Guardian Angel

Published on Jul 12, 2022


Guardian Angel Chapter 3

This is a martial arts/comic book style story that was suggested by a reader. We're collaborating on the story. The idea is his, the outline is ours and the narration is mine. With all the stories I'm working on by myself, I don't have the time to do many of these, but if I'm interested enough in the idea, I can be persuaded. Expect this story to appear one chapter every 2-3 weeks, usually on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. The College Magic Cycle gets its new chapter once a week, usually on Thursday, Friday or Saturday.

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Author's Notes

·        If you want to be informed of new stories, send me an email and ask to be put on the notification list. I'll send a notification. Everyone will be on the bcc line so your email address will not show to other members.

·        Up this weekend will be Wishcraft chapter 9 (the last chapter appearing under that title). Next week during the week will be Bellus Cinaedus chapter 4. Both are already written.

·        I am considering changing the name of the College Magic Cycle folder to Concordium since that has become a unifying theme in all the stories and it would allow me to tell stories outside the college. Tell me what you think.

·        I fixed the calendar problem in My Roommate the Alchemist. I was able to assume that the first day of classes was at the end of August.

·        My Stories on NIFY

o   College Magic Cycle

o   Jack and the Giant

o   Sacred Submissives

o   Bellus Cinaedus

o   Guardian Angel

From Last Chapter

They were too caught up in making out and enjoying the touch of each other's bodies to hear the door open. But the pressure was building in Timothy's cock. He could feel the cum rising in his shaft. He threw back his head and shouting, "I'm cumming, Ariel! Oh God! I'm cumming!"

"That's it, Timothy," Ariel exclaimed, "Cum for me."

Then they both did. They released primal screams of pure pleasure that echoed off the walls. It would have surprised neither of them if the neighbors heard them. Timothy almost blacked out from the intensity of his first orgasm that wasn't brought on by his own hand, but he was brought back to reality by a yell from the doorway.

"What the heck do you two f@$$^ts think you're doing?" shouted Konrad.

Guardian Angel Chapter 3 (Take Down of Bully #1)

Timothy tried to jump up, but Ariel took his time. Then he looked at Konrad and said, "My boyfriend and I were making out."

Konrad's face was red, and he was shouting, "I won't have f@$$^ts doing f@$$^t stuff in my g^!!@m house!"

"Get the f#&k out of my house!" he screamed.

Then he charged toward Timothy and went to grab him by the collar. He was surprised to find his wrist held tightly in Ariel's grasp. He couldn't believe that this little guy, more than a foot shorter than him and probably half his weight, had managed to stop him like that. Timothy was having the same thoughts, judging from his face.

Then Ariel stepped between Konrad and his son and said, "We need to talk."

"There's nothing to talk about!" Konrad shouted.

The blond boy effortlessly pushed him away from the couch, causing him to stagger several steps backward.

Grinning, Ariel said, "Listen to my advice. You'd better resort to talking." He looked over his shoulder at Timothy and said, "Stay there. I'll take care of this."

While he was still speaking, Konrad snapped out of his confusion, and lunged forward to seize the insolent boy. Tim gasped in fear, only to see Ariel deftly avoid Konrad's arms. He wrapped one of his own arms across the older guy's chest and use a leg to hook one of his opponent's legs and sent him sprawling to the floor.

"Oooff!!" grunted Konrad when his back hit the floor hard.

"What the ...?" Tim was dumbfounded. That hadn't been a casual move. Tim had never personally practiced martial arts but had some basic theoretical knowledge about them and had recognized the perfectly executed Judo technique called "Osoto Otoshi", or "Big Outer Drop".

"Still wanting to use violence rather than a little chat?" chuckled Ariel, looking down to his fallen foe.

Konrad growled, and jumped off the floor onto the blond teen, who quickly grabbed the mature jock's shirt collar with one hand and his forearm with the other hand, before sweeping the back of his own foot from the outer to the inner side, striking the back of Konrad's supporting foot to sweep it, then turning and throwing his opponent down with a twisting motion of his body.

"Ooof!" the older man moaned again.

Ariel stepped back and winked to a bewildered Tim. "Harai-tsurikomi-ashi." he stated. "In other words, Lift-Pull Foot Sweep."

