Growing Pleasures" 1/1

By Captain Chlorophyll

Published on Sep 9, 2001



WARNING: This is an erotic fictional story intended to be read by individuals who have reached the age of majority (18 or 21 years in most places). If you do not wish to read about love or homosexual acts between males, proceed no farther.

DISCLAIMER: This short story is a fantasy of my own creation. It is not meant to imply behavior or sexual orientation of Kirk Cameron or Jeremy Miller, the actors who portrayed the characters named below. Use of the characters' names is without knowledge of anyone involved in the production of the television series "Growing Pains". The TV series Growing Pains and its characters are trademarks of and copyright Warner Bros. Television.

"Growing Pleasures" by Captain Chlorophyll

"Mike! C'mon, Mike, get up! You promised to take me to the mall this morning," Ben yelled, as he pounded on the door to his older brother's room above their parents' garage.

"It's open," came Mike's muffled response. He was completely under the covers. "Oh, man. I knew I shouldn't have stayed so late at the club with Eddie and Boner last night," he moaned to himself as he stretched and slowly pulled the comforter away from his face. "Ouch, it's bright! What time is it?"

"It's nine-thirty. The mall opens in half an hour. When you didn't show up at breakfast, I knew I'd have to get you up this morning. Here's a glass of O.J. and a donut I saved for you."

"Thanks, Benny." Mike sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. A sheet still covered Mike's midsection, but Ben could see that both Mike's smooth chest and muscular legs were bare. He wondered just how much Mike wore to bed last night.

Ben had always admired his older brother's handsome face, toned body, and easygoing attitude. He molded his personality to be similar to Mike's, but everyone could still see Ben as an individual. Ben's looks and body had improved with the onset of adolescence, which had caused his baby fat to disappear.

Ben took after his older brother in one other way: both had a definite interest in guys. Sure, Mike dated a lot of women, and he probably had slept several of them, but he also fooled around with Eddie and Boner as often as he could. In fact, after Ben accidentally saw the three buddies fucking a couple of years ago, he tried to spy on them each time they were together.

Ben's budding fascination with male-male sex turned into a realization that he was gay -- or at least bisexual. (He wouldn't really know until he could get into a girl's panties.) Moreover, one of his fantasies was to have sex with his own brother. Sure, his pal Stinky could get Ben's rocks off, but it was always Mike's face he pictured on Stinky's body.

Ben suddenly realized he was going to get a hard-on if he thought too much about Mike's naked body, so he quickly forced his attention back to what Mike was saying. "...are we shopping for?"

"Uh...." Ben was again distracted, this time as Mike licked the donut's powdered sugar from his fingertips. "Clothes." He needed to stick with his plan. "I want to look good, and you're the coolest guy I know." That's it; keep buttering him up. "I value your opinion, Mike."

Be it because of poor reasoning skills, teenage bravado, or simply lust, Ben had the crazy idea that he could arouse Mike by trying on various sexy outfits. At times, Ben even fantasized that Mike would assist him in the changing room. About then, Ben would usually blow his load, and the fantasy would end.

"Thanks, Benny. You know, I don't normally care for shopping much, but that's probably because of all the times I've had to go with Carol and hold her purse while she tries to make herself look less ugly." Mike drained the last of the juice Ben had brought with him. "You know, every guy forced into going shopping with a woman should be issued a portable chair as soon as he enters the mall. Then, he'll always have a place to sit while he waits." Mike stretched, with his arms over his head. Ben gazed at the soft hairs in each armpit. "Let me grab a shower, and then we can go. All right?"

"Yeah, sure," Ben replied, but he really wanted to tell Mike that he was more than "all right"; he was fantastic!

Mike stood up, revealing what the sheet had hidden from Ben for so long: teal green bikini briefs. Ben's eyes glazed over. As Mike stepped towards the bathroom, Ben couldn't help but notice how the bikini had been pulled into Mike's crack, revealing a bit of his tight cheeks on either side, just like Ilan Mitchell Smith in those blue panties. Unlike the young star of the movie "Weird Science", however, Mike didn't run his fingers under the seams to stretch them out again.

Ben popped a boner before Mike had walked two steps. He sighed softly as Mike passed through the doorway that led to his walk-in closet. Mike passed through the closet and turned left into the bathroom. Once his brother was out of sight, Ben adjusted his dick so it pointed towards his right hip. He had to stick with the plan, he told himself. After all, good things come on those who wait -- or was that "to" those who wait?

Mike started the shower. Ben wondered what underwear his brother would put on when he was done. He heard Mike pissing as the water warmed up. Ben imagined his brother emerging from the bathroom after the shower, a towel around his waist and dripping wet. Mike would open his bureau and pull something typically sexy from his underwear drawer. He would turn his back to Ben, toss the towel onto his bed, and pull whatever skimpy garment he had chosen over the calves dusted with sun-bleached hairs so fine that you could hardly see them and the thighs firmed by cross-country running, finally obscuring his ultimate treasure: a perfect bubble butt. Ben heard Mike open and close the shower curtain. Fuck the plan; Ben had to have him now!

