Guiding Lights

By BSB Lover

Published on Sep 30, 1999


PLEASE BE ADVISED..... The following story contains sexually explicit material and involves S&M activities. Please also note that although the Backstreet Boys are characters in the story, this does not imply any sort of sexual preference of any of them.

ALSO.... please give me your feedback and let me know what you would like to see next. I know this story is not everyone's cup of tea... but don't worry my trio of perverts will mellow with time. I mean who could really resist BSB!! So please send me your thoughts at the following address:

I look foward to hearing from you, and now on with the story............

Chapter 7: This Little Piggy Went to the Market....

James woke up really early the next morning, around 5:30am. He got up and showered. The scalding hot water brought back the previous night in a rush of pleasant memories. James began caressing his swollen testicles, thinking of Nick. Done washing, James quickly turned off the water - now wasn't the time for such thoughts... Thinking twice about it, James turned the water back on - but this time it was freezing cold. His penis retracted swiftly from the unwanted ice-water and James relaxed, hopping around a little.

Turning off the water again he got out and toweled off. James decided to put on one of his best suits. He would be dealing with a bunch of reporters later and wanted to look good in his first outing. It also didn't hurt to show Nick how classy he could be... James tried to get his beautiful blond conquest out of his head. He had to keep reminding himself that Nick would be nothing more than another slave for them - but he didn't have much success convincing himself..

James left his room, briefcase in hand and headed over to Atlanta's room. She was always an early riser and James figured it would be a good time to discuss their future plans before the "real" work took over. He knocked on the door and heard Atlanta's voice ask who it was. James also heard a loud gasp and some sort of activity inside. Was he interrupting something?

"It's me!" James called out, and he heard Atlanta talking to someone inside.

The door opened to reveal Zach already in the room. He had on a reputable looking black silk shirt and dress slacks. He smiled and moved out of the way. James stepped into the room and got a surprise. Atlanta was sitting in an armchair with her feet up. The surprise was her "foot stool"...

A.J. knelt on all fours, wearing nothing but a black studded collar. At the sight of James he grinned happily.

"Good morning master" A.J. said subserviently.

"Shush pet" Atlanta remonstrated gently, petting A.J. on the head. A.J. bowed his head down in response and remained silent.

"Well isn't this cozy" James said with a laugh, quickly closing the door behind him.

Zach went and sat down in another armchair next to Atlanta, putting his feet up on A.J.'s rump. James had to settle for the bed. He was wondering if he should bring up their plans in front of their new servant. James wasn't sure if he could be trusted yet - for all they knew A.J. could be seeing this as just some sort of kinky fad. They should proceed with caution...

"So I fucked Kevin last night finally" Atlanta interrupted James thoughts. She noticed James glance meaningfully at A.J..

"Oh don't worry James, A.J. here is quite trustworthy. Aren't you baby? You a good little bitch?" Atlanta slapped A.J. on the side of his ass.

"Yes mistress, A.J. is a good boy" A.J. groveled.

"Good, if you want to stay a good boy then you will not repeat one word of what is about to be discussed in this room to anyone. Otherwise you will have no more pleasure. Do you understand?"

"Yes mistress" A.J. responded quickly. "I want to be a good boy. A.J. will be a good boy!"

Atlanta smiled satisfactorily. James still had his doubts but at least if anything went wrong Atlanta would only have herself to blame now. And in any case, her instincts had always been right before, no need to start doubting them now....

"So, James said, you fucked Kevin and....

"And he was great. Wonderful really. Nice large cock, good body. He HAD a nice tight ass, but I took care of that with a gardening spade...

"A gardening spade!" Zach interrupted with laughter.

A.J. was staring up at Atlanta in shock. She grabbed him by the hair and arched his back as she pulled his head back.

"Do you have a problem with that my pet?" she demanded.

" mistress. A.J. paused then smiled. "Not at all!"

Atlanta laughed and released A.J.'s head. She gave James an "I told you so" look and then proceeded to relate last night's events. She left out the conversation she had had with Kevin, and his premature ejaculation. Atlanta saw no need to tell them all the embarrassing details. She also didn't tell them how close she had felt to Kevin.

"And you guys, how did your night go?" Atlanta asked when she was done.

James and Zach filled her in. They left out plenty of details - concentrating on their success and ignoring their failures. A.J. gasped again when he heard described what James and Zach had done with Nick. His shock soon turned to eager happiness though. Looked to James like A.J. was looking forward to having some fellow slaves around...

"And did either of you fuck him?" Atlanta was no fool - she had noticed what had carefully been left out. There was an awkward silence before both Zach and James shook their heads in embarrassment.

"God you two are pathetic, Atlanta sneered. Do I have to break them ALL in?!"

"I'll take care of it" Zach and James both said at the same time, and then glared at each other.

Atlanta just shook her head in continued disgust. What was she going to do with these two. They had both obviously fallen for that blasted blond boy. Kevin's face came unwillingly into her mind and Atlanta tried to block it out.