Tim was startled. Was his friend reading his mind? Ariel had never shown more than a casual interest in martial arts, and now he seemed to have become a judo master. There was so much more about Ariel he wanted to know.

Konrad was slower to get back to his feet than the first time and he stared at Ariel with a killing glare. He'd expected this encounter to go differently. He outweighed the small blond by about a hundred pounds, and he definitely had more muscles, but the boy's feet were fast, and they struck hard.

Unfazed, the blond boy said: "This is your last chance to resolve this matter peacefully."

"F#&k you!" Konrad growled, raising his fists to show he was still ready to rumble. There was no way he was going to give in to this pint-sized faggot, not in his own house.

Ariel smirked. "Okay, it's your choice. HIA!"

With an amazingly fast motion, he had pivoted on his right foot and sent his left into an outward going crescent kick, passing through Konrad's open guard to reach the taller guy's face.

"Uugh!" Konrad moaned, when his head snapped back, pushed by the solid slap.

Ariel didn't even land his kicking foot, but only brought it in front of himself, chambered at the knee, then - "HYAIIIIII!" – he snapped his leg out again, placing a swift snap kick on Konrad's completely unprotected gut.

The older man screamed as excruciating pain exploded from his insides. He bent down, clutching his aching gut. He was thankful now for the extra pounds he'd put on over the years, the extra pounds brought on by too much beer and not enough cardiovascular exercise. He had some cushion to soften the blow.

"Nice move for a f@$$^t, don't you think?" Ariel taunted. "KYA!"

Ariel's foot had been driven down for a fraction of a second, before snapping up, so that its top hit Konrad's chin. The power of the blow pushed the more mature man back up and caused him to stagger backward. He was dazed and overwhelmed with pain; he clutched his jaw, his vision blurring.

No sooner had Ariel lowered the offending foot to the floor, than he spun on it, lifting the other leg, giving his back to the stunned Konrad. Then he glanced past his shoulder with a coquettish look and a mischievous smirk and launched the upraised foot backward, slamming the heel on his foe's belly.


Konrad thought he had been hit by a sledgehammer, and again he bent down, coughing, out of breath. Meanwhile Timothy couldn't believe his eyes. His father had been his number one bully since his mother had left, and now he was being taught what it felt like to have someone hit him repeatedly without the ability to fight back. It was like all those nights he cried himself to sleep, murmuring prayers that someone would come to protect him had finally come to fruition and a guardian angel had appeared to save him.

Whirling around, Ariel looked down at the red-faced and sweaty bully, chambering his strong leg once more, chuckling: "Not so cocky now, huh, Old Boy?"

Even as he spoke, Ariel bent his standing leg, then sprang and leaped up, rocketing his other leg vertically, then he let his heel drop on Konrad's broad back as a dive bomb!



More pain exploded in Konrad's back, while he crashed down, driven onto the floor by the relentless power of the blond teen's foot, and Ariel let his foot follow his foe down. He used it to pin the man's neck, driving his face deep into the thick carpet.

Konrad felt a searing pain exploding from his neck down through his whole body and up into his skull, and he groaned miserably, squirming like a fish trapped in a net; but for all his efforts, he felt numb and was unable to get free or to lift himself.

"Now we can have that talk," Ariel said. "You seem to think that being able to beat someone up makes you the boss. Now I've defeated you, that makes me the boss. Do you hear me?"

"F^&k you!" Konrad snarled, pulling himself to his feet. He was still unwilling to concede defeat. He couldn't bring himself to admit that he'd been beaten by a scrawny punk. In his heart he'd always believed exactly what Ariel had just said. When you're stronger than the people around you, you get to make the rules. That's the way he'd been raised and that was the way he'd raised his own kid. If he were being honest with himself, he'd have to admit that it was the way he'd run his marriage, and it was probably the reason his wife had left him. But Konrad was not a man given to deep introspection. He didn't realize how his own philosophy was now turning against him.

"Have it your way, old man," Ariel said with a smile. He grabbed Konrad by the collar and said, "We'll finish this in the basement."

Ariel pointed at Timothy and said, "Grab my gym back and follow me."

