Guiding Light

By Steve Griffin

Published on Jun 21, 2002


Guiding Light belongs to Procter & Gamble and CBS. I own none of these characters, and am making no profit (except for feedback, which is free). Don't archive or pass this around without my permission, although you can let friends read it. Don't read this if you aren't over 18 or the age of majority in your area.

This chapter is Richard/Edmund only, but the next will feature Tony, Romeo, and others. As always, I desperately want your feedback. Thank you to those who consistently find something to comment on. Anything you have to say, good or bad, or story suggestions, I'll take it.


Seeing his dapper reflection in the sunlit reflection of the window, Edmund fixed his tie. Romeo had gone to work, leaving Edmund blessedly free of his possessive bedmate for several hours. No better time to drop in on family. As he walked in the front door, Edmund frowned as he noticed Richard hunched over a desk. Such a proud man deserved a grander fate than this. Edmund found himself pitying his brother, although that didn't completely rule out a chance at gloating.

Richard was busily filling out forms when he spied the black sheep of the Winslow family. Richard had extended an olive branch a few weeks earlier, to receive the usual sulky slap in the face. Edmund had terrorized Richard along with his children and wives for a decade on and off, but he still saw himself as the victim. Richard let a sigh rumble in his chest, and prepared for another session of snideness.

Regal air inherent in his steps, Edmund made his way to Richard's desk. Edmund's big blue eyes locked on Richard's hooded green eyes, and for a moment, the rest of the world vanished. Edmund had this way of expressing every emotion, every pain, through a single glance, but for most of their adulthood, the vulnerability had been very darkly masked.

"Your headmaster escorted me to your door. I want to test one of the great American automobiles."

Pondering the idea of the two of them chatting up makes and models, Richard was truly puzzled.

"Go see Rhonda, or Joseph. I am quite busy at the moment."

Edmund laughed mirthlessly. So predictable, Richard was.

"I heard that you are the man to see for...extra incentive."

Richard's face dropped as Edmund's beamed. Edmund always loved to trump Richard, no matter what the cost.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

A flicker of silence, too brief, as Edmund surveyed the busy office.

"Very well. Shall I ask another car salesman if their pitch involves frequent bouts of moaning and groaning in the bathroom?"

Shoulders slumping, Richard sighed again, grabbed a set of keys to a Porsche, and the two men drove through the relatively lifeless streets. Edmund looked directly ahead, charging a few miles above the speed limit, the humdrum world around him tinted through his sunglasses.

"Ah, brother dear, where have our lives taken us? Impoverished, me dependent on a mafia matron, you shackled to a brood mare and her litter. Not on the colorful streets of Venice or Rio, but in Springfield, the whitebread capital of the good old USA. Self-righteousness and fists lurking around every corner of this bloody burg. We deserve better, you and I."

Richard shook his head, staring incredulously at his brother.

"Is this what you have blackmailed me for? Yet another bout of self-pity? I offered you a chance at...are you yawning? How dare you yawn when I'm speaking!"

"I am simply saving my energy for when we screw each other's brains out."

Richard was literally speechless, mouth hanging ajar. Edmund wished he had a camera to record the moment for posterity. Silent moments passed, until they approached a cheap motel.

"Ah. Here we are."

Pulling into park, Edmund placed his expensive leather shoes against the pavement, and made his way to the slightly musty room. Richard stayed in the car and may have sped away if Edmund hadn't taken the keys with him. As much as he hated to admit it, he also had a strong sense of curiosity about what would happen in the room.

When he arrived, Edmund's shoes and socks were at the foot of the bed, his jacket and tie strewn on a chair. He was halfway out of his shirt. Richard didn't have to ask what Edmund was doing, but he did anyway.

"Believe it or not, my brother, I do love you. As we communicate so poorly in words, perhaps our bodies will have more success in..."

"Making us come together?" flew from Richard's mouth before he could stop himself.

Edmund gasped in feigned shock.

"My God, you told a joke. The apocalypse must be near."

Richard flashed back to all their nights together when they were younger, more innocent. How Edmund turned his way, full of venom and spite, days before Richard's 22 birthday. How Richard had begged Edmund to tell him why, and how Edmund punched him instead, storming out. Their relationship had always been rocky, but the last chance for redemption seemed to vanish after that punch.

