Guinea Pig Boys

Published on Mar 1, 2023


Guinea Pig Boys Chapter 24

Guinea Pig Boys – Part 24

by Randall Austin

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to

This story is meant for my groups, Tickie Stories or Nifty and not to be reposted or used by any other group(s) or website(s) without my written consent!

Randall Austin's New Google Group:

Terrence, Rex, and Joshua, all approved of the letter Mikey had written to his brother as Terrence had ordered. Terrence then sent the following letter to Mikey's brother, Bradley Galyon, via special delivery:


Dear Brother Bradley,

As you now know I have been indentured.  I am enslaved to Terrence Finley, Rex Dalton, and Joshua Milliken.   I am writing this letter to you on the order given to me by my overseers. I know that you have had a phone conversation with Terrence and that he has invited you to visit us at a date that is yet to be decided.  Once my overseers feel that I am fully trained they want to have a big coming out party for me.

In this letter Terrence wants me to share with you something about the way my life is now and for me to ask your forgiveness for the way I mistreated you when we were growing up. The way I treated you was very unfortunate and it's not the way a younger brother should treat his older brother.   I was very disrespectful in the way I used to make fun of your school grades and would regularly verbally demean you. For these things I am very sorry, and Terrence said that when you visit here he's going to give you the option of punishing me for the offenses I committed against you when we were younger.

I am a slave now, and basically that means that I have to do exactly as I am ordered.  I am put to bed each night at 8:30 PM just as if I were a little kid.   It is usually little Joshua who puts me to bed each night and then sets my alarm clock for 5:30 in the morning so that I can wake up early and make breakfast for my overseers. Little Joshua is basically in charge of all of my caregiving; he supervises my baths, he shaves me on a regular basis because my overseers want me to be baby smooth all over, he grooms me, and decides how I will be dressed or uniformed for the day.  Sometimes he even doesn't let me wear any clothes and I have to do all of my chores totally naked.

I am kept chastity caged for most of time, and that is a good thing for me because it keeps my mind focused on serving my overseers, being obedient, ever eager to please, and quick stepping.

But I do mess up from time to time and for my mistakes I am always punished. But I don't mind it because I feel that being under the threat of punishment helps me to better focus on behaving, and being the best slave that I can possibly be.

My overseers use a wide variety of punishments on me depending upon the offense. Punishments most often take the form of spankings, but those spankings can range from having me in a wide variety of positions and with a wide assortment of paddling devices.  Often I have to get a plain old-fashioned naked, over the knee, hand spanking.  Little Joshua's spankings hardly hurt at all, but Rex's hand spankings hurt like hell.

One of the reasons I need plenty of discipline is that it will turn me into a better slave, and if at the end of my two-year lease my overseers can sell me for a higher price than they originally paid for me, they get to keep the profit, or that over-sale price can be credited to them should they decide to either renew a temporary lease term with me, or want to buy me as a lifer slave.

I know that I have disgraced the family because I am now a lowly slave. Rex often refers to me as being nothing but a naked little piggy boy slave. He doesn't do this because he is mean, but because humiliation is one of the devices used by overseers to help in controlling slaves.

I look forward to the day when you can see me for what I really am, a chastity maid to my three overseers. I look forward to you watching me scooting about the house doing my chores while chastity caged and locked.  Sometimes during chore time they put my balls into a bristle pouch to keep me hopping about and on my toes. 

I have to get a lot of spankings because I am just a servant who has a lot to learn. I had to be chastity caged because I was always playing with myself. My chastity cage is a `state of the art' device with which my overseers can stimulate me and bring me close to ejaculating. It's called `edging' and it is done to slaves to help make them super eager to please their masters.

Sometimes though my overseers edge me through different means. They some times will hand jack me, or suckle my dick to help keep my precum oozing from out of my freshly re-circumcised dick tip.

I am never allowed to cum except when I've been on very good behavior and haven't needed any discipline for a stretch of at least ten days. That really helps me to behave myself, and it makes me happy to be scooting around trying to service and please my three masters with their every command.

As a slave I am certified as `full service', and that means my overseers can use me in any way they desire. I have to suck and slurp at my overseers' dicks anytime they want it. You should see me going to town as I slurp on my overseers' dicks, suck their nipples, lick their armpits, deep-tongue their ass holes, drink their piss, and get rump fucked by them whenever they want it.

As I have written, humiliation is an important training tool in an overseer's arsenal, and believe me Terrence, Rex, and Joshua, all make sure that every week I get plenty of doses of humiliation. Even my slave name, Mikey, is a badge of humiliation.

Humiliation comes in many different ways. It comes from things like being made to wear humiliating uniforms such as a sailor boy outfit, or being put into panties and a bra, having to do a sensual dance for my three overseers as they drink their beers, being locked in my high chair, given punishment enemas, working naked out in the yard, being kept diapered and not allowed to use the toilet, regular doses of verbal put downs, humiliating exercises and posing, forced duck walking about the yard, and even being threatened with infibulation.

