Guardians of Amethyst Cove

By moc.liamg@1002tbja

Published on Oct 10, 2021


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"Another beautiful autumn day in the cove." Felix thought. The slender framed eighteen year old stepped out of the shower, and dried his hair. After wiping the steamed up mirror, Felix grabbed his shimmering hair gel, and applied it to his jet black and lime green streaked hair. A giant cheesy grin stared back from the mirror as he thought about the upcoming Halloween festival. The half tickle witch, and half nature witch was having a hard time deciding what to wear. Finally, he decided on his dark blue slim fit jeans, combined with his vibrant yellow fitted polo shirt. Felix chose white athletic ankle socks for his velvety soft feet, and then completed the outfit with a pair of black sneakers he easily slipped into. Closing the door, Felix headed out for his day of frolic in the woods.

It was a month ago Korbyn moved to Amethyst Cove. Right away, the young wolf boy fell in love with the magical small town, and looked forward to establishing a life for himself. Korbyn's natural outgoing and friendly personality quickly endeared him to his neighbors. The tan skinned twenty year old was one month from turning twenty-one.

Korbyn's pointed ears slightly twitched and a few tears fell from his shimmering ice blue eyes as he sat on his bed. His thoughts were dominated by the sadness of being exiled from his old pack. As soon as the elders discovered the white and silver haired wolf boy was gay, the pack's council forced him to leave the beautiful wooded land they inhabited. Korbyn shook the depressing thoughts from his head, got off the bed, and headed for his daily run in the forest.

"Hey Felix, how's it going?"

The energetic greeting stopped the young witch in mid stride. Just as Felix turned towards his best friend and leader of the Cove's Guardians, The Guardian's second in command suddenly found himself tackled into a huge pile of leaves. Before he could even think of retaliation, the young man was quickly turned into a squirming, and hysterical mass of helpless ticklishness. "This is soooo not fair Brent." Felix managed to squeak out between his high pitched laughter. Felix's being an extremely ticklish tickle witch was well known and administered by his friends. It was also exploited by some of his foes, if they found out. In all actuality, being so ticklish was a source of great enjoyment for the young witch.

"You know you deserved it. Especially after the other day when you froze me in midair, and tickled me into complete oblivion." The weather witch giggled boyishly, while continuing his epic tickle assault. "Just be glad I'm not going after your feet, like you went after mine."

"It's not my fault. Felix squealed. "You were barefoot, you know how adorable your feet are."

Chuckling, the eighteen year old witch looked up to the sky. His eyes went completely black, gusts of wind blew through his back length white hair, four lightning bolts shot through the clouds, and pinned the young witch's wrists and ankles to the ground. Smiling evily, Brent lifted Felix's shirt, exposing the boy's deep innie belly button.

Felix struggled uselessly to get free. "Oh fuck, you wouldn't do...."

Korbyn was just rounding the corner, when he heard the most amazingly cute high pitched laughter. Quietly, he got closer to the two cute boys playing in the leaves. The silver and blue wolf's tail energetically wagged back and forth. Korbyn was so enthralled, the young man couldn't take his eyes off the squirming ticklish guy on the ground. The more he watched, the more he felt a tugging at his heart. Instinctively, he knew the one getting the hell tickled outta him was his future mate. Korbyn just needed to figure out a way to meet the cute guy. Deciding he'd seen enough for the moment, the wolf boy continued on his way to the edge of the forest. He looked around, hid behind a cluster of trees, stripped off his clothes, and stowed them in a hole in the tree trunk. After his shift, the wolf took off on his run completely unaware he'd been spotted by one of the wolf hunters.

The wolf hunters were a rogue coven of witches who came down from the hills every few years to replenish their supplies of wolf hides, fangs, claws, and other various body parts they used for their spells and potions. "I must keep an eye on this one, he's emitting a very powerful aura, and would be just right for the ritual sacrifice." Silently, the hunter leapt into the tree branches, and began stalking his young prey.

"Hey guys, time out. I got news."

Brent stopped just as his finger was about to annihilate Felix's second most ticklish spot. Both guys, looked at each other then turned their heads in the direction of the voice.

"What's going on Kit?" Felix asked the orange and black striped tiger boy, who'd just appeared from nowhere.

"The wolf hunters are back, and have set traps in the forest. I saw a couple by the falls, and out near Wolf Glen." Kit was the Guardian's intel and tech wiz. His powers of glamour and invisibility made the adorable twenty year old invaluable to the team. He was also the leader of the Guardian's Jr. league.

After catching his breath, Felix accepted Kit's help off the ground. "Are you sure it's the hunters, I didn't think it was time for them again."

Brent summoned a small cyclone to get himself back on his feet. "If it is them, we've gotta warn the Wolf community, and fast. It'd be a great idea to have the Jr's help patrolling the Cove."

"I'll get word to the Wolves, I was gonna spend some time in the forest anyway." Felix said as he brushed left over leaves and dirt from his body and hair.

"I'm sure it's them, their magical traps are unmistakable. Hell, I almost fell in one as I was coming here. They've gotten even better at camouflage." The tiger started gently massaging the tip of his tail as his ears slightly twitched. "One of the electronets really singed my tail." The tiger cub lightly giggled and softly purred, as he became the filling for a Guardian sandwich; with both Brent and Felix hugging him on both sides. The young tiger was very playful and affectionate, as were the other two Guardians. Before the young cat knew what was happening, Felix had gotten a firm grip on his wrists, and was holding the now struggling cub's arms over his head, leaving his bare upper body completely exposed and vulnerable. "Hey, let go Lix." The boy couldn't help the nervous giggles that escaped his plump lips as he tried in vain to get free. Before he could say anything else, four bolts of lightning streaked from the sky. Just before they struck him, Felix's stare infused the speeding bolts with his tickle magic, thus making them the perfect tickle tools.