"I have a couple other things that need discussing" James said.

He told them about the conversation he had overheard between Brian and Howie last night - and how they were planning to make James squeal like a pig. They all had a good laugh at that - even A.J.. They agreed

that the tables had to be turned on those two, and that after the concert tonight they would meet with a big surprise.

"Master...." A.J. whispered tentatively.

"Yes bitch?" James asked.

"Can A.J. play too?" he groveled.

James laughed and agreed. A.J.'s involvement would be the icing on the cake. Boy would Brian and Howie be surprised...

"I have news too" Zach chimed in.

"What about" Atlanta asked.

Zach told them about his bizarre conversation with Burchard the security guard the previous night. James and Atlanta were surprised, they had both intended to mention the guard too, but had forgotten. It was a definite concern, and there was no way of telling what kind of trouble he could become. Atlanta decided to seek him out later than night and see if she could find out more. James said he'd talk to management about him, find out about his past, etc.

Business concluded they all relaxed. They were all a little worried about Burchard, but tried to put him out of mind. James thought of Nick, and of Brian and Howie. He wondered if their squeals would be half as good as their barks had been. James' dick had grown hard underneath his designer pants. Maybe it would be better to take care of it after all....

He looked over at A.J.'s sinewy and lithe young body - and smiled. He motioned to A.J. to come closer, and Atlanta and Zach lost their foot stool as he crawled across the floor over to James. James undid his fly and let his hard meat out. A.J. smiled and shivered in anticipation.

A.J.'s tongue lashed out at James' large swollen head, making circles around the sensitive area. One of his smalls hands began gliding up and down the shaft. He licked his palm and continued at an even quicker speed. A.J. let go of James dick and then plunged face forward all the way down the shaft, burying his nose

in the short pubic hair (which was just beginning to grow back in). James grabbed A.J. by the hair and started controlling the movement, speeding up and slowing down as pleasure fit him. A.J. was now little more than a warm, wet orifice. Minutes passed and then James felt his dick begin to pulse. He held A.J. down with his cock buried up his throat as he spewed volleys of cum.

Done, James collapsed back onto the bed with a sigh. He muttered "good boy" as he let go of A.J.'s head. James heard Zach get up and then his pants hit the floor. He looked over and saw that Zach was preparing to fuck A.J.'s tattooed body. Zach plunged his thick meat deep up inside of A.J.'s body and had his pleasure with their new slave. Atlanta joined in, sitting down on the bed next to James and burying A.J. face in her cunt. Today would definitely be a good day....

It had been a busy day. James had been occupied with reporters all day. First the Boys had held a press conference and then met with individual reporters backstage before the concert. Next came a quick run-through and then mic checks. The Sky-Dome had been packed solid for the concert - which had gone off without a hitch. While the Boys were performing on stage, James had stood in the wings with the management team. He'd made some subtle probes about Burchard, but none of them knew much about him except that he came highly recommended. James also learned that he had been hired at the same time as James and his "assistants."

Between one of their sets, Brian had approached James and called him aside. He invited James over to his room later for another threesome with Howie. James had laughed inwardly at Brian's obvious excitement and had told them that he'd rather have them over to his room. Brian had hesitated but finally agreed.

They were all back at the hotel now. The Boys had all gone back to their rooms to shower off all the sweat. They were all energized and full of adrenaline. Brian had pinched James lightly on the butt as he'd passed and given him a sly wink. If he only knew.... Kevin had seemed like he wanted to talk to Atlanta, but then got all flustered and stormed off to his room. James guessed being plied with a gardening tool may have shaken him up a little. Couldn't really blame the guy, he'd felt really weird his first few times with Atlanta and Zach too. Nick had been blushing at the sight of Zach and James all day long, but hadn't said much. James wished he could spend the night with Nick, but there would be plenty of time for that after they got done with Brian and Howie. It was already 11:00pm though so time would be tight.

James, Atlanta and Zach all headed for James' room after the Boys had dispersed. Atlanta had her bag of tricks with her and she brought it with her into the bathroom - where she and Zach were going to hide for the time being. Seconds later there was a tentative knock at the door and James let A.J. in. He was still sweaty, having skipped his shower.

"Hi, A.J. said, sorry I had to skip my shower. You know it was so hard acting normal today in front of the guys!"

James just stared at him steadily. A.J. swallowed, remembering that he was now alone with them. He dropped to his knees and bowed his head. James ordered him into the bathroom, and A.J. crawled meekly away.

James went around the room, lighting some candles. With hope Brian and Howie would hurry over so this wouldn't take too long. He really wanted to get back to Nick.... God, he really had to get that guy out of his head!

There was a knock at the door and James opened it to reveal Brian and Howie. Both were still rather wet from their showers, their hair slicked back. They both had on silk shirts which clung to their bodies in places where they had not toweled dry properly. Howie had the top three buttons undone, exposing his hairless bronze chest. They had clearly gotten dressed in a hurry. James let them in and Howie closed the door behind him.

