. "God, girl, do you carry grudges. You suck cocks. That's a fact."

"So do you," Jennifer pouted back.

"Sucked. Past tense."

"So you didn't like me sucking you last night?"

"Yes, I liked it. Everybody with a cock likes having it sucked. Remember? Like everyone with a pussy likes having it eaten, even a man-made pussy."

"But you didn't like eating my man-made pussy."

"So what? I ate it, didn't I? You enjoyed it, didn't you? I've spent the whole day with you ready to eat it again, haven't I?"

"Is that why you spent today with me?"

"No. I didn't have anything else to do. Why do you think I'm with you? I like your company."

"I thought you just enjoyed fucking my ass."

"Yeah, that and your pussy and your mouth. I like being with someone who is pretty and intelligent and understands me as I am. And ... and ... and it's been a long time since I'd been with anyone. I just wanted to be with someone." Now it was Brenda's turn to fight back tears.

'Why do I have to be such a bitch?' Jennifer thought. She closed the distance between her and Brenda, wrapping her arms around the negress.

"I'm sorry, Brenda. Sometimes I get so bitchy I push people away. I'm so used to be used as a piece of ass or a mouth, I forget people might see me as a person."

Brenda turned and hugged Jennifer and kissed her. She enjoyed the way Jennifer felt in her arms. "I know, Jen. But is it okay if I think of you as both a person and a piece of ass?'

Jennifer stood back at arm's length, looked at Brenda, then both of them started laughing. "Would you like some of that ass now?" Jennifer asked.

"Not here. Yon know the rules: no sex in a member or guest's quarters without that member or guest's permission."

"You pick the damnest times to remember the rules."

Brenda placed her forefinger to her lips. "The walls have ears."

Jennifer looked around conspiratorially. "And what can they do? Fire you and ban me."

"At the very least, Jen. Have you ever wondered why no one with AIDS or HIV or any other incurable STD has ever been traced to THE ESTATE?"

Jennifer shook her head. She had never considered any of these beyond the monthly health check-ups she had to submit as part of her membership.

"Well, Jen," Brenda whispered. "If you ever become HIV positive, don't take a plane from the regional airport."

Jennifer's jaw dropped. "Like Guy's aunt and uncle did?"

There were more ghosts in that room and at THE ESTATE than even she would've guessed.

"Where would you like to have dinner?" Guy asked as he and Ellen stepped out of the elevator. She was fixing her lipstick, having already wiped it off him for the second time that evening. Dry humped in an elevator like a teenager!

"Do they have a Chinese restaurant here?" Ellen probably would have suggested something else if she had been dressed otherwise. The power of suggestion.

Guy thought taking Ellen to an Asian restaurant dressed as she was rather gauche, but also appropriate. She did look lovely in that dress, and would be seen as a compliment to the restaurant, not a caricature of it. He stopped at the desk and ordered a surrey.

"The Chinese restaurant is in Lindenville." He said, escorting Ellen to one of the chairs in the lobby. "It'll be a few minutes before the surrey arrives."


"Yes, that's the name of the town where your plane landed. The colonel gave it his name. It sits astride Linden Creek, which is joined by Little Linden Creek about a mile above the town, leading into Linden Pond, man-made, and Linden Falls, which supplies the power for THE ESTATE and this part of the county. Then there is Dwight Creek and Little Dwight Creek on the other side of THE ESTATE, which supplies the water for THE ESTATE."

The surrey arrived. On the trip into town, Guy explained some of the history of Lindenville and its environs.

"Lindenville was--is--a company town. The colonel made sure that all his workers lived on his property, for which he deducted a quarter of their wages as rent. They had to buy their groceries, clothing, everything, at his company stores. Their children were educated at schools he provided, which only went to the eighth grade, after which the children went to work in one of his factories, or on one of his farms, which supplied the food the workers bought at his stores. The only way into or out of town was on stagecoaches, later tramways, he built and owned. Between his low wages and the costs of everything, a worker with a family would be lucky not to be in debt to the colonel at the end of each year, a debt which he could never work off."

Lovely man, thought Ellen, sarcastically. More humane than the present owners, thought the black-shirted surrey driver.

"THE ESTATE maintains Lindenville as a company town, more or less. Of course it doesn't have the low wages or predatory pricing of a robber baron." The driver had to struggle mightily to repress a guffaw. "But you must realize by now that the services offered by THE ESTATE requires it to maintain a certain control over its surroundings. It would be difficult at best to operate such a resort if it was open to the prying eyes of society at large."

Ellen did not fully accept Guy's rationalizations. Neither did the driver. THE ESTATE is a wonderful place for its members; not so for its staff. Like a plantation, if you're the master and the belle, life is Tara. If you're the slaves, life is hell. The surrey was now on Linden Boulevard, the main street of Lindenville. Even at night, the red, white, and blue decorations for the nation's birthday were quite evident. The driver pulled the surrey in front of an elaborately facaded oriental building. Guy alighted first, then helped Ellen.

"We'll call for another surrey," he said to the driver. The driver picked up his cell phone and reported in. He wasn't needed elsewhere, so he was told to report to the Roundhouse, the station where all surrey drivers, bus drivers, and other service personnel repaired while in Lindenville awaiting assignments, or between duties in town and at THE ESTATE.

