Guiding Light

By Steve Griffin

Published on May 8, 2002


Guiding Light is the property of CBS and Procter & Gamble. The characters don't belong to me. Please do not pass this around or archive without my permission. If you aren't over 18 or the age of majority in your area, don't read this.

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Tony's broad back arched, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end as Gus blew a cool breeze onto his skin before nuzzling his neck tenderly, almost affectionately. Tony whimpered at the surprising tenderness, Bill licking his cummy fingers dry, leering at Tony with this awful, knowing smirk.

"Welcome to the club, kid." Bill said.

Wanting to shove his fist down where his cock had been a few minutes earlier, Tony got in better spirits when Bill took his still-hard girth in hand, digging a fingernail under the foreskin, scratching at Tony's sore penis head. He was being serviced by a prison whore and pawed by a sleazy cop, barely warm water dripping down on him. Tony threw his head back, letting out a low, long moan when Gus began running his rough hands all over Tony's six-pack, in his curly pubic tendrils, groping his pecs and abusing his nipples. He was in a shower room, but Tony had never felt so dirty in his life.

"Ya like this, huh fag?"

Tony cringed at the words, Gus pausing for a minute to grab the bar of soap and suck on Tony's large Adam's apple. Tony felt the sweet suckling on his neck, the slick soap going between his tight cheeks, prying them open, and he knew what was about to happen. He wanted to fight back, fight the massage of his prick and anus, but he'd been fighting so long, so much...

Gus's stubble was like sandpaper, cutting into his smooth skin as Gus tongue-fucked his ear between whispers.

"Your family took my pop's life. S'only fair that I take your virginity, right? I always figured you were the bottom boy. A little too insecure. Guess you know the only reason girls give ya the time of day is what ya got between your legs. Certainly not anything between your ears is bringing 'em in."

Gus's free hand joined the two hands already on Tony's tumescence, squeezing his balls, fondling every single inch of his shaft, circling his head over and over until precum squirted into the waiting fingers. Gus used the early seed to help push two fingers up Tony's chute. When the third arrived, Tony grunted, clamping down, only to get his head smacked against the cold shower wall as a reward.

"Nuh-uh, too late to fight back now. We both know you want this, and I sure as hell want it. So stop bein' a baby once in your life."

Bill had removed his hands and, judging by Gus's throaty encouragements, was now working on the detective's weapon. Hands against the wall to steady his shaky legs, Tony managed to tilt his head back, seeing Bill sliding up and down on a fat 6-incher. The light carpet of chest hairs on the trim body of the 37-year old cop matched his perpetual facial stubble and worn, slitted brown-black eyes. He'd had a vendetta against the Santos family for over a year and almost send Tony's cousin Danny to jail because of it, but Tony figured this must be the weirdest way to settle a score ever.

"A score for a score."

Gus laughed harshly at the words as he shoved Bill to the slippery floor.

"No talking, Santos."

Without warning, he shoved half of his sausage up Tony's barely-opened hole. Screaming at the invasion, Tony gritted his teeth as Gus silently, methodically burrowed his way inside, pulling out almost the way, the bulbous head scraping Tony's entrance, then slamming right back.

Shutting his eyes, feeling his teeth grinding into nubs, Tony opened his mouth to grunt again, swallowing the water smacking his face, sliding down his back and helping lubricate him. His rigid hardness bumped against the wall, sliding back and forth between tiles as Gus death-gripped his hips and pistoned back and forth, back and forth.

Tony's cries evolved into pants as the pain turned to pleasure, Gus doggedly unearthing all the secret places that Tony had never dared to explore. He felt full, complete, for the first time ever. The feeling scared him, but the mixed emotions only heightened his desires. In a frenzy, he roughly pinched his aching nipples and rubbed his demanding cock raw.

"Tight...not so tight now bitch...oh Gooooooooddddaaaammmmnnnnnnn eat my ass out fag....."

Bill had crept behind Gus, surprised at the tautness of his thighs as he spread the hair-dusted cheeks and dove into the musky crack. His tongue reached deep excesses, the prodding of Gus's love button making him plunge further into Tony's abused hole. Removing his tongue from the hot space, Bill smiled to himself wickedly, and before Gus could protest, slammed his own stiffness into Gus's backside.

Gus screamed into Tony's bicep, trying to shake the other man off but eventually giving in to the sensations he had first experienced years earlier in the academy. Tony snaked his hand behind him, clasping Bill's hand on Gus's hip, the 2 prisoners bonding in their sandwich of the rabid police detective.

The anal sex train finally came to an end as the caboose shot his load into Gus, causing Gus to bite into Tony's shoulder as he exploded into Tony's ass. Tony finished off, clamping down and milking the penis inside him as he creamed against the wall and onto his chest and thighs. Gasping for breath, sinewy arms embraced him from behind, licking at his bite wound, the prickly touch of the nine o'clock shadow burning into his skin.

Then Gus pulled out, silent, satisfied, not looking back as he went to put on his clothes. Tony stared at Bill for a moment, affectionately stroked Bill's spent shaft, then prepared for Gus to escort him back to his cell. Bill headed for the towels and a similiar escorting, but took a moment to mouth a silent, "fuck yes" at his amazing sex with a hot prisoner and a hot cop, all in the same day. He was sure it would be his only fond memory of his days in Springfield PD custody.


Lips. Tongue. Teeth. Romeo Jones snaked his practiced tongue over the hefty black phallus in his mouth, hands yanking at his close-cropped brown hair as he rested his hands on the meaty thighs of the man he was pleasuring. A quick swerve of the underside and he found the perfect vein to attack, suckling and biting until the back of his throat was slammed into by wave after wave of semen.

The dark man pulled himself away after letting Romeo lick him clean. With hands that could love or kill, he patted Romeo's head as a master does to a dog, dropping a bag into Romeo's waiting hands.

The bathroom door closed, and Romeo was alone. He smirked at himself in the mirror, licking away the traces of sperm on the corners of his full lips, lips which seemed to be in a perpetual pucker. The night shift at Infierno had nearly ended, and he'd just used his "people skills" to get exactly what he needed.

Danny Santos stuck his ever-sullen head in the door.

"Romeo, customers! Save the primping for after closing."

He wanted to punch the smug asshole out, but instead, Romeo gave him a nod, waiting until he was alone again to open the bag and pull out the small bottle. Reading the label, he fell into his most sexy, most evil grin.

"Yeah Danny, I just can't wait 'til closing. Cause you're gonna get just what you deserve tonight."

Next: Chapter 4

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