Richard wondered if Edmund was suddenly feeling guilty, or if he had another ulterior motive.

"Edmund, you don't have to do this."

Edmund ignored him, continuing with his reveal. Richard sat frozen on the bed, watching his brother undress, knowing how wrong this was, how right this was. The slow tease of Edmund's white dress shirt pulled out of his trousers, his cuffs unhooked, the wispy fabric falling off his pink, unblemished flesh. Richard shifted as he remembered the first time the fumbling teen brothers had undressed each other, uncovered developing bodies, shared secrets no one else could ever understand. Richard had almost forgotten about that lonely, loving boy, but saw a glimmer of him in Edmund's desperate eyes, in his pleading movements.

Not completely sure of what he was doing, Richard stood up, and before he knew it, his hands were on Edmund's bare, barrel chest. A sharp exhale of breath hissed between Edmund's teeth as he experienced the heady sensation of those rough digits against his smooth skin. Edmund tore open Richard's shirt with a strength he rarely used, letting his immaculately manicured fingers dance across Richard's slightly leathered pecs and abdominals. The cool touch scorced Richard. Edmund hesitated briefly, resting his hand above Richard's beltline.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Richard smiled a fatherly smile at his suddenly shy brother.

"Once I make a decision, I stick to it. I thought that was one of the things you hated about me."

Edmund bit at his lower lip as he nervously opened Richard's belt and fly.

"At this moment, I hate nothing about you."

Richard only stared back, impassively, silently. Surprising Edmund when he yanked him to his knees, directly against his boxer-sheathed-crotch, demanding obedience as he pressed Edmund's mouth against his cotton package. Edmund buried his nose in the musky scents emanating from Richard's pubic line. He helped Richard kick off his socks, pants and shoes, sliding his tongue along the sheer white shorts material as he did so. Richard jumped as Edmund brazenly sucked the entire head into his mouth, gnawing away, winking lewdly at his older brother.

Richard nearly settled into a rough face-fuck when he glanced into the large mirror on the dressed adjacent to them. Seeing Edmund's eager mouth working, seeing the light sheen of perspiration beginning to trickle from his brawny body, Richard had to pull Edmund off of him before the cum came too quickly.

Edmund was about to protest, but he no longer had the necessary oxygen. Richard cupped the back of his head for a kiss. Their mouths were tentative, searching for maps discarded long ago. As their reflections beckoned them, Edmund became more brave, squeezing Richard's bulge and darting his tongue inside the gasping mouth. Richard responded, and they duelled with their tongues as they had dueled in fencing so many times, pivoting and thrusting, Edmund ravaging Richard's hungry mouth as Richard's now-freed erection pooled against Edmund's expensive suit pants.

Again Richard pulled away, gasping for breath.

"Take off your clothes Edmund, or I shall rip them off."

Edmund was in no mood for a tease this time. Within seconds, both brothers were hypnotized by the mirror, comparing their bodies. As they had done when they were teenagers, their hands explored flat bellies and taut thighs, stopping to torment private pleasure spots. Richard admired Edmund's plush cheeks and quickly found his waiting hole, and Edmund averted himself from Richard's tight, muscled mounds, settled for pinching Richard's brown, half-dollar sized nipples. Much larger than Edmund's blushing nubs. Between the moans and gasps, they studied their primed, perfected bodies, reddened and straining under the physical, emotional, hormonal onslaught. Their royal scepters bobbed and dripped onto the carpet, still proudly ruling the penile kingdom even if their masters were in exile from their own monarchy.

Richard groaned at the palm hugging his shaft.

"How I envied your girth. You are thick all over."

Chuckling at his bad joke, Edmund then moaned as his own penis was embraced.

"Greedy bastard. You got the length."

Edmund managed 8 and 1/3 inches (he'd had his royal tailors measure for him, which they were all too eager to do before sucking him to the root) when fully interested by his lover. Richard stopped at 7 1/2 inches, but was as thick as the base of a beer bottle. Edmund had lost his virginity to that particular brand, and had loved every painful, joyous second. With enough concentration, Edmund could still feel the hay scratching into his spine and taste the dirt and sweat dripping into his mouth. As Edmund glanced between Richard's knees and saw the proud, purple mushroom helmet, he decided to forget the past for right now.

