Guilty as Charged

By tarantau tarantau

Published on Jun 22, 2001


Here is the second chapter of the story

I hope you all are enjoying the story so far. If you like it or dislike it, e-mail me and let me know. Comments good or bad are always appreciated. I have two other stories in the high school section RYAN'S ODYSSEY, AND LUXURY OF LIES (which I am gonna continue working on) Let me know if you want me to continue, feedback is greatly appreciated.

Enjoy the story


Wendy Hill had taken extra time on that second morning of her sophmore year, making sure her hair looked just perfect. She had chosen to wear her blue blouse, which accented her breasts just right, and the tightest pair of rockys she owned. She had been trying for the past year to get the attention of Rob Warren, if this didn't work, then she wasn't sure what to do to get him to ask her out. She was reapplying her lipstick when she heard Carrie Terk's Mazda pull into the driveway. She thought Carrie was a lucky girl, she was dating the cutest boy in the whole school, Keith Mitchell. In her mind, though, Rob was just as cute or cuter. She had been crushing on him for the past two years.

Carrie Terk was her best friend, they agreed on almost everything, they both thought that Josh Hartnett was just about the cutest boy in the world, and had each seen the Pearl Harbor movie at least three times a piece, and would have seen it more if its run hadn't end at the local theater. There was only one thing they didn't completely agree on. Carrie was the biggest country music fan in the whole school, and Wendy basically thought it was awful music, she of course would never divulge this information to Carrie. When Carrie pulled up at morning, she was blaring Tim McGraw's latest Cd out of the stereo, listening to it like most teenagers listened to rap music.

"Damn, Wendy," Carrie said, "If Rob doesn't notice you today, then I think he needs to get his head examined. You are looking good today."

Wendy knew that Rob and Keith would be sitting in the same spot they had sat in since their first day of high school there freshmen year. She had gotten Carrie to change from parking her car in the back of the school to the front, so they would be sure to walk by them everyday. This had been how Carrie and Keith had first started talking, and eventually dating. She was still hopeful that Rob would noticed her. Their they were as usual, but there was somebody else sitting on the otherside of Rob, she had never seen before. He seemed to fit in with the other two, cause damn she couldn't believe how damn cute he was.

They were laughing about something when her and Carrie approached them.

"Hey, babe, "Carrie said, "who's your new friend?"

"This is Todd Miller. Todd this is Carrie Terk and Wendy Hill."

"I bought a new dress I'm gonna wear wear to Sinclair's Party, are you still planning to pick me up at seven."

"Sure thing, babe, "Keith said, leaning over and kissing her.

"Hey I have an idea," Keith said, "Todd here doesn't know anybody, and I'm sure he would like to go, but probably doesn't want to go by himself, how about you and Wendy double date with me and Todd."

"Wait a minute," Todd said, "When is this party?"

"Friday night," Keith said.

"I'd love to go, but damn I've already made plans with my father for that night, he wants to go and watch my older brother play football at Texas Tech."

Keith was really disapointed, he was really hoping that Todd would want to go. He hated the fact that he had to lie to his best friends, and pretend like he was really in love with Carrie. He had wanted to break up with her on so many occasions, but then what would that have done to the reputation he had built around himself in order to hide his true feelings. One thing he was grateful for was that he hadn't been forced into performing the sex act, an act he was probably sure he couldn't and then she would find out, and his life would be ruined. The most they had done was a little touch and feel.

"Well we better get to class," Wendy said, dejected that Rob seemed to not notice her again. "See you at lunch."

When they were out of earshot, Keith said, "Damn I wish you didn't have to go to Lubbock, it's gonna be a slamming party."

Todd laughed, "Bro, I don't even have an older brother, I just made that shit up."

Both Keith and Rob were confused, here he had a chance to go out with one of the hottest chicks in school, and he made up some story to get out of it. Keith knew he was gay, but still wouldn't have made up an excuse to get out of going on a date with her, you know his reputation had to be protected at all costs.

"Rob, bro," Todd said, "Boy are you blind or something, that chick is crushing on you bad. You need to get some Cahonnies and ask her ass to the party. I guarantee you she won't say no."

"And how the hell do you know all this shit?" Rob asked..

"When it comes to the ladies, I am an expert," Todd said, of course only he knew he was lying.

The morning went by fairly quickly and before they knew it Todd and Keith met Rob at his locker to go and get a bite to eat. Todd placed his arm across Rob's shoulder's and said, "Now is the best time to make your move, bro, before she gets tierd of waiting for you to ask her, and some other dude steals her away."

