Growing Up Dick Grayson

By em.notorp@mottobissob

Published on Apr 26, 2023


I'm usually not good with categories, but I'm pretty sure this one falls under Gay/Adult-Youth. Does contain water sports.


This is a completely fictional work based on the character of Dick Grayson but is no way affiliated with DC Comics or any of its subsidiaries. This is strictly FAN FICTION!

Dick Grayson was not an average 8 year old. He didn't go to school, he didn't live in one place, he had already started working, and he already knew he was gay. His family were trapeze artists and part of a traveling circus that toured the country non stop. He became part of the act two years ago though he had been training for the role since he could walk. He loved it because it was all he knew and how he received praise from his parents.

Dick discovered his attraction to men when last year as a new ring leader Penny Trait took over after the previous master of ceremonies retired.

Penny was a European man who immigrated in his teens when he joined an international traveling circus. He too was a gymnast in his early life and career before becoming a ring leader. He was very slender for a six foot man and slightly effeminate which helped his stage presence and ability to engage a crowd.

Dick and Penny both realized their attractions the first time they met. To everyone else it was a normal handshake, but when Penny and Dick locked eyes and flesh at the same time each of them knew they were in each others lives for something greater.

The night their sexual relationship started wasn't anything unusual. Their show went on perfectly as it did every night. Dick's family had dinner after the performance and he was off to bed. His young mind fell into a very familiar dream of his long time crush. The dream was a mix of actual events, passing flirtations, and pure fantasy. He woke suddenly from the dream in the same place he always did - just as their lips touched to kiss - with the same throbbing boner it always gave him.

Tonight though Dick's boner took over and sent an overdose of courage to the boy's mind. He jumped out of bed stark naked, opened his window and climbed out as he had done on many nights before.

His boy bone led the way straight to Penny's tent. It was a lavish maze of sheets and rugs hung from ropes, giving the illusion of rooms. There was no front door, only a curtain Dick had pulled back on several nights before this one to peep in on his sleeping crush.

He made his way though the winding path of tables, chairs, curtains and rugs until finally his now adjusted to the darkness eyes could make out the silhouette of Penny's huge bed.

There he was. As naked as the tigers he so majestically directed night after night. His body, dimly lit by his flickering bedside lantern, was only covered by his over stuffed quilt from his knees down and bunched up at the end of the bed as if he had been kicking it off in his sleep. Young Dick was truly mesmerized by the beauty before him. The dim light danced around his perfectly chiseled abdomen down to the shadows cast by the patch of hair that trailed the underside of his belly button. The only hair aside from that circled his long flaccid member which rose and fell in rhythm with his breathing. Like his personality, Penny's cock was commanding and large. To Dick it looked as thick as his forearm and called for his undivided attention.

Though Dick was drawn in by the scene before him he had no idea where to begin or how to approach. He was frozen in the door way -- until his gaze was broken by his own shadow showing in his peripheral vision. His silhouette was interrupted by his boner which stood at attention and pointed directly at Penny. Following his body he tip toed in the direction of the bed as gently as possible unaware of what he would do when he got there. His gaze was locked on the mini fire hose between his mentor's legs as he inched closer and closer until he could feel the warmth of Penny's body.

Though he had only been there a few minutes Dick felt like he had spent hours staring the body before him up and down, taking mental pictures to memorize every creak and crevice. A gust of wind that rattled the tent snapped him out of his trance as Penny's body began to move. Dick was frozen in fear as the man before him turned on his side never waking in the process.