Before he could say much, Brian was already on him. He pulled at James' clothes, removing his shirt and undoing his pants. Howie joined in, removing James shoes and socks. In seconds James was stark naked. So they wanted to be the aggressors did they... James was amused by the satisfied looks on both men's faces.

James hands darted out suddenly, reaching right down their pants. He grabbed hold of them both, gripping their small balls. Their pleased expressions turned to shock.

"Strip" James ordered, and they complied. Both men began removing their clothes quickly. James gave their balls a squeeze and they began stripping in double time.

When Brian and Howie were both naked, James looked them both up and down. He took in their small erections and frowned. James measured them up like pieces of meat, breaking down their egos. He still had them both firmly by the balls. James let go and ordered them to kneel and Brian and Howie sank to their knees in obediance.

"No!" Brian suddenly exclaimed, getting back to his feet in a huff. Howie followed suit.

"No?" James asked mildly.

"This isn't going right. Tonight WE'RE the bosses" Brian said, thumping himself in the chest.

Their confident expressions dissolved once again when their proud boast was met by James' uproarious laughter. Brian actually got tears in his eyes.

"Do you want to play or not?" James finally asked, wiping away his own tears.

Brian and Howie looked at one another. Brian started to say no, but Howie interrupted with an eager yes and sank back to his knees. Brian looked pissed off and hurt that Howie had chosen James over him. He began to pick up his clothes, but James grabbed them and threw them in a corner. Brian turned angrily to face him and James grabbed hold of his balls again. He pulled Brian close and planted a passionate kiss on his lips. Brian resisted at first, but then welcomed James into his mouth. With one hand, James began to caress Brian's smooth round butt. With his free hand he motioned Howie closer, pointing at Brian's little woody. Howie understood and began sucking on Brian. James moved to Brian's neck and chest, kissing and sucking. Brian moaned in response. Then James suddenly pulled away.

"Both of you on the bed now" he ordered, and Brian and Howie did so. James told them to get on all fours like last time and they complied. James began massaging both men's smooth asses, probing around their holes.


With that one word both Howie and Brian began to bark like little puppies. This time James had some fun, first telling them to bark like big dogs and then as small ones. He had a few fingers up inside both men. Then he went for it.

"Like pigs now"

Without any hesitation, Howie and Brian began to snort and grunt like hogs. James couldn't help laughing, and he could hear muffled laughter coming from the bathroom.

"No, squeal" he ordered.

His two bitches started squealing like little piglets, and James started spanking them. He reached under the bed and came up with a smooth wood paddle. Winding up, he slapped both men with it - their cheeks quickly turning a scarlet red. Through it all they continued to squeal.

James heard the bathroom door open and Zach and Atlanta came out. Both were naked. They lead A.J., who was collared and leashed. The squealing cut off as Brian and Howie saw the newcomers.

"What the fuck!" Brian exclaimed.

Zach laughed, and pinned Brian back down as he tried to leave. He began kissing Brian's smooth chest, and his prey's resistance soon melted. Zach moved up to his neck, and then his waiting mouth. Zach began jerking Brian off.

Howie meanwhile was dumbstruck at the sight of A.J., naked and leashed. Atlanta looped her end of the leash over the doorknob and walked up to Howie. She laughed out loud at the sight of his puny little hard-on, and he flushed bright red. Atlanta pushed him roughly backward, and he fell right into James waiting arms. Howie was strong, and James had some trouble keeping his arms pinned as Atlanta began to go down on him. However he was soon moaning contentedly and James let go. He straddled Howie's shoulders and placed his throbbing manhood in his mouth.

Brian's moans became more high-pitched as Zach's large purple head penetrated his asshole. Zach began to build up a nice steady rhythm. He called out to A.J. and told him to come over.

"Brian's mouth is bored" Zach panted.

"Yes master... A.J. will take care of it" A.J. replied meekly.

Brian froze when he heard A.J.'s reply, and a look of panic came across his face. A.J., with his cock in hand went over to Brian's face and placed his cock on his lips. He refused at first, keeping his mouth firmly closed. Zach noticed and gave Brian a hard thrust. He yelped in response and A.J. took advantage, slipping his impressive cock into Brian's mouth. Brian had no choice but to go along, but soon learned to love it. He forgot his worries as he was overtaken by pleasure.

James continued to face-fuck Howie as Atlanta took care of things down under. An idea came to him and he reached over and undid A.J.'s collar and leash. Stuffing his cock full into Howie's mouth to keep him from protesting, he slipped the collar onto Howie's neck. His eyes widened, but soon took on a devilish glint - and then a submissive gloss. Yes! James thought, he was already submitting.

Atlanta let go of Howie's cock which was oozing with pre-cum. She didn't want him to spew just yet.

