Guiding Light

By Steve Griffin

Published on May 4, 2002


Guiding Light belongs to CBS and Procter & Gamble. The actors don't belong to me either (and Billy Kay/Shayne is 18, even though he looks younger). I'm only borrowing these characters for a few steamy sessions. Don't archive or pass this around without asking me first. Don't read this if you aren't over 18 or the age of majority in your area.

Thanks to everyone who has responded so favorably to the first chapter. The second is a slight departure, but I will be getting back to Tony/Gus in chapter 3.


knock knock knock

Marah moved back home, yet she was never home. As much as Ben had fallen in love with her, she never seemed to be home even when she was standing right in front of him. Marah Lewis was a very dumb girl, but that only added to her appeal. A damsel in distress.

Ben Reade was born and raised in Springfield, raised by mother Maeve and her husband, sarcastic reporter Fletcher Reade. Ben's real father had never been in the picture, so when Maeve died, Fletcher was all Ben had left. They had been as close as a father and son could be...until Fletcher remarried and had another child. Suddenly, Ben felt left out, and went to a boarding school rather than be in the way.

The past 6 years had transformed Ben from a gawky teen to a tall, strapping young man. His movie star features and deep, sensitive blue eyes had unlocked the heart and bra strap of more than one young lady. His initial interest in Marah had been carnal reasons only, but as she endlessly protected her virginity, he felt himself being drawn in more and more. Now he was the patsy and she was in control, waffling eternally between him and bad boy Tony Santos.

Ben sighed, about to leave when the door suddenly opened.

"Marah, thank G..."

"Ben! Uh...she's not here. Want some pizza?"

16-year old Shayne Lewis smiled at him through a mouthful of pepperoni and cheese. Always left out of the family crises, he had a mischievous twinkle in his slitted brown eyes that reminded Ben of himself at a younger age. Shayne's hair was still wet from a shower, droplets glistening off what wasn't covered of his smooth body.

Greg, the campus queen who couldn't get enough of Ben's "gorgeous" 7 inches, would describe Shayne as a twink. No more than about 5 and a half feet, scrawny, dirty blonde hair, with a disarmingly sexy grin and a corruptible quality about him.

Ben realized he was staring. Of course, Shayne was also staring at him. He didn't realize Shayne had had more than one wet dream about Ben which he tried to forget but never really could. Shayne felt his face go flush as he remembered seeing the cum stains in his shorts, fearfully sticking his fingers inside and licking the goo off...

" When will she be back?"

"Lemme see if she left a note."

Cursing himself, Ben couldn't help watching the tight, jean-clad butt as Shayne walked away. Shayne stayed away for several minutes, and as each minute passed, Ben began to realize the best way to have an ally to win Marah over for him was to invade her very own family. Little brother could pat her head when she tried to cry (no tears ever seemed to come out), and tell her how much better Ben was than the Soprano wannabe.

Shayne stood outside the entryway for a few moments to catch his breath. He had been busy in Marah's room, looking around, going through her drawers just because he could and no one was home (as usual) to stop him. He hadn't expected company. Certainly not Ben. Ben who seemed to be giving him the once-over. Sucking in a breath, Shayne told himself to calm down, and strolled back in.

"No note."

Ben pulled out his most heart-melting smile.

"Thank you."

Shayne smiled back, with such naughty innocence, a bit of sexiness in every crinkle around his mouth. Shayne was flirting and he couldn't help himself. Noticing the lacrosse trophy on a nearby table, Ben walked over, feeling the bronze.

"You're a sports nut? Yeah, you have the body."

Shayne blushed, looked down at his feet.

"Nah. I used to be pretty good, but lately, the guys..."

Walking over, Ben placed his arm on Shayne's shoulder, rubbing sensously and tenderly, letting his fingers warm the flesh peeking through Shayne's tank top. With his other hand, he lifted Shayne's chip up, giving them direct eye contact.

"I've been upset about Catalina dying, and they told me I was a wuss to not date her, that all this time without a girl's made me a fag. I say I'm not, but sometimes, when we..."

'The dreams, he'll know about the dreams if you don't shut up, asshole!'

"...I can't talk about this with you."

Blinking back tears, Shayne tried to pull away, Ben holding him in place with strong hands on both shoulders now.

"I understand."

He stared at Shayne hypnotically, feeling Shayne give way to him, becoming more comfortable in his arms. Shayne craned his neck up, warm brown eyes blinking as he sputtered his words.

"When we're in the locker room, I stare. Some guys are so huge, and I have so many things I want to say, to do. I don't know why, it's wrong...I'm a Lewis man. Not a queer."

Rubbing the back of Shayne's baby-soft neck, Ben shook his head, whispering.

"It's not wrong. You're young. They have as many questions as you do. You just have to be open, control your sexuality instead of letting it control you."

Shayne scrunched his face.

"I don't understand what you mean, man."

Ben smiled shyly, teasingly, making his move as he stepped away.

"Just watch."

Arms around his waist, Ben tugged at his blue t-shirt, exposing his bare, lightly muscled chest to the room, cool air hardening his small, pink nipples. Shayne gasped, his eyes darting to the door.

"Someone could..."

"Then go lock it."

Shayne gulped, closing the shades as well. By the time he returned, Ben had removed his jeans and was left wearing nothing but a pair of briefs. Tight-fitting briefs. Whistling under his breath, Shayne tried not to stare at the bulge.

"It's okay. I'm proud of what I have."

Shayne couldn't help chuckling as he shook his head.

"You should be."

