Growing Up Huge

By if.tenep.nona@62879na

Published on Oct 30, 1996



  • Growing Up Huge *

Chapter 1

From an early age Jim knew he had a large penis. He first realized this during an encounter with his next door neighbor Greg. Greg was a two years older than Jim and had introduced him to masturbation. Greg and Jim would often look at Playboy magazines together and then masturbate when spending the night at each other's house. Usually they jacked off under the covers late at night after everyone else was asleep. One Saturday night at Jim's house Greg brought a ruler with his usual collection of Playboy and Penthouse magazines.

"I read a story in this Penthouse about a guy with a ten inch cock who fucked any woman he wanted just `cause his dick was so big," Greg told Jim.

"So I've been measuring mine to see if I've got a big one like the guy in the story. So far the biggest I've measured is six and a half inches long and an inch and a half wide. The guy in the story wasn't much thicker, his was only two inches thick, maybe I'll be getting my share of pussy too! I heard that the more you beat off the bigger it gets. I'm gonna get it hard tonight and see if my dick's gotten bigger. You should measure yours too, Jimbo."

As usual they divided up the magazines and went to their separate beds to beat off. When Greg was finished measuring he tossed the ruler to Jim.

"I'm still only six and a half by one and a half," Greg said dejectedly. "Your turn now Jimbo."

Jim was slient. Greg laughed nervously and said, "C'mon, don't chicken out. How big you got Jimbo? Don't worry if you're not as big as me, you're still young. There's plenty of time for you to grow."

"How big was the guy's in the story?" Jim asked.

"Ten inches, but that's really big. I think most guys are smaller than me," Greg replied. "So how big are you?"

"Well . . ." Jim hesitated.

"Come on, there's nothing to be ashamed of."

"I'm not ashamed . . ."

"Then spit it out!"

Jim sighed. "Okay! It's almost 11 and a half inches long!"

"Jimbo, you've got to measure along the top. If you measure along the bottom it's always a lot longer."

"I did measure along the top! It's just about 11 and half inches long and about two and a quarter inches wide," Jim told Greg proudly. "I'm longer and thicker than the guy in the story!"

"No way, you're too young," Greg protested. "If you're really that big then show me." With that Greg got up from his bed and crossed the room to the edge of Jim's bed. Greg's hardon stuck straight up from his crotch and bobbed as he walked.

"Get away you fag," Jim snorted. "I'm not gonna show you my cock. And got yours out of my face."

"Well then quit lying about your tiny dick and tell me how big you really are," Greg retorted.

"I'm not lying! Why would I make it up?"

"Then let's see!" Greg demanded.

"Fine! Look at this!" Jim snarled as he threw back the covers to his bed. For the first time Greg saw Jim's hard cock. It wasn't like his own that stood out from his body. Jim's cock was so big and heavy it could only hang, it was lying between his legs as Jim sat on the bed.

"Jesus Christ! You ARE hung!" Greg gasped. "You're fucking huge!" Without even touching his own cock Greg came, shooting wads of cum over Jim's bed. He couldn't get over the size of Jim's eleven and a half inch cock; large by any standards and beyond belief on a twelve year old boy.

"Watch it jerk," Jim said dodging Greg's load. "Is that how much comes out when you cum?"

"Yeah, that's about it, maybe a little less sometimes. What about you?"

"Well, a little more. At home I always use a towel to cleanup so my mom doesn't think I wet the bed."

"You cum so much your mom thinks you wet the bed?" Greg asked, noticing that Jim's nuts were proportionally as large as his dick.

"Not always, but if I haven't jerked off in a couple of days there's a lot. There should be a lot tonight since I have done anything since Thursday."

"C-c-can I watch while you cum?" Greg asked sheepishly.

"Well, I suppose you've see this much you might as well. But I don't think I can beat off alone. You have to jack off too," Jim replied. This wasn't a problem for Greg, his cock was already throbbing again.

"Wow, does your cock always stand straight up like that?" Jim asked.

