Guiding Light

By Steve Griffin

Published on Jul 5, 2002


Guiding Lights belongs to P&G and CBS. The actors also don't belong to me, dammit. This story is mine, so don't pass it around or archive without my permission. Don't read this if you are not over 18 or the age of majority in your area.

I'm sorry for the delay between chapters. As always, I urge you to write me at with your story critiques, commentaries, ideas, whatever.


Romeo's beady eyes darted back and forth between the nude, unconscious body on the television screen and the very live body walking towards him. He made no move to escape - the thought didn't even occur to him. The sight of the half-hard pendulum swinging to and fro between Danny's taut thighs paralyzed him.

Suddenly, he was pressed against the wall, Danny's flesh bare against him, his penis slick against Romeo's cheap suit pants. The hot breath tickled his nose hairs, invading every private thought Romeo tried to maintain.

" sent me the tape...what do I have to do in return for no blackmail?"

As Romeo began the response he had rehearsed dozens of times in the mirror, bolts of shock and pleasure coursed through him when his bulge was squeezed, abused.

Confident no matter what the circumstances, Romeo flexed his shoulders in Danny's tight grip.

"You and your pretty family should take a long vacation."

Danny slowly nodded, the words flowing through him. The grip on Romeo's lapels slacked.

"That makes sense, yeah."

The breath began filling Romeo's lungs again, only to be shattered when Danny slammed him against the back wall again, glass shattering as a picture scuttled to the floor.

"OK, Romeo, I'm going to say this very slowly. I am not the only mob boss. If I'm gone, then the Trussos, or the Novotnys, or, God help you, my mother, will take my place. Are you gonna take dirty pictures of them, too? Be smart for once in your worthless life."

Romeo was barely able to utter an audible word, due to Danny's methodical, rough strokes against the fabric of his crotch. But Romeo refused to give in, refused to be seen as weak.

"I'll handle 'em."

Danny sighed, shaking his head. His lips bruised Romeo's forehead, then he stepped away to find the remote control, wiggling his hard ass ever-so-slightly as he moved, knowing Romeo was watching. Romeo took the opportunity to unleash his screaming erection.

On and on the fast-forwarding tape went, until finally, Danny paused the action, staring at Romeo with that smug smirk that made Romeo wish he had a gun on him.

"This is why you can't take over la famiglia, dipshit."

Romeo's trademark cocky grin faded as the small screen revealed him stripping, him pouncing on Edmund in a desperate urge to touch and taste the hot royal body as soon as possible, him straddling Edmund's pink cannon and grunting for more, harder, faster.

"Checkmate," Danny tongue into Romeo's ear. Humilation became a confused lust as he saw himself so debauched and horny on videotape, saw what a slut he was. Danny began playing the tape in slow-motion, reaching under Romeo's shirt to circle his navel and gouge his nipples. Too overcome to bother resisting, Romeo rested his head against the shoulder behind him, murmuring helplessly at the sharp teeth marking his neck as Santos property.

The scene frozen on the tv presented Edmund's length sliding out of Romeo's hungry hole, the dark, twitching mouth visible for endless, slowed down seconds. Romeo could barely stand to look at himself on the screen, gasping as Danny angrily masturbated him, feeling Danny's erection scraping up and down his sweaty ass crack. Danny whispered in his ear how Romeo was a public toilet, how Danny was going to fuck him raw every day. The words became more hoarse, more desperate as Danny's grip got tighter, his other hand mauling Romeo's straining balls. As he felt Danny's sperm hitting the backs of his thighs, Romeo shot his load all over the carpet and the pumping hand controlling his orgasm. Danny slid his hand up Romeo's chest, staining his shirt before making Romeo swallow massive amounts of his own semen.

Danny pushed Romeo away, refusing to make eye contact with him. Romeo shakily gathered his clothes, trying to find words.


Danny buckled up his pants and stacked papers together, still not looking Romeo in the eye.

"I don't trust you, so you can keep your job. The first sign - no, the first time I THINK you're backstabbing me, I'll cut off your dick and feed it to you. It's a good thing everyone in the organization knows how stupid and useless you are, cause otherwise, I might really be worried. Now get out."

Romeo stood still for a moment, wanting to say something. To his shock, he couldn't. He let Danny win. He shut the door behind him, cursing at his own sudden weakness. What would he do next?


Not the kind of freedom Tony wanted. No Marah by his side, no clean clothes and clean rap sheet. No smirking to reporters over a not guilty verdict, or over Romeo being sentenced to death for Catalina's murder.

Instead, he, another cop, and Gus walked to a back exit. Tony overpowered the other cop and Gus as well, with Gus offering no resistance, as per their plan. Tony ran and kept running. He was hiding in the bushes near the Lewis home, his t-shirt drenched over his sculpted pectorals, sweat running down his nose and licked away from his full, bitable lips.

He had to talk to Marah, to see her. As the days had passed and he spent more and more time in the arms of men, he didn't have as strong of feelings for her as he once had. He wondered if he'd only wanted her because she was forbidden fruit. But he still wanted to contact her and let her know he was okay.

It was too risky to just knock on the door. He crept to a back window, peering inside. What he saw shocked him...


If you have any story comments or suggestions, e-mail me at

Next: Chapter 10

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