Timothy jumped up and grabbed Ariel's gym back. He hadn't noticed the bag before. He was having a hard time processing what he's just seen. He was mortified at having his father see him kissing another boy. And not just kissing, he'd cum in his pants from Ariel grinding against him. It was what he'd always feared, and his father had reacted exactly the way he'd expected him to, by blowing up in a homophobic rage.

Added to his embarrassment for getting caught, he was also embarrassed that his father had put up such a poor showing. He'd been afraid of his father all his life, frightened by his loud voice and the way his face turned red and splotchy when he yelled. But most of all, he was terrified of his father's fists. And he was amazed at how quickly Ariel could move, and how powerful his kicks had been. He didn't fear his boyfriend's feet. Somehow he knew that Ariel would never hurt him, although deep down inside there was a gnawing curiosity, driven by his own masochism, that made him wonder what it would feel like to feel those powerful feet against his own body.

On some level, he was afraid of what his dad would do to Ariel. He always won in the end, no matter how much it looked like he was giving way, he always came back, using his fists to get his own way. He didn't want that to happen to Ariel. If his dad managed to get his hands on the younger, much smaller guy, he feared that it would be over, and he'd never be able to see Ariel again.

And he was achingly hard again, not just from watching the fight, but from the way Ariel had ordered him to fetch his bag instead of asking. Ariel was small, but he was so masterful that Timothy wanted to jump at his every order. Tim's own need to submit to a more powerful man was making his body respond in the way it always did, the way Rick had noticed in the bathroom.

Konrad kept a few pieces of exercise equipment in the basement, but the center of the room was dominated by an open space and a heavy punching bag that hung from the ceiling. When Konrad wasn't beating on Timothy, he liked to practice on the bag. He'd been a boxer back in high school, and a wrestler, but he'd let himself go.

Konrad was still collecting himself, trying to clear the stars from his eyes and the cobwebs from his head, and Ariel was changing into his judogi and his red socks. Timothy was staring open-mouthed. Ariel was pulling on red socks just like Sanshiro's. If his cock weren't hurting so much from its hardness, he'd be pinching himself to see if he was awake. This was so much like one of his fantasies that it felt unreal.

"Get up!" Ariel snorted, stomping a foot. "The lesson is starting."

"Lesson?" Konrad uttered, standing up on wobbling legs.

"Your lesson in obedience." the blond teen stated. "You aren't going to walk out of here, before learning to obey me. Don't worry, I'm a good teacher on that topic!" he chuckled.

"You're crazy!" the older man protested, shocked. "I'm out of here!" He stepped toward the door, but with a feline-like jump and a spectacular pirouette in the air, that left the other two wide-eyed and speechless in shock, Ariel landed in front of his foe, blocking his path with a scary face, his legs spread and bent, and his fists raised in a fighting stance.

"Don't ever think about leaving!" he snarled. "You don't have a choice about this! However," he grinned, his tone switching from angry to taunting. "I'll have some mercy on you. I'll give you three ... um, no, four chances!"

"What do you mean?" Konrad asked, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

Ariel pointed to the center of the sparring area. "You'll have four chances to attack me. If you manage to win even just ONE of those four rounds, I'll leave you alone and never try to mess with you again. But otherwise ..." His smile got twisted again, "you'll have to accept my rules. Deal?"

Konrad's hesitation was evident; however, he knew there was no way for him to run away without fighting this brat, and it was better to do it on a ring, rather than brawling while trying to run onto the stairs. "Deal," he said.

Ariel smiled cockily and winked to Tim who, despite his worries, gave him a thumbs-up alongside a shy encouraging smile.

Konrad walked to a corner of the sparring area, while Ariel went to the opposite side.

The short blond guy began a quick warm-up routine, firing high kicks around, and finished by standing on one spot, his left leg raised and held out straight, as he crabbed around on his standing foot, giving the impression that he hardly moved but seemed to be rotated around by the mat itself. He pointed his sole towards Konrad.

"Ready to taste some warm red cotton?" he taunted.

At the mention of the socks, Timothy felt his cock spasm. A spurt of precum, or even of cum, joined the sticky mess he already had in his briefs. He wanted to touch himself but was afraid he would shoot off the instant that he did.

