Guinea Pig Boys

Published on Feb 7, 2023


Guinea Pig Boys Chapter 21

Guinea Pig Boys – Part 21

by Randall Austin

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to

This story is meant for my groups, Tickie Stories or Nifty and not to be reposted or used by any other group(s) or website(s) without my written consent!

Randall Austin's New Google Group:

Terrence in his bathrobe, Rex in his tighty whities and t-shirt, Joshua in his pajamas, and Mikey in his male panties, grey/green servitor leotard, and a three-pointed jester's hat with bells, approached the brown door in the basement.

"We warned you to never try and enter this room. But since at 1 AM this morning you were caught on our spy cam not only trying to enter the room, but even trying to pry it open with enough force so as to cause splintering of the lintel, we have decided to not only let you see what is in the room, but allow you several hours of quality time inside the room so as to help you get very familiar with the room and fulfill your curiosity."

"We how have to order you to get out of your cute jester's costume and strip totally bare; but there is no reason for you to be ashamed because Rex, Joshua, and I, are also going to be stripping bare to help you feel more comfortable."

The three free boys starting taking off their night clothes as Michael remained frightened and uncertain of the command. As Terrence removed his bathrobe to reveal himself in his undies and boxer briefs, he prodded Michael, "Come on Mikey, I just gave you an order, off with the clown outfit!"

Once the free boys were sterling bare with their overseer pricks slightly engorged, they watched as Michael removed his last item of clothing, his male lace panties. All three were surprised to see that Michael was as flaccid as a five-year old, a fact that indicated to them that Michael was indeed frightened and concerned.

When Rex unlocked the door and all entered, Michael was not shocked. What he saw was pretty mild compared to what he saw in the experiment labs of Ward D. The most prominent feature was a full featured adjustable gurney laced with control straps, and a similarly adjustable punishment frame, both of which were common features in the various training rooms of Kansas City's Social Services.

Once all four of the naked guys were inside the brown-doored basement room, Rex pulled the door shut, as Terrence spoke, "Well Mikey, this is our newly furbished punishment room. As you can see it is not yet very richly implemented and appointed, but that is only because we thought we'd never have to be showing you what was in here anytime in the near future, certainly not on your first full day of servitude."

As Michael's sobbing started up again Terrence continued, "Mikey, we know you. We understand that on your first day here you were nervous and afraid, and just wanted to know every secret of our house. But we have no secrets here; this is just a punishment room, a room I had hoped we would rarely have to be using."

Michael fell to his knees, "Sirs I am so sorry. I, I - I don't know. I was just afraid. Please forgive me sirs. I love all of you and never wanted to disappoint you."

"We understand that very well Mikey, and that is why Rex, Joshua, and I are foregoing the punishment recommended for such misbehavior. We are indeed going to strap you down in a kneeling position on the punishment frame. But you are not going to be whipped or ass-strapped as the law allows for such a breach. Instead the three of us are going to be giving you a super solid fucking."

"And after we get our rocks emptied we will be strapping you down on the gurney for four or five hours of `contemplation'. It is a little punishment the three of us learned, while enslaved under your watch, which was indeed very effective in teaching us slaves the importance of towing the line."

"Getting strapped to a gurney was something that was done to us on a regular basis. And as we were strapped down they would injected us with foreign substances, force us to ingest unknown drug cocktails, and tit clamp or ball cinch us if we were slow to imbibe whatever it was they were offering us. Once we were medicated, they would ass plug us and mitt our hands, and leave us tied down to the gurney for hours. It was horrible."

"But don't worry, we sure aren't going to be giving you any horrible or dangerous things to ingest. But one thing being secured to a gurney for hours did for us was help us to make sure we never again did anything to piss the staff off. So, leaving you on the gurney for a few hours hopefully will allow you to meditate on what you did wrong and guide you to always behave like a top flight servant in the future.

As Rex led Michael to the punishment frame and secured him in the ass-up high/legs-spread wide position, Michael pleaded, "Guys, you know I am not by nature a bad guy; I only cared about the welfare of slaves. Please don't do this to me."

Joshua asserted himself, "And did your team give any kind of consideration to me as they subjected me to humiliating procedures, and even when one of your prime senior directors allowed me to be raped?"

"How could I ever know such thing was going on in that building? Please don't do this." The sound of Michael sobbing and groveling only thickened the free males' erections.