Dick had always wanted to be close to Penny. They had done everything together. Dick had badly wanted to confess his love and attraction to Penny but feared rejection. Dick decided that if he had any chance to prove his feelings for Penny it was now. He began his attempt to climb in bed without waking his love. As Dick curled up, the warm touch of Penny's skin against him electrified his body with all sorts of new feelings. He was laying right in Penny's arms, his big spoon, as he had seen his mom and dad cuddle like this most nights. When his tight little butt cheeks met Penny's manhood he instinctively lined his crack up to the giant beanstalk and let out a quiet moan. The feeling of something at his back door was new and fascinating, and he couldn't help but grind his hips a bit on the large rod until it had parted his cheeks and rested comfortably between them. He reached back to grab Penny's arm and put it around him. Dick had never felt more comfortable than he did in this moment and wished it would last forever. He was a little too comfortable though and fell fast asleep within minutes of laying down, exhausted from all the new feelings the night had brought him.

A few hours later Penny began to wake, his body hot and sweating. He first saw the lamp on his bed table flickering in and out as it was near empty. When he came to well enough he realized he wasn't alone. His midnight piss boner felt as if it was being squeezed and his hand felt skin that wasn't his. He slid his hand up feeling for the face of his bed partner and turned it towards him to get a look. His suspicions were correct.

Dick -- the young Grayson son he'd lusted after all this time -- was in his bed and had perfectly lodged his grown man cock between the his smooth, beautiful ass cheeks. Penny was unsure what to do. He knew what his cock wanted but he was unsure of the boys intentions here. He nuzzled the nape of the boys neck taking in his scent and tasting the skin of his long awaited lover. His hands ran down Dick's tight body until he reached his hairless groin. Penny let his fingers feel up and down Dick's tiny clit, then rolled his bean size balls around in their sack. The friction from the slight movement was causing Pennys throbbing knob to began leaking and in turn wetting the boy's plump backside. He grabbed the boys waist and slid his cock up and down the sleeping boys crack smearing the trail of pre cum. The small bit of pre fuck wasn't enough to make it slick enough to slide his cock on comfortably, when the reason he woke up in the first place made a sharp grin overtake his face.

Penny pulled his long cock out with a slight pop, grabbed one of the sleeping boys cheeks with one hand and pointed his throbbing rod with the other. His early morning piss almost stung it felt so good leaving his bone as it splashed and trickled down Dick's bubble butt. It was almost enough to make him cum then and there, but he was careful not to go to far too fast and turned his hose off after several long seconds.

He stuck his cock back between the piss drenched cheeks and gyrated his hips back and forth while his face, still nuzzled in the boys neck, was taking in the sweet smell of boy sweat. His big fuck stick was now constantly leaking pre cum generously sending his need for release through the roof. Releasing the boys tiny clit and balls from his grasp he reached back and positioned his member towards its destination. He pulled his foreskin all the way up so a particularly large, thick strand of pre fuck oozed it's way out of his piss slit. Penny rubbed the clear liquid all over his mushroom dick head and moved in to begin his quest.

Penny could feel the ridges pressed up against his slick rod which took over his mind and body with pleasure signals. He began to slowly push against the resistant pucker, making sure to easily move his hips back and forth as to not wake the boy - but Penny knew the boy wouldn't stay asleep for long at this rate. His repeated knocks remained unanswered as the boys hole was just too small for his obscenely large penis. He decided if he couldn't fuck the boys asshole he at least wanted to taste the cherry red button and attempt to slide in a finger or two.

He woefully pulled his cock from between the precum and piss slick asscheeks and began to knead them like bread as he slid his body down on the bed making him eye level with the juicy peach in front of him. He reached up and turned the boy slightly so that he would be more on his stomach and slid the boys left leg upwards a bit to give him easier access to his prize. With one hand on each cheek, Penny slowly spread them and moved his face as close as he could to the beauty before him. The boy's scent was intoxicating - his own precum, piss and manhood mixed with boy sweat and innocence. With every breath Penny's need grew stronger and stronger.

He had to taste him.

Penny's lips laid a soft kiss right on the boys opening. He continued to peck and nuzzled for a bit until he was ready to begin his feast. Penny's tongue danced on Dick's cherry as his mouth began to water uncontrollably. The boy was sweet and bitter, soft but firm, delicious and decadent.