She grabbed one of the candles, and dribbled hot wax down Howie's leg. He could not protest, his mouth full of James' cock. Atlanta snuffed the candle and lifted Howie's legs up. With one smooth motion she eased the candle up inside of him. After loosening him up a little she reached into her bag and pulled out a large strap-on black dildo. Putting it on, she felt a sense of devilish glee. As the slid inside of Howie she heard a loud moan from up ahead, but it was James, not Howie.

James let loose. He pulled his cock out so that he could spray across Howie's face. He jerked himself, getting everything out. James' cum literally covered Howie's face, oozing down his cheeks and forehead (pooling in his hair). Howie was too busy panting in pleasure to notice though. James looked back and saw that Atlanta was going to work on him with her favorite dildo. He thought about continuing Howie's blowjob but then decided on something else....

Zach pounded away at Brian. He was amazed that Brian's little ass could take him in. He hoped he wouldn't split him... With his free hand he was tugging on Brian's little cock, taking time to play with the balls. A.J. continued to ram his substantial erection into Brian's mouth.

"A.J., why not give Brian a ride" Zach ordered.

"Yes master, A.J. will do as you say!" A.J. called out eagerly. He removed his cock from Brian's mouth and eased back a little. Squatting over Brian, he eased himself down onto Brian's cock, Zach helping to guide him down. Brian moaned loudly as he entered A.J.'s body.

"How could you?" Brian gasped.

"What? Are you kidding? Imagine this much pleasure all the time" A.J. whispered in response.

Brian looked unsure, but soon forgot all about it again as he concentrated on the various pleasures he was undergoing. Fucking and being fucked, Brian was in absolute heaven...

James squatted over Howie's body before sitting down on his little erection. It really didn't feel like much, but Howie obviously found enjoyment in it so James began to ride him exuberantly. He and A.J. knelt side by side, riding their respective mounts.

Atlanta pulled the dildo out Howie and he let out an audible whine at the loss. She removed it from her body and reached into her bag again. She pulled out several leather straps. Getting up, she moved to the other end of the bed. She took Howie's arms one at a time and tied them tightly to the headboard. Next, Atlanta did the same to Brian - who did not even protest as he was tied up.

"That's enough" she ordered firmly.

Zach pulled away and got up. James and A.J. dismounted and got to their feet. At a glance from Atlanta, A.J. got to all fours and crawled over to her. The other three gazed down at their captors. They were both panting heavily, but also looked really sad at the sudden stop to their pleasure. Howie looked particularly ridiculous, his face bathed in milky fluid.

"Do you know what has happened here tonight?" James asked. They had agreed that he should be the one to do this. Howie nodded immediately, but Brian hesitated.

"Howie?" James asked.

"We.. uh... we've become.. become.. uh...." Howie trailed off, unable to finish the sentence.

"Toys" Brian spoke with a dead voice.

"Anything you would like to add Howie?" James asked casually.

"Uhm..." Howie glanced over at A.J..

"Howie will obey?" Howie finished uncertainly.

"Yes. That is exactly right Howie. You did very good" James congratulated, and Howie beamed.

"And you Brian?" Atlanta asked.

"Brian wants to be a good boy too" Brian blurted out. He seemed shocked at his own words. If he had a free hand it would have been covering his mouth.

"Are you sure?" Zach asked.

"Yes master!" he cried.

Zach reached out and patted Brian affectionately on the head. Brian smiled broadly in return. His smile turned to a gasp as his dick suddenly surged, spewing cum right up his body in a straight line to his chin. He blushed and grinned like a child.

"Sorry masters, mistress" Brian apologized. They all laughed, Brian joining in after a moment.

James looked over at Zach and Atlanta. He nodded to them and they all sprang back into action. A.J. hovered over both Brian and Howie's bodies, licking up all the cum. James took Brian and Zach took Howie, and both were soon pumping regularly into their bodies. Surprisingly, Atlanta didn't join in. She began getting dressed, saying that she had other matters to take care of. With that, she left Howie and Brian in Zach and James' capable hands.

Within seconds, Howie spewed his cum out across his stomach. A.J. grinned eagerly and began lapping it up. Zach came and then shortly after that James came for the second time. A.J. was pleased to have more cum to slurp up, which he made short work of.

James got up and untied Brian and Howie, who was still leased and collared. He ordered all three to stand at attention in the middle of the room. Zach reached into Atlanta's bag and came out with two other collars. He placed one around Brian's neck while James took care of A.J.. When all three were collared they were ordered to kneel.

"Welcome to our two newest members" James began formally. "You will find your new life quite pleasant so long as you follow all the rules. You will tell no one that you are now slaves. In public you will continue to act normal, but when we are alone you will treat us with the respect that we deserve as your betters. Do you understand?"

"Yes master" they replied in unison. Brian in particular did so with fervor.

James nodded in satisfaction and started getting dressed. Zach was doing the same, and for some reason James started to feel like they were competing to see who could get dressed more quickly. They both had Nick in mind and James wanted to get their first. How childish, he chided himself. Nevertheless he started to button his shirt up more quickly.

