Guinea Pig Boys Chapter 26
Guinea Pig Boys – Part 26
by Randall Austin
This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to
This story is meant for my groups, Tickie Stories or Nifty and not to be reposted or used by any other group(s) or website(s) without my written consent!
Randall Austin's New Google Group:
When Rex, Joshua, and Mikey, heard Terrence enter the house with Bradley, the new family slave, it was not with any sense of urgency that they gave up the card game they were playing and eventually went upstairs to find out the verdict of Bradley's trial. They were already pretty certain that Bradley would be indentured. And they all sensed that Bradley would likely find the occasion seriously humiliating.
What they saw when they got upstairs was Bradley dressed up in Social Services' transport uniform. It consisted of the standard Missouri grey servitor uniform with two locked belts encircling his upper body and his body at just below the elbows. The belts kept Bradley's hands strapped to his side.
Bradley couldn't face Mikey or the overseers, and just stared at the floor.
Terrence spoke, "Mikey, Joshua, and Rex, I know that you were as horrified as I was by the terrible event that took place the other day and for which Bradley has been sentenced to a one year term of full-service, hard labor, indentured servitude."
"In court Bradley fully confessed to the crime, apologized, and announced that he felt he deserved the punishment he was about to receive."
"And now there is something that Bradley wants to say to Mikey."
Bradley found it hard at first to face Mikey, but he eventually raised his head and directed his gaze towards his younger brother, "Michael – I address you now as your brother and that is why you are Michael to me at this moment instead of Mikey. I want to apologize for the horrible thing I did to you the other day and for all the hurtful things I said and did to you when we were young. I am truly sorry for what I did and I know that I will live the rest of my life with the sting of my crime. I ask you to forgive me."
Mikey, moved, shook his head, and spoke in a whisper, "I forgive you, Brad."
Bradley looked back down at the floor. After a long pause Terrence gave a questioning look to Bradley, "Bradley? Isn't there something else you want to say?"
Bradley nodded his head, but this time he could not look up from the floor. "I want you all to know that I am so grateful to you for taking me into your home as your slave after the awful things I did. And for the chance to live with you rather than being sent to prison, I am going to try to be the best slave ever. I promise to obey your every command and to do everything I can to help make sure that everyone is happy."
"And it is not just the overseers I intend to be obeying. Mikey, I want you to know that I will be offering you every respect as the senior slave of this house. And I look forward to you giving me any training trips you might offer on being a good and well-behaving servitor."
Rex, Joshua, and Mikey, all thanked Bradley for his heartfelt apology. Terrence also thanked Bradley for his apology, but the apology did not seem quite as fully `heartfelt' to him as it did to the other members of the family. He knew that Bradley had within him the capacity to connive, so he felt he needed more time to be certain whether or not Bradley's apology was truly heartfelt.
The post-trial reunion went better than anyone expected. As Terrence unlocked the two straps that held Bradley's arms strapped to his side, he told Rex to go and open a couple bottles of wine.
As drinks and snacks were served Bradley leaned over and asked Terrence, "Hey, could you take this thing off that Social Services put on my cock?"
Terrence wondered for a bit, "Oh you mean the chastity cage. Yeah, that will be coming off in just a little while."
"It just feels weird. Could you take it off now, it makes me feel like a girl or something. What is it for?"
"Don't worry Brad, it will be coming off after we all relax and have a few calming moments together. I think that right now we're all just feeling good about the way this whole thing worked out. But yeah, Joshua will be removing it when he takes you down in a bit to give you a haircut and checks to see if Social Services shaved you properly down there, to our specifications. Then he will get you bathed, powdered, diapered, and uniformed."
Bradley let out a breathy "What?"
"Why do I have to be bathed and shaved by someone else? I can do that myself. Diapered? This is crazy."
"Yes, for your first week here you will be kept diapered. It's not a big deal; the newly indentured often experience incontinence. Joshua or one of us will be giving you diaper checks throughout the day; if after a week there are no leaks we can let you go diaper free. Little Joshua will be your main caretaker – just as he is for Mikey. So he will be looking after you from now on as your groom."
"My groom?"
"Yes, he will be grooming you every day in whatever way suits his fancy on a given day. As your groom he will be your monitor, making sure you are doing your chores, accompany you on your bathroom breaks, supervising your diet and exercise regime, and so on."
Suddenly Bradley knew what being a slave felt like. It was shaking his entire inner being, his identity, the idea of who he once thought he was. His dignity was gone and he would no longer be in control of his life. He felt like he would be breaking out in tears at any moment.
When he, a few minutes later, did break down into tears, the overseers and Mikey all went up to him and comforted him with hugs and words of encouragement.
Whatever kind of verbal abuse Bradley may have suffered as a teenager from his younger brother Michael, he grew up to be a successful and confident man; a handsome and fit alpha male; but it is exactly such a male that finds it the hardest to adjust to a sentence of servitude.
When Joshua led Bradley downstairs and asked him to strip off his clothing and lie down on the washing table he simply refused.
Joshua was somewhat taken aback and ask Bradley if he had read the materials that social services handed out to him. Bradley replied that he had read them.
"Then you must know that as a full service indentee you pretty much have to do everything that you're ordered to do. So please just take your clothes off so that I can remove your chastity cage and get you bathed and groomed."
"This is crazy. I can bathe myself."
Joshua went to the stairs and called up, "Terry, I need your help down here."
When Terry came down Joshua explained that Bradley was refusing to take off his clothes.
