Growing Up in Thirteenth Century

By Jason

Published on Nov 17, 2000


Chapter 3

"We had better go, lad." Ralph wept the last tears remaining on Roger's face. "They might catch up. It's still within my father's reach."

"Okay," Roger answered, and softly pressed Ralph's hands on his cheek.

"Where shall we go?" Roger asked when Ralph got hold of the rein. "Where could we go?"

"Where?" Ralph repeated. He didn't know the answer, either. Their perfect dream was a helpless angel vainly flapping his silver wing in the air. Reality came in black, and blew away the flimsy joy. Facing life could sometimes be such a hard decision. The destination was unknown, when would there be an end, or there would never come an end at all. Towards the horizon the sun sank. It was the end of the day. A lonely star appeared in the light-colored sky; an orphan from the heavens lingered on the azury welkin. Ralph gazed at it, pondering over the question. Sadness suddenly seized his heart again.

"No matter where you are going, I will follow you," Roger said.

"But I don't know. I am sorry but I really don't know where we can go." Ralph jogged his elbow. He looked back with his vague eyes.

"There will be one place where we can live our live safely, I believe. Don't lose your faith, please." Roger said sincerely.

"No, I won't. With you I will never lose it again. Let's set off for where our life will be." Ralph felt he was encouraged by some unknown power inside him. He remounted without hesitation. He reached out for Roger's hands and he saw the sweet smile on Roger's face, like gorgeous rainbows after rain, appeare again.

"I never want to see you cry, you're even more beautiful when you smile," Ralph said passionately.

Roger smiled shyly and got on the horse. He clasped Ralph tightly, wrapped his hands around Ralph's waist and spoke: "For where our life should be." He snuggled close to Ralph's back, and gave him a gentle kiss on the neck. Ralph looked back at the direction of where his father's castle lay and said goodbye to his old castle and to his pastime in his heart. He then lashed the horse and rode it in the opposite direction. Mixed feelings were in his mind, some segments of the old days, and some unclear pictures of the unpredictable future all recurred. Would there be a place for only them two in this small island of Britain that was full of churches and barons, lying lonely, separate from the vast Continent? He didn't know. But maybe lingering on it through all his life was not a bad idea. At least he had Roger. The meaning of his own life was fulfilled. Love was worth it all.

It was getting dark. In the road through the wood, no one hurried with his journey except Ralph and Roger. "Ralph, I think we can stop now. I am tired," Roger asked.

"I am tired too. Look, there's a cave. Maybe we can spend this night there." Ralph pointed to a cave not far away and slowed down the horse. They tied the horse to a nearby tree and looked around the cave.

"It was too dark here; we must start a fire," Roger said.

"No problem, ask Tom to do it..." (Tom was the name of a servant in the castle.) Ralph soon realized he was not in the castle anymore and purred: "Sorry, I forget..."

Roger put a hand on his lips and stopped him. "I know it's not easy. You don't need to apologize for anything, my princess. Now let's go to find some wood, we need a fire to warm ourselves up." Ralph couldn't see Roger's face in the blackness, but he beheld his eyes, most beautiful and adorable, most innocent and amiable, not brown like he knew before, no; but silver glowing although flickering, reflecting the silver moonlight. It could melt the hardest iron, just with the gentleness naturally expressing through those two gems. He couldn't help touching him, guided by his consciousness and the curves of Roger's body. But that was not enough. His eyes were asking for more and blackness and an obscure figure were far from fulfilling his desire, his lust and his emotion.

"I will go for the wood," he said happily, and ran out. There was plenty lying on the ground; he didn't even need to search but just picked it up. He had never done this before. Of course, it was the servants' work. It was kind of instinct which required no skill, but his hands still hurt. "Ouch!" His hand was lacerated by a small and aculeate branch. He tried to ignore it and went back to collect the wood. Soon therewas enough in his hands; there were also some new scars.

Roger was already in the cave. It took him just a while to do the work with some flints that he kept with him. "Now we have a warm fire." He was admiring his work. "No bad than the fireplace in the castle. With the blanket on the horse we could have a warm bed too ... Oh, Ralph! What did you do to your hands? They're bleeding!"

"It doesn't matter, really." Ralph pretended to be brave and wiped the blood with his clothes. But the tiny wood pieces remained on his palm make it even worse.