"Yeah, as hard as a rock too!" Greg replied proudly. "Doesn't yours?"

"No, the most mine ever does is get almost to where it points straight out. And even then it's not so stiff that I can't bend it. See?" Jim said as he grabbed his cock at the midpoint and bent it around to demonstrate.

"Man, if I did that my cock would snap in half," Greg said. "Hey, can you suck your own cock?"

"What? Why would I want to do that?" Jim replied.

"I don't know...uh, I was just wondering," Greg said. "But it looks like you're long enough to be able to do it."

"Well, that I'm not going to try," Jim stated. "Now let's just finish beating off."

Greg consented and moved to the foot of Jim's bed. They each stroked their hard cocks while looking at Miss December, though more often than not Greg's eyes were glued on Jim's long thick cock. In just a few minutes they each shot their wads. Greg's was thin and shot a few feet, covering the open magazines with strands of cum. Jim came at nearly the same time, but his load was huge, six long ropes of cum that shot to the foot of the bed and spattered Greg's legs.

"Oh my god! You cum like a rocket!" Greg said. "That's more than I came when I got back from vacation, and I hadn't beat off in a month then! You're awesome!"

Greg was so enthralled with the size of Jim's cock that Jim began to become obsessed with it also. Since Greg had told Jim that daily masturbation would increase his cock size even further, Jim started on a daily ritual of masturbation and measurement. At the same time Jim was maintaining this regimen, as with all boys of his age, he was going through a growth spurt. During his twelfth year Jim had shot up from 5' 8" to 6'1". He was gangly, tall and thin. Most of his weight was between his legs, by the time Jim was 13, his cock had grown to 12 inches in length and over eight inches in circumference.

  • Growing Up Huge *

Chapter 2

During the summer of Jim's thirteenth year, his 17 year old cousin, Mollie, would stay with Jim and his mother. Mollie was from the country and Jim and his mother lived alone in Cincinnati. Mollie loved the big city and volunteer to "baby sit" Jim during the summer months just to spend time in Cincinnati.

Most of the time Mollie's job was easy. Jim was usually out with friends during the day, or locked in his room masturbating and measuring his cock during the nights. Jim's mother worked long hours and spent several nights away from home, so Jim and Mollie were often alone. Mollie new Jim spent a lot of time beating off, but didn't think anything of it because she had seen her younger brother go through the same phase. But, she thought it was a bit of a waste for so much sexual energy to be wasted on a fist and a bath towel.

One afternoon while she and Jim were in her room sitting on her bed listening to some music, the subject, as it often did, turned to sex. Mollie was always telling Jim about her sex life and what her girlfriends talked about back home, just to get him horny and see him squirm. She was also quite intrigued with the rather large bulge she noticed in his pants. He had to be stuffing socks in there. She decided she'd play with him a little and try to see what he really had hidden in his loose fitting jeans.

"My friend Sandy is always bragging about her boyfriend, Rick's horse cock." Mollie said.

"Oh yeah, just how big is his `horse cock'?" Jim asked sharply.

"She says more than nine inches!" Mollie replied. "And it's almost as thick as a soda can! That's what's really important, the girth. The stretch is a real turn on. It feels like it's almost ripping me in half."

"Nine inches, that's nothing. Most men are between five and seven inches, but mine is over a foot long and plenty thick too!" Jim said expertly.

"No way!!!"

"No really." Jim replied coolly. "It's grown about an inch in the past year."

"Ok smart ass, prove it!" Mollie said folding her arms under her pert grape fruit sized breasts, making them more noticeable. Jim hadn't been able to take his eyes off them all evening.

"You want me show you my cock?" Jim said sounding surprised at Mollie's request.

"Yeah, come on let's see it." Mollie said hopping off the bed.

Jim got off the bed. Then he unbuttoned his jeans and stepped out of them. Mollie's eyes were wide as she stared at the tent in his boxers. Then while looking directly at Mollie, he dropped his boxers. Mollie turned and reached for her foot long ruler, kneeling before him she measured Jim's cock.

