Growing Up Dick Grayson

By em.notorp@mottobissob

Published on Apr 27, 2023



This is a completely fictional work based on the character of Dick Grayson but is no way affiliated with DC Comics or any of its subsidiaries.

This is strictly FAN FICTION!

His father concluded his speech and Dick gathered his things to make his way to Penny's tent.

Pulling back the curtains his eyes became transfixed on the unmade bed and it's thrown about sheets bearing damp spots all over filling his thoughts with the movie that was the night before. His pucker tightened and he shivered with anticipation as his eyes searched the room for his lover. Dick took a few steps towards the lavatory to hear the sound of Penny's voice, humming a tune.

"Penny?" Dick called.

"I'm finishing my bath, Dick" Penny replied from his oversize claw foot tub. "Ill be out in a minute."

Dick hesitated for a second but ultimately continued to walk towards the bathroom anxious to see his lover in the daylight. Penny was washing the remaining bit of shampoo out of his hair when Dick walked in.

"How'd you sleep?" asked Dick. The closeness of his voice startling Penny.

"Dick!" Penny jumped. "I thought you were waiting in the bedroom."

"I couldn't wait to see you" Dick blushed.

Penny smiled and reached up to ruffle the sweet boys hair "Im glad to see you too"

Penny pulled the drain from the tub and stood up to grab his towel. Dick's mouth fell open as Penny's large cock swung about while towel drying his hair. He couldn't believe he fit something so large into his once tiny cherry. He sat on his hands to keep himself from reaching out to touch it as it swung back and forth waving to him.

"Ready for our day?" Penny asked

"You bet!" Dick exclaimed

Once in the car, Dick finally mustered up the courage to mention the previous night. He slid to the middle of the bench seat, cozying up to Penny, which wasn't out of the ordinary for the two of them. Penny in turn put his arm around Dick and rested his hand on the boys plump rump, which wasn't out of the ordinary either.

"I really had a lot of fun last night." Dicks words breaking the silence.

"Me too Dick, me too." Penny replied. "Dick I hope you were okay with what all happened and you were comfortable with it because if I hurt you at all I just don't think I could live with myself."

"Hurt me?" Dick responded. "Ive never felt anything like that before. I wanted it to go on forever. It felt so good that when I got home I did it again with my fingers and wet my bed."

Penny laughed at the boys revelation.

"So you really enjoyed it?" he asked again for reassurance.

"Boy did I ever!" exclaimed Dick. "When can we do it again?"

"Whoa buddy" Penny continued to chuckle. "You're just getting started. There's a lot more I have to show you, but we can do it again soon enough."

"Show me what?" Dick's curiosity began to peak but there was something else on his mind he had to get off.

"Well there are other things we can do to make each other feel good like-"

"Penny" Dick interrupted. "There's something I want to tell you."

"Sure thing buddy you can tell me anything"

"I really like you. Kinda like my mom likes my dad. Actually I love you. I love you like my mom loves my daddy."

"There I said it" he added, blushing.

"And I love you too buddy. I feel the exact same way." Penny confessed as he lightly patted Dick's ass and leaned over to plant a kiss on the boys forehead.

"So what else can we do to make each other feel good?" Dick questioned.

"Well..." Penny smirked. "You know how I kissed you with my tongue last night? If you do that same thing while moving your head up and down on my pecker it feels great!"

"Kind of like what you did on my hiney hole last night?" Dick asked back.

"I thought you were asleep for that" Penny confessed.

"I was at first, but it felt so good I woke up and I didn't want you to stop so I didn't say anything. I tasted it on your tongue too when we kissed and I liked it." Dick also confessed.

Without being asked Dick reached out for the button of Penny's trousers.

"Whoa kid not while I'm driving!" Penny protested.

"Pleaseeeee?" begged Dick. "I want to practice so I can be good at making you feel good."

Penny hadn't done a very good job protesting because Dick already had his little hand wrapped around the growing snake.

"Well at least pull em down" Penny said as he sat up off the seat allowing Dick to pull his trousers down around his ankles.

Halfway hard Penny's dick was bigger around than his boy lovers wrist and at full mast was damn near as long as Dick's forearm. The eager boy took the grown man cock in his hand and kissed around it's head and down it's shaft. He inspected the growing member with his lips and then his tongue, licking every vein on his way down to the dark patch of pubic hair. Back to the top he parted his lips and took in the head, bobbing up and down while attempting to swirl his tongue.