Ben stood up and removed his shirt. He had unbuttoned his jeans and pulled the zipper halfway down before he remembered his sneakers. Sitting down on Mike's bed, he pulled off his sneakers without untying them. The scent Ben knew as his brother faintly wafted from the sheets, and his dick pulsed. He peeled off his socks and started across the room. Halfway there, he dropped his jeans in the middle of the floor. He shucked his white briefs just outside the bathroom door, which Mike had left open.

Ben quickly pulled aside the shower curtain, climbed into the tub, where his brother was rinsing soap off his face, and pulled it closed behind him. "What the...? Ben, what are you...?" Mike stopped short as Ben dropped to his knees and enveloped Mike's soft penis into his mouth. "Ben, stop it! We can't.... You can't.... Um...." Mike's dick began growing. "Ahh! Oh, Ben."

Mike's dick soon was fully hard, and Ben slathered his tongue all over the sensitive head. It twitched each time Ben licked that spot where the head joins the shaft. "That's it, Ben; suck me."

Ben slid his hands up the back of Mike's muscular calves and thighs and cupped his brother's tight ass cheeks in his palms. He swallowed his brother's shaft inch by inch until Mike's dark brown pubes tickled his nose. Ben inhaled the scent of soap and his brother's natural aroma as he swallowed. Mike moaned above him again and ran his finger's through Ben's wet hair. "Oh, Ben, that's so good."

Ben pumped Mike's dick in and out of his hot mouth a few times before pulling off. "Where's your shampoo?" Mike passed it down to him, and Ben used it to lube his fingers. It took little effort for Ben's forefinger to penetrate Mike's sphincter.

Ben threw all he had into that blowjob; he wanted it to be the best Mike had experienced up to that point in his young life. Ben wanted Mike to know he loved him more than words could express. Mike would realize that later, but, in the meantime, he was focused on the sensual pleasure his brother was providing.

Mike placed one hand against the wall to steady himself and the other on the back of Ben's head. Flexing his knees, he changed the angle of Ben's finger in his ass. Now, Ben could rub his prostate. "Yeah!" Mike whispered.

Ben stroked Mike's prostate a few times before pulling his finger out. Mike looked down, disappointed, but Ben kept up his licking and sucking, so his brother wouldn't think he was stopping. Ben lubed up his fingers with more shampoo and stuck both his forefinger and index finger into Mike's ass. Mike's smile quickly returned.

The two fingers combined with Ben's tongue action soon made Mike near orgasm. "Benny!" Mike keened, as pleasure overtook him. Ben accepted Mike's first two spurts into the back of his throat, but he pulled back and let the remaining cum settle on his tongue. He pulled his fingers from Mike's ass and took a moment to savor the taste of his brother's load before swallowing. Not a drop had escaped his lips.

Mike grabbed Ben by the armpits and pulled him to his feet. He gave his younger brother a quick yet passionate kiss before dropping to his own knees. He sucked in Ben's dick so fast that he felt rather than saw how similar their two tools were.

Ben was so turned on, and Mike's mouth was so experienced, that Mike didn't have time to finger Ben's ass, as Ben had done for him. Ben's breath caught in his throat, and he moaned with each pulse of his ejaculation. Mike took Ben's load the same way: allowing the strongest shots deep in his throat then tasting the rest before swallowing them.

Again, Mike kissed Ben passionately. "I love you, Ben. You don't know...."

"Shut up, Mike. We can talk later. You're still hard; I want your cock up my ass." Ben turned and leaned against the wall, presenting his bubble butt to his brother.

To comply with Ben's wishes yet still express the feelings he had tried to vocalize, Mike turned his words into actions. He slowly, lightly, kissed his way down Ben's spine, from the nape of his neck to the cleft between his brother's hairless cheeks. Then, he licked all over Ben's ass before zeroing in on his rosebud.

Ben had his eyes closed, imagining what Mike looked like, kneeling behind him. Stinky had never rimmed Ben, so he reveled in the sensations of his first tongue-fuck and the knowledge that it was his hunky brother pleasing him. Ben's hard-on, which had barely diminished since he shot his first load down Mike's throat, twitched every so often. That movement was tied to the clenching of his anus, which squeezed Mike's tongue and kept it from moving. "Now, Mike, I'm ready now," he gasped.

Standing up, Mike caressed Ben's cheeks before reaching for the shampoo bottle. After uncapping it, he drizzled a little of its contents down Ben's crack. He used a finger to penetrate Ben's slick hole; less than a minute later, a second finger was helping spread the shampoo around. Ben was definitely ready.