"Give me your hands!" Roger said anxiously and grabbed Ralph's wrist, careful not to touch the cut. "I shouldn't let you do the work. Let me pick out the woodchips. It must hurt a lot."

Ralph didn't feel much pain at first, but now it grew worse. He didn't even notice it when he was collecting the wood. Maybe the joyful mood served as anesthetic. Strange, he thought. Although the woodchips were small, it's surely not a pleasant feeling when these little things stabbed into the flesh. Roger was holding his hands. There was a funny, worried look on his face. But his over-reaction warmed Ralph's heart. Never before had anyone cared for him so much. Those servants took care of him just because he was their master and they could make some money. It was cold, something like a cash trade. Roger's hands were different; every movement of which was full of passion from deep in heart. There was no need to express, to state, to promise anything. The most mundane time could be more wonderful than that romantic night and cheap oath. Ralph looked at him, amazed.

Roger cleared all the wood thorns and examined over a second time. "I had better find something to wrap your hands, or it will hurt whenever your will touch something."

"Except you," Ralph added at once.

Roger smiled shyly and continued, "But we don't have any clean cloth. Ah, I've got an idea!" He was a little bashful and to Ralph's surprise, he pulled his tunic over his head.

"Eh..." Ralph became a little excited and curious.

"Not what you think! The cloth is clean enough and it was cheap." His face blushed. Roger took out a knife and cut a strip. He meticulously wrapped Ralph's hands up. Ralph naughtily touched his bare chest with his fingertips. "Stop, stop." He protested, but still allowed the fingers to linger on his velvety skin. "You naughty boy," he said as he finished the wrapping. Ralph's hands were now free. He caught Roger by arms and pulled him to his embrace. He kissed Roger's forehead then moved down to the lips. They rolled down to the ground, hands and legs folded together. Tingles at the hands intensified the excitement. The emotion was aroused, as they were both hard. Ralph's hands reached down to the lower part and searched for Roger's shaft and did away with the redundant clothes. And so did Roger's hands. They were melted into one by the same kind of the fire of love.

Ralph gently pushed Roger aside and said, "Wait a little. Let me have a look at you." He stared at Roger so fervidly that Roger got a little embarrassed. The dancing fire burned and covered his body with a golden color. "I would never be tired of this scene, even to look at it for a thousand years." Ralph sighed, and looked over again and again. Every part of it was so sweet. The rosy cheeks, the pink nipples and the slim hips; the perfect and cherished curves were so alluring. And the hair in the center, just a little patch, like some grass, newly grown around the balls, and his shaft, standing straight, as if it was watching curiously and waiting for a touch. Roger stood up and stepped near. His erection was right before Ralph's eyes. Ralph clasped his hands around his tight and slender legs, bringing him closer. "Why not take a closer look?" Roger grinned at him and put his hands at the back of Ralph's head. Ralph was ready to kiss it, but it playfully slipped over his nose. They were both giggling. But Ralph quickly stopped this little game by catching it with his mouth. Roger let out a contented moan and held Ralph's head to his crotch. Ralph's hands moved slowly up and down on his thigh and massaged his globe. Roger felt his puffing among his hairs. Ralph was making loud sucking noise. He was fascinated by the distinct sexy fragrance. Roger's body tensed. He knew he was near the climax. He was about to explode. He tried to delay the end and enjoy a little longer but Ralph was working at the same speed, even more quickly than he expected... the impulse was getting stronger and stronger, far beyond what he could fight back. It was becoming more and more sensitive in the firm and warm surrounding.

"Ahhhhhh..." He whispered loudly.

The sexy sound was a signal to Ralph, suddenly they were still at the same time, holding each other. More and more poured out of his erection and Ralph did not miss a single spasm and received them all down his throat.

They moaned simultaneously, but the voice was slightly softened. Roger caressed Ralph's silky hair and kissed him passionately. The last orgasm's fever hadn't disappeared yet. His face was brightly red. And the flame of lust still sparkled in his eyes. He knew Ralph was sharing his excitement as Ralph's fervent cute face clanged to his stomach. He sat down besides Ralph and laid his head on Ralph's thigh.

"Enjoy it?" Ralph asked.

"Yes! I am left to think that you must be practicing it for thousands of times." Roger's finger slid across his belly and traveled up his back. He saw Ralph's half erection and said: "Ralph, let me teach you something!" He turned over and grabbed it. His hands moved slowly up and down until it regained the vigorous position. He then withdrew the hands and sat back on Ralph's thigh, legs spread on each side.