Breathing in the scent of sex, salt and soap at Richard's neck, Edmund kissed down the sun-soaked chest, Richard throwing his head back at the feel of teeth and fingers manipulating his nipples. Lower and lower the trained tongue went, tunneling around Richard's navel, biting there as well to produce a shocked yelp. Edmund smiled around Richard's trim waist, inhaled the pubic fragrance again, and dipped down, panting against Richard's expectant erection. Burying his nose inside Richard's free-hanging sac, Edmund rolled his tongue, jabbing between Richard's balls, then gently biting on the flapping skin. Imagining that Edmund would torment him further, he nearly fainted from shock when his engorged meat was deep-throated.

Richard wasn't the type to talk dirty. Inaudible sounds escaped his gasping mouth, sighs and screams and whimpers as Edmund used every trick he knew to torment his brother. Bringing him to the edge of orgasm, then taking his mouth off the penis and biting into his finger-bruised thighs instead. Using the tip of his tongue as a key to twist and turn in Richard's oozing piss slit. Cupping Richard's testicles, Edmund grazed his thumb nail down Richard's crack, whisper-soft touches against the dark brown hairs.

Playing with Richard's back entrance for a few more minutes, Edmund stopped to push him onto the bed. Getting used to the bedspread against his nude, wet body, Richard's vision went dark as Edmund draped across him to feed him a phallus sandwich. His laugh echoed against the thin tube now in his mouth as he realized why Edmund hadn't jerked himself when he was working on Richard. He was saving up.

All rational thought vanished as Edmund inhaled him again. Their hands clawed and carressed, slick and yearning to explore every area, every desire. Richard's inflamed nostrils absorbed the unique odor of the other man's tight, drenched sac, and he remembered his conduct the day before, how he knew he would have another man on him, in his ass....

He didn't fully trust Edmund, even as Edmund gave a flawless oral presentation, but this would mean so much to him. Richard decided, removing himself from the tempting prick.



Shaking his head as he saw Edmund chowing down, he grabbed a fistful of hair and pulled up. A glare was what he got in response, Edmund sputtering as Richard spun onto his belly.

"What exactly ar...oh."

Richard laughed into the pillow.

"You speechless. We must do this more often."

A sharp smack greeted his pert buttocks.

"Richard, I...this..."

From the time of their early teen beginnings to the conclusion, at 20, Edmund had desired Richard's backside, from shared showers to all those bloody sporting days where all the men wore tight-fitting polo trousers. He'd never summoned the courage to ask. Now Richard was asking him.

"Oh, Richard...I have already taken so much from you."

Without warning, tears began to well up in Edmund's large blue eyes as he remembers his schemes for the crown, trying to kill Richard's children and succeeding once, almost killing Richard, the only person who had ever truly mattered to him. He cried, unable to stop himself, the droplets falling onto Richard's upraised, firm ass, streaming into his puckering rosebud. Richard contemplated turning around, but knew the vanity and self-loathing which simmered in the complicated man he shared blood and a bed with, how the wrong word would fly him into a rage and shatter their fragile reconciliation.

Awkward silence and light sobs passed until Edmund wiped his eyes for the last time. Richard was finally going to turn around when the warm tongue gliding up his posterior, licking the tear stains away. Soft hands squeezed his cheeks together, then kneaded them apart, one fleshy organ leaking onto the bedspread as the other circled closer and closer to Richard's rosebud until the spit-coated spear finally dove deep and hit it's mark. Richard spasmed at the gooey contact, the tiny pilot fish marking territory for the upcoming shark.

Emptiness again, as Richard shut his eyes, face pressed to the pillow, expecting a sharp dagger. What he received was a methodical entrance, the bulky head popping in, followed by moderately paced inch after inch. Soon, Richard felt the balls against his globes, and the fuck began.