Ben laughed, extending his right index finger, slowly motioning for Shayne to come closer.

"Do you want to touch me?"

Every synapse in his brain screamed at Shayne to stay away, to be good and proper, because he was the one in the family who had to be.

"I can't."

Smiling thinly, parting his lips oh-so-slightly to extend the tip of his tongue, Ben slid his practiced fingers down his flat belly, massaging his copious package, lowering his waistband just enough to expose trimmed, curly, dark pubic hairs and the base of his half-erect, rising shaft. At that moment, seeing a man on display only for him, seeing someone finally care about him instead of his mother or Marah or Josh, Shayne gave in. Letting his hard cock do the thinking, Shayne stumbled forward in a daze, drawn like a moth to a tight blue bulge.

Before Shayne could touch the man he so desired, Ben pulled Shayne's tank top off him with a flourish, admiring the tight, toned, hairless chest of the boy-man. Whimpering as his nipples were toyed with, Shayne reached his hands out to explore the broad torso of his sister's boyfriend, Ben teasing his downy, blonde treasure trail, forcefully poking at Shayne's navel with his middle finger as his other hand worked on removing Shayne's jeans.

As they fell to the ground with a crumple, Ben chuckled at the sight before him.

"Oh shit, I..."

Shayne had been bored, and more than a little jealous, a dangerous combination which led him to try on a pair of Marah's panties. They were snug in all the right places, tickling the hairs of his crack, bunching his penis up against his stomach, making him aware of his manhood at all times. The feel of them, so soft against his skin, not rough like most men's underwear, was ambrosia for Shayne, a comfort.

"I just, I-I-I..."

Ben couldn't hold back the laughter, seeing the tight, silken material stretched beyond all means, Shayne's pre-cum leaking to the material and making his dick head stick. His tight ball sac was just barely spilling out of the panties.

Ben turned him around, getting a close view of his tight cheeks. He duplicated Shayne's earlier whistle, amazed by the tautness of this boy's body.

"Have you ever come in her panties?"

Shayne went red again, not helped by Ben running his hands all over Shayne's muscular calves and sliding his fingers inside his thighs.


The space between them closed, body heat boiling to an inferno as their chests touched, their erect nipples rubbing against each other, Ben whispering in his ear.

"Do it right now. Spill your seed...for me."

When Shayne hesitated, Ben swiped his ear, then nipped the sensitive lobe with his pearly white teeth. Shayne quivered in Ben's arms, kissing at Ben's long neck, using his own teeth to make a hickey, a mark that Ben was his.

"Do it with me. Please Ben. Please."

With those puppy-dog eyes of Ben's, Shayne would have done anything for him, but knew Ben had no reason to comply to his wishes. To Shayne's surprise, Ben kissed his forehead, smelling his freshly-washed hair, before slipping off his blue briefs and kicking them away. The hard 9 inches slapped against Shayne's panties, bell end creating an even larger slick spot. Shayne gasped as he moved his hands down to touch the masterpiece for himself. A pink, long cock with a small amount of thickness, no visible veins, no bumps.

"You have the most beautiful cock I've ever seen."

Ben tugged the panties down, Shayne's raging erection smacking his already-slimy stomach. 8 hard inches, with a light blonde thatch.

"You aren't so bad yourself."

Their hands took over, carressing and fondling until they finally settled on each other's shafts, stroking slowly, Ben guiding the pace, a hand on Shayne's heart to feel the rise in pulse each time Ben brought him closer to the edge. Whispering in Shayne's ear again, he began thrusting his shaft into Shayne's abused navel, poking a finger between Shayne's full, bloated nuts.

More whispers in Shayne's ear, making him groan loudly and incoherently.

"You like this, Shayne? Shooting your spunk in Marah's skivvies? How'd you feel if she came in here right now, saw her boyfriend jacking off her little brother?"

Ben glided his hand down Shayne's back, fingers spreading just above the crack.

"Sucking her little brother off?

His middle finger scratched the surface of the puckering rosebud.

"Popping her little brother's cherry?"

Sharply, he shoved two fingers in Shayne's virgin ass, Shayne screaming into his neck as he spewed load after load, his tightening, surprisingly talented fingers causing Ben to ejaculate a moment later. They shot together, covering each other's bellies and legs with white hot man-seed. Collapsing in Ben's arms, Shayne heard himself purring, Ben's fingers dancing in their cum, combining, bringing them up to Shayne's mouth to let Shayne taste the saltiness of his own seed and the surprising sweetness of Ben's.

A tender, beautiful kiss followed, hugging, the only two people in the world, Ben whispering in Shayne's ear of nights to come. Suddenly, Ben pulled away, the usual impenatrable, lady and man-killer smile on his face, pulling on his pants in a position that let Shayne get a full view of his hot bubble butt. Shayne's spent cock jumped at the thought of diving into that ass, and Ben leaned over to give it a small squeeze. Ben walked backwards to the door, seeing Shayne's beautiful body in almost nothing but soiled panties, looking like an anorexic sumo wrestler.

As Ben walked out, confident in the future, whether or not Marah wanted him, he knew Shayne was staring at him dejectedly, longingly, maybe even lovingly. He had to extend the tease, reel Shayne in further to shore.

"Think fast!"

Shayne caught a Hanes football, grinning broadly and dumbly at the crumpled blue briefs in his hand. He was still looking down at them when Ben's final, wicked words wafted into his ears.

"Wear them when you scream my name."


Any comments on part 2, or suggestions on future chapters? E-mail me at

Next: Chapter 3

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