"Oohhhhhh Dick" moaned Penny.

He bobbed up and down as far as he could go, the huge tube hitting the start of his throat each thrust. Penny reached down and guided the boys hand up and down in rhythm with his mouth. He grabbed the boys other hand and placed it on his tightening ball sack, showing him just how he liked to have his cock and balls serviced. With all this attention he began to leak precum into the boy's mouth.

Dick's first taste of the salty fluid had him addicted. He pumped, slurped, and fondled for more and more keeping his pace and rhythm consistent. Penny showed him how to use his free hand to jerk the remaining skin up and down causing his legs to shake and moans grew louder. The balls in Dick's hand drew in further to Penny's body and the secretions from his cock increased dramatically.

"Ohhhhhh shit Dick keep going" Pennys voice shook as he uttered the words. "Just like that ohhhhhh fuck!"

Dick kept his pace as Penny's cock pulsed in his hand and into his mouth shot the first spurt of spunk, going directly to his throat. Dick pulled up and swallowed his gift quickly realizing Penny wasn't finished. A second large rope shot through his teeth and directly on his tongue. Dick didn't swallow right away now anticipating more of his delicious new treat. 5, 6 and then 7 more shots followed until Dick's mouth was filled to the brim. He pulled off Penny's cock and swallowed four times to get it all down. He loved how he could feel the warmth of the liquid slide all the way down to his stomach. Penny reached down and pulled his foreskin tight releasing the last bit of cum from his shaft. Dick immediately licked it off his lovers sensitive cock head.

"How did I do?" Dick asked.

A big grin was beaming from Pennys face as he replied "Phenomenal! And apparently you really like the taste of jizz huh?"

"It taste really good" Dicks smile beamed back.

The boys arrived in town a short while later and did their shopping. On the drive home Penny pulled the truck over to jump out and pee.

"Is pee the same as jizz?" the inexperienced Dick asked.

"No buddy" his grown up lover responded. "It's salty like jizz but it taste much different."

"Can I taste it?" the curious boy asked.

"You want to taste my pee?"

"Well I figure if I like your jizz that much your pee has got to be just as good..."

The boy did have a point. Lucky for him Penny was a piss pig as well and had no problem at all giving the boy a drink from his tap.

Penny had been smart enough to pull off the main highway onto a small dirt path so he wouldn't be seen with his dick out.

While they were hopping out the truck Penny instructed Dick to remove his clothes as things could get messy. Looking down at the boy Penny couldn't believe how much their relationship had changed in a few short hours. He had fantasized this scenario and the night before many times imagining how good the boys hole would feel and taste, but the real thing was better than anything he could have dreamed up. He was having a hard time keeping his cock soft as he pulled it out of his unzipped pants and aimed it at his boy lover's beautiful face.

"Here ya go buddy" Penny signaled to Dick as he opened wide to receive his drink.

Penny started easy with a small stream to allow Dick to decide whether he liked it or not. Dick however surprised him by swallowing quickly and opening his mouth for more. Penny giggled a bit as he shot more into the waiting mouth, this time filling it a bit more. Dick promptly swallowed again and opened up for more.

"What you think?" asked Penny.

"It's great!" Dick excitedly answered. "I love how salty it is."

Penny reached down and cupped the left side of the boys face. "That's what I like too buddy. You ready for more?"

Dick didn't answer verbally, instead opening his mouth wide and sticking out his tongue. Penny filled the boys mouth quickly but was unable to cut off his stream to allow the boy to swallow causing the hot light yellow liquid to overflow down Dick's chin, chest and his boy bits before finally pooling in the dirt.

Dick closed his mouth to swallow but Penny was still pissing away. The stream bounced off his lips and spread all over his face. Dick became aware that all this had his boy bits so hard it ached for attention, making him reach down and jerk his foreskin as he had done Pennys. He reopened his makeshift urinal and continued to drink until the warm stream became just a few dribbles, swallowing as much of it as possible. The last drop was attached to Penny's semi hard cock - and Dick had to have it. His puckered lips attached to the hose, grabbing the precious liquid.