James and Zach actually finished dressing at the same time and then stared at one another for a moment. A.J. cleared his throat, and James remembered that their servants were still kneeling and awaiting further orders.

"You guys can go about your own business for the rest of the night. Zach and I have other things to take care of" James said. He received a chorus of "yes masters" in response.

James and Zach stepped out into the hall, both happy that the night was going so well, but wary of each other. James didn't like the distance that was growing between he and Zach - not one bit.

"So..." James began lamely.

"So." Zach replied.

"Should we go find Nick?" James asked.

"Sure. Let's go."

Atlanta had been looking for Burchard for the past half hour with no luck. He must be off-duty, she thought. She had found another guard watching over the elevator, and was heading back there now. What Atlanta really wanted to be doing was looking for Kevin, but her rational mind told her that right now this Burchard had to be a priority. She had to find out how much he knew and what he was going to do about it.

She rounded the corner and found the same security guard still standing next to the elevator. He was a wiry, red-haired young thing. Easy on the eye. Maybe when she got done with the Backstreet Boys she might find time for an extra trist...

"Hello" she said pleasantly.

"Uh, hi" the guard responded.

Atlanta's hair still had a wild look to it from earlier. The top buttons of her blouse were undone, exposing her ample white cleavage. As always, she oozed sexual confidence like a perfume.

"I was wondering if you could do me a favor?" she purred.

"Sure!" the guard responded too excitedly and then turned bright red.

"What's your name?" Atlanta asked.


"That's a nice name... Sean" she said with luster.

"Uh, thanks. So what can I do you for?" he asked shyly.

"I'm looking for a guard named Burchard, do you know where he is?"

"Oh." Sean replied, crestfallen.

"Uh... it's a business matter, not a personal thing. He doesn't actually seem that sociable" Atlanta soothed Sean's bruised ego.

"Oh, uh I mean, it's not my business anyway..." Sean trailed off.

"So do you know where he is?"

"Oh yeah, sorry. He took time off sick tonight. I'm filling in for him. Weird guy that Burchard. He just joined the team a few days ago and already he talks like he's the boss. He seems to think he knows a lot you know? And he's such a bore! Never wants to have any fun or nothing... And he didn't even seem that sick tonight. Who knows maybe he has a secret life we don't know about!" Sean finished off laughing awkwardly.

"I see, do you know where his room is? I really need to talk to him."

"No, sorry. Wish I could help you."

"That's okay. Thank you very much for all your help Sean" Atlanta said, with just the right note of flirtation to bring another blush to Sean's face.

Atlanta walked away and back down the hall. She glanced down at her watch. It was just past 1:00 am, she really had to find Kevin soon. Burchard would have to wait for another night. Atlanta headed over to Kevin's room, but he wasn't in. He must be up on the roof again, she figured and began heading up that way.

She arrived to find the roof empty as well. Could Kevin be avoiding her? He HAD seemed quite embarrassed today, and maybe he'd looked for her earlier and was upset that she hadn't been around. Maybe he was still looking for her! Atlanta's heart tensed at the thought of Kevin's unhappiness. He was so insecure, maybe he felt jilted... Godammit! She had to get these weak thoughts out of her head. He was nothing but a piece of meat, a possession. He would grovel just like A.J., Brian and Howie.

Atlanta headed back downstairs and walked over to the gym. Kevin wasn't there either. Giving up and frustrated, Atlanta headed back to her room. As she made her way down the hall, Nick Carter rounded a corner ahead of her. She began to walk faster, catching up to him slowly. Hmmm... maybe the night wasn't a right off just yet. Maybe she would make truth out of her statement this morning that she had to loosen up all the Boys... This situation with Zach and James had to be taken care of - and there was no time like the present. She just wished she had her bag of tricks with her........

James and Zach made their way over to Nick's room after leaving Brian, Howie and A.J. behind in James' room. Nick wasn't in unfortunately. They headed up to the gym, hoping maybe to have at least a replay of last night, but Nick wasn't around. They were both starting to get panicky that they wouldn't find him. The happy buzz of their earlier conquest was wearing off. They checked the pool and the billiards room but found no sign of Nick.

"Where could he be?" James demanded.

Zach didn't respond, but stalked off down another hallway. They passed by the sauna and peered inside but they couldn't make anything out through the condensation. Zach opened the door and peered inside.

James looked over his shoulder. Sprawled out on a bench, Kevin lay naked, stroking his massive dick. He looked to be about 12 inches, and both Zach and James were impressed. Zach shut the door again before Kevin noticed his voyeurs.

"Well?" Zach asked, shrugging his shoulders.

"I dunno. It's late, and we can find no sign of Nick..." James replied.

"Yeah. I was thinking the same thing. Don't see any reason why we should waste a night... I just don't know if Kevin will go for it."

