Guinea Pig Boys

Published on Feb 23, 2023


Guinea Pig Boys Chapter 23

Guinea Pig Boys – Part 23

by Randall Austin

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to

This story is meant for my groups, Tickie Stories or Nifty and not to be reposted or used by any other group(s) or website(s) without my written consent!

Randall Austin's New Google Group:

Once Mikey was brought home from the hospital, all freshly chastity caged - and technician-fucked – Rex and Joshua were quick to gather around Terrence and the slave to find out how things went and to get a glimpse of Mikey in his new chastity cage.

Terrence attempted to calm the free boys down and thereby free the slave from any further embarrassment, "Hold on guys; Mikey has had a stressful day. Let's just give him a rest, at least until tomorrow."

Joshua made his case, "But we just want to see how that remote control edger thing works, we certainly don't want to stress Mikey out any more than he already has been."

"Well maybe guys, alright, as the technician did tell me that once I got Mikey home I should spend some time playing around with the remote control device and try to get a feel for it, checking it out to see how Mikey reacts to each of the various sensory options the EdgePro20 offers."

Terrence showed the remote controller of the EdgePro20 to Rex and Joshua, and pointed out its various functions, such as the edging features and timer, the `zapper' used to instantly correct naughty behavior, and pointed out the meaning of the various lighted interface features that reveal such things as the presence of an erection and/or the release of seminal fluid."

But the boys were most eager to see how the edger buttons actually worked, and since Terrence needed to learn more about their function, he agreed to little Joshua and Terrence's command, and ordered Mikey to strip.

Once Mikey was bare, Rex and Joshua could hardly believe the sight before them; a once proud high official of the Federal Social Services Agency was now standing before them all bald pussied and cock caged, in a cock cage that resembled nothing like they had ever seen before.

It was not the standard kind of cage they had seen in sex shops or porn videos; instead it was an official looking cage of molded carbon filament that completely concealed the slave's private parts. It was not huge - it fit snugly about the privates of the slave. But the sleek molded exterior of the cage simply looked and resembled what they imagined the cock carapace of a slave (or baseball player) should look like.

Terrence turned on the remote, as he pushed the first button he wondered aloud, "I wonder what this button will do".

Mikey's eyes immediately opened wide, looked upward, as he gradually knelt down on the floor as if seriously weakened.

Terrence asked Mikey how he was feeling. As Mikey wiggled and squirmed on the floor in euphoria he could only mutter, "Please sirs, I'm okay; you do not have to turn it off."

Terrence looked quickly to try and figure out how to turn the device off. As Terrence searched for the `off' button Mikey's voice was nearing an orgasmic moan.

Just as Mikey's voice was about to reach the `orgasm achieved' pitch Terrence found the off button and managed to shut down the pulse signal.

As a desperate slave was left hanging near the edge without release, Terrence shook his head in relief, "Geeze, I better read the manual before I play with this thing again."


After the boys finished having fun playing with Mikey's chastity device's remote controller, Terrence and Rex gathered the slave to offer him comfort. Although Mikey was embarrassed to the hilt from being treated like an auto-controlled robot, and after having been auto stimulated into wiggling, moaning, and squiggling, on the floor, he nevertheless could not seem to stop his peepee from leaking his pre-cum man juice.

"Mikey honey, Rex, Joshua, and I, love you. But you know as well as we do that you are a slave now, and that you are under our control, and have no choice but to accept such a status. There is nothing for you to be ashamed of. The fact that you behaved just now like a feral hog boy doesn't make you less of a man."

"Yes sirs, I know that dear sirs."

"Mikey, what a good slave you are."

"What Rex, Joshua, and I, want you to do now is to get started writing a letter to your brother Bradley; a letter in which you detail for him what your life is like now, how you are feeling, and apologize to him for any offenses, mistreatment, you may have committed against him in the past."