Richard had expected violence, a quasi-rape, as Edmund had spent most of their lives seeing himself as the victim, as the oppressed. Instead, Edmund started out slow and only went faster when Richard was ready, stroking Richard's hair and broad shoulders, letting Richard milk his straining shaft. The grip on his hips gradually became tighter, the thrusting deeper, Edmund silently, almost mournfully plowing. Richard almost sensed an apology in his movements, an attempt to rectify their feud, their hatreds. At any rate, Richard wasn't as silent, tearing at the pillowcase with his front teeth as his prostate was discovered and repeatedly massaged.

His body slammed back and forth, Richard let his bloated shaft rub against the blue bedspread, a terrible friction which served better than his hand ever could.

In and out, in and out Edmund went, cupping on Richard's balls to slow him down, squeezing the base of his hose until Edmund could feel himself tensing up inside Richard's narrow chute.

"I-I love you, Richard..I-I-I hate you and oh FUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKK....."

At the last possible second, Edmund tossed Richard over, needing to see his face on this historic occasion. That shift was enough to finish him off. Years of obsession, jealousy, lust, rage had escaped him, had lodged between Richard's thighs. Gallons of seed were deposited by one brother and fertilized by the other, Edmund cursing and grunting in a deep growl as he watched Richard's reaction through heavy eyelids. One last, angry pump of Richard's cock by both men, and he ejaculated his pent-up load all over both stomachs. He just couldn't stop, spraying until he thought his brain would explode.

Richard pulled Edmund next to him on the pillow, licking his ear, kissing his forehead, smelling his damp hair. It had been so long...

"Why, Edmund? Why did you drive me away? The man you were a few moments ago was the Edmund I know. Loving, forceful, knowing what he wants. Why did you ever keep yourself away?"

Every word was rasped out, as they were exhausted from exertion. Edmund bit deep into his lip to keep his composure. The humiliation, the shame Edmund felt, the hate in that man's eyes and his fists...

Richard petted his hair, begging him to confess.

"No, Richard. I...cannot...Father...he saw us one day, in the stables, and after you left, beat me with a belt. He said I was going to corrupt you, ruin the only true ruler of San Cristobel. That I was sick and dirty and would never be loved. He wouldn't stop until I held back my screams, until I took it like a man. I bled, and I bruised, but I finally shut my mouth long enough for him to leave."

Richard swallowed a lump in his throat, chest rising from fury.

"That is why you wouldn't let me touch you or even go near you that day. The bruises...such a bloody moron I was, not to notice. That bastard ruined our lives before we had even left our mother's wombs."

Sitting up, Richard stared down at his brother, crying again. He noticed the scar near Edmund's heart, remembered their epee duel which had led to Edmund taunting Richard and Richard stabbing him in the heart, almost killing him. Edmund picked up on Richard's line of sight, and smiled sadly, ruefully.

"We have inflicted as much pain to each other, possibly more, as our father did. We are truly his children, whether by biology or behavior. He would be pleased."

Richard sternly frowned, shaking his head. He placed his right hand on Edmund's heart, the left stroking Edmund's naked, quivering arm.

"That changes now. We leave the mistakes in the past. Edmund, I..."

"This is not as easy as you wish. We must be realistic, see what our relationship has become. All I have done, the monster I am..."

Richard propped Edmund's chin up with a finger.

"No! I see a brave man whom I have misjudged and mistreated, as you have with me. I see two brothers who are never truly complete unless they are in each other's lives...and beds. I want a true, fresh start, Edmund. I want to know the brother I have lost track of. I want to know your mind, your body, your spirit. You see a part of me no one else ever has..."

"And you I."

Richard extended a hand.

"Then do we agree? Brothers?"

Edmund considered his options. This was so damned difficult. Richard was self-righteous, impossible to deal with, and had the unbearable Cassie Layne as a wife, along with the Brady Bunch tagging along behind. He should walk out the door. 'I should, bugger him.' Edmund mused to himself.

Instead, he clasped Richard's outstretched hand.


Richard hugged his brother deeply, and shared a soulful kiss with him. He wished every second could make up for the past, and that he didn't have to go back to work soon.

Breaking their lips apart,Edmund rested his head on Richard's sturdy, dependable chest, feeling his rock smiling down on him. He felt safe, content. If only this could last forever. If only....


Remember, if you have any feedback, e-mail me at

Next: Chapter 8

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