Guilty as Charged

By tarantau tarantau

Published on Nov 9, 2001


Finally here is Chapter 8--Hope you all enjoy and remember to e-mail me, love to hear from you.

Sorry it took so long to get out, I was interupted by something I like to call life. Also check out my website if you haven't done so and don't forget to sign my questbook.

It's at

If you think I should add this story to the website, then let me know, and what teen actors would you like to portay the characters, or even if you know a nice looking boy who would be good in the role, either e-mail me a picture or a web site where I can find a picture, no nude pictures though.

Happy Reading.



Todd thanked them all for the great time they had shown him at The Cliff's, and kept apologizing if he had ruined their goodtime, which they all assured him he hadn't. Keith would have hung out with him that afternoon, except for he had already made plans with Carried to buy her mother a gift for her birthday which was coming up in a couple of days. Keith had agreed to call him later on that evening when he got home, and maybe they could get together and go and do something. That something probably involved cruising, listening to music, and more then likely drinking a couple of beers. Todd wanted to kiss Keith goodbye, but didn't think it was a good idea, even though he knew Carrie was well aware of the fact they were in love, instead they just settle for a friendly handshake, and a later bro.

Carrie turned to Keith, after they had pulled away from Todd's house, and said, "You know I wouldn't have minded if you had kissed him. It's not like I'm gonna say anything to anyone."

Keith smiled, "I know, but I just don't feel it was appropriate, and even though I know you understand, their is still no reason I should throw it in your face, or vice-versa."

"I have something to tell you, but you have to promise me you won't tell Rob," Carrie said.

"You know you can trust me with any secret you have," Keith said, "I trust you, so you can trust me."

"Me and Wendy overheard Rob's comments about gays," she said, "and I'm sure he doesn't realize it, but I think he really hurt Wendy with that comment, since Wendy's cousin James is gay, and she thinks the world of him. I've known Rob all my life, or as long as I could remember, and I would have never figured him to be homophobic, especially the way he treats and protects Dale and all his other friends. And then you all agreeing with him, probably didn't help matters either."

"I'm sorry, " Keith said, "I just can't give anybody any clues about my true feelings. I'm not saying I'm scared of what will happen to me, but from what Todd told me, his father is King Homophobic, and I would hate to think what would happen to him if his father found out."

"How do you think your father would react if he found out you were gay?" she asked.

"I think he would be okay with it, probably disapointed that he couldn't have grandchildren to play with, but I think he would be okay eventually," Keith said, and then added, "but I'm not ready to find out yet."

They pulled into the parking lot of The Bellway Mall, which was packed as usual for a Saturday afternoon, drove around until they found a space in front of Dillard's, which was the place that Carrie really wanted to stop at to buy her mom a sweater she had seen a few days earlier, when her and Wendy had made a trip to the mall, so Wendy could get her hair cut for Spencer's party.

Besides, Carrie and her mom wore the same size of clothes, so she figured she could borrow it from her, and wear it to the football game on Friday. It was the first game of the season, and her, Keith, Wendy, and Dale always sat together cheering louder then anybody for Rob, only this time Todd would probably join them.

"We need to get Todd a shirt for the game Friday," she said, "You know how we all dress in the school colors and paint our faces, well if Todd is gonna sit with us, then he had better look like the rest of us."

Keith laughed, "Yeah, but do you remember that time, Dale thought he'd be like those idiots at the games on TV, who don't wear a shirt in the dead of winter, and it started snowing. I bet he'll never be that stupid again."

Carrie laughed, "Yeah, I remember you had to drive him home at halftime to get a shirt and jacket, so he wouldn't disturb the game with how loud his teeth were chattering. And when you all got back, he said that he wasn't really that cold."

Dillard's still had the sweater Carrie had her eye on, which wasn't really suprising considering the amount on the price tag. She purchased it, along with a bottle of her mother's favorite scent, and then they walked down the mall toward the sporting goods store, which had a whole display section of Bellway Tigers apparrel. Keith decided on a Bellway Tiger's sweatshirt for Todd, and a Bellway Tiger's baseball cap, even though he didn't know if Todd wore caps or not. They made there purchases and went to the music store to see what latest Cd's were out, and which's ones they didn't have or wanted to buy. About an hour later they were in Keith's car headed on the road back home.

Todd Miller still felt a little embaraced by what had happened at The Cliff's, so when Rob and Wendy had invited him to catch a movie with them that afternoon, he politely declined and instead decide to spend the afternoon at home, waiting for Keith's phone call. When Rob dropped him off at the back of his house, to which both him and Wendy were awestruck by, he noticed his father's blue Ford pick-up was parked in front of the house. He almost changed his mind and told them he had decided to go to the movies with them, but something about the way Wendy was acting, it didn't seem like a good idea.

"Call us tonight, and let us know what's going on," Rob said, "Or I'll call you. What's your phone number?"

Todd rattled off his phone number, which Wendy wrote down in a notepad she kept in her purse with everybody's phone number.

Todd turned on the television, more for just the background noise then anything else, took off his shoes and laid across his bed. When he closed his eyes, he could feel Keith's lips touching his, he could feel his sense and presence. He had known he was gay for as far back as he could remember, but had never been intimate with another boy. Well some wouldn't call one kiss being intimate, but he sure did. Before he knew it, he was sound asleep until the hard banging on his door woke him up.

"Hey, you little faggot," he heard the rough, voice of his father yell. "You have a phone call, it's probably one of your little faggot friends."

He's been fucking drinking again, Todd thought. He almost yelled for him to hang it up, and he'd take it in his room, beside what was his father doing answering his private line. The only time they were ever allowed to pick that line up was, well they never were, as per their agreement. This was what he was suppose to do, until he remembered Keith was suppose to call him, and what if he answered by calling him babe, or someother term of enderment, and his father was listening on the other end. He couldn't bare to think of what the consequences would be.

He opened the door to his room, and could feel and smell the stench of stale whiskey eminating from his father's pores and breath.

Fucking drunk, Todd said to himself.

"Hey faggot," his father yelled a little too loud, "You better tell your little faggot friends to stop fucking call over here, well I'm trying to take a nap."

Instead of arguing with him, like Todd and done on a couple of other occasions, he decided to just ignore him and let it pass. He could still remember the last time he had said something to him, and the blackeye he had recieved. Todd was a good size kid, but his father stood at least four inches taller then Todd, and outweighed him by a good forty pounds.

"Hello," he said, picking up the reciever in the kitchen.

"Hey Todd," It was Rob. He breathed a sigh of relief, at least he wouldn't have to pretend to just be taking to a friend. He was disapointed it wasn't Keith, but was surprised that Rob had called, since he knew the movie couldn't be over yet.

"What's up Rob," he said, "Didn't you and Wendy go to the movie's?"

"Well I thought we were, but after we dropped you off, she told me to take her home, and that she didn't know if she wanted to see me again. It was strange, since I thought we were having a good time together. I was trying to think of something I might have said to piss her off, but I can't think of anything I said to her. Do you remember anything I might have said?

Todd thought for a moment, and then replied, "you don't think she might have taken offense about our comment about gays?"

"Why do you say that?" Rob replied.

"Well when you said it, she kinda got this look in her eyes, but maybe it was nothing."

Hey Todd, can I ask you something, and you don't have to answer if you don't want to, beside I know your not, because you told me you weren't and that's good enough for me..."

"Sure, bro," Todd replied, "anything."

"Why did your dad call me a faggot, when he answered the phone?"

Todd laughed, "My father's a fucking drunk, and to him everybody is a fucking

Next: Chapter 10

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