"We know that you are four years younger than Bradley, and that you often teased him about his inability to get good grades in school in the same way as you were able. And we also know that he may have looked down on you because of your life style."

"But those days are over now. We want you to get him prepared so that when he arrives here for your `coming out as a fully trained slave' party he will know what to expect. So your letter will need to be an open and honest message about what your life is now like as a slave. Let him know that you simply want to be nothing more than an obedient slave."

Terrence gave a gentle head rub to the family's beautiful slave, and gave a few soft kisses to Mikey's rosy cheeks.


One morning after breakfast, on a bright and sunny summer day as Mikey was washing the dishes, and as the three overseers were rushing about in the kitchen getting their final cup of coffee, tea, or orange juice, Terrence informed Mikey that Rex and he would be gone for the rest of the day to visit a guy in St. Louis about picking up some used servitor control devices.

"This guy's got some used things for sale that we think could be of help around here; you know, just things to help guide you and keep you in line."

Joshua was curious, "What kinds of things, Terry?"

"Well he's got what looks to be some used equipment that all seems to be in pretty good shape, judging from the photos. There's a nice steel servitor high chair, which I believe is something we really need for Mikey at this time. Plus he's got a few things we might be interested in, such as a slave crib; a urinal box which could be a lot of fun at party time; several unusual punishment and control implements; a servitor shower wand that can shoot a mean spray that is able to clean up a sweaty slave in no time; and an electro-powered enema."

Mikey gulped as Terrence continued to address Joshua, "Since Rex and I will be gone for most of the day, we need you to oversee Mikey as he does his gardening chores in the back yard. There is a lot of work that needs to be done, and it all needs to be completed today as the rockery guys are coming out tomorrow and the garden needs to be ready for them."

"This will be your first full day in total charge over Mikey and we want you to know that we support whatever control methods you may need to enlist."

Joshua was happy to hear the news, "Of course sirs, I can do that. But Mikey is such a well behaved servant that I doubt if I will need to resort to any special control procedures."

"We trust you fully, Joshua. You are such a smart kid, and compassionate beyond your age."


Once Terrence and Rex had left on their slave accouterments shopping spree, Joshua instructed Mikey, "Since it's going to be getting pretty hot today, perhaps it would be best if you started out doing your yard work today wearing your light linen fabric server tunic."

Mikey was instantly aroused at being ordered about by a kid who was over ten years younger than he was, "Yes sir, Mr. Joshua sir."

Once Mikey was tunic-ed as ordered, Joshua grabbed the chastity cage's remote controller and ordered Mikey to accompany him out into the back yard. After giving Mikey a brief reminder of what work needed to be done in the yard, and with Mikey nodding that he understood his duties, Joshua took a seat in a stretched out lawn chair along with a glass of iced tea.

Little Joshua could not believe the comfort of his new life. Here he was, a small peepeed boy, poor, hated by his family, now living the life of luxury while controlling an ace super slave with a remote controller device.

Joshua was not a sadist, and the few times he pushed the edger button on the remote was not in order to taunt or hurt the slave, but rather just to see how the slave would react to the controller. He found that pushing the edger button sort of made the slave halt in his duties as he felt sensations going through his perineum.

Joshua, however, was never interested in hurting his slave or any other slave; he was only interested in controlling, tasting, and loving, his slave Mikey.

At around 2 PM, as the strongest heat of the day hit the Kansas City area, Joshua suggested to Mikey that he remove his server's tunic as he would probably be more comfortable without it.

Mikey wanted to remove the tunic because of the heat, yet he gave a look of concern to Joshua.

Joshua grasped the meaning of the look and shouted back across the field, "Yes, I know it would mean you would be totally bare here in the back yard. But no one can see you here, and you are a slave after all. And your private parts are completely concealed by that chastity cage of yours."

After a brief thought, Mikey gave a shrug and pulled off his tunic, revealing himself to be bare naked except for his chastity cage, work boots, and garden gloves.