Mike slicked up his own dick and placed it at Ben's back door. "I love you, Ben," he whispered into his brother's ear as he slowly slid his hard cock into Ben's ass. Ben hissed through his teeth and clamped his sphincter around Mike's rod. His dream had come true; his brother was fucking him!

Mike experimentally took a few shallow strokes. Ben was tight, but he wasn't a virgin. Mike correctly guessed that Stinky had taken Ben's cherry, but he was determined to show Ben that lovemaking between brothers was better than sex between friends. He kept his strokes slow but made each one deeper and gradually picked up the pace.

"Come in my ass, Mike. I want your load inside me." Mike was getting close. The shampoo he had used to lubricate Ben's ass was foaming, and his pubes were matted down. His testicles, which had been slapping against Ben's quivering ass cheeks with each thrust, began to tighten and draw in. His explosion was imminent.

Sensing this, Ben clamped his anus around his brother's shaft. This final friction did it. Mike took a few short strokes and then pushed all the way in. Every muscle in his body tightened; his eyes closed; his cum pulsed into his brother's ass.

Ben was in heaven. He finally had Mike's cum in his ass! He was fulfilled. It didn't go according to plan, but he had reached his goal anyway.

Mike began to withdraw slowly. "No, don't," Ben pleaded.

"I have to, Ben. Don't you want your turn?"

In his excitement, Ben had forgotten he was still hard. "Oh, yeah!" He didn't spend much time lubricating his rod; he was afraid to touch it too much or else he'd lose his second load -- and his chance to experience his dearest fantasy. As he fingered his brother, he discovered that Eddie and Boner had loosened Mike's asshole considerably more than Stinky's was.

"Mmm," Ben moaned as Mike's ass swallowed his dick. Ben's soapy pubes struck Mike's cheeks the for the first time, and Mike clenched his sphincter, as Ben had done to him. This brought Ben surprisingly close to shooting. Oh, no! Too soon, not yet! He had to think of something... Carol... naked....

His orgasm averted, Ben slowed his thrusting. On the one hand, he was disappointed that Mike wasn't as tight as Stinky. On the other hand, his brother was a more experienced bottom than his friend. Mike responded physically and verbally to Ben's motions, whereas Stinky would just lie there and take it. As Ben pushed in, Mike loosened up; as Ben pulled out, Mike tightened his anal walls. All of a sudden, Mike would switch and make it harder for Ben to drive his cock in. On top of that, Mike was moaning as much as Ben. It were as if Mike enjoyed being topped by his younger brother! Yes, Stinky was a cold fish compared to his hunky older brother. They'd always be best friends -- they'd probably still trade handjobs and the occasional suck -- but Ben could never go back to fucking Stinky, not when he had his brother's magic ass to enjoy.

Mike's ass -- his firm, hairless, hot, talented ass -- contracting along the length of Ben's dick, shortly took his younger brother over the edge. With one last thrust, his balls tightened, his brown bush rubbed Mike's hard buns, and his dick throbbed and spit his second load into his brother.

Ben rested a moment, leaning against Mike until he could catch his breath. He didn't want to pull his softening, slippery erection from his brother's warm channel.

After rinsing off, the boys shut off the water. "Um, Ben, you didn't have to pay me to take you to the mall." Confused, Ben stared at Mike. "I'm kidding, Benny. I'm glad we did this. In fact," he continued as they toweled off, "let's make this the First Official Seaver Brothers Day! After we hit the mall, we'll do anything you want -- with an emphasis on the `anything'."

Mike placed his arm around his younger brother's bare shoulders as they headed back to Mike's bedroom to dress. "So, what kind of clothes are you shopping for?"

Ben grinned mischievously at his brother. "Underwear!"

AUTHOR'S NOTES: 1) I appreciate critiques of my work. Please send your comments to If you didn't like it, why did you read this far?

  1. I deliberately did not mention penis size nor circumcision status, in order that readers could assume whatever they prefer. If that would enhance your pleasure, reread it and include whatever characteristics you prefer.

  2. Permission to post this story and affiliated notes has been granted to the moderators of the Nifty archive, the ASSGM newsgroup, and ASSGM's affiliated archive site. Readers may download this story to their hard drive, a floppy disk, or a single paper copy for their own enjoyment. Other uses of this work must be approved by the author.

COPYRIGHT December 1, 2000 by "Captain Chlorophyll" and his legal identity.

-- *********************************** * My name is Big Jimmy Fruithead, * * and I control the horticulture * * in this town. If'n you're * * a-planting any fruit trees in * * this town, you have to answer * * to me! -- Pinky and the Brain * *********************************** * Captain Chlorophyll * * * ***********************************

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