Guide to a New Life

Published on Oct 30, 2022


Guide to a New Life - How to Look Happy While Being Lonely

Guide to a New Life
By Cyrus B. Alvarez

Chapter 2 – How to Look Happy While Being Lonely

NEVER tell anyone about your girlfriend, Norilyn. She is, after all, just a rebound girlfriend after that totally catastrophic `love' affair.

Hope that you will meet someone new so that you can break up with Norilyn. She isn't really your type anyhow. She is too demanding... and too clingy.

Feel honored as Joshua introduces you to the top student leaders of your new school. Try to slow down your heartbeat as you meet one of the top officers of the student council.

Feel really happy when you find out that you and your new crush are taking the same course. But feel really disappointed when you find out that your crush is already graduating this semester.

When Christmas vacation comes and Norilyn starts with her tantrums again, leave her. And don't speak to her.

When she calls you on Christmas morning to apologize, say that you're not mad. Wish her a merry Christmas.

Break up with her on the New Year.

When school resumes, concentrate on finding new friends at school. Dazzle them with your wit and wicked humor.

Get close with the staffers of the student publication. Likewise, make friends with the officers of the student council because you may want to know more about your crush.

Don't get your hopes up with your crush. You only have a couple of months together and that's not enough time. But enjoy the time that you do get to spend with your crush.

When Harvey, your new friend from the student council, invites you to a victory party of the student council, go without hesitation. Hope that your crush will be there.

Try not to look too disappointed when you find out that your crush decided not to go. Just swim on the freezing-cold water of the pool and drink a few shots of brandy.

As you feel the chilly breeze coupled by pouring rain before dawn, wish that you never came in the first place. Go home as soon as the dawn breaks.

Just content yourself with looking at your crush from afar. It's too late to do anything about it now anyhow.

On Valentine's Day, wish that you didn't break up with Norilyn on New Year. Spend the day alone and dateless. Try to study.

In March, watch with envy as Joshua, Harvey and almost every one of your new-found friends, including your crush, walk to the tune of the graduation song (the old one, not Vitamin C's song).

Try to be happy for them. And try not to remember that you were supposed to have graduated, too.

Try not to remember that on the coming school year, you won't have your friendly friends with you and you have to start over again.

And try not to sulk about your crush leaving before anything happened.

OTHER STORIES: 40 Days | Spook

Next: Chapter 3

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