"Liar, it's just barely eight and a half inches! And nowhere near as thick as Rick's!" Mollie said smiling up at him.

"Yeah, but it's not even half hard." Jim said.

Jim felt Mollie's delicate little hand wrap around his cock. She started to pump it instantly. Mollie felt Jim's cock stiffen and grow in her hands. Within seconds it was fully hard, pounding, making little jumps to the beat of his heart. This time when Mollie measured Jim's cock, its tip was almost a half of an inch past the end of the ruler and much thicker than her wrist. In fact it had grown so thick that she could no longer wrap her hand around it fully. It was truly the most magnificent sight Mollie had ever seen. Easily the biggest cock she had ever seen. Mollie then measured the width of Jim's mammoth appendage at a bit more than two and a half inches. Hanging down heavily beneath the great cock were two large bulging testicles.

"Wow!" Was all Mollie could say . . .

"Yeah, I knew you've never seen a cock like mine," Jim said, sitting back down on the bed. "Go ahead and suck it, I know you want to."

Mollie couldn't take her eyes off the massive shaft of meat in front of her. "So long . . . so thick," she thought. Slowly she bent down and grasp's Jim's pole with both hands. She wrapped both hands around his cock and there was still over six inches sticking out. She opened her mouth wide and tried to fit the giant cockhead inside. It was just too big, but she kept trying.

Precum began oozing from Jim's cock, Mollie was afraid he was cumming, but his dick was still so hard. The precum mixed with Mollie's saliva and lubricated Jim's long shaft. Mollie's two hands started a slow stroking motion while she used her mouth to lick and suck his member.

Jim groaned in ecstasy, feeling a woman's hands and lips on his cock for the first time. He felt his balls tighten as he rapidly approached orgasm. He grabbed Mollie's head and urged her to go faster.

"Yeah, oh yeah, harder, faster, oh oh, I'm gonna cum, oh yeah," Jim groaned. "Yeah, here it is, oh Mollie!"

Almost before Mollie could react huge jets of white cum exploded from the monstrous cock she held in her hands. She had never had cum in her mouth before but couldn't get out of the way fast enough. Two big wads fired into her mouth before she could move away. Jim's hands were holding her head to tightly and she couldn't move far enough. The next several blasts hit her in her face and hair. She'd seen a few guys cum before, but never like this. Jim's cock didn't seem like it would quit shooting off. She managed to sit up fully only to have her chest covered with the next several wads.

Finally the spurting stopped, but several more globs pumped out of Jim's cock and cum oozed out for minutes. As Jim slumped backwards on the bed his thick pole slapped against his stomach and chest. Mollie just stared at her cousin, almost not comprehending what had just happened. She was covered in his cum and from the looks of it his cock was just as hard as before.

"Man, Mollie you sure give good head," Jim said in between gasps.

"Uh, er, yeah, thanks," Mollie replied, still stunned. As her senses returned she noticed that her pants were wet. At first she thought it was all the cum from Jim's huge balls, but then she realized it was her own juices. Sucking Jim off had excited her so much that her pussy was literally dripping. She began to feel an ache deep inside that she knew could only be cured by Jim's cock.

"Jim, I've got to have you," Mollie said.

"What?" Jim asked. sitting up and looking at his cousin, seeing for the first time how she was covered with his cum. Her t-shirt was clinging to her chest revealing the delicate white white lace of her bra.

"You've got to fuck me, my pussy is aching for that horse cock of yours," Mollie said as she begun to run her cunt through her cutoffs.

"So, my cock is a 'horse cock' now, eh? How does it compare to Rick's?" Jim asked, now confident, knowing how much Mollie wanted him.

"Well, I wouldn't know for sure, but from what Sandy told me . . . "

"I think you know more than what Sandy told you," Jim said, cutting her off.

"What? What do you mean by that?" Mollie asked.

"I think you've probably seen it for yourself and maybe even fucked him? Am I right?" Jim asked.