Now closer to Penny's exposed cock and balls Dick began to experience another turn on. The aroma of sweat, cum, skin, and piss permeating from the area intoxicated him, inviting him in to stay for a while. He puckered his lips again and gave the head a few kisses and licks. Penny knew he should stop the boy. They were out in public. Anyone could drive by and see them, but he couldn't help himself. His heart and mind was so full of lust and love he couldn't deny the boy even the most ludicrous request in the moment. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect their relationship to take off like this so suddenly. Dick was at that age where his pecker was hard all the time and he was experiencing things in his body he had never felt before. Little did he know Penny was just the right man to help him explore all of those feelings and more.

He let the boy suck and lick for a bit but knew this nut wouldn't come as fast as the first did. Dick sucked, slurped, licked, drooled and gagged on the giant tool that was stretching his lips. He was hungry for more man cum and was determined to get it. He stroked the balls like before and tugged the exposed foreskin.

Dick pulled off for a second to catch his breath. Penny grabbed his cock and jerked it furiously.

"Why don't you give my balls a few kisses?" He asked of the boy.

Dick took one nut and then the other in his mouth, alternating licking the sack all around.

"Like that?" He asked for validation.

"Just like that buddy" Penny approved. "You're such a good boy."

Penny opened his legs more and grabbed the boys head pushing it down further. When his legs opened another aroma suddenly hit Dick's olfactory. This one was a bit more familiar but normally didn't have a pleasing affect like it did this time. Dick was filled with carnal lust as the smell from Penny's ass took over. It was musky and sweet, not pungent like he expected. It was manly, and attracted the young boy's attention. He continued to lick Penny's sack, but his tongue was on a trail to another place. When he reached the taint Penny shivered and moaned loudly signaling to Dick he was on the right track.

Dicks entire head was between Penny's legs. The wet ball sack he was just licking was now resting on the top of his head. When Dick's tongue finally reached the bottom of Penny's ass crack he let out a soft moan of satisfaction.

"You like that baby?" Penny asked

"Yeahhhhh" Dick moaned

Penny grabbed the boys head pulling him out to much protest.

"You think you'd want to lick my hole like I did yours last night?" Penny asked the willing boy.

"Very much" Dick obliged.

Penny turned around facing away from the boy and bent over slightly. Dick remembered Penny had his ass cheeks spread open while doing this last night, so he reached up and spread Penny's. He moved in and stuck his tongue out, getting an exceptionally sharp whiff of man ass. Dick realized in this moment he loved Penny way more than he thought he did. Not only had he drank this man's cum, sucked his dick off, given him his virginity and even drank his piss. Now he was about to eat his sweaty, dirty ass out in public for any and every one to see.

The first taste was a little bitter, but the softness of the skin against his tongue was fantastic. Dick settled in to his first rim job, pretending he was making out with the hole. He licked, kissed and slightly sucked making Penny's legs shake.

"Ohhhhhhh damn Dick" Penny moaned as his balls tightened.

Dick attempted to push his tongue inside the hole as Penny had done the night before and that was all she wrote. He wiggled his tongue inside his lover's ass and moved his lips around like he was giving it a French kiss.

Penny was furiously pumping his dick to orgasm number 3 when Dick's tongue actually got inside him.

"Ahhhhhh FUCK!" Penny exclaimed "open up boy here it comes!"

He spun around quickly and grabbed the boys head sticking his piss slit right at Dicks lips.

Dick loved the pissy taste of this load. It seemed larger that the load he swallowed in the car earlier that day. Penny's cock now housed Dicks two favorite drinks. He stuck his tongue out and licked the underside of Penny's spurting dick head allowing his mouth to fill with man seed.

"That's it boy" Penny moaned "Swallow my cum"

And Dick did exactly as he was told. When Penny finally finished cumming he shook the last bit into Dicks mouth.

"Now show me what a good boy you've been" Penny commanded

Dick opened his mouth to show his lover he had completed his task, even sticking his tongue out for inspection.

It took everything in Penny not to spit on the boys waiting tongue, however he did take notice of how open and willing Dick was to please him, fully planning to take advantage of it.

The two boys shared a passionate kiss before putting their clothes back on and making their way to camp so they could prepare for the nights show.

Next: Chapter 3

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