Sadly Penny knew he couldn't go on forever. If his actions woke the boy they might scare him away, meaning Penny would never get the opportunity to take the nights events further. He lapped his tongue a few more times and breathed deeply just to savor the flavor and aroma of his love before pulling himself away to finally relieve his overfilled bladder. His dick drooled precum almost to the floor as he stood up, grabbing the strand and pulling it to his mouth for good measure.

After relieving himself he returned to the bed and placed his aching bone back between the boys cheeks with a squish, sending pleasure all throughout his body. The plump cheeks were now slicker than before to which Penny, so full of lust for the boy he couldn't control himself, began to gyrate his hips making him repeatedly knock at Dick's door.

All the movement made Dick finally stir in his sleep causing Penny to freeze. When Dick finally opened his eyes he was unsure where he was until he felt the stiff rod between his cheeks and the arm around his chest. His boy bits felt slick and wet, making the stiffness between him feel amazing. He pushed back a little bit letting the rod slide, sending goosebumps all over his body. He tried to remain still, unaware if Penny was awake or not for just a second longer.

"Dick?" Penny whispered softly.

The boy froze, scared to death that he had been caught sneaking in the bed of his mentor. He didn't respond verbally, instead reaching to the hand Penny had around him and grabbed it, giving it a squeeze.

"What are you doing here?" Penny again whispered, not wanting to be heard by anyone out side of his tent.

Dick was still terrified and couldn't speak when he opened his mouth. He brought the man hand up to his mouth and gave it a loving peck before returning it to his hip.

Penny returned the boys kiss, but to his neck, causing the boys legs to slightly shake. Dick turned his head to look at the man he was in love with. No sooner than they made eye contact, their lips made contact as well. Months of pinned up lust finally bursted, resulting in a passionate make out. Penny's hips thrusted uncontrollably. His dick head sliding up the boys tiny nut sack until it met the tiny boy penis. Penny pulled back and lined his shaft up against Dick's opening. He pushed firmly, the friction causing them both to moan and shake at their first feelings of true pleasure.

Penny took control and pulled the boy on top of him, not breaking their kiss. Dick's nostrils filled with unfamiliar smells, not knowing until that moment he could be attracted to a scent. It was his own musk on Penny's breath and face, mixed with the sweet smell of man cum, sending him further into lust with the man before him. He straddled his soon to be lover and sat himself right on Penny's seat. Dicks feelings of sheer pleasure came each time he moved his slick behind up and down Penny's length, and he began to do so consistently. Penny's hands on each of Dick's hips guided him up and down. They moaned lustfully into each other's mouths as the friction between them increased exponentially.

This continued until Pennys cock was so swollen he thought it might burst. His large balls were drawn in tight against his body, ready to spill their fluid at any second.

Penny firmly grabbed the boy by each ass cheek and pulled him up so that his precum soaked cock head lined up with Dick's tiny cherry. He pushed gently against the pink wrinkled pucker until he could feel the skin began to part and attempt to accept the gargantuan invader. Just a few more pumps and precum began to ooze into the boy's entrance, giving it just enough lubrication to accept the tip of Penny's poker. Lightning ran through Dick's little body as the pleasure began to sharpen. They both were in the throws of ecstasy - heads back, eyes closed, mouths open, moans uncontrollable. Dick wanted more and pushed down harder each stroke until the head of his lover's fully grown cock entered and exited him with ease.

Penny couldn't take it anymore. His cock began to twitch and pulse uncontrollably, his legs shook, his breathing quickened and his face twisted as his orgasm began. The absurdly tight love tunnel was squeezing his cock so hard he could literally feel the ridge lined walls gripping him. Both his balls sent everything in them up to his waiting shaft until his swollen head finally erupted scorching hot baby batter into Dick's broken cherry. Each spurt lubricating the boys insides allowing more and more of his lovers rod to hide inside him. Dick's lower body was on fire with passion as he continued his new favorite ride. His pleasure grew as more and more wetness and warmth filled him. His chute was so tight he could feel every time the giant inside him spasmed causing his own body to react. Penny's cock had pushed in just far enough to jab his prostate with each stroke giving him his first anal orgasm. His tiny body shook violently, his rock hard clitty leaked a milky white liquid and his moans became uncontrollable. The pressure in his stomach was so great he thought he would lose his bladder all over himself at the same time. Penny, still jerking and spasming cum, pushed his hips up and pulled the boy down with authority until his pubic hair tickled Dick's hairless taint. The push forced the remaining cock inside the boy stretching his insides to the limit until it was fed the last of Penny's spunk.