"Yeah I know, but think about how shocked Atlanta would be if we pulled it off" James said with a grin.

"Very true..." Zach shot back mischievously.

They were both getting turned on, and Kevin's big dick seemed like quite the treat. Zach looked meaningfully over at a utility closet nearby, and they both ducked inside. James and Zach quickly stripped off their clothing, leaving it in a pile. James stuck his head out and the coast was clear. They scampered across the hall, completely nude and ducked inside the steam room.......

Nick fumbled with the lock to his door. His eyes were still bleary from the tears and from the shots he'd downed at the bar downstairs. He couldn't get the damn image out of his mind! After he'd showered earlier, he'd headed straight over to Zach's room. Finding no one home, he'd headed over to James.... No one had answered his knock..... He'd reached for the knob.... turned it.... and then there they were.... the fucking lot of them!

Nick let out a sob. How could Zach and James betray him like that! And Brian and A.J. and Howie... all his friends. Atlanta had been in there too, fucking Howie with that big dildo... No one had seen him. He'd closed the door and ran back to his room. He'd cried for the longest time into his pillow. He couldn't believe he'd just been the butt of a big joke! They were all probably laughing at him right now! All his friends, his FORMER friends.

He had actually believed all their lies, that they found his fat ugly body attractive! No one could find him attractive, it had all been a joke. He wondered if one of the guys had put Zach and James up to it.... After he'd cried himself silly, Nick had headed down to the bar where he'd drowned his sorrows, downing shots of rum... Damn it! Why wouldn't the fucking door open!

The door to Nick's room finally opened, and he was just staggering inside when he heard someone coming up behind him......................

Chapter 8: The Plot Thickens

Atlanta was all over him. Her hands coursed across his body and her tongue lashed out at his immense throbbing cock... She grabbed a gardening spade and eased the hilt up inside of him, ramming it in and out.....

Kevin was laid back on the bench in the sauna remembering the pleasurable sensations that gardening tool and sent through his body. He'd never expected her to do that - and had never experienced anything like it. He'd often wondered what Howie and Brian got out of it, he thought it just sounded painful... but then....

Kevin's hand eased up and down his veiny erection, which was slick with pre-cum. His actions were making a soft slapping noise and Kevin concentrated on making the slaps come more often - really getting into it. He'd had plenty of practice at this and he jerked off like a pro. He knew when to let go and relax, and when to come back. A good hand job was all in the moderation....

Kevin was jolted out of his reverie when he heard the door open. Damn! He'd thought he'd barred the door! He hastily tried to pull a towel over himself, but he just looked ludicrous with the it tented up about a foot above his body. Kevin couldn't make out who had entered because of all the steam. Who was it? Could it be Atlanta! Oh please let it be her, he thought.

Kevin was taken aback as James and Zach emerged (dicks first) from the clouds, with big grins on their faces. Without a word they sat down on either side of Kevin, who blushed furiously at being caught in the act.

"Mind if we join you?" Zach taunted playfully, pinching Kevin on the ass. Kevin gasped in response, his jaw dropping.

"Yeah Kevin... you mind..." James continued, reaching out and pulling Kevin's towel away and tossing it into the far corner. Kevin continued to gape soundlessly - completely taken by surprise.

James ran one of his hands up Kevin's lightly haired right thigh, while Zach smoothed the hair on the left. James laughed as Kevin's cock began to twitch involuntarily in response. What a lovely piece of meat, he thought. James leaned forward and stretched his mouth out to cover Kevin's slick purple head. He ran his tongue around it in his mouth, tracing the sensitive edges.

Zach meanwhile had gone to work on Kevin's beautiful chest, taking care of one nipple at a time. In one swoop they had attacked two of Kevin's most sensitive areas. Speaking of which... Zach ran one of his free hands down Kev's back and continued down further, one finger leading the pack. He went down into the valley of Kev's cheeks and found his opening, circling around the outside.

"No!" Kevin suddenly let out a scream.

James and Zach ignored him, continuing to work Kevin over. Despite his outcry, Kevin made no move to get the two men off of him. After a minute or so, he even leaned a little further forward - giving Zach greater access to his firm buttocks, and everything in between....

James had been trying to swallow Kevin down for some time now, he'd made it three quarters of the way down a few times, but he was just too damn thick. The congesting steam in the room didn't help either and several times James felt like he'd come close to suffocating himself. He settled for some fast and furious tongue action, twisting his way up and down the shaft and stopping every so often to suck on the balls. Kevin was moaning loudly at this point. Zach was slurping on his navel, and almost had three fingers up inside on the other side.

Zach forgot about Kevin's torso for a moment and placed a strong passionate kiss on Kevin's mouth, which was returned with ever greater passion. Zach let go of the embrace and James used the distraction to pull Kevin's legs forward to that he collapsed to the floor on his knees. James brought his cock to Kevin's mouth as Zach sprang around back......