As the midday sun beat down on the naked slave (except for his genitals) and as heavy sweat began to form on his entire body, little Joshua could take no more. Reclining on the lawn chair, he unzipped himself, pulled out his cock, and started to manipulate it as he marveled at the sweat beads running down Mikey's back.

Mikey was aware that his young overseer was doing a slow jerk of his rod at the sight of his naked body, but it only heightened within him that slave feeling.

Joshua now looked at Mikey as if he were some magnificent stallion covered in a sheen of sweat - and he wanted more than anything to mount him bareback and ride him like a stallion.

Little Joshua, with an `ace super stud hero slave' now under his complete control, just as he himself was under the uncontrollable haze of sexual desire, called out to the naked, cock caged, slave, "Mikey, get over here!"

Mikey pranced over to his overseer's lawn chair and immediately noticed on closer inspection that little Joshua had a boner sticking out of his pants that wasn't quite as small as he and everyone else had imagined.

Joshua, overcome by the stud and the sun, ordered Mikey, "Get down on all fours and pretend you are a horse, because I want to ride you bareback."

Mikey, surprised at Joshua's newfound authority, was happy to do as ordered.

Mikey immediately got down on the lawn on all fours as Joshua started to strip off his clothes. Joshua was clearly returning to little boy mode as he informed Mikey, "You are my horsey, and you have to do as I say. I'm gonna get on your back and ride you. The former Mr. Galyon is now a stallion."

The childish commands from his junior overseer made Mikey's cock start dribbling pre-cum and his cock cage sent a signal to the remote controller on Joshua's lawn chair. Joshua took a look at it, and laughed at what he saw, "This thing says that you are leaking precum; that's okay Mikey, you can dribble all you want."

Once Joshua was dick naked he positioned himself over Mikey's back and slowly sat himself down. As Mikey's nutsack and dick squished into Mikey's sweaty back, both the overseer and his horsey let out moans of delight.

Joshua ordered his stallion to start moving and Mikey did as ordered. As Mikey crawled around on all fours with Joshua on his back, Mikey was amused by Joshua's verbal commands which were likely garnered from cowboy movies, "Get along my lil' palomino pony", "Take me home bronco boy."

In a short time, Joshua was so dick-hard that he could take no more. He dismounted, and standing up he started to jack his dick intending at first to shoot his load over his bronco's back; but he soon realized that as an overseer he no longer needed to jerk himself off. He instead ordered his palomino, "I want you to start sucking my stick."

Mikey, got into a kneeling position and immediately did as ordered. As soon as he began to slurp away on the cowpoke's teen cock, he could tell that it would not be very long before little `Wild Bill' would be erupting. To Mikey, the taste of the young cowboy's dicklet far surpassed that of any wagon-train, prairie roasted, meal he could ever imagine.

Joshua, was in ecstasy at being sucked by a slave who was ordered into wearing the new `state of the art' EdgePro20, was in heaven. He felt as if his loins were about to give birth to a new nation of creatures, and when he finally shot his load into Mikey's sensually lipped mouth he could no longer conceal his passion and howled out, "Holy fucking fuck!"

As the former Michael Galyon slurped down the huge load of teen cum that came from just the average sized cock of his most junior overseer, both the slave and Joshua heard the voice of Terrence shouting from the back porch, "Hey, we're home, how are you guys doing?"

To Terrence it was clear what had just been going on between his slave and little Joshua, but it made no difference to him, "You guys are not going to believe what Rex and I found on our bargain hunt. We got everything we wanted at bargain prices; a slave high chair, a slave crib, an electro-powered enema pump, vintage tit and ball sack clips, and an adult potty chair."

"But you will not believe what else we found; it's going to be the highlight of Mikey's `coming out as a fully obedient slave' party!"

End of Part 23

Guinea Pig Boys

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories; Please join the Randall Austin's New Google Group, or visit Tickie Stories or check out the Nifty Archives.

Next: Chapter 24

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