"Just this?" Obviously dissatisfied, Ralph swaged him slightly.

"Be patient, my knight!" He adjusted his position a little. "Your sword needs to wait...ready.... now. Mmmm, thrust it in!"

Ralph soon understood his hint. He grinned at his friend but hesitated. "Umm...Will it hurt?"

"It doesn't matter! Don't make me wait. Have you lost your braveness, poor child?" He teased Ralph

"No! I am coming!" He pretended to be provoked but still gently advanced. It was a bit hard at first to enter, as hard as to plough a virgin land.

"Oh, my god!" Ralph couldn't believe it. A shocking orgasm was sent from his member directly to his brain, and hit it with full strength. He was on cloud nine and almost lost all his consciousness except this indescribable sensation. He moved back and forth, guided by Roger's hands on his hips. But soon he shook off its restriction and acted by the light of Nature. It comes! it comes! a voice in his mind was shouting. He let go his first shot and remained for the next and more. He was dizzy, felt empty inside, as if his whole energy and spirit had left his body and entered his friend's through the intimate connection that bonded them into oneness. "Oh...." He sighed and collapsed on Roger's shoulder. "Where did you learn that?" he asked curiously.

"There were boys and girls in my village. The brushwood was too low to hide anything."

"Bad boy." Ralph was so exhausted that he didn't make any more remarks. He fell asleep soon. Roger was tired too. He tried to keep his eyes open and drowsily covered both of their exposed bodies with clothes. The fleeing was tiresome enough! He snuggled up to Ralph and closed his eyes.

Roger dreamed a beautiful dream, in which he and Ralph was together and repeated what they had done during the night. But suddenly a loud noise broke in. He was wakened up. But there was nothing wrong around. The fire was burning peacefully; their horse was tied outside. But he did hear it. He pushed Ralph, but he just turned aside and slept like a log. "Hey, hey, wake up, wake up," he whispered to Ralph.

Finally Ralph grunted: "I am tired, just let me sleep, do you want me to ride you again?" He didn't forget to tease Roger even when he was asleep. Roger had to tickle him under his arm to wake him up. "You're crazy. Hehe....Hehehhhh...oh stop...Hahahhh." Ralph was rolling on the ground, laughing with tears. "All right. All right, I am awake, what's up?"

"I just heard some noise. I think we had better go out to look around," Roger said

"You're mad! It's at night! There may be wolves outside. You will be torn into pieces. You go yourself! I must sleep!"

"Don't be so lazy. I don't want to go alone, please." Roger pleaded with his irresistible sweetness.

" quick...or there will be no time left before the sunrise."

"Let's go!" Roger jumped and kissed him at his cheek.

They picked up some firebrands and headed into the dark night. They didn't find anything. Then Ralph was about to return when Roger shouted: "Look! A man!" Ralph ran to him at once. With the light of the fire, he saw an armed young knight lying in an abandoned trap, and his horse was hoofing nearby.

"Poor man. Is he still alive?"

"I think so. We must get him out of it," Roger said. He studied the trap, then pointed to a slope. "We can go down from there."

They quickly climbed down the trap and managed to lift him up to the ground.

"He is breathing! We must moved him to the cave."

"I agree. Let's do it." Ralph pulled the horse to him. They put the young man on the horse and went back to the cave.

"Oh, he was a man of my father's. Look, it's the armory of the Earl." Ralph was surprised to see this knight here. "Listen to me," he said to Roger. "Maybe we had done better not to bring him to the cave. It's too risk. He might want to catch us!"

"But how can we leave him in this wood? He will die alone if no one discovers him soon."

Ralph: "It's dangerous. Put him here. Someone may pass by the next morning, just a few hours more and he will be saved."

"He is a man. He has the right to live. How could I see him die helplessly before my eyes and do nothing?" Roger turned around, almost shouting at Ralph. Ralph was surprised. Roger had never spoken to him in this way. He saw a kind of anger in Roger's eyes and didn't know what to say.

After a while, Roger lowered his head and kicked away a pebble: "Sorry, I shouldn't be angry at you. I know you're just worried about our safety."

"I understand." Ralph hugged him and continued, "So don't waste time. Let's go." Roger smiled and followed him. Soon they were back to the cave.

"Lay him on the blanket close to the fire, he's still unconscious. I will get some hot water. Take care of him." Roger was busy preparing everything.