Unmanly, ear piercing shrieks and squeals were forced from the furiously struggling tiger. "Shit, not my pits and belly button at the same time." Kit was completely helpless as three of the four bolts ravaged the young man. His legs kicked as he tried to twist away from the invading tickle weapons. The fourth bolt split in two, and proceeded to get in the wildly twitching ears. Sweat beaded on Kit's forehead, as he finally was able to double over once Felix let his wrists go. "You two are soooo dead when I get the chance. But, that was totally epic and fun. I love you guys." Kit's smile was brighter than the late morning sun. Both Brent and Felix couldn't stop giggling as the tiger jumped into their arms hugging each one respectively.

"Oh before I forget, here." Kit reached in his pocket, retrieved four small circular discs, and handed two each to the witches.

"What are these Kitty-Kat? Felix asked while turning them around in his fingers, with his head adorably cocked to the side.

"They're locators. They fit in the heel of your shoe, under the insole. These discs are completely undetectable by magic or tech. I just created them last night."

"How do they work?" Brent asked as both he and Felix sat on the ground with their shoes off.

"All you do is rapidly press down twice with your heel. They're really sensitive, so they can be activated without anyone noticing. These might be useful, in case any of us are in trouble and need help."

Kit grinned mischievously. The tiger's arm quickly wrapped around Felix's left ankle, and Brent's right. Before either one could think, their socks were removed, and five very pointed fingernails were lightly grazing up and down the two captured soft bare soles. The air was filled with the two Guardian's boisterous squealing laughter as each one tried desperately to pull free. Adding more ticklish fuel to the tickle fire, Kit's scratchy tongue began licking back and forth across ten very ticklish and twitchy toes. Brent and Felix's laughter became silent gasps and wheezes once the devil tongue got between each toe and along the bases.

"Shit, I can't take much more Kitty." Brent pleaded between his laughter, gasps, and squeals.

Felix was no better, tears fell from the tickle monster's eyes as his most ticklish spot was being tickled. However, despite his outward appearance, inside Felix was in tickle heaven.

Kit chuckled at his helpless mates, and took pity on their ticklish soles. He leaned down and gave each of his panting buds a soft kiss on the cheek and a hug, the affection was returned before he disappeared.

Korbyn was searching for a peaceful cool place to relax while his energy built back up. The speed wolf had tired himself out after an hour of straight running. He was so lost in the beauty of the forest, he didn't notice the ground shifting, until he was falling into the expertly camouflaged hole. Just as he hit the bottom, the sides and floor morphed from dirt to a sleek and shiny metal. Korbyn tried to jump out, but he was knocked back to the ground, reeling from the powerful shock of the invisible electronet. The smell of singed fur filled his nostrils, as Korbyn tried to soothe his now aching body. Thinking his magic could free him, he tried turning back to his half human form, but the dull electro pulse disrupted his thinking as well as his ability to change forms.

Felix had almost reached the borders of Wolf Glen. He knew Alpha Jenkins very well, and using his telepathy, had sent word that he was requesting a meeting with him. The imposing statuesque wolf had ink black fur with a midnight blue tint. Morris Jenkins, was a very powerful, but fair and kind leader to his pack. He also was generous with giving aid to the surrounding areas, as was all his pack. Alpha Jenkins considered the young Guardians honorary pack members, and was always eager to assist them.

He'd just passed the halfway mark. Suddenly, the young witch fell to the ground in agony. Never before had he felt such painful distress. Felix put all his energy into fighting past the pain, and getting to the root of why he was experiencing it. Finally, his heart told him his life mate was nearby and in grave distress. Closing his eyes, Felix breathed in deeply, and asked the forest to show him what happened today. The witch's mind was flooded with the events the trees, plants, rocks, and earth witnessed. Felix saw a silver blue blur pass like by his mind's eye, like lightning. He also saw the wolf unknowingly being stalked by the hunter. Tears fell from the teen's eyes as he watched this exquisitely beautiful wolf fall into a trap.

Korbyn was getting more anxious and scared as his time in the deep hole passed slowly. Just as he was about to let loose a deafening howl, the most amazingly peaceful feeling coursed through his body. The wolf's senses were calmed and his energy began returning. The pup cocked his head to the side as he heard a strange yet familiar voice telepathically telling him all would be fine, that help was on the way. Korbyn's ears twitched slightly, as he sent his own telepathic message of thanks to the yet unknown sender. He only silently prayed the help would arrive before whoever set the trap returned.

Arriving at the site, Felix let the flora show him what other traps were set. The trees also showed him the electronet, and metal coated hole. Getting an idea of how to rescue his future mate, Felix jumped into the air, and landed on a very high tree branch. He took a minute to get the angle right, then dove off the branch as if it were a diving board. Felix hit the ground like it was a giant earth pool, and created a tunnel, and broke through the thin silvery metal that coated the sides of the trap.

Korbyn yelped as he jumped back in shock. Metal and dirt flew everywhere, and the wolf's eyes widened when he saw who'd rescued him.

"No time to explain Wolf-pup, let's get outta here." Felix picked up Korbyn, which caused the wolf to slightly yelp in surprise, and the witch to softly chuckle at the cute reaction. "Hang on Korby, we're gonna be out of here and safe in no time."

"How'd you know my name?" The wolf asked using his telepathy.

"I don't know, but I can tell from your eyes you know we're future life mates." Felix responded. He couldn't stop the blush on his cheeks or his boyish giggle when the wolf lightly licked the witch's nose.

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