Guinea Pig Boys

Published on Sep 6, 2020


Guinea Pig Boys Chapter 1

Guinea Pig Boys – Part 1

by Randall Austin

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to

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Terrence Finley and Rex Dalton couldn't believe the way they were being treated by the two Social Services police officers (commonly and derisively referred to as the `slave police' by the anti-servitor segment of the public) and by their two assistant handlers.  They had been taken from their dorm room shortly after they returned from having supper at the commons.

They were brought to the Kansas City Social Services Agency, ordered to strip, were secured with prison cord around their waists, and were paraded down a long corridor like two pieces of cattle.  All of their questions of, "What's going on?" "What did we do?" were answered with, "Shut up or you'll get your asses whipped!"

For the first time both Terrence and Rex were seeing first-hand what they had heard all along about the slave police and slave handlers: that they relished lording it over slaves by taunting and humiliating them.

As special services handler, Thomas Crotchet, pulled Terrence along by his rope he looked back at him and laughed, "Let's see if you can make that little pricklet dangling between your legs dance!  Shake your hips for me!"

Terrence, near to tears, didn't do anything, but the two policemen and both handlers all laughed heartily as they tugged the two soon-to-be slaves down the corridor.  

They led Terrence and Rex to a room marked `Orientation' and took them inside.   There the two naked boys were each ordered to hop up onto a metal gurney, and to recline on their backs.

The handlers removed the ropes binding the boys, and then strapped them to the gurney with cords about their waist and legs.  Both of their arms were secured to their sides with waterproof Velcro bindings.

The first police officer got on his cell, whispered a command, and soon a male nurse in a white coat entered, pushing a medical cart. 

The fairly young nurse, on entering `Orientation' seemed to enjoy seeing the two handsome college students strapped to the gurneys, and smiled as he took a white bandage and started to wrap it around Rex's forearm.  When he took out a large syringe, Rex, frightened, asked, "What are you going to do?"

"We need some of your blood.  Lots of your blood, actually."

Rex struggled and screamed, "I want to know what you're doing!"

The nurse replied in a quiet and reassuring manner, "If you just relax and keep quiet, this will go easy.  You won't feel a thing once I get the needle in."

Rex protested, "I have a right to know what's going on."

The first Social Services police officer answered, "I'll be happy to tell you two pretty boys what's going on.  You have been chosen to serve as, well - sorta as guinea pigs!  They need lots of your blood because they are going to be running all kinds of tests on it, so they can get to know you two boys really well. They need to get an idea on how your body is likely to react to various substances."

Both Terrence and Rex called out in a similar vein; "Get me out of here now!"  "I want a lawyer!"  "You have no right!"  "Let me go!"

The second officer went up to Terrence, grabbed his cock and balls, and shook his handful of flesh back and forth.  He smiled as he waggled Terrence's unit, "No way can I let you go, because very soon you both will be learning that you now belong to the state."

Both Rex and Terrence gave panicked looks, to which the officer responded, "Get used to it! All of you now belongs to the state, including this little package I now hold in my hand!"

End of Part 1

Guinea Pig Boys

(To Be Continued)

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Next: Chapter 2

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