As it happened earlier, Ariel's cockiness made Konrad's blood boil in anger, and he roared, jumping at his opponent with both fists raised, faking a punch but trying to kick the teen's legs. But Ariel, focusing on Konrad's eyes, had noticed how they widened when he was about to strike; the blond boy's own instincts warned him of what was to come, and he chambered his upraised leg; leaning a bit backwards he gained momentum, and stomp kicked his foot downwards as a stop kick aimed at the attacking leg, stopping it dead on the knee and instantly he countered. As he swung the same leg into an outward going twist kick and made the top of his foot snap onto the back of Konrad's head, as he lunged at him with his guard up.


Konrad cried out two times, at the excruciating pain in his leg and at the even worse pain exploding in his head. But he resisted and countered with a punch.

Stepping back after his twist kick hit its mark, Ariel saw Konrad's right arm move back, aiming to shoot straight for the shoulder. He braced himself for that move; his left arm snapped out deflecting the arm at the wrist and simultaneously grabbing it tightly. Still using only his left leg, he quickly used a hook kick, snapping his foot at the side of his foe's head.


Konrad screamed when that red socked foot slapped his head violently. Inside of him, deep inside, a part of him was beginning to accept Ariel's superiority over him. That part urged him to yield, to submit to a more powerful opponent. But he couldn't give in to that urge. He had to fight back. His upbringing had taught him that submitting would make him less of a man.

Holding his opponent's wrist tightly, Ariel noticed a movement in Konrad's rear leg, suggesting that the bully was about to kick. The young martial artist slid out to the side, bringing opponent's wrist with him, and made the crude cumbersome kick fan only empty air. At the same time, he twisted with the move, turned, and moved to the side of the unbalanced Konrad. He pulled at his arm with a sudden violent twist, a move taken mostly from Aikido, and sent his enemy in a loop around himself.

Konrad crashed down on the mat and cried out again from the agonizing pain in his arm. Desperately, the thug drove one leg up toward Ariel, who sidestepped the wild kick easily, snapping the bully's wrist backwards in a control grip. Then he stomped his sole down on his foe's face – SWAP!!! – grinding that sole around on the older man's face, before letting go of his arm.

The defeated guy lay down moaning, his nostrils filled with the smell of sweaty feet.

"End of round one; One point for me!" the blond teen announced proudly,

He gave Konrad a minute of reprieve; then, seeing the other rising with some effort, the young man started to bounce and dance around, swinging his leg in beautiful yet powerful moves.

"Floating like a butterfly... and ready to sting like a bee!" he boasted. "Not with my fists but with my feet!"

Grinning, he gave Konrad a bring-it-on wave.

"Asshole..." Konrad uttered angrily, then he leaped, this time attempting to grab Ariel's torso with his muscled arms and pull the smaller guy into a bearhug.

The teen grinned and hooked both his arms out to stop the dangerous grip from getting in, so Konrad couldn't lock hands behind his opponent's back. Then the slender blond slid his pelvis backwards, gaining space to counter before the bully's strength could be used. He had no doubt that those huge muscles were able to do severe damage in a front bearhug; so, he didn't plan to play along with that. His counter came fast; he hammered his right leg up in a mighty Muay Thai knee aimed for Konrad's gut.


"AAAAARRRGHHH!" Konrad yelled, but pain caused him to fight like a tiger! He grabbed his foe, lifted him and body slammed him!

The older man felt that the tide could be turning. If he could overbear the teen, his greater weight would give him the advantage in the fight. He flipped Ariel over to the mat, but the younger blond teen cushioned his own fall by slamming one palm and one leg against the mat, then he instantly rolled to his back. He didn't have to wait more than a fraction of second, because Konrad lifted a foot to crush him like a bug.

Tim gasped in horror, sure that this would be the end. That his father would squash Ariel, then beat him into submission before throwing him out of the house into the street. Then he would turn his anger and his homophobic hatred onto him. He'd probably throw him out of the house as well.

But then Timothy's heart soared as he heard Ariel exclaim, "Not so easy, punk!"

While speaking, the young blond grasped the massive foot before the bully could launch his stomp, and he swiveled his own legs around his foe's standing leg. Then he twisted forcefully to his own side, causing the overconfident thug to crash face down onto the mat.

"OOF!" Konrad cried, his head ringing from the blow.