Rex was the first to lube up and start slamming Mr. Galyon. The fact that he was pumping gorgeous Mr. Michael Galyon of national fame not only thickened his dick, but led him to a monster orgasm within seconds after he bent himself over Mr. Galyon's back and began pumping as he sniffed hungrily away at his armpits.

Joshua's cute little peepee was no longer a baby clit as he got in line after Rex's rodding session - for the eyes of Terrence and Rex it appeared to be almost five and a half inches tall if not more as he pre-lubed and then guided it into the slave's hole.

Terrence was proud of Joshua, "Way to go, Joshua, slam that simian cunt the way it deserves!"

Once Joshua had beamed out his boy juice Terrence was next in line, and his approach to slave fucking was a bit different from that of Joshua's and Rex's.

Terrence spent the first five minutes simply running his dick nozzle around the rim sphincter of Galyon's hole as he teased and cajoled, "Remember how you told us to accept whatever was being done to us?"

"Do you remember how you passed me in the hallway and told me how lucky we were to have Mr. Thomas Crotchet as our lead overseer?"

"You knew there was shit going on in that place, yet you refrained from acting. Well, I am not going to refrain from acting!"

As Terrence positioned his dick for entry, he bent over and kissed Galyon's hair, head, cheek, nose, and finally lips, and slid his dick in within an instant of lip contact.

Terrence took it nice and slow and whispered in Galyon's ear, "How does this feel, slave? Does it feel better than anything else you have ever felt? Does it feel better than your babyhood memories of getting diapered by your mommy?"

Terrence shot his load with loud moaning. And Terrence `came' just in time, as Michael was very close to unloading his own slave juice from the three punishment fuckings he had just received; letting their slave unload without permission was something that was very much forbidden in the Finley/Dalton household.

As soon as the boys caught their breath, Terrence removed Michael from the punishment frame and ordered him to hop up on the gurney and recline on his back. He then took out a thick diaper and slipped it under his butt, "Your going to be on this gurney for several hours, so we have to get you didied up in case you have to pee. This diaper holds a lot, so it should be good for at least three good sized manly pisses."

"And because your custom-made chastity cage hasn't arrived yet, we're going to have to restrain your arms to the sides of the gurney so you can't go diddling yourself. And judging from that erection you're sporting, I think playing with yourself is something you would be doing as soon as we left the room."

"One of us will be collecting you in about four hours."

Once Michael was fully secured the boys left the room, leaving Michael to experience what it was like to be a gurneyed slave, with a twitching dick and `that slave feeling' overwhelming him.


Four hours later Joshua entered the punishment room, and with Michael still strapped down to the gurney, he took off his wet diaper and proceeded to clean his boy area with baby wipes.

Once Michael's diaper area was all cleaned up, Joshua removed his mitts, undid all the restraining straps, and handed him the clothing he was to wear for the rest of the day. "Rex and Terry said I could dress you in anyway I wanted, so the other day when I was doing some house cleaning I came across Rex's baseball uniform from his high school days and thought this would look great on you."

Michael felt like some circus slave as he dressed himself in the too tight uniform from Rex's high school days. But Joshua loved the way the uniform showed off Michael's physique.

When Joshua and Michael arrived in the den both Rex and Terrence hooted and applauded at the sight of Michael in the tight fitting baseball uniform. Terrence congratulated Joshua, "You were right Joshie, Mikey looks great in that thing!"

Terrence then shifted into serious overseer mode, "So tell us Mikey, did your hours on the gurney affect the way you will be behaving from now on?"

"Yes sirs. I have learned a valuable lesson. I promise from now on to be one very well-behaved slave."

Terrence was pleased, "I knew it would help get you on the path not only that we want you to be on, but we know it is also the path that you want to be on. And once we have you completely trained into being a proud and fully obedient servitor, we plan on having a big welcoming party for some of our and your friends and family."

"What do you mean `my family'?"

"Mikey, I plan on inviting your brother Bradley to the celebration."

"Sirs, my brother and I do not get along. Please don't invite him."

"Why do you not get along?"

"Because he was always making fun of me, calling me a `faggot', and..."

"Hold on Mikey, I know a little bit about that relationship because I had a phone conversation with Bradley. He said he would love to attend and that I should let him know about the event as soon as a date for the event was decided."

"I did become aware of a certain animosity, but it is my hope that him getting to see you in full service mode will help open his eyes to the beautiful creature that you are."

Michael looked to the floor, and after a moment to collect himself answered, "Yes, Terrence, sir, I understand. That is good of you. It will be hard for me, but I promise to be on my best behavior."