Dick collapsed on Penny. His heart racing and face flushed, his mind was completely warped into orgasm. The once tiny slit between his ass cheeks spasming uncontrollably. His small body began to shake and convulse again with each spasm sending him into another orgasm. His hips grinding themselves into Penny's pubic bone forcing wave after wave of mind numbing pleasure into his body. The spasms and convulsions continued on and on, pushing more clear liquid out of his tiny nub until it ran uncontrollably. His thighs shook violently to the point Penny began to worry if he was having a seizure.

As Penny's member began to soften it was shot out quickly by a forceful clench as Dicks orgasm ended. A few seconds later the boy relaxed his unaccustomed hole and it began to leak gobs of fresh man cum.

Penny kissed the boys forehead and held him tightly. Dick looked up at his lover to return the kiss, fighting with Penny's tongue one final time before they both passed out cold from the nights events in a puddle of their own juices of passion.

When morning came Penny sent Dick off with a long kiss and some heavy petting, instructing him to come back after he had eaten breakfast and taken a bath as they were expected to spend the day in town gathering supplies for the week.

Dick crept in his parents tent and back into bed unnoticed just as the roosters began to crow, waking his mother. He pretended to be asleep as she crept quietly by his bed. One of her morning jobs was to make butter, so she was off to the cow pasture for milk. Even though Dick's little body was exhausted his mind was replaying the nights events preventing him from sleeping. His mother returned to the tent just as he fell asleep. The churning butter woke him, as the sound reminded him of the noise Penny's dick had made sliding in and out of his hole. His body had apparently relaxed a bit more while asleep and expelled the remainder of Penny's cum off his well painted walls, soaking thru to his bed sheets. Thoughts of Penny's giant invader brought him to slide a hand down between his cheeks and smear the love juice all over his tiny clit and shriveled ball sack. He easily stuck two fingers inside himself and mimiced the thrusting motions he had done on Penny. More and more wetness escaped his opening as his body began a familiar pattern of spasms until young Dick lost all control. He furiously slammed his fingers in and out of his tunnel and his clit began to shoot piss uncontrollably until saturating his sheets. His hips bucked and his body convulsed as orgasm number 3 rocked his little body just as hard as the ones before had. Finally coming down, Dicks heavy eyes closed and he fell fast asleep in the warmth of he and Penny's juices.

A few hours passed before his mother woke him, discovering his soaked sheets. Dick was instructed to head straight for the bath as his mother removed the sheets from his bed catching a whiff of a familiar smell on them, peaking her curiosity. She picked up the sheet and in the giant wet spot felt the slickness of sperm, confirming her suspicions, however it seemed to be pooled in a spot she wasn't expecting.

Breakfast was already silent as Dick scarfed down his food, anxious to be back in the arms of his lover.

"Ok Mom and Dad I'm off" Dick informed as he took his last swallow of milk "Penny and I are going into town today."

"Just one second Dick" his father replied, nodding to his wife to give them some space.

"Son, what's this I hear of you wetting the bed last night?" asked his father inquisitively. "Are you worried about something?"

"I dunno" Dick blushed as he responded. "I just woke up wet."

"Well your mother seems to think something else is going on son. Are you sure there's not anything you'd like to talk about?" his father continued "you know I'm always here for you son"

Dick lied through his teeth, denying anything strange had happened the night before, sending his father on a long speech about how his body would change as he became a man. Little did he know he was already speaking to a man.

Next: Chapter 2

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