Ariel noticed that Konrad went limp for a brief second and continued his own roll, with one of his opponent's legs locked between his own. the young fighter forced that leg to flex over his. Then the blond guy, having one leg in the back of his foe's knee and his top pushing on the other's shin, took Konrad's trapped limb into a tormenting scorpion hold. Partially sitting up, he leaned over his opponent's bent leg, and jerked hard! The fighter knew full well that the move could've snapped the thug's anterior cruciate ligament had he pulled all the way through, but he decided to not do it – not that time, at least!

"Another for me I think, Mister Bully!" Ariel underlined his victory by bouncing his legs against Konrad's to make the pain shoot through them with each bounce.


Konrad's scream was echoed by his son's chuckle from the other side of the room. "Round three, now, I suppose?" Timothy asked. He was excited now. He'd been assiduously avoiding touching his dick, but he was bouncing with excitement now, and with each bump he oozed into his already sticky briefs.

Ariel winked. "Of course!"

"Nooo..." Konrad moaned.

The small blond disengaged quickly. He whipped himself to his feet, and moved to safe distance, laughing at the bully nursing his sore leg on the mat.

"Get up!" Ariel incited his enemy with a taunting voice. "Or perhaps you want to concede defeat already – to these!" He snapped a kick out in the air with one foot, then with the other.

Konrad had no choice but to fight, so he threw himself again at the blond boy, aiming two punches to him.

Backpedaling as his foe lunged at him, Ariel leaned back and made Konrad's first punch fall short; then he snapped a roundhouse kick onto his opponent's exposed flank under the punching arm.


Meanwhile Konrad was throwing the second punch. Ariel spun and landed a roundhouse kick on the bully's floating ribs at the other side.


The heavy-set thug moaned while excruciating agony flowed inside him, like a river of pain moving from the ribs up and down the lateral muscles and back around to his spine. And that was when Ariel launched his next attack, marched forward, landing tormenting roundhouse kicks on his opponent's flanks. He tried to slip his own feet under his opponent's very loose guard and strike his body again and again. He kicked one, two three times and finished with a swift roundhouse kick aimed under Konrad's left armpit.


Konrad screamed and squirmed, his whole body bathed in pain. He wanted to beg but hadn't enough breath to form the words. That inner part of him that wanted to submit to the superior man had grown. It had almost taken over his mind, but the obstinate part of him, the part that could make no concession to this slender faggot, was still in control for now.

Ariel saw how his kicks had brought down the thug's guard and left him near to total exhaustion, so he changed tactics and went high. Just as his right roundhouse kick landed, he sent a high left roundhouse kick at Konrad's temple.


The fallen bully believed his head was exploding! His vision faded. He swayed and staggered before Ariel, like a blinded bull not knowing where the next attack will come from. He drooled, and his eyes went in different directions.

Ariel balanced himself and lifted his left foot going into the crane stance – then he leaped. As his legs shifted in midair, he changed the attacking leg and sent the socked sole of his right foot at Konrad's wide-open face in a crane kick!


Konrad's face was launched backward, he staggered, then stood where he was, blinking his eyes without seeing anything, his mouth wide open with his tongue dangling.

Ariel chuckled. His opponent was strong, but he was done for. Realizing the thug was unable to sense or grasp anything going on around him anymore, the martial artist took aim and leaped into the air to send a flying side kick at Konrad's chin, coming against him with the full weight and power of his small yet sturdy body, his sole forming the spear of the attack.


Konrad's vision was confused, just like his hearing; he barely had time to hear the battle cry before seeing a red form approaching him with the speed of a bullet, then the world blew up in an explosion of pain and stars, and everything went black.

The impact of Ariel's sole on Konrad's head sent a shockwave through the fighter's leg. Flying over the falling bully, the blond boy even had time to smirk down at him, before landing in perfect form. "Slain by your enemy's powerful foot and superior technique," he uttered to the unconscious guy.

Ariel moved to stand by Konrad's side and lifted one foot to set it on his defeated foe's face, letting his own sole cover that ugly vision; he placed his hands on his hips and waited, measuring the time it took for the hunk to come around, and tapping his toes down on his forehead, kind of like making his toes count the seconds.