Terrence was pleased with Michael's response, "I told him that I wanted you to write him a letter once you've had a few more weeks of training because I want him to know what your life is now like before he gets here."

"I understand sir. Thank you sir. You are very wise, Terrence, sir."


After an evening meal which Michael had prepared while wearing Rex's high school baseball uniform, Rex went up to Michael and gave him a hug, "Mikey, Terrence, Joshua, and I, are so proud of you. The way you took your punishment like a real slave, and with the way in which you prepared and served tonight's meal like a seasoned servitor. And I have to say you look great in my old baseball uniform."

Terrence joined them and reminded Michael, "Remember, tomorrow we have an appointment for you with Dr. Evans so he can see how your circumcision is healing, do a final physical exam, and give us some dietary guidelines for you. Then after your exam we will take you to the urogenital ward where you will be fitted with your new custom made chastity control device."

"Because you won't be wearing any chastity control device tonight, you will tonight be sleeping in our bed. You will be sleeping between Rex and me as we guard and protect your chastity."


In bed that evening Rex and Terrence hugged, snuggled, and cuddled, with their new slave; a toy for the two young overseers that was made in heaven.

Rex with his face in Michael's neck, cooed, "You smell really good. Little Joshie did a really good job of supervising your bath tonight."

Rex's nose found Michael's armpit and breathed in the aroma, and had to share it with his pal, "Terrence, sniff Mikey's pits, they smell great."

Terrence undid Michael's pajama tops and stuffed his nose into his armpit. All that Terrence could say as he sniffed was "Wow", and then began licking Michael's left armpit.

Rex saw the pit sniffing and licking going on at the left pit, so he jumped in and started lick slurping Michael's right pit.

As both servitors slopped away at the slave's pits, and as Michael found himself in slave obeisance heaven, eventually both Terrence and Rex tore off their bedtime tees and were hungry for some tongue action on their own armpits.

When Terrence commanded Michael to start licking his and Rex's pits, Michael was more than eager to obey. He went at it like a pro, going from the right pit to left pit for each of his overlords.

The licking action on his man pits was driving Rex into a frenzy and he slid down his undies and started jacking as Michael sucked at away at his young-man pits.

When Rex was nearing his climax he knelt up and aimed his overseer jackhammer at Michael's face and flooded both of his cheeks and forehead with his special brand of love sperm.

Once he began to deflate, still kneeling over Michael's face, he began to gently rub the slave's entire face as he smeared it all over with his cum. Michael did not mind; Rex explained lovingly, "I want you to sleep with my special moisturizing facial lotion. It will help preserve your youthful complexion."

Michael could not fall asleep as easily as his two overseers did sleeping on either side of him, mainly because he was so hugely horny. He was aware that if he touched himself and did a slow easy beating off it would only be seconds before he would cum, so figuring he could get away with it he moved his hand to his slave rod and gently started to give it a few tugs.

Only moments after he began tugging on his freshly clipped dick Terrence grabbed him by his jackoff hand and whispered in his ear, "Mikey, you can't do that, as you are a slave now. There will have to be consequences, but I think you know that. Tomorrow was supposed to be a beautiful second full day of your new life as a servitor where you got up early and made breakfast so that we could be a beautiful family meal with a faithfully serving slave."

"But no, now the day can't begin as planned, because now the first thing that has to happen tomorrow morning is going to be instead very humiliating for you. Rather than being able to show yourself off as a perfectly behaving slave making breakfast for his owner family, the first thing that will have to happen tomorrow morning is for you to get yourself baby naked over my knee for a spanking; a spanking that we will be videoing and adding to our family album."

Tears came to Michael's eyes as he whispered in return, "I am so sorry, dear master Terrence. I love you and Rex and Joshua. I am sorry that I am failing to be all that I should be. I want to be a good slave but I am weak."

Terrence caressed his wayward slave, "I know honey; I know you are a good boy at heart. But a spanking is what has to happen, and it will help make you into the person, the servitor, that I know you want to be."

After a hug and back pats to his slave, Terrence offered comfort, "Don't be sad little fella; we just got some good news from Dr. Evans.  I'll save it for you until we get to the hospital tomorrow."

End of Part 21

Guinea Pig Boys

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories; Please join the Randall Austin's New Google Group, or visit Tickie Stories or check out the Nifty Archives.

Next: Chapter 22

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