"Why would you think that," Mollie replied.

"The way you talked about how good it felt to get fucked by a thick cock. You didn't say that Sandy told you about it, you talked about it like you had done it."

"Okay . . . there was one time, but it was when Rick and Sandy were fighting and had broken up. We were at a party and had a few beers and I wanted to know if all the things Sandy had told me were true."

"What things did she tell you?" Jim asked as he started stroking his cock.

"You know about how big it was and how it felt."

"Tell me more, please, it's making me really hard."

"Yeah, I can see," Mollie laughed. "Okay, I'll tell you, but only if you let me sit on your . . . horse cock. You like it when I call you that, don't you?"

"Yeah, it's a real turn on to have you talk about me that way. I really do love having such a big cock," Jim said. "I measure it a lot to see if it's grown. When I passed a foot in length I spent all day jacking off."

"Doesn't your Mom say anything about all the time you spend locked in your room?"

"No, she's not home all that much, so she doesn't notice that much. I don't want to talk about that kind of stuff, I want to hear about you fucking Rick's cock. Then I'll let you feel a real horse cock!" Jim said.

"Okay. Well, like I said Rick and I were at a party and were drinking. Rick was hanging around me because he didn't know a lot of people there and Sandy didn't come because they were fighting. After a while I managed to get him out on the dance floor. He's just like all guys and doesn't like to dance, but after a few beers and a lot of asking he'll go. Well, after a few fast songs there was one slow one. I started to leave, but he pulled me to him and we got real close and started slow dancing. He was really holding me tight and I could feel a big bulge in his crotch."

"Not as big as mine," Jim interrupted.

"Yeah, yeah, not that big, but pretty impressive. The biggest I had ever felt . . . up to now," she said reaching out to squeeze Jim's throbbing rod. "Anyway he slid his hands down to my butt and started grinding his cock into my stomach. Everything Sandy had told me about his cock was going through my mind. She talked so much about how big it was and how much better it was than a little dick that one time I got a big cucumber and tried that."

"How big was that, the cucumber?" Jim asked.

"I didn't measure it! God, you're really hung up on this aren't you? No, it wasn't as big as your cock, it wasn't even as big as Rick's. But I'm glad I did that because it got me ready for Rick's cock. Before him I'd only been with normal sized guys. Anyway, Rick was really getting hard and his cock felt huge, I really wanted him and whispered in his ear that we should get some air. After the song was over we went out side and he suggested we take a drive for a while, to cool off. As soon as we got out in the country we pulled over and he was all over me. No other guy I knew got my shirt off so fast."

"Would you take it off now?" asked Jim.

"I was wondering when you'd ask," she said peeling the cum drenched t-shirt off her young body revealing her pert breasts. "The bra too?"

"Yeah . . ." Jim said, staring at his cousin.

"You should do it for me Jim, you probably need the practice. Have you ever . . ."


"You know, are you still a . . ."

"A virgin? No way, I've fucked plenty of girls." He lied.

"Yeah," Mollie smirked, "that must be why you jack off so much. It's nothing to be ashamed of, I was still a virgin when I was your age."

"Well . . . there was one girl, but when she saw my cock she nearly fainted and then ran away. Since then I've sort of been afraid to try anything, she told me I was a freak. But when I heard you talk about Rick and his big cock . . ."

"Well, she was wrong. You have nothing to be ashamed of and I know there are a lot of women who would love to ride on that monster of yours. But they'll probably be older than you. Now come here and take this wet bra off."

Jim scooted across the bed and leaned close and reached around Mollie and started fumbling with her bra clasp. After a few moments he had it free. They hadn't been this close since Jim came, their faces brushed against each other and Mollie pulled Jim close and kissed him hard. Her tongue snaked it's way into his mouth. He dropped the bra and started caressing her back, gently at first and then harder and harder.