I am so looking forward to meeting you after so many years. I can promise you that I will be treating you like a king. And I want to make up for the way I mistreated you as we were growing up. I believe that finally having my older brother give me the punishment I deserve will make me feel like a better person, a better man, and help turn me into a better slave. I need correction from my older brother; it is something I have craved from you for a very long time.

I ask for your forgiveness and look forward to any correctional treatment you would care to administer to me, your failed younger brother.





One evening Mikey was put to bed, as is usual, by little Joshua at 8:30 pm. He woke up at 11 pm needing to take a piss.

As he peed he was feeling hungry. Mikey was actually quite happy with the diet Dr. Evans placed him on. He loved all the great fresh fruits and vegetables and bean dishes that were the main part of his diet. Dairy products were the main dietary item he was not allowed and it was cheese that he missed most of all since being put on his diet.

After pissing Mikey checked to see if the overseers were all in bed, and judging by the closed doors to Rex and Terrence's bedroom, and to Joshua's room, he assumed they were all asleep so he made his way to the kitchen fridge, grabbed three kinds of cheeses and some bread and made himself a big fat cheese sandwich. He sat down at the table and happily started devouring the treat he had made for himself.

Unseen by him was little Joshua who came to the kitchen to see why the kitchen light was on. When Joshua spotted Mikey and what he was eating he did not enter the kitchen, but instead made his way to Rex and Terrence's bedroom.

He opened the bedroom door and saw that both overseers were asleep, but Joshua felt this was an important enough matter to wake them up. He gently shook them, "Guys, I think you need to go into the kitchen and see what Mikey is doing."

Rex and Terrence, both wearing their usual sleeping clothes of boxer briefs and a white tee shirt, and Joshua in pajamas, all made their way down to the kitchen.

Fortunately when they got to the kitchen Mikey had managed to devour only half the sandwich. Mikey was surprised and embarrassed to suddenly notice all three of his overseers entering the kitchen. When Rex grabbed the remaining sandwich and opened it up, it revealed that Mikey was eating a three-cheese deli-delight sandwich loaded with plenty of mayo. Rex simply shook his head and gave Terrence a look that asked, `what should we do?'

Michael saw their look of dismay and in a sad voice apologized, "I'm so sorry, dear sirs, I don't know what came over me. I have never cheated on my diet before this. Please forgive me, dear sirs. I beg of you."

Slaves caught in the act of some misdeed often come to tears when begging their master's forgiveness, and Mikey was no exception.

"Why did you do this, Mikey?"

"I just was missing cheese, sirs, and I thought you were all asleep and so I was super tempted."

Terrence answered, "Rex and I were asleep. Joshua came and woke us up. If it weren't for little Joshua here, who passed by the kitchen as you were munching away at forbidden food we would never have known."

Mikey, hurt, looked to Joshua, "You told on me, Joshua? You tattled on me?"

"I'm sorry Mikey, you know that I love you. But it was my duty. Even as you were so good to me when I was enslaved and you, who once was so all-powerful, cared about me and protected me. But now, Mikey, you are no longer Mr. Michael Galyon; you are now Mikey. You know what that means; it means that I was only doing my duty in reporting you; in letting my lead overseers know that you were misbehaving."

"Please believe me Mikey, I only reported you because I want to help guide you on the path towards proper servitor behavior. I had no other choice. You know that you need control in your life. I only reported you because I know it was what you, in your heart, really would have wanted me to do."

As slave Mikey sniffled out his regret, Joshua gave him a big fat hug. Mikey knew he had done bad and that little Joshua had done the right thing in reporting him.

Terrence stepped up to the hugging couple and put a hand on both of their shoulders, "I think everyone here understands what happened and knows what needs to be done. Mikey slipped and did a serious `naughty'. Joshua did what he was ordained to do as a certified overseer. Mikey confessed his wrongdoing like a truly dutiful and wanting-to-behave slave. Yet there now has to be punishment."

Mikey knelt down and sobbed, "I know I've done wrong dear sirs, please forgive me."

Terrence pulled the kneeling slave's head to his leg, and offered comfort, "What a sweet slave you are. How lucky we are to have you. But you know you have done wrong, and for that you need to be punished."

As Mikey emitted loud sobs, Terrence offered some consolation, "Normally such a misdeed would necessitate a severe whipping and paddling. But because you are so genuinely ashamed of your misdeed, I am going to lessen the severity of the punishment you are due; so there will be no ass whipping as normal procedures duly ordain."

"But instead of an ass beating, you are going to be doing some ass-licking!"

"That's right boy, you are going to lick our assholes. And I don't mean that you're just going to be rimming the edges of our holes like some homo boy. No; you are going to be deep tonguing us. That tongue of yours for sure is going to be licking our asshole rims nice and clean, but it is also going to be drilling all the way up our holes as far as it can go. Do you understand?"

"I think so, sir."

"Well, no worry, cause if you're not digging deep enough up our holes with that tongue of yours we certainly will be letting you know!"

