
By Cumm Slutt

Published on Nov 10, 2017


DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictional, no relation to anyone living or dead, all are 18 or older. If you do not like sexually oriented material, LEAVE NOW.

'Oh fuck you, bitch...' Dan thought, rolling over after asking Betty to make love. It'd been well over 3 or 4 weeks. He even asked for her to play with his balls while he jerked off - no go - "Too Tired", she repeated.

Well, he wasn't going to beg her ever again. He'd jerk off in the morning, before she'd wake up. He always got up earlier, wake her whe he'd take a shower getting ready for work; sometimes he'd jerk off in the shower. He didn't give a shit if she saw him do it, she could care less. Once he stood outside the shower jerking off and she got up early to pee. She complained, "Oh shit, can't you do that inside the fucking shower?"

"Why? is that where you do it?" he replied sarcastically.

She left the bathroom and didn't answer...

He was 48, she was 51. They'd been married 30 years and even when young, she would't blow him or do anal or anything but missionary. Of course, he thought she would get more accustomed to it and looser. Oh hell no, just more and more infrequent. 6 or 7 years ago he forced her into a conversation about it and she said she'd lost all desire for sex; as far as she was concerned, '(she) could care less if (she) ever had it again' - her words.

But, he didn't want to have an affair with another woman. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Plus, he'd developed a rather 'unusual' thing... he got turned on putting on women's underthings, of all the things sexual! If he put on a pair of her panties, he'd get hard in an instant! Without them, he could barely maintain even the semblance of an erection. But, it was his deep, dark secret. Of course, no one else would ever feel 'that way'.

Two months ago, he had to attend a national conference for their plumber's union; he was a steward. It was all weekend in a city over 1,000 miles away and he knew he'd have a terrible time, and reluctantly left for it before chickening out. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, coming back on Monday. He flew out early Friday morning on tickets provided by his company. He checked into the hotel where the conference was being held, discovering they were doubled up with a room mate; he didn't expect that! And he'd brought some feminine attire along, too! Shit!

"Hey, buddy, I'm Greg! Glad to meetcha! You're....." Greg queried...

"Dan... good to meet you, too!" Wow, at least he's friendly!

Dan tossed his suitcase on the bed. Greg had already unpacked.

"Here, let's get you unpacked and go get so....ouuuuuu!" Greg groaned, pulling out a frilly red babydoll outfit!

"OH SHIT! You're not supposed to see that..." Dan said sourly. He'd just got there and wanted to bolt and take a bus home. Hitch hike if he had to!

"Don't worry, I love to dress too! I won't tell if you won't!" Greg smiled, helping him to put the rest of his things away.

"Huh? You... DO???" Dan stuttered. "I thought I was the only one in the entire world who liked it! Holy Crap!"

"Oh hell, probably half of us here, or more, like to! If you're in your 40's or 50's or older, you've done it dozens, if not hundreds of times. The old gray mare only puts out for so long, and once their change-of-life turns them into "NO!" Queens, they toss out all the hot things we bought them. Luckily, I found them and rescued them before the trash pickup happened and just love to strut around, jerking off while feeling all gurly and sexy! I bet this looks wonderful on you.... honey..... Here's what I brought! Check these out! Oh, and I just love garterbelts, too!" Greg giggled, showing off many delicious, hot outfits!

"I am fucking stunned.... oh fuck, I thought I was a crazy perv!" Dan sighed. "Um.... do you.... like... um..." Dan quizzed....

Greg stepped up to Dan decisively. "Yes, darling, I love to get gurly and suck cock and fuck and get fucked, is that what you're asking me, dear?" and wrapped his arms around Dan and kissed him... not like his wife did, but open-mouthed and with hot, horny passion that got him hard as a rock! Dan automatically kissed him back, just as passionately. "You see? You're not as weird as you thought you were! Let's go down, get a drink and eat. Dinner's at 7. Then, we can play with whatever pops up, ok, sweetheart?!" and gently fondled Dan's cock and balls while passionately kissing him again. "Oh. Do you like wearing lipstick too? I just love wearing lipstick when I'm sucking your cock for you... darling..... Cum! Let's go!" and heads out the door, leaving Dan stunned and shaken, but following like a little lost puppy who finally found a friend!