Nick turned around and nearly lost his balance as the whole world tilted and spun around him. God he really HAD had a lot to drink... He squinted his eyes and tried to make out the figure standing in front of him. Slowly but surely Atlanta came into focus. Shit, he thought, and tried to slam the door in her face. His hand missed the doorknob and his momentum took him forward, crashing into Atlanta's arms.

He's drunk, Atlanta thought to herself. Dammit. She held him in her arms despite his flailing around. If she let go he'd fall flat on his face. Cursing under her breath, Atlanta dragged Nick into his room and tossed him down on the bed. He moaned and rolled off the bed, one hand over his mouth. To her disgust, Nick puked right in the middle of the floor on his way to the bathroom.

Nick rolled over onto his back, sweat, spit, puke and tears making a mess of his pretty face. He started bawling and muttering "leave me alone" over and over again like a mantra. He began shivering.

Atlanta sighed, annoyed that her plans had been messed up. This boy was really becoming an ordeal... She grabbed him by the shoulders and began dragging him across the floor to the bathroom. She ignored his slurred protests. Atlanta let go of him once in the bathroom and he collapsed in a heap on the tiled floor. Still huffing and puffing, she made he way around and removed his shoes and socks. She pulled off his pants and underweart...

"Fuck off!" Nick screamed angrily and kicked out at her.

Atlanta ignored him. Nick fought her weakly, but was too drunk to do anything as she tore off his puke stained shirt. She gazed down at his naked body for a few moments. He was covered in sweat but was shivering. His penis was shrunken and shriveled. Why people drink I will never understand, she thought to herself.

Bending over she dragged Nick further into the room, and then with all her strength eased him up and over into the bathtub. She turned on both faucets and then started up the shower. Nick spluttered as water poured down on him. He was just lucky she wasn't using the toilet....

Atlanta removed her clothing and got in the tub with Nick. He flailed at her weakly but then gave up, collapsing in her arms. She held his shivering body as the tub filled up with warm water. He suddenly clutched his mouth again and puked over the edge of the tub. Right on top of Atlanta's discarded clothes. She pulled him back up roughly and pushed his head under the water, holding him there for a few seconds before pulling him back up for air. Once he'd taken in a breath, she repeated the process over and over again till finally Nick spoke.

"Stop you stupid bitch!" he screamed.

"My, my what a potty mouth.... she cooed, Do James and Zach know you talk like that?"

"Fuck James and Zach!" Nick screamed in her face.

"Yes, so I hear...."

"NO. I mean, that's not what I meant and you know it."

"I have no idea what you meant my dear" Atlanta returned, pulling Nick's body close into hers. This time he didn't resist, resting back on her breasts.

"They, they... They're bastards! How could they!" Nick began sobbing.

Atlanta sighed inwardly, but began stroking Nick's hair. She had to get to the bottom of this, even if it meant having to play mommy to this little pussy. Atlanta started massaging Nick's shoulders as he continued talking...

"They betrayed me with my own friends! The whole fuc-... fricking bunch of them used me like some sort of sick joke. I saw them... I saw YOU, ALL of you! In James' room... you were all having sex...

"Did you want an invitation?" Atlanta interrupted.

"What?! Fuck you, no I didn't want an invitation. You think I don't know what's going on? This was all a game... the "Lets Take Advantage of Nick" game." Nick began sobbing again, and pulled away from Atlanta. He moved to the far end of the tub and sat facing her, their feet touching underneath the water.

"We were indeed playing a game Nick, a very special game... but believe it or not it had nothing to do with you. At least not yet....

"What do you mean?" Nick interrupted brusquely.

"I mean.. That you aren't ready yet. James, Zach and I really want you to play too - that's what the training was all about dearie. It was getting you ready to take part in the fun" Atlanta explained condescendingly.

"You want me to.. to.. uh .. DO that?" Nick stammered.

"Wouldn't you like to?" Atlanta shot back.

Nick didn't answer, instead he seemed to get lost in thought. He seemed relatively sober to Atlanta now, although there were still slight traces of drunkenness in the way he kept tilting his head and squinting his eyes. Atlanta was so busy staring at Nick's face, that she didn't immediately notice that Nick's erection had risen periscope-like from the water. She smiled broadly.

"So, looks like you would like to play wouldn't you...." she purred.

Atlanta grabbed hold of Nick's manhood and began stroking it furiously. Nick moaned in response. He leaned back, enjoying the sensation. Atlanta leaned forward and began to swallow him up. He arched upward, raising more of his cock above the water, and Atlanta continued down its length.

Kevin's mouth was closed tightly, but sprang open as Zach began to push up inside. James rested his head on Kevin's lips and waited. He didn't want to take any chances here, the last thing he needed was a bite...

Zach took his time easing his large thick meat up inside of Kevin's virgin ass. Deflowering was never easy - or painless. Kevin was still tight, despite Zach's fingers and Atlanta's gardening tool, but slowly but surely Kevin accepted him in...