"Fetch the towel too, he's dirty with mud. I guess he had his head knocked on the hard ground. He may recover soon," said Ralph. He undid the heavy helmet and corselet and other cumbersome armor and threw them aside. "I don't know why people like to wear this stupid thing which protect nothing in fact." He remembered the discomfort while wearing it during his knight-training class.

Roger handed him the warm towel and he began to clean the man's face. "There are just some bruises. Not badly hurt, he will be fine." The young man was tall, sturdy, and fine looking.

"Do you think he will hurt us? I mean he's a man of your father," Roger asked.

"I don't think so. We have saved him. He would be grateful for that, I am sure. He is a knight. You know, chivalry. Besides, I can protect you against any danger. I've been trained for years. And... don't you think he is handsome?" Ralph stared at his face and spoke to Roger. He had black hair, broad shoulders, a hairy chest and a muscular body. His face was sharp-featured, beardless, with full lips and a high nose. It was a different beauty from Ralph and Roger's pure innocence of adolescence but smelling of maturity and strength.

"Yes, yes. So you think this sleeping beauty is cuter than me, huh?" Roger leaned to Ralph and pretended to be angry at his words.

"Hehehe... Don't be so jealous. He would not seduce your lover." He pushed Roger aside and giggled.

"Hey, hey, give me a proof. How much do you love me?"

"More than I can say!" Ralph suddenly approached and gave him a breathless long kiss.

"You almost murdered me! I cannot breathe in your mouth!"

"You lied! You enjoy this, obviously. Look at your..."

"Ahhhh...." A weak voice broke in.

"Sh.... He's awake!" Roger said and walked to the man.

"He was muttering something. I can't understand what he said."

"Oh look! Here's a letter." Roger pointed to a letter that had slipped from the purse.

Ralph picked it up and whispered, "It's written by my father, and here's his seal. It was to Lord Bertrand. Why did he have the man to deliver it at night? It must be very important." He thought for a while. It was not right, but potential uneasiness urged him to open it.

"Oh no!" he whispered when he had skimmed over a few lines. "He asked the Duke to find me and send me back to the castle. And...and..."

"And what?" Roger was eager to know what it said, but as a serf, he hadn't learnt how to read.

"And... kill the boy with him at any cost, as it says," Ralph said carefully as not to frighten him. "It said that I am abducted by a wicked boy. Hmm, he attached a lot of reward. It seems my father was trying to cover the whole things up. It would be a great shame of him at the king's court."

"Now the situation is getting worse...Oh...Give me some water, we almost forget him." Roger's face turned somewhat serious.

Ralph handed him the water in silence. The young man's lips were trembling. And his eyes slowly opened. "Where am I...? What happened...? Oh my head." He spoke brokenly.

"You fell off the horse, I guess," Ralph said.

"Your voice sounds familiar, lad. Did we meet before? Oh please, could you give me some water?"

"Here is the water." Roger helped him sit up and said, "You certainly have met him before: in the castle."

The young man drank the water eagerly and didn't look up at first. He then returned it to Roger and lifted his face.

" Lord." He was astonished. "Is that that you? Is that really you, Master Ralph?" He had a pair of dark green eyes. They are beautiful, Ralph thought. The simplicity and purity of them expelled all the disbelief that was brought in by the letter. "Yes it's me. Please don't tell anybody that we're here. And don't get up. You need some rest." Ralph said to him.

"I won't, this is the oath of a knight. I promise." The man said with a somewhat solemn face. "...My headache, it's awful... Where is my armor?"

"They're over there. You don't need them right now, do you?"

"Yes...yes...I must thank you, Master Ralph, for saving my life. And you, young lad, thanks for your kindness." He spoke while searching his purse.

"Oh it's here, the letter." Ralph handed it to him and apologized. "I am really sorry I opened it. I know it will bring you much trouble but I was just too curious. "

"It doesn't matter, I can tell the Lord I was robbed by the robbers." He immediately responded and broke Ralph's explanation and then paused, as if he were thinking of something. "But would you please do me a favor to fetch my bag on the horse? I've left something important. I hope it is still there."

"Okay, I will check it." Ralph thought that the bag must have something important left in it and went out to check it at once.

He walked out of the cave to the knight's horse. But he found nothing on the horse. Maybe lost on the load, he thought. Suddenly he heard a crying out from the cave. His heart was suddenly sunken. He ran back at his top speed at once.

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