"Ouuuu hot damn!" Roger groaned. He was outside at a friend's house, just the two of them, the wives gone shopping. His buddy was Rex. No, wait. His buddy was Jack and his dog, a black lab, was Rex. They were both making him feel erotically wonderful.... Jack stroking his cock and Rex licking his balls and asshole! They were out in the fenced-in yard in the back of Jack's house, laying on chaise lounges. Roger was on all fours, naked, his sexy, frilly panties on the ground, feeling Jack and Rex excitedly and erotically playing with him! The BBQ grill was heating up, but so were they, too!

"Rex wants to fuck you, Roger.... feel his big fucking cock...." Jack groaned, taking his hand and wrapping it around the dog's big cock. "Can you take it all, Roger?"

"oh fuck yes, Jack.... I have before...." and moaned as the dog got on top of him and Jack guided the dog's hard cock up Roger's waiting and willing asshole and started to fuck him, and Jack sucking Roger's cock in his cocksucking whore mouth!

"Oh fuck... ohhhhhh...." Roger moaned, getting his ass hammered by the dog's humping banging.

Jack paused, asking, "Do you like it, Roger? Rex fucks me regularly...." and went back to sucking Roger's hardon.

"Ohhhfuckkyessssss......!" Roger grunted, cumming in Jack's mouth, then a second time shooting his sperm wildly! "Oohhhhhfuck...." he groaned!

Roger felt Rex's cock knot in his asshole, then Jack sprayed them both with cold water, causing Rex to shrink and shoot hot cum up Roger's aching asshole! The dog slid off and immediately Jack licked and slurped the doggie-sperm out of Roger's ass! Before Roger could get down, Jack thrust his engorged cock in Roger's mouth, pumped a few times, then cummed deep in his mouth and throat, so super-excited of all their goings-on!


During dinner, Dan found out that Greg was 49, married, frustrated like he was, but succumbed to lots of m/m sex like he'd had prior to marraige, starting out young with many male relatives and expanding to friends, neighbors and strangers to satisfy his lust for shooting hot cum out of his cock! He loved dressing and getting gurly with other gurlyboi's, and occasionally succumbing to being a little whore slut domm'd by other alpha males, too. He preferrd sissy boi to being dom. All this was wonderful news to Dan, who had latent and exacting feelings too!

"Cum...." Greg whispered, tapping Dan's hand under the tablecloth. They got in the elevator with many others, then found their floor and gingerly almost pranced to their room!

"Ummmmmm... how many others do you think are doing this same thing right now?" Dan groaned, pulling on his stockings as Greg dressed also.

"Oh, at least half of us.... You're new to the convention, but I've been here several years.... lipstick, honey?" Greg offered.

"Wow! I am fucking amazed! Ouuuu yes, please.. the slutty red, baby... I am so into this whole thing, darling!" Dan sighed, turning to Greg, their lips parting while they made out, smearing the lipstick all over their mouths. "Oooopppss... I'm so sorry..."

"Ouuuuu no, sweetheart, I love getting lipstick all over, isn't it just delicious?" Greg giggled. He mouthed and tongued Dan's nipples, pulling up his bra, then went to his navel. He dug deep into his navel and suddenly Dan felt like an electric shock between his belly button and deep in his asshole!

"Oh fuck! What was that?" Dan exclaimed, then giggled. "It felt like an electric shock!"

"That was me sexciting your prostate, darling! Don't you just love it?!" Greg cooed.

"Ouuuu fuck yess! Wow! Please... oh please... will you...." Dan moaned.