"What do I say?" Rob asked.

"Confidence, bro, cofindence," Todd said, "Don't give her any bullshit lines about how nice her hair looks, or any of that other crap, just walk up to her and ask her if she would like to go to the party with you. Simple and straight forward, if she says's no, well then at least you tried." Keith had noticed the two girls first, sitting at what had become known as their table, even though they were only sophmores, their reputation around the school had become so powerful, that even juniors and seniors were hoping to receive an invitation to sit at their table. Even though Keith knew he was gay, he still couldn't help but notice how pretty Carrie was, he thought if he was gonna act as a heterosexual male, what better disquise then to be dating the prettest girl in the whole damn school.

"I don't want to ask her in front of everybody," Rob said, breaking Keith out of his trance.

It was Todd who came up with the idea, "We'll come up with some excuse to get Carrie away from her and then when were all gone, you casually walk up to the table, look at her and ask her out."

"Hey baby" Keith said walking up to the table, "Can you believe Todd is been here for almost a week and has yet to try a Burger Shack Burger and Shake, so I thought we'd run and get us one, besides their having Chicken Fried Steak and you know how much I hate Chicken Fried Steak."

"What about Rob and Wendy," Carrie said, "maybe they would like to come too."

Keith knew she was gonna try and get Wendy to go also, at least that's what he would have done if it would have been a reversed situation. This is where the second part of their plan, Rob's part started going into affect.

"I thought I'd just stay here and eat, besides I kinda like Chicken Fried Steak," Rob replied.

Todd and Keith were not surprised when Wendy declined their invitation and decided to eat lunch with Rob instead. So far their plan was working like a charm, the only thing left was for Rob to do exactly like Todd had told him.

When they were outside about to get into Keith's car, Carrie started laughing, "Do you two think I look like a moron. I do have to hand it to you though, you've accomplished something I have been trying forever to do."

"And what would that be?" Keith asked.

"Getting them two alone."

Okay, Rob thought to himself, you can do this, all you've got to do is do just as Todd said, just go over there and ask her to the party. She's your friend if she doesn't want to then, she'll let you down easy.

He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he approached her. "Mind if I sit with you?" he asked. "I was hoping you would," she said, "I can't believe they just dissed us like that, why didn't you want to go, I know how much you like Burger Shack?"

Now is the time he thought, "Hey Wendy, I was wondering if I you would like to go to the party with me?" There is was out, there was no turning back now.

"Sinclair's Party," she said, "I'd love too, what time should I be ready?"

"Pick you up at seven, and then maybe we can go and get a bite to eat before the party.

The spent the rest of the lunchhour talking about anything and everything they could think of.

All Todd Miller could think of as he walked the five and a half blocks to his house was how cute Keith's eyes were. He thought they were hypnotic eyes, and was mesmerized by them. He wanted so bad to put his arms around him and hold him, and then to kiss him. He knew this could never happen since he knew without a doubt that Keith was as straight as an arrow, hell, he was dating the prettiest girl in the whole school. Hell if he wasn't gay and his new best friend wasn't dating her, he would probably ask her out. Even gay guys couldn't help but notice a pretty girl when they saw her, just like a straight guy, even though they won't admit it, can't help but notice how good looking some other guys are.

He took his key out and unlocked the door to his private entrance to the house, which lead directly into his bedroom. His parents believed in his privacy and had an entrance build just for him, and neither one of them would enter into his room without his permission, as long he followed certain rules and regulations they had set out. He took his shoes off and set them by the side of his bed, went into the bathroom and ran the tub full of warm water, usually he took a quick shower, but today he felt like just soaking in the tub, thinking about all that had happened that day. When he was finished with his bath, he thought he'd get on line, and maybe one of his online friends would be on, he had to tell somebody about the amazing boy he had just met. He grabbed a coke from the kitchen and booted up his PC. With his mother working for a a large computer firm, being the reason they had moved to Belway Texas, so his mother could run the branch there, he had access to some of the newest and most up to date computer software and hardware.

When the computer had booted up and he was logged onto the network, he hit the MSN Messenger icon, typed in his username and password, and was pleased to find that KM16 was on line.

WHAT'S UP, he typed.

HEY, BRO, LONG TIME NO HEAR, the response came.




KEITH MITCHELL...Todd typed in, thinking that there was no way, this guy would even know who Keith Mitchell was or ever meet him.

Next: Chapter 3

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