Terrence asked "What's the problem Bradley?"
"This is plain fucking nuts; I can bathe myself."
"Look Bradley, if you read the materials Social Services gave you as you say you have, then you know that you really have to obey every order given to you. If you are not going to follow the basic rules of service then I would have no choice but to call Servitor Patrol, and if they have to make a trip out here that means you would automatically be served with six months of extra servitude added to your sentence. Refusing to follow an order is not a sensible option for you. So I suggest you take off your clothes right now and hop up on the washing table so that Joshua can remove your chastity cage and get you all shaved, washed, and spiffy."
Bradly looked down at the floor. Resigned, He began removing his servitor garb.
Totally bare except for his chastity cage he hopped up on the washing table and reclined.
As Joshua took the key to Bradley's chastity cage, Terrence decided to stick around for a bit in order to get a look at his new slave's package.
It was usual for Mikey and Bradley to wake up about two hours before their overseers woke up. The first thing the servitors always did on waking up was to check the Social Services messaging app for any updated instructions from their overseers. Mikey was surprised to see a message from Terrence instructing him not to take his usual morning shower. It seemed an unusual request. Terrence noted in the message that he would `explain it later'.
The three overseers usually woke up around the same time. Joshua informed Rex and Terrence that he was going downstairs to supervise Bradley's morning showering and toileting, and Terrence informed Rex and Joshua that he was taking Mikey into his office to discuss a matter.
Once Mikey arrived in Terrence's office he asked, as he was closing the door, "Why, Master Terrence, sir, did you not want me to take a shower this morning?"
"Not just today, but you are not to take any kind of shower or bath or washing of yourself for the next two days as well."
"Sir, Master Terrence, sir, why can I not take any showers for three straight days?"
"It's a punishment."
Mikey gave a quizzical look.
"You don't know what you did wrong?" Mikey said nothing. "Oh come on Mikey, just think about it."
"Sir, I'm not sure."
"We didn't see it on the spy cam because you had mischievously moved out of camera view, but we heard everything that was going on. We heard you begging Joshua to get your rocks off, and we know, as well as you know, that little Joshua would do almost anything you ask of him. But it was pretty clear from the audio that both you and Joshua got your rocks off. It is a serious offense, and sneaky to an unbecoming degree, especially for a servitor like you who is well on his way to achieving a `four star' rating with Missouri's Department of Social Services."
Mikey knelt down, "Sir, Master Terrence sir, I am so sorry. I was just so super horny; I couldn't control myself. I made little Joshua betray his authority."
Terrence patted Mikey on the shoulder, "Don't worry about Joshua, he is an overseer, and if he wants to have fun with a slave he has every right to do so. But you as a slave had no right to give in to his demands without first consulting me."
"I know sir, Master Terrence sir, I confess that I did wrong."
When after an awkward silence there was no response, Mikey asked, "But how is not taking a shower a punishment?"
"I will admit it is a benign punishment, but it's only benign because I know you had gone for an entire week without one of us overseers giving you your weekly release. I see it as punishment because I know how much you love keeping yourself well groomed and hate being unkempt."
"Two days from now it's going to be a sunny day and I'm going to have both you and Bradley working in the yard doing some rock work and gardening and cleaning up the backyard for our upcoming party. Once you and Bradley have finished doing the yard work you will be finding out why Joshua, Rex, and I, have not allowed you to bathe for three days in a row."
Within a week after having been enslaved Bradley had pretty much gotten over his initial depression and orneriness, and was generally in a good mood and not unpleasant to be around.
One morning when he woke up he began to think about the institution of slavery and it was putting him into something of a cranky mood. Here he was living in a house along with four homos, three of whom had pretty much total control over him. It just didn't seem fair to him.
As Bradley thought about his former life as a free boy it only made him angrier. He missed the way he used to go out to bars with his pals several times a week, meeting girls, free to do whatever he wanted, not having to be on the schedule that someone else set for him.
It was a wistful reverie, and when Bradley checked his timer and realized it was time for him to go find Joshua (a young homo brat in Bradley's eyes) and ask him like a well behaved curtsying slave following protocol, to monitor his bath, it put him into an even angrier mood. Life simply was no longer fair.
When he couldn't find Joshua in the usual places he went to the upstairs bathroom and without knocking opened the door and entered. Joshua was in the bathroom supervising Mikey's bath, and Mikey was still in the tub towel drying himself off. Joshua had removed Mikey`s chastity cage for his bath and it was the first time that Bradley had seen Mikey`s re-circumcised dick.
When Joshua told Bradley that he should've knocked before coming in it further angered Bradley, "Oh big fucking deal!"
Joshua was surprised by Bradley's behavior since Bradley had been in a relatively good mood after his first week of post-indenturement depression. As Bradley was about to leave the bathroom he looked back at his brother and smirked, "Wow, look at that super circumcised homo dick of yours; nice clipping job. No longer any chance of you hiding that dick tip from our view, little bro. That dick head is now permanently on display for all to see. Now everyone will get to see what a pretty little mushroom girly-pink faggot mushroom dick tip you have!"
Once Mikey had dried himself off Joshua put Mikey's chastity cage back on and went to Terrence's office to tell him about the scene that had taken place in the bathroom. Terrence thanked Joshua for the info, dug through a cupboard, pulled out a paddle and handed it to Joshua, "Give this paddle to Bradley and tell him to bring it with him when he comes to meet me in the basement thirty minutes from now."
End of Part 26
Guinea Pig Boys
(To Be Continued)
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