"Yes, my love I will suck your cock like you've never been sucked before!" Greg moaned, pulling down Dan's pre-cum-soaked panties and taking Dan's throbbing hardon in his mouth lovingly.

"OhHHhhhhhhh fuccckkkkkkk......." Dan groaned! He felt every little twitch of Greg's sucking mouth move up and down his cock, very slowly, loving his cock with a passion he'd never even known! He immediately thought of Bill Fenway. He was older. He was a whore for inexperienced cock - to show the receiver a whole lotta pleasure, and Dan hooked up with him behind Bill's Market, the store he ran. It was after the store had closed and Dan was on his back porch, laying on the chaise lounge while Bill removed Dan's clothing, then took Dans throbbing cock in his mouth lovingly, blowing him. Dan just trembled while Bill sucked him, running his hands all over his groin, up to his nipples, cupping his balls, fingerfucking his ass, making him shoot hot cum down his thirsty throat, gulping it down, loving Dan's orgasm! No woman ever sucked his cock like Bill did, until now! "Oh fuck, Greg... oh you're so passionate! You make me so fucking hot, baby... oouuuuuu yessssss..... ohhh fucking shit! Oh fuck, I'm gonna shoot.... ohfuckohfuck... suck my hard fucking cock... swallow it!" and Dan came in his male lover's cocksucking mouth!

Raising up, Greg grined, his lipstick all smeared, cum running out the corner of his mouth, and asked, "Did you like it, honey?"

"Oh fuck it was so good!" Dan groaned. "Let me...." Dan grinned slyly, sliding his hand down Greg's torso until he wrapped his fingers around Greg's hardon.

"Ouuuuu yessss... give and receive... so wonderful! Aaahhhhhh....!" Greg moaned, Dan mimicking Greg's slutty cocksucking. Dan was apprehensive at first, wondering if he could still derive enjoyment with another guy's cock fucking his face, but Dan knew immediately that the time he'd spent sucking others' cocks was well worth the experience, even if it had been 20 years ago!

"I hope I do it right for you... please, guide me, sweetheart!" Dan groaned, going back to his lust-filled cock, sucking and slurping on it, up and down, taking it all the way in his mouth, right to the base, then wating while he mouthed his cock, then slooowwwlllyyyy all the way up it, his tongue massaging that sansitive spot under the head, then tonguing the head, playing with his pee-hole, the slurping it all back down his shaft, repeating.

"Ooooouuuu fuck yesss darling! Keep doing that... oh yess.... yessssss... I'm ge..oh fuck, oh YEAH!" and cum filled Dan's cocksucking mouth. "Don't swallow... share!" Greg gasped, Dan raising up and the two making out passionately, lovingly, enjoying the fruits of Dan's labor! "Shower?" Greg moaned. Dan nodded. "Done playing for the night? Wanna strip? We can explore more tomorrow night, honey...." and the two got into the shower, soaped each other up, played and made out, then rinsed off and got out, drying each other with the big, fluffy hotel towels. They could hear muffled gasps coming from the next room...

"Oh fuck, suck it honey!" and shuffling, someone getting down on their knees, the other gasping while he took his cock in his mouth. "Oouuu fuccckkk yeesss...." the first gasped.....

They both giggled and left the bathroom, taking time to suck each other for a bit, then got into bed, drifting off.... mildly aware of bed-thumping....


Dr. Berm... Reggie Berm, was going crazy. He had wild fantasies about almost every male he saw. Cocksucking fantasies. Ass fucking fantasies. Getting fucked up the ass fantasies. Pissing fantasies. Dressing fantasies. You name it fantasies! And he liked women as well, in fact, he and one of his on-staff nurses were fucking whenever they could, but it was no where near enough to satiate his desires, wants and needs!

That afternoon he was going to see Jeff, 19 year old, who was having various aches and pains, probably caused by his time as a quarterback when he was in high school.