While Konrad was starting to come out of his dazed state, Ariel strolled back to the far part of the room, and flipped his foot up on the wall, at the level of his head, and started doing stretching exercises; he needed to prepare his weapons for the last round, so that he could look good, relaxed, stylish, and elegant as opposed to that brute of a simple brawler. It felt good to make his hamstrings stretch to the fullest, and he bit his lower lip enjoying the slight pain. Then he turned to Konrad and said,: "You'd better get up, dude! You have a last round!"

"WHAT!" Konrad was now fully awake, and more shocked than earlier. "I CAN'T!"

"Hey Bully Dad! Are you chickening out?" Ariel said, his voice dripping with scorn.

The martial artist shook his head, clearly unwilling to accept any excuses. He continued his taunt. "So, my feet have taken the fight out of you, and made you respect them as the perfect weapons they are, huh? And they have even made you scared. They've turned the boasting bully into a little frightened rabbit, that wants to run for cover and cry under mommy's skirts! NOW..." he stamped a foot, making his foe gulp in fear. "Get hold of yourself and take your beating like a man! Stand up and eat my kicks the way you are supposed to!"

Konrad shivered, but his pride prevented him from getting a beating without a fight, even as exhausted and bruised as he was. He rose to his feet with great effort, and he stood with his fists raised toward his foe.

The smaller blond snickered while slowly closing in, "Have a face full of foot, you jerk!"

Even as he spoke, Ariel flashed out a probing circular kick, but only at a range to scare, swiftly bringing his leg over Konrad's raised fists, sliding to give his own side to his foe, and snapped out a reverse hook kick at the side of the bully's face, to make his sole slap across it, taking his opponent by surprise.

"HIA ... HIAA!"

Konrad was fooled out by the faked kick and was totally unprepared for the blow which seemed to squish his face. He saw stars again and cried out, trying to punch back but hitting just empty air.

Laughing at his foe's useless wild punches, Ariel returned to front position, and moved into the charge again, marching forward behind the snapping front kicks he sent at Konrad from slightly different angles, all the time aiming to force him towards the corner where he couldn't escape; the blond's red sole flashed up in front of the thug's face and torso, as the fighter kicked repeatedly and alternated his legs mechanically as he attacked.


Konrad desperately tried to block the merciless kicks, yet his efforts were in vain, and pain flashed from all parts of his body, while he was pushed toward the wall, and toward an even worse fate!

Ariel grinned as he forced the bully onto the corner. A weight stood at one side and a chair at the other side of it, blocking any escape. Satisfied with the narrowed space, he stopped his charge, and lifted one leg as he circled on the other, looking over his shoulder at Konrad's scared face; then suddenly he sped his movement up, and pivoted himself into a forceful "backwards going straight" mule kick, that made his sole rocket up from the floor targeting his enemy's head, defended only by the latter's weakened arms.


The cotton-socked sole seemed made of iron when it hit Konrad's already battered face. His teeth cracked, and none of them broke. And this was because Ariel had controlled his power. Konrad was thrown against the wall, but unluckily for him he bounced back toward his opponent, who chambered the same leg that had hit him, then he lashed out with his foot towards Konrad's gut in another forceful mule kick. He even had time to double his efforts into two fast snapping kicks, aiming to send the hunk right back where he came from.


Konrad screamed at the excruciating pain in his guts, but his suffering was not over, because he bounced back again!

Ariel was ready for that; he lifted his foot higher, chambering again, and machine-gun-fired several short quick side kicks at the bully's bruised face, aiming to snap his head back, many and many times, like a bouncing speedball, to torment his foe and make him eat his sole.


Each time the mighty feet hit their target, Konrad caught the powerful smell of those deadly (and sweaty) weapons; he now was much like a barely conscious punching ball, only he wasn't being punched; he was being kicked, and that was far worse!

Seeing the bully reduced to a beaten heap, Ariel took a breather and smiled at Tim, who grinned back widely, while Konrad was hanging on the wall of the corner, barely able to stand. For Tim it was like Ariel was balancing his past abuse at his father's hands by turning the tables on him. He was giddy, not with excitement that his father had been beaten so badly, but with elation that the years of abuse may finally be coming to an end.

Ariel let his opponent come around a bit, and then focused his eyes with his own. "This one? Or that one?" he asked, pointing down at his feet, shifting his finger from one to the other.

Konrad just stood where he was, confused, looking at the martial artist with an idiotic face.

