Ground Control

By Shawn Kale

Published on Jan 19, 2011


******************************************************************************** DISCLAIMER: Predictably, this story at some point will contain graphic literary descriptions of sexual acts between consenting persons. Some content may not be suitable for minors. This is a work of fiction, similarity of characters to real people is purely accidental. The author 'Shawn Kale' retains the title to the work and grants 'Nifty Archive' "a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, and non-cancellable license to display the work" Comments and suggestions can be directed to the author via email at: All 'true' brands included in this story are the trademark and property of their respective owners I do not assert ownership of such and seek no commercial gain from their use. All lyrics are the creation of the artist David Bowie unless cited as original in the context of the story. Again... I do not assert any ownership or commercial usage of any material not my own. ********************************************************************************


By Shawn Kale

PART 3 'Drive In Saturday!'

'Da na da da... da da da da dum... those eyes'

Early morning light filtered through the shutters in the studio, grey winter light. My fingers delicately felt out a new tune across the stark white keys of my piano, I wrote some of my own material... but I'd never performed it to anyone but myself. I didn't think that my songs could reach the heights of those I covered.

'As green as the forest, as deep as the sea, and whe...'

"That sounds great, who's it by?"

I hit an off note, startled by the voice from the doorway, I looked up towards the voice, remembering that Sam had stayed the night, suddenly self conscious I closed the lid and hid the keys from sight.

"Oh, it's just an original... nothing special"

Sam walked down the three short steps into the sunken studio floor, brushing the rail ever so slightly with the tips of his fingers. glancing around the room at the collection of musical instruments on various stands and mounts

"What else can you play? When did you ever get time to learn all these?"

"I play Piano, Sax and amateur Guitar... I have been playing since I was three years old in some way or another. My Father and Mother insisted, I had this German music teacher; Ms. Weiss, she used to make me play scales until my hands cramped"

Ms. Weiss had also introduced me to some of the most beautiful music I'd ever heard; Mozart, Wagner, Bach, Tchaikovsky. I owed my skill today, to her.

"Oh wow, that sounds like hell. But it's payed off. Are we going to have a jam today?... it's ok if we don't, honestly"

I had almost forgotten my promise

"I am going to need another coffee, but if you're up for it... I am more than up for it. That's what Saturdays are for right?"

His smile at that point was worth any headache I would get from this session, in the morning light I could see his features perfectly and the natural radiance he seemed to possess was breathtaking

"I have nothing better to do, even if I did... I'd probably choose to do this anyway"

I stood and led him back out to the kitchen and flipped on the espresso machine, walked over to the cupboard and pulled out a cup

"Can I offer you a coffee? Cappuccino? Latte?"

"I have only had instant before... does it taste the same?"

I mocked disgust and feigned shock, stepping backwards with my hand over my heart

"Instant... INSTANT? Never mention that in my presence again! Espresso coffee is incomparable to instant my boy, if you're going to hang around with me, you'll need to form the habit"

I pulled another cup from the cupboard and steamed it before measuring out the grounds and extracting the only drug I have ever needed in as pure a form as technology would allow. Steamed milk and a teaspoon of dark sugar later and I placed the hot cup of goodness in front of Sam.

"Ta da! Now, breakfast?"

He took the warm cup cautiously, sniffed it and bought it to his lips, nodding at my offer of breakfast. I finished my own coffee and quickly toasted a pair of bagels. A quick snack and I found myself leading Sam back to the studio. I couldn't wait to hear him play.

"Now don't make fun of me please... I'm not very good"

I had pulled my old Saxophone 'The Duke' out of his velvet lined casket, and out of retirement for the occasion, Sam held it cautiously and let his fingers accustom themselves to the position of the keys and the curve.

"That Sax has seen me through a fair few sessions, I can tell you... But the old boy has a lot left in him yet"

"It's such a nice instrument to hold, the ones at school aren't half as nice as this"

I sat down behind the piano and lifted the cover

"Ok, what shall we play? Your choice"

Sam thought for a moment, a smile forming, and responded

"If I'm going to embarrass myself I may as well do it in style, do you know 'Suffragette City' by any chance?"

"Of course, the question is... do YOU know 'Suffragette City'?"

I clicked my fingers and gave a quizzical look across the piano, Sam grinned and licked his lips in preparation

"I think I can play along, if you give me a rhythm and sing the lyrics"

"Rhythm it is sir"

I brushed the hair out of my face and counted in, pumping out a powerful intro lick from the sleek black piano and providing the classic facial expressions that only come when I play Bowie. I looked over to Sam, his foot tapped along with the intro and he returned my look with a slight nod... he was ready to play the part, the piano fell into the familiar tune of one of my favorites, and Sam let loose with a blistering entrance.

'Alllright, he's allllright'

This kind of music, unlike any other, has always been able to stir animal passions in deep inside me. I had played this hundreds of times and my hands knew what they were doing without my complete concentration, I used this to my advantage, and looked across the polished ebony to my session partner; he was elbow deep in the music, I could see the concentration on his face as he carefully crafted the sound from the pages of his memory... no sheet music could be so inspired as the beauty that comes to ones lips in moments of ecstasy like this. He was pretty good... pretty damn good looking as well

Our little collaboration came to an end with a brief piece of piano wankery and an exhausted saxophone fade, I could hear the heavy breathing and sympathized. Playing like that for a whole song can be tiring.

"Wow, Sam... That was brilliant, you are an amazing player"

I could see at once that praise of this type was a rare occurrence, he blushed and looked away, fiddling absent-mindedly with the mouthpiece and letting the instrument settle gracefully into his lap, it looked good there.

"Thanks, it was ok I guess"

"It was amazing! trust me, you're much better than you give yourself credit for young man"

"If you say so... Will you play me something now? I love listening to you sing"

I stood, clicked my heels together and bowed in an exaggerated movement

"It would be my pleasure m'lord, does sir have a request in mind?"

"Haha... Maestro! Play me something I have never heard before... shouldn't be too hard"

I sat down at the piano and brushed my hair back off my face, something I always do when thinking. I placed my hands on the keyboard and closed my eyes, a gentle melody escaped

Once there was a way... to get back homeward

Once there was a way... to get back home

Sleep pretty darling, do not cry...

And I will sing a lullaby

I could always rely on this brooding Lennon/McCartney piece to stir up a little interest in an audience, my voice grew in strength to match the original

Golden slumbers fill your eyes

The piano was more forceful now

Smiles awake you when you rise

Sleep pretty darling, do not cry...

And I will sing a lullaby

Sam stood and applauded, almost as theatrical as my performance, a look of glee on his face

"That was brilliant Tom, I love it!"

"M'lord is pleased?"

"Most pleased, most pleased indeed maestro!"

With a flourish, I took a bow and waved to my imaginary audience, bending to pick up the bouquets at my feet. Laughter is Sam's ovation.

I don't know quite what made me fall for Sam; the subtle, unexplored good looks, the quiet brooding talent or the pure attraction that he seemed to encourage with his very presence. Whatever it was, I knew for sure that I wanted more... A lot more

"Would you like to tag along with me today?"

"I don't want to be any trouble, honestly... just drop me at home"

"It's no trouble, I'll enjoy the company"

I could see, and almost hear the cogs turning in his mind, was he thinking the same thing as me? did he have something to say? did he wonder, like I, if my friendship was just that... or more?

"Okay, as long as you don't mind. I could use the human interaction"

"So could I Sam... You have no idea"

******************************************************************************** As usual, thank you for reading. Part four is in the works already and hopefully brings you more of what you want and need :)

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