Mollie leaned back and pulled Jim on top of her. He ground his long, thick cock into her body. His cock head found it's way between her breasts and he started thrusting. He pulled away from Mollie's kiss and grabbed her sizable tits squeezing them around his cock. Mollie raised her head and licked the top few inches of Jim's meat when he thrust forward. His cock was so long that it easily stretched from her breasts to her face. She clasped her hands over Jim's cock creating a long tunnel with her tits, hands and mouth.

Jim's thrusts started coming harder and faster, Mollie knew it wouldn't be long before he came again, surely though there wouldn't be as much as the first time. One final time Jim thrust forward and screamed.

"YES! Cum for me Jim!" Mollie yelled grabbing his cock with both hands and pulling hard. He started cumming as hard as the first time, harder even. Mollie was prepared this time and lay under Jim using both hands to yank his thick snake up and down. She counted as nine wads fired out before his cock settled down and drooled thick cum on her chest.

"Christ Jim, you much have bottomless nuts!"

"I . . . I . . . I . . . usually cum . . . a lot," Jim said in between gasps for air. "But it's never been like this."

"Aw, you're going to make me blush."

"No really, it's so much better than just beating off."

"Well, I would hope so," Mollie said. "And it will get even better, but right now I've got to get up and towel off. A cum shower is nice, but only for a while. I'll be right back, don't go anywhere."

"I won't," Jim said as he rolled off Mollie. As she left the room she looked back to she Jim start stroking his cock to a full hard on. She shook her head in wonder, he did have bottomless nuts!

Jim jumped when he noticed Mollie return. She walked in the room totally nude, toweling herself off and noticed that he had been caught up by examining her bra.

"Just what were you doing?"

"Looking to see what size you wear," he said shyly.


"I don't know, I just like numbers, measurements. They tell the measurements of the centerfolds in Playboy. I wanted to know yours."

"You're really hung up on measurements,eh? Well, mine are 32-20-34, and I wear a C-cup. Does that turn you on more?"

"Yeah, it does."

"So I see," she said as she straddled Jim on the bed. "Well, how about we see how much of your prick we can stuff up my pussy?"

"Oh, god! Yes!" Jim said. "But first could we just measure it one more time? I feel so hard I know it's got to be bigger than before. Please?"

"Jim, this is getting a little weird, but okay. Just one more time," Mollie said. She climbed off Jim and reached again for her ruler.

"No, this time we do it the right way. I'll be right back." Jim jumped up off the bed and ran out of the room. Mollie stared as his huge prick bobbed up and down as he strode from the room.

Jim returned with a tape measure and a little book. "It's my record book, I measure my cock a few times a week, wanna see?"

"You're as weird as you are hung," Mollie replied. Then she saw that Jim had taken her comment a little too hard, so she pretended to be more interested. "How long have you been doing this?"

"About a year," Jim said, his spirits rising at Mollie's apparent interest in his book. He told her about his sessions with Greg and how he thought masturbating made is dick grow larger. The he showed her the detailed records of his length and circumference he had made at least one a week for the past ten months. Each entry was written neatly with a date next to it. His last entry was from a few days earlier and read 12-1/2" for his length and 8-5/16" for circumference. Next to that he had written the equation for the diameter of a circle and had 2.65" listed for the diameter. Well, at least he was learning his geometry thought Mollie.

"So what now?" Mollie asked.

"Well, I want to make sure I'm as hard as possible and then I measure the length and circumference and write it down," Jim explained.

"Well, I'll take care of the first part and you take care of the second part. How's that sound?"

"Sounds great to me!"

With that Mollie bent down and reached forward to take Jim's cock in her hands and began licking, sucking and nibbling his great cockhead. In a few minutes Jim's cock was at it's full throbbing hardest.

"Uhhnnn, okay . . . I think I'm ready," Jim said with a groan. He pulled the tape measure out and carefully laid it on top of his cock. Mollie watched with fascination at the young boy's ritual. He pushed the end of the tape measure hard against his abdomen and pulled it tight to the end of his cock.