Terrence gave a nod to Joshua as he spoke, "For starters you're going to get to work on Joshua's little hole. You begin by licking the entire rim super clean, then you begin darting your tongue in and out of his hole, going as deep as you can."

"And Joshua's moans are all that we need to hear to know if you are doing your job and `digging' deep enough."

Joshua pulled down his jammies and undies, got into the doggie position, and stuck his rump up high into the air, as Terrence commanded the slave, "Now get over there on all fours and start rimming our best little buddy, Joshua!"

Mikey crawled on all fours over to Joshua's up-stuck bottom, and started licking away at the rim of his boy hole.

After a bit Rex called out, "Okay, you did a good job on the rim, now it's time for you to start digging deeper. It's time to get that tongue of yours all the way up there inside of little Joshua. We wanna hear you make Josh moan in delight."

An obedient Mikey responded with, "Yes sir" as he moved his tongue, slowly at first, into Joshua's boy hole. Once his tongue was only half way up Joshua's hole, Joshua let out a moan of delight, "Oh fuck, that feels so great!"

The two senior overseers were pleased, "Way to go, Mikey! You're making our little guy feel really good right now. Keep it up. Try digging deeper."

Mikey obeyed and forced his tongue all the way to the hilt up Joshua's hole. Joshua responded with squeals of ecstasy as he began jackin' his little dick in a self jack-off session that lasted no more than a minute.

The senior overseers congratulated both Mikey on his tongue licking job and their slave on the good job he did on getting little Joshua to shoot off, "Wow, you got little Joshua off in no time. Now lets see if you can do the same for me."

Rex tore off his tighty whities, got down on all fours, and stuck his ass up in the air as high as it could go as Mikey crawled over to service his overseer hole.

With the first lick-slurp of his tongue across Rex's hole Rex moaned in delight. And as Mikey tongued away at his overseer's hole, Rex moaned out words of consolation to his licker boy, "We had to limit your cheese intake because we didn't want you turning into a little fatty-boy slave."

Mikey offered a garbled, barely discernable, ass-licking response, "Yes, sir, I understand."

Terrence called out, "Once your tongue is all the way up there in Rex's ass, make sure that you swirl it about. I want you to make Rex feel really good."

As Mikey swirled his tongue up Rex's hole Terrence continued, "This is the way it's going to be from now on, Mikey! You will from now on need to be doing serious ass lickings on all of us on a regular basis. Do you understand?"

Mikey offered a garbled response and Terrence continued, "You are the one responsible for authorizing so many of the abuses that went on while the three of us were enslaved at Social Services."

"You as head personnel director of the nation's Social Services system refused to hold accountable those Social Services' department heads from around the country who refused to answer varied complaints of slave abuse - not only from slaves but also from their family and friends."

Once Terrence felt that Rex's asshole was fully tongued, he stripped off his tighty-whiteys and tee and got down on all fours and stuck his ass up as high as it could go.

As Mikey crawled on all fours to tongue pork his supreme master, even as chastity-caged and freshly circumcised as he was, he was aware that he would probably dick-cream as he serviced his master.

And within no more than two minutes of serious ass digging up his master's hole, dick-cream he did. Even with his chastity's limited excrement hole, splurts of his cum shot several feet across the room to the amazed comments from both Rex and Joshua.

Once his punishment was over, a sorrowful Mikey addressed his overseers, "Dear caring sirs, I thank you for letting me lick your assholes. I know I've done wrong. I am a failure, and that is why I am a slave. And I thank you for helping me to finally get enslaved and for taking me in, a poor loser slave, as my overseers."

Rex gave Mikey an affectionate rub on his head, "You are no `loser slave' in our eyes, little fella; but it does a slave proud to always think of himself as lesser than he truly is."


Two and one half months after Mikey was punished by having to lick the asses of his three overseers for stealing food from the fridge and going off his diet, Terrence and Rex agreed that Mikey was now as fully trained as they could ever hope him to be, for he had passed the test of good slave behavior by going two full weeks without needing any kind of corrective discipline.

Finally deciding that Mikey was at last a well-trained, behaving, slave, the overseers sent out invitations to all their circle of `friends' to Mikey's `coming out as a fully trained slave' party. The party was scheduled to take place three weeks after the invitations went out.

The overseers sent a special invite to Mikey's older brother, Bradley, because he would be traveling all the way from New York City to Kansas City. In the invite they informed Bradley that he would be welcome to stay with the family for as long as he would like, and urged him to arrive at least a couple of days before the party.

Bradley's reply reached the overseers within four days after the invite was sent out. In his reply Bradley indicated that he would arrive two days before the event, and stay with them for five more days after the event, meaning he would be joining the three overseers and their slave for an entire week.

But the three novice overseers were not prepared to handle Bradley's one request listed in the final paragraph of his letter. After reading it all that Terrence could mumble was, "Geeze, what do we do now?"

End of Part 24

Guinea Pig Boys

(To Be Continued)

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Next: Chapter 25

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