Once pass the pagoda facade, Guy and Ellen were inside a typical restaurant. A maitre'd, this time not personally known to Guy, and Asian, showed them to their table. Waiters, all in black pants, white shirts, black bow ties, bustled about the dining room, filled with patrons. Chinese paintings, geometric woodwork, Chinese characters on everything, added to the ambience. Everything was as Chinese as Detroit.

Except the food. Mandarin duck on wild rice, green tea imported from the People's Republic, the thin soup one wonders is not the juice from canned vegetables, and vegetables barely cooked so as to crunch as one bit into them, definitely not from a can. Almond cookies, ginger cookies, the obligatory fortune cookie. Even a Chinese rice wine which Ellen never knew existed. She ate like a starving Nathaniel.

Guy was no slouch at eating, either. As they finished eating, they looked at each other and smiled guiltily. Ellen excused herself to fix her make-up. In the ladies' room she put on the thin condom. Returning she found that Guy had already settled the bill.

"I think we need to walk some of this off," he said.

They strolled arms around each other's waist to Linden Square in the center of town. A fireworks display was just about to be fired. They sat silently and watched the pyrotechnics for a half-hour, Ellen being surprised by the number of children present.

"This is still pretty much a company town," Guy explained. "It takes a lot of work to make THE ESTATE work. Most of the staff are locals, and THE ESTATE is the primary employer. Much like Disney World when it first opened. Except that there are not going to be other sex resorts opening nearby. THE ESTATE is really an open secret. Everyone knows it's here. Everyone knows what it's about. But no one reveals what they know."

The light show over, Guy took out his cell phone and ordered a surrey to pick them up at the square. He was not surprised to get the same surrey and driver. Half an hour later he was escorting Ellen into Guest House II. Guy restricted his touching of Ellen to holding her hand during the elevator ride. At the door, Ellen stepped inside first, turned, took Guy by both hands and pulled him inside. She wheeled and closed the door by leaning back against it, pulling Guy to her as she did so. As she pressed their bodies together, one hand in his hair, the other on his ass, she felt him rise against her. When they broke for air, he spoke first.

"You've changed, Ellen."

"Do you disapprove?"

"No, just ... surprised."

"Brenda said I won't see you for months after this."

"She's right. I do have a ranch to run."

"She said that I might not see you ever again."

"She's wrong about that."

Ellen loosened his tie and unbuttoned his shirt, pulling the material apart to expose his bare chest. "She said I should do this." Ellen kissed his left nipple, then his right, then his left again.

Guy sighed. "What else did she tell you to do?"

"This." Ellen licked each nipple with the flat of her tongue. She then frenched him again. When they came up for air, she spoke first.

"She and Jennifer said I should fuck your brains out. Drain you dry. Make sure that you won't be able to fuck anyone for a month." She then glued her lips to his again, unfastening his pants and pushing them down as they kissed.

When they broke for air this time, she dropped to her knees and began kissing his balls, running her fingernails behind him. As Brenda predicted, Guy became erect immediately, nearly slapping Ellen with his cock. She reached into her purse and pulled out a condom similar to the one she was wearing. As she put it on him, he stopped her.

"You don't have to do that, Ellen."

She looked up at him. "I know."

She then took him into her mouth, her eyes locked on his. She sucked the head gently, gripping his shaft tightly. Guy removed his shirt, tie and jacket, letting them drop to the floor. He put a hand on her shoulder and gazed upon her as she sucked him. More than her sucking, the fact that she was kneeling with him in her mouth aroused him. When he felt himself beginning to respond he caressed the side of her face, pulling her off him and to her feet. He kissed her deeply. When he broke of the kiss he looked down between them.


Ellen looked down. Her dress was smeared with lipstick where Guy's cock was rubbing against her. She looked into his eyes again.

"I guess you'll have to buy me a new dress."

They smiled at each other, not realizing that another Chinese dress had been converted into a another relic, to be enshrined in cellophane and plastic.

"Let's get you out of this thing." Guy replied.

He began unfastening the loops at the collar, working his way down. As Jennifer had predicted, he ended on his knees. The both pulled the dress open, Ellen from the top, Guy from the bottom. As Ellen let the dress drop to the floor, Guy pulled her panties down. He looked at her rubber-coated cock as it sprang free, smiling up at her. Ellen returned the smile, spreading her legs as much as she could with her panties at mid-thigh. Guy took her cock into his mouth, sucking her as she had him, only rubbing the underside of her dick with his thumb. Unlike Guy, Ellen did not stop him when she felt herself cumming, cumming until she began to ooze out of the bottom of the condom.

Guy stopped and stood, nearly tripping over his pants, still around his ankles. He stepped out of them, reaching for the tissues on the cocktail table. He returned to Ellen, removed the condom and wiped her clean, his ministrations causing her to continue to cum. He placed a regular condom over her spurting dick, leaving it half off to catch her secretions as he continued to pump her shaft. Ellen had to lean against him to maintain her balance, turning sideways so he could continue to jack her. When she finished, he guided her into the bedroom.

Ellen had recovered enough by the time they reached the bed to kiss him again. Breaking the kiss this time, she tried to steer them toward the high-back chair. Guy looked at the chair.


Ellen nodded.

"Maybe in the morning," Guy said, pushing her back on the bed. She removed the tampon, dropping it in the bedside trash can as he placed a second condom over the first, then climbed between Ellen's legs.

"That is, if you don't drain me tonight." He entered her rather roughly. She didn't notice as she wrapped her legs around him and dug her heels into his ass.

Postcards from the Estate: Guy and Ellen, Part 9

Next: Chapter 10

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