"I knew it," Jim said. "Look, it's 12-5/8 inches long." He placed the tape at the halfway point of his penis and pulled it tight around his shaft. "8-7/16 inches around!" He was always excited when his cock measured bigger than the last time. He pulled a small calculator from his notebook, punched in some number and proudly told Mollie that he was 2.69 inches thick.

"A soda can is only 2.38 inches thick, so I'm . . . 0.31 inches thicker than Rick and 3-5/8 inches longer!" Jim said proudly.

"Well, good for you," Mollie said. And good for me she thought, not so much that Jim was so much bigger, though she was excited about that, but that this little detour had ended. "Now that we know just how huge you are, let's see how much we can fit inside. But I'm not quite ready, so you'll need to help me out. Are you willing?"

"Sure, anything you want," Jim said. He was like a puppy, thought Mollie.

"What I'd like you to do is to lick my pussy. It's not enough to have a big cock, you have to know how to use it and how to get a woman ready. Rick was really good at that," she told him knowing that she could get him to do anything she wanted by telling him Rick had done it. "So will you do that?"

"I guess, I've read about it in Penthouse and thought I'd like to try it sometime," Jim said.

"Okay, let me lie down and you move here and put your head here," she said positioning Jim's head between her legs. "Listen and I'll tell you what to do, okay?"

"Okay," Jim said hesitantly.

"Start by gently kissing and licking my thighs. Use your hands to massage my legs too. Rick was doing this in the car that night. Ummm, yeah that's it. Now work your way to my pussy. Start licking and kissing around it ever so slightly and then do it a little harder. Move around a little more. Yeah, you're getting it now, yeah, oh yeah, oh oh that's it."

Jim was starting to get into it. Hearing Mollie talk about her time with Rick and listening to her give him instructions and moan with pleasure when he followed them was really turning him on. He could barely control himself, it was all he could do to keep from pushing his face into Mollie's cunt and plunging his tongue deep inside her. He started to bite and nibble her ever so gently, moving around slowly and steadily. A little higher up and suddenly Mollie jumped and gasped. That must have been her clit, thought Jim. Maybe all that reading of Penthouse Forum had done more than just give him something to jack off about.

Mollie had stopped talking and started moaning loudly. She was always easily orgasmic when it came to oral sex. It was something about how it felt to have a man's head between her legs for the sole purpose of giving her pleasure. She loved to squeeze her thighs around him and feel his ears as he pressed hard into her pussy. Jim was picking this up quick she thought. It was nice to have such a quick learner. It more than made up for having to sit through is measuring ritual.

"OH - YES - THAT'S IT!!!!" she screamed. Jim sucked on her clit hard. A few more minutes and she knew she'd cum. She grabbed Jim's head and pushed his face harder into her pussy. "Oh yes, almost there, almost, yes, yes, YES! YES!" She screamed as the first waves of her orgasm hit. They'd been playing around now for almost two hours and she'd been so hot that this was a huge orgasm. Her body convulsed deeply and she shuddered through wave after wave while Jim continued licking, sucking and biting her clit.

"Okay, okay, okay," she gasped pulling Jim's head away. "That's good , oh god was that good."

"Better that Rick?" Jim asked.

"Well, it was pretty close, but Rick's had more practice. If you keep at it you'll get there," she told him, knowing that way he'd go down on her whenever she wanted. "Now I'm ready to put your big, fat, hard cock in my cunt. Are you ready for that?"

"Yeah, I'm ready," Jim gasped. He was even more turned on at her choice of words.

"Okay, but I'll have to be on top. You're too big to just bang that big fucker up inside me, so you lie back and hold you cock straight up . . . yeah, just like that. Now I'm going to get on top and see if we can fit this big fuck stick up my little cunt."

Mollie climbed on top and straddled Jim's massive rod. She grabbed his cock and placed the head at her slit. She rubbed the giant cockhead up and down her slit mixing her own juices with Jim's precum. "Bottomless nuts," she thought again.