"No choice?" Ariel grinned. "Ok, then I'll decide – for THIS one!"

Ariel pulled his left leg back and moved his arms out in a semi high balance position before swinging that limb sky high, lifting up on the toes of his right foot; then the fighter aimed an axe kick down at Konrad, not at his face, though, since he wanted to hurt and humble his opponent some more, but at his right trapezius muscle, a blow that would cause a lot of pain but not a knockout. His leg dove down like a whip, his hard round heel forming the spear head of the attack.

"AYAAAAAAAAAAA!" Konrad SCREAMED at the excruciating PAIN! He fell to his knees, tears rolled down his swollen face while he begged: "Mercy! Please, stop hurting me!"

Letting his own foot follow Konrad down, Ariel hooked the top of it around his foe's neck and drove his face into the floor; then he hopped to the side of Konrad as his own foot pinned the bully's head and neck.

"Mercy?" he chuckled. "As if a bully like you deserved it!"

He punctuated his statement by thumping Konrad's face down on the hard floor a few times. Then he lifted his foot and slid it under his foe's chin to raise his head up, so that Winner and Loser could lock eyes.

Ariel said coldly: "If you hope that begging will save you from further punishment, you're even more idiotic than you seem! Did you ever stop from beating your son, just because he begged you to?"

Konrad could only moan in terror. He was lying on the ground, too beaten to get up again. Ariel was barely breathing heavily and looked like he could go another few rounds. Konrad had barely touched him.

Konrad mumbled something incoherent, and Ariel responded, "I'm the boss now. If you understand that kiss my feet."

The older man pressed his face against Ariel's red sock. Then he did the same for with the other foot. Timothy couldn't believe his dad was kissing his boyfriend's feet to show his submission. Suddenly he was overcome by anger. At first he thought it was because his father had proven to be too weak to defeat Ariel, then he realized that his anger stemmed from jealousy. That should be him down there at Ariel's feet. He should be the one worshipping those powerful feet, not his father. His father wasn't worthy.

Then Ariel stood with his back to Timothy and pulled his pants down and said, with a quiet dominance that filled the room, "Do you see how excited your son got me. Get on your knees and clean my dick with your tongue."

Tim couldn't see Ariel's cock from his position on the couch, but he saw his father rise to a kneeling position and lean towards Ariel's crotch. He wanted to get up and move so he could see it, but he remembered that Ariel had ordered him to stay where he was.

Konrad was in a daze. His whole world had been shaken. First he found out that his only son was a fag. He'd always suspected but that didn't make it any easier to see with his own eyes. Then he'd tried to throw Tim's boyfriend out of the house and the little blond boy had kicked his butt. He couldn't really stop himself from kissing the boy's feet through his red socks. Those feet had defeated him, and at the time, he thought of those feet as superior to himself.

But the final shock to his system had come with the command to suck the boy's cum off his cock. The cum that had spilled there while the boy was grinding against his son. He didn't want to do it, but it seemed somehow right to him to show his submission to the boy who'd beaten him so badly.

He knelt and stared at the teen cum covered cock. It was big, a little bigger than his own. That seemed unfair since he himself was a full-grown man and Ariel was still a teen, and a small teen at that. But maybe the slightly built blond was more of a man than he was.

He leaned forward and licked the head of the cock. The cum had grown cold. "Go ahead and lick it clean, Konrad," Ariel said. "Get used to this position. I'm the boss here now and you're the minion."

Timothy watched in a combination of horror and arousal as his father did what he'd been wanting to do. He felt sick from jealousy. He wanted to serve Ariel. He wanted to jump up and throw his dad off Ariel, to pry those lips from a reward they didn't deserve.

But his misery was relieved when Ariel glanced over his shoulder at him and winked while he announced, "Stop Minion. You just clean the old cum from my cock. You don't deserve to taste it straight from the source. And you'd better get used to having me here, Konrad. I'm moving in and sharing a bed with your son. You can bet that there will be a lot more faggotry going in this house from now on."

And that was the moment Tim lost it. His cock shot off in his pants with no one touching it, without even the pressure of Ariel's sex grinding into his own. He whimpered and moaned, and Ariel gave him a knowing wink and then blew him a kiss.

Next: Chapter 4

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