Kevin was staring bug-eyed right down the length of James erection. His heterosexual mind was rebelling at what was going on, but he was powerless to stop it. He didn't WANT to stop it. He unconsciously ran his tongue across his lips, brushing across the tip of James' dick in the process. He savored the wonderful taste of pre-cum, and then in one motion went straight down on James. James moaned in ecstacy as his dick was welcomed into Kevin's warm mouth and throat...

Zach eased his dick out somewhat and penetrated back in. He was still taking his time with Kevin, but began to build up a nice steady rhythm, counting beats as his balls slapped against Kevin's firm ass. This was great, Zach thought. Virgins were always fun once they'd been broken in. The other Backstreet Boys had all proven to be competent lovers so far, but Kevin was by far the greatest lay yet. He HAD to be the one to de-virginize Nick....

James savored Kevin's smooth work. For a first timer, Kevin was proven quite proficient at blowjobs.

Atlanta had been right - this boy sure was a master when it came to oral. He knew he was starting to get really turned on, but didn't want to give in yet. James signaled to Zach that he wanted a switch. Zach seemed really lost in thought and was now ramming into Kevin at a furious speed. Suddenly James knew what was going on. Zach was thinking of Nick.

"Hey Zach! Earth to Zach!" James yelled across Kevin's kneeling body.

Zach shook his head, snapping out of his reverie. He immediately started to slow down his thrusts. James signaled again for a switch, and this time Zach complied. He pulled his cock out with a look of disappointment, before moving around front. Zach was barely in position when Kevin set to work. James laughed as Zach's eyes widened in amazement.

James forgot about Zach for the time being, concentrating on Kevin's smooth, firm rear. He inserted himself in and quickly built up a rhythm of hard, fast thrusts. James concentrated on his energy into building up more speed, more and more speed. He was soon thumping in and out in a blur of activity. James imagined this was Nick, he wanted it to be Nick more than anything... With sudden rapture, James erupted inside Kevin. His whole body convulsed as shocks went through his system with each spurt. So euphoric was the sensation that his eyes rolled back in his head and he fell out of Kevin and back onto the bench. He sat there, thinking of Nick as his cock softened and continued to ooze out into a puddle.

Zach was moaning loudly, almost in one continuous sound. His nipples were hard pin-pricks, and his eyes continued to bulge as Kevin worked him fast and furious. His whole body suddenly trembled and he began to cum. Kevin never stopped working, continuing to pull and suck as if nothing were happening. He swallowed with ease, stretching out Zach's orgasm longer and longer. Zach let out a shreak - a high pitched keen - before collapsing backward. He lay on the wood floor, motionless and sucked dry. He had a look of complete stupor on his face.

Kevin rolled over and lay on the floor next to Zach, right at James' feet. In all the activity, James had not noticed Kevin cum, but he had. He had streaks of milky liquid up his body, and his cock was flaccid (though still impressive to behold). Kevin was wearing a smile of complete contentment on his face.

Eventually all three men had to get up. The heat in the room was making them delirious and they were seriously dehydrated. Kevin's towel was a sopping mess, but he tied it around him anyway. It sculpted to his large package, and James and Zach couldn't help small tinges of jealousy. Well at least it would soon be theirs to do with as they pleased. Kevin had proven himself willing, and would soon join Brian, Howie and A.J. in bitchdom.

Kevin left first, making sure the coast was clear, then Zach and James crept across the hallway and got dressed. Their clothing stuck to their wet bodies and was uncomfortable, but at least they were clothed. When they stepped out of the utility room, Kevin was nowhere to be found.

Atlanta felt Nick explode inside her mouth, and she drank down every drop of his sweet cum. Now it was time for the other side... She would settle the tension between Zach and James herself. She let go of Nick's dick and went to turn him over, but met resistance. Nick's body was like dead weight. Looking up, she cursed out loud. Nick had passed out and was sleeping soundly - his head resting on a faucet. She REALLY didn't understand why people got drunk...

Atlanta flirted with the idea of going ahead with her plans anyhow, but in the end decided against it. It really wouldn't mean anything if he was unconscious. He had to welcome it, otherwise he would never become a proper slave. Dammit, what a waste of a night! She got out of the tub and toweled dry. Picking up her clothes, Atlanta threw them in the garbage. They were no good to her with Nick's vomit all over them.

With all her strength she lifted Nick into a standing position. He woke up groggily and Atlanta managed to walk Nick over to the bed, half dragging him. She tossed his naked body down onto the mattress. She looked down at his soft white ass, and again debated sticking something up there... No, she decided, they may be kinky but they weren't rapists.

Atlanta pulled some of Nick's clothes out of his drawers and put them on. She felt like a ridiculous teenybopper, but it was better than being caught naked. With Burchard prowling the halls she didn't want to chance it. With one last look of disgust for Nick, she left and decided to call it a night.

End of Part 8....

Next: Chapter 6

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