Slowly her cunt lips opened as she pressed down on Jim. It was going to be a big stretch. Just the tip of the head was in and she pushed harder. It was slipping inside, but only an inch or so. She pushed harder and a few more inches followed. Now she had his whole cockhead inside.

"Okay - okay - wait," she gasped. "Oh you're so big, so fuckin' big! Oh god it's stretching me! Oh god, just let me get used to this for a minute." She began to fuck Jim's cockhead in and out, holding his shaft just below her cunt. After a few minutes of this she tried for a few more inches.

"Yeah, take it Mollie, come on take my fat cock up that cunt!" Jim screamed as he bucked his hips up towards Mollie's. She managed to get a few more inches on that stroke and screamed as his cock stretched her.

"Oh god, you're ripping me in half! You're too thick, too thick! No more, no more! Just let me fuck this for a while" She slowly eased up until just his cock head remained inside her. Her cunt collapsed as she pulled herself off his hip splittingly thick cock.

After resting a few moments she slid back down letting her cunt be filled by Jim's massive rod. She could take about five inches before she had to stop. Slowly she started fucking Jim, riding his horse cock up and down. She could feel his dick throbbing as it stretched her cunt walls more than they'd ever been stretched before.

Rick's cock had been big and really got her off, but Jim's cock was even bigger and was nearly ripping her in half. Her pain slowly gave way to pleasure, an incredible amount of pleasure. As her pussy relaxed she took a few more inches. Looking down she saw she had nearly seven inches of Jim's fat prick buried within her pussy. She had taken Rick's full nine inches, she thought, but but there were three and a half more inches to Jim! Three and 5/8 inches, she corrected herself. Could she take the whole thing, she wondered. It was so thick and stretching her so much, but she was determined.

As she pressed down to get the next inch of Jim's meat inside her, she felt his cockhead deep inside, too deep. On that stroke his cockhead banged into her cervix, not too hard, but hard enough to cause her some pain.

"Oh god, you're so deep, sooooooo deeeep," she screamed. The pain of Jim's cockhead hitting her cervix triggered an orgasm. Wave after wave of orgasm spread from her pussy throughout her body, she convulsed and shook in pleasure. She managed to sink down a few more inches on to Jim's thick rod. With ten inches in her Jim was now deeper than any man had ever been and her cunt was stretched more than she thought possible.

Jim watched as Mollie sank on to his prick taking in fully ten inches of his thick shaft. She was so tight that he felt like she was going to squeeze the cum right out of him. He could feel her cunt squeeze his cock harder when she came. Jim reached up and stroked Mollie's 32C tits, squeezing them and then pinching the nipples. Overcome with lust he slid his hands down to her narrow waist and help her steady as he started thrusting his awesome member into her severly stretched pussy. He was raising her up and down, almost using her body to jack off his massive meat.

"NO! STOP, YOU'RE TOO BIG FOR THAT!!!!" Mollie screamed as Jim's thrusting got harder. The thick blunt end of his cock was banging into her cervix on each thrust causing her exquisite pain. The walls of her cunt were stretched tightly around his thick meaty shaft, she could feel it pulse as it plowed deep inside her. Soon she felt the massive cock that was splitting he in half throb and grow even larger in her cunt.

"I'm gonna cum Mollie! Gonna shoot my wad!" Jim screamed as he fucked Mollie's tight snatch faster and faster. He was slamming her so hard she was lifted up off the bed. His cock was a blur of motion sliding in and out of her cunt. On each thrust ten inches of thick prick was buried in Mollie's cunt. It was all she could do to hold on.

"NO!!!! Don't cum inside me," Mollie screamed as she forced herself off of Jim. Cum was already flowing from Jim's cock slit as she slipped it from her pussy, she moved quickly between Jim's legs grabbing the enormous girth of his cock with both hands and yanking his shaft up and down with all the force she could muster.

"Cum, cum now! Blast that sperm out of your big balls! Cum for me baby, cum for me Jim!" she screamed as she worked his cock as hard as she could. His cock throbbed and grew in her hands as she felt the first load pulse from his big hairy balls though the foot long shaft. She pointed his cock straight up and watched as it sent the first load up spunk streaming into the air. She'd never seen a guy cum this much or this often before. Jim's second load blasted even higher, it was in danger of touching the ceiling. His next half dozen wads didn't go as high but they looked just as big. Would his cock ever stop shooting off, she wondered. Apparently not as Jim's cock spurted out two more loads. Then it subsided. But cum still flowed from the slit of his prick covering it with semen, just like everything else. The bed, Mollie and Jim were all wet and sticky with the results of Jim's third orgasm.

After this time Jim's cock didn't get soft, it was harder than ever. Mollie had collapsed on top of him when his orgasm had stopped but now his cock was throbbing and hungry again. He grabbed Mollie's tight little ass and used it to grind her pelvis into his own. She wrapped her hands around his head and kissed him hard, snaking her tongue into his mouth.

Jim returned the gesture and started pumping his mid-section into Mollie's. He could feel her juices flowing from her pussy down on the the shaft of his cock. He had to be inside her again. Instinct took over and he rolled Mollie over on to her back and climbed on top. She spread her legs as wide as possible. Jim placed the head of his gigantic dick at the entrance of her pussy and started thrusting forward. Mollie reached down and guided his cock home. His cockhead slide in easily and a few more inches followed. Jim bucked hard to push more and more of his cock into Mollie.

To Mollie it felt like she was a virgin all over again. Her pussy was being stretched further than she ever thought possible. Jim's cock was going so deep she thought she could feel it in her throat. His strokes her so long that she thought they would never end, and he was only halfway inside her. Mollie groaned in ecstasy.

"Yeah, baby, that's only half my of my big cock," Jim shouted. "Do you think you can handle the next six inches?!?!" With that Jim shoved his huge invading shaft deeper into Mollie's cunt. He bottomed out with still two inches left outside. Mollie screamed in pain as the blunt head of Jim's cock slammed into her cervix.

"NOOO!!! IT'S TOO BIGG!!!" Mollie screamed in pain. But Jim was too excited to stop. He kept thrusting his long, thick tool deep into Mollie's tight cunt. Mollie was stretched so tight her clit was being rubbed on each stroke. She felt a massive orgasm building from deep within her. It seemed to grow from the point where Jim's prick bottomed out and spread over her entire body. She shuddered hard as the first waves of orgasm washed through her. She'd never had a multiple orgasm before, so this was her first. It never seemed to stop. When she calmed down a bit Jim's huge, invading monster pushed her over the top again.

Jim's tempo picked up. Mollie could feel his incredibly thick shaft throbbing inside her, she knew he was about to cum. Wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his shoulders she began to match Jim's thrusts. She could feel his fat balls slapping her ass as he slammed his horse sized prick into her over stretched cunt.

"Uuhhnn, gonna cum . . . " Jim groaned.

"Give it to me in my mouth," Mollie begged. "Not inside, not in my cunt!"

But it was too late, she could feel the first blast firing from Jim's massive cum cannon. She had to push him off her, as Jim kept shooting his load. Thick ropes of cum shot out of his thick, wet cock. Again he covered Mollie with his load before she could bring his cockhead to her mouth. After tasting his cum earlier Mollie had to have more, and she wasn't disappointed, Jim's voluminous load was only half done by the time she began slurping up his jism. Holding his cock with both hands the pumped it hard to milk as much as possible from his gargantuan nuts. Before he was finished Mollie had swallowed a half dozen mouth-fulls of his sweet spunk.

This time she was relieved to see Jim's cock deflate.

"God, I thought you'd never stop cumming!" Mollie said. "I've never seen one guy shoot so much so often."

"There's plenty more where that came from," Jim said with a smile as he began stroking his cock to yet another hardon. Mollie smiled and knew she was going to have a summer filled with getting filled with the boy's massive penis.

End Chapter 2

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