Grocery Store Fantasies

By Lee Wilson

Published on Aug 12, 2023


This story is an original work of gay fiction. None of the people or events are real. While some of the town names used may be real, any other geographic references (school, events) are purely fictional. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is completely coincidental. This story depicts sexual situations between high school aged males. If reading this is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, you are reading at your own risk. This work is the property of the author, Lee R Wilson, and shall not be reproduced and/or re-posted without his permission. Story ©2023 Lee R Wilson.

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Grocery Store Fantasies

CHAPTER 4 - In the Woods

I had just finished delivering the last paper on my paper route. Unfortunately, that meant I was as far away from home as I was going to be. I'm Matt Harrison, 14-year-old soon to be freshman. A paper route was the only way I could figure out how to make some money. I think everywhere around here wants you to be 16 or more. My brother's lucky, he gets to work in a nice cool supermarket. Me, I have to ride like 3 miles in the heat. I'm only in my second eeek and already I'm getting tired of the heat. Shit, I just can't wait for winter. He'll be warm and I'll be freezing my nuts off. Even though I took a piss before I left home, I gotta go again. The water bottle that attaches to my bike is almost empty. I can't use that if I want to have anything to drink on the way home. And it's hot, I will. Houses all over the place, but down at the end of the road there is a large wooded area. I guess I'm pissing on a tree, like a fuckin' dog.

I get to the woods, ride my bike in as far as I can, walk it a little further, because I don't want to leave it at the end of the street. I look back toward the road; still visible, but I'm pretty well hidden. I stand on the other side of a bigger tree, drop my zipper, take out my tiny dick, push my hips forward so I don't piss on my pants, and let fly. I think I hear a giggle, I look around, but I don't see anything or anybody. Then an acorn drops on my shoulder, so I look up, still peeing. There's another boy up in the tree, looking down at me. Shit, I can't put my dick away until I finish. I've never had a lot of luck stopping in the middle. A fucking thousand trees around and I have to pick the one that another kid happened to climb.

"Your dick is small."

"Yeah, thanks for noticing. Can you stop watching?"

"I can, but I won't. I like looking at it."

He's climbing down as this interaction occurs. I finally finish peeing and shove my dick back inside my pants. He's jumping to the ground as I pull my zipper up.

"Awww. I wanted a closer look. Take it back out."


"Awww, come on. I'll show you mine if you want. Or I'll suck yours for you if you don't want to see mine."

"You queer or something?"

"I prefer gay, but yeah. Hi, I'm Reggie Lincoln."

He sticks his hand out to shake mine.

"I was just touching my dick, you really want to shake my hand?"

"Did you piss on it?"

"No. Of course not."

"Then shake."

He's a little bigger than me, I can probably outrun him, but not pushing my bike through the trees. I guess I'm stuck here, at least for the moment. I shake his hand. It's really soft and smooth and his grip is very light.

"I'm Matt, Harrison. How old are you?"

"I'll be 14 tomorrow. Do you live around here? I've never seen you before."

"No. I was delivering papers (pointing at the empty bag)."

"You can't live too far away then. Where'd you go to school?"

"Portland Middle last year, but I'm going to Portland High in the fall."

"Me too. Well, Portland High. I went to Adams Middle."

"Happy Birthday, by the way."

"Thanks. You want to let me blow you as your present to me?"

"That sounds backwards. I'd think the guy getting sucked would be getting the present."

"Yeah, I guess, but since I want to do it, it'd be like a present, giving me something I want."

"You're serious?"

"Yes. I love sucking dick. I don't get to do it much. Most of the kids around here avoid me unless one of them happens to get horny, then they come knocking at my door. Well?"

Of course my dick is getting hard as he's telling me about blowing the neighborhood kids. Fortunately, I'm a grower, my dick is still small hard, but at least it's not tiny. I figure, when am I going to get the chance to get blown again? Why not?



He kneels down in front of me and starts unbuttoning my pants. I'm just standing there in disbelief. I'm about to get my first blowjob. Do I care if it's a boy? My dick can't tell the difference. He pulls my zipper down then pants and underwear together.

"I knew you wanted to. You're getting hard. Let's see how big it gets hard."

He starts jerking me off. I don't think I've ever felt anything so great, even jerking myself off. Ooooooh, shit, he's licking it now. This just keeps on getting better. Oh fuckin' double stuff oreos, he has his mouth on it now. Ohhhh myyyyy Godddd. Baseball, hockey, history class, my lucky brother working in the supermarket. Shit, shit, shit. Think of something so you don't cum so fast Matt. Ahhhh, to late!

"Aaaaaahhhhhh, ugh, ugh, ugh