"Jeff, you still bothered by some of the tackling rushes you had in school?" Reg asked, sounding concerned; but he longingly stared past his chart to the lump in his shorts.

"Ummmm, yes Doctor, I still have pain in my, ummmm, groin...." Jeff said coyly.

"Well, put on a gown and we'll look...." Reg groaned. Ohhhh fuckkk.... "Lay down on the table here... all the way back, head on the pillow.... where is it ... uncomfortable?" he asked politely.

"I got kicked in the balls... er, testicles.... on our last game. Tony told me to come see you, that you would help.. me..." He was referring to Tony Gratz, a fellow player who Reg got to know... intimately.... He sucked Tony's cock in the office several times, plus Tony sucked him, too. Then, Tony came over to his house and fucked Reg with his thick cock, and they dressed, too....

"Ahhhhh... yes.... I see... I see... oh yesss...." Reg groaned as he lifted up Jeff's gown, 'examining' him carelfully, feeling and fondling his cock and balls blatantly, sliding his fist up and down him. "Think I need to get a closer examination..." and slurped Jeff's throbbing cock into his cocksucking mouth, getting him to moan, then cum. "OUuuuu.. does it feel better now?" Reg grinned.

"Oh yes doctor, so much better! Can I get another appointment to get a prostate examination, too?" he smiled.

"Certainly! How about tonight? After 7?" Reg groaned.

"MMmmmmmm I do believe I am free all evening!"

The doctor left the exam room and on to another patient, Randall P, 68........


"OOuuuuu dang... ohhhh fuck!" Zeke moaned. Mike stepped up to him and reached out and fondled his younger brother's hardon in his sissy panties....

"MMmmmmmmm you like it Zeke?" Mike whispered, reaching inside his frilly panties and started to stroke his cock. "Here... play with me, too..." and Mike pushed his hand down ito his own sexy, soft panties.

"Ohhhhh fuck your hardon feels so fucking good..... I've wanted this... y'know?" Zeke shivered.

"Yessss, so have I..." Mike shuddered, then, like it was just a natural next step, moved closer, their hands touching each other, their hard cocks rubbing on each other... tilting his head.... opening their mouths and suddenly passionately making out, grinding their panties on each other!

"Ohhhhhhhh.... oh yesssss.... ouuuuuu!" Zeke groaned, hugging his older brother tenderly.

"Zeke.... lemme...." Mike moaned, sliding down him to his knees, pulling down his panties, fondling his throbbing cock.... "Gonna fucking suck you... oh fuckk yesss...." and ovalled his lips and slowly sucked his cock into his loving mouth!

"Ohhhhh shit yesss... ouuuu suck me... baby... ohhhh fuckkk...!" Zeke moaned.

Redoubling his efforts, he didn't just suck his hard cock, he made love to it with his mouth! "MMmmmmmm darling.... sit down on the couch, baby.... lemme do this right.... and don't worry... please cum whenever you want, I love to swallow!" and returned to sucking him.

Zeke sat and watched as his older brother sucked him off and was shocked! 'You love to swallow?' kept going through his mind.... oh fuck, he's sucked cock before! Oh fucking wow! Mike didn't know it, but he'd sucked cock too! Coach Murphy had him go down on him many times at after-work soccer practice and he loved doing it, too! It made his balls churn and it didn't take him long, he shot load after load of hot, burning cum in his older brother's mouth!

Mike raised his head, a shit-eating grin on his face!

"OUuuuu honey, kiss me, share my cum with me, baby!" Zeke moaned, the two locked in an embrace. They stood up while making out, turned, and Mike sat down while Zeke got down on his knees, pulling Mike's cock out and started loving him with his mouth. Mike moaned, "Can I...?" and Zeke nodded his head vigorously, indicating 'yes... cum in my mouth!'. Mike was pleased that he'd had experience too! "Coach....?" and Zeke grinned, bobbing his head.....


Next: Chapter 19

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