Growing Up Dick Grayson

By em.notorp@mottobissob

Published on May 7, 2023



This is a completely fictional work based on the character Dick Grayson but is in NO WAY affiliated with DC Comics or any of its subsidiaries. This is strictly FAN FICTION!

Growing Up Dick Grayson Chapter 4

Dick's body suddenly became covered in goosebumps, his thighs shook with fury, his tunnel tightened around the trusting cock inside him and his short moans turned into a run-on sentence as orgasm overtook his body.

He only felt the outer lips of his hole spasm when suddenly his clitty erupted. The force from the push was so hard it expelled Penny from him completely as a long shot of piss skyrocketed its way to Dick's face. His legs and feet fell from their position causing his knees to almost reach his shoulders.

Penny grabbed the boys from highs and pushed them back, forcefully inserting his concrete fuck stick back in causing a second string to shoot past Dicks head completely, wetting the sheet above him. Penny knew if he didn't fuck the boy as hard as he could through it his orgasm would be ruined, so he pumped as hard and as fast as he could.

Dick stopped moaning long enough to catch his breath and moaned louder as he began to lose all control. His bladder continued to empty itself in long, hard bursts as Penny continued shoving his fuck stick in and out of him as hard as he could.

Dicks spasms were matching Penny's rhythm, pushing his cock out completely with each spasm. His once tiny hole was now a fully bloomed cunt. The sound of their bodies clapping together and moans were now joined by what Dick could only describe as sloppy wet kisses coming from his ass. Each time Penny would fuck himself all the way inside air would escape Dicks love tunnel adding to tune of their love making.

Inexperienced Dick still thought of that sound as something funny or gross, but the expression on Penny's face showed him it was nothing out of the ordinary and something that was to be proud of.

It was all too much for Penny. His deep strokes became frantic as his low hanging nut sack began to tighten. His cock swole as if stung by a bee.

Dick's dicklet spasmed one final shot, landing in his face. His body tensed, tightening the ring right inside his pussy, pulling Penny's cock so tight he froze.

Penny's face flushed, sweat beaded his forehead and his balls erupted. He was buried to his pubic bone as puddles of cum began fill his shaft to overflowing. Dick felt Penny throb inside of him.

Penny's whole body jerked as his cock spilled a first spurt so long and thick it ran out of him like an open drain. Dick could feel the fire hot spunk shooting up his body and fill him like a glass. Penny's second, third and fourth shots were back to back, each coming with a hard throb and bucket fulls of man jizz. His hips rocked with each spurt, pushing him further and further into the boy. His orgasm was so intense he began to drool, landing all over Dick's face and neck. 4 more shots of blazing baby batter ejected violently from Penny filling Dick over capacity.

Penny began to regain consciousness, thinking his orgasm was ending. He started to pull back, but the slight sensation sent 3 more spurts of cum flying out of him. Never in his life had he experienced an orgasm like this. His cock felt like it had melted from a solid pole into pure liquid.

Dicks little body was trembling by this point. His torso was covered in his own piss, his face was drizzled with Penny's spit, his bottom was filled to the brim with something he couldn't even produce and his clit was still as hard as the moment he climbed out his window.

When Penny finally felt his manhood begin to soften he slid both arms under Dick's and brought their bodies together. Penny rolled them over so that he was on his back and Dick lay on top of him. The wetness between them slid Dick up just enough all the was left inside of him was the head of Penny's python.

Dick picked his head up and locked eyes with Penny. Their gaze meant something more now. Something only they understood and knew the meaning to. He couldn't help but lock lips with his older beau.

As they shared their passionate kiss the wall that was Penny's cock head finally gave way. Escaping along with it was plenty of air and a steady stream of semen that poured out of young Dick Grayson like a cup with a hole in it.

Penny felt the warm liquid engulf his entire groin. It wet his public hair, covered and slid down his shift until running like a waterfall onto his nutsack, pooling on the sheet beneath him.

Dick could only feel the wet air escape him, again looking to Penny's reaction for reassurance.

Their kisses calmed to short pecks as their bodies grew tired.

"We're a mess" Penny chuckled as they lay on the wet sheets.

Dick smiled and laughed at the remark as he lay his head on Penny's shoulder.

"We should probably go clean up" Penny insisted "you have to go back home at some point"

He ran his fingers through Dick's short hair when an awful idea crossed his mind.

"Dick" he started "there's something I want you to do for me"

Young Dick looked into Penny's eyes and replied "Anything"

"I want you to clean my dick and balls with your mouth" he insisted. "I want you to taste what I do when I taste you. I think it'll help you understand why I like to lick your butt so much"

The thought initially was grotesque to Dick, but Penny's reasoning gave way to curiosity as he wanted to know what he tasted like to Penny.

"Don't worry buddy" Penny continued. "You won't be the only one cleaning up. I want you to slide around so I can clean off your backside"

Penny was completely taking advantage of Dicks naive nature, knowing the boy had no idea how kinky their play time was getting. Dick was tired and completely spent, but if doing this made Penny happy he was willing to try. The slickness of Dick's pissgasm soaking their bodies made him slick enough to just slide around from facing one head to another.

Dicks mouth fell open at the sight of Penny's package. There was cum everywhere. He couldn't believe that much came out of him. As soon as the aroma of cum tickled his nose hair any thoughts of cleaning off Penny being "gross" left his mind and replaced it with hunger. Dick stuck out his tongue and licked up the cum off the shaft. It tasted sweeter, saltier, slightly bitter and definitely thicker.

"I didn't think Penny's cum could taste any better but boy this is amazing!" Dick thought to himself.

Dick wasn't alone in his amazement. When Penny laid eyes on the sloppy mess that was once Dicks virgin hole his mouth fell open as well. It was still oozing cum. Penny dove straight in tongue first, greedily lapping up the mix of cum and boy juices. They both were entranced by this combination. When Dick finished the last bit off Penny's hardening rod he wasted no time getting down on the golf ball sized nuts and their fleshy sack. Penny stopped his tongue fuck long enough to slurp the bit of cum that escaped to the boys taint. Dick was so wide open Penny could stick his entire tongue inside him and wiggle it around.

Feeling Penny's tongue inside him sent chills down Dicks spine, forcing a moan from his mouth.

The vibration on Penny's nuts from the moan sent waves up his shaft, drawing it to attention.

Just like that neither of them were tired anymore. Their mouths worked harder as they tried to stimulate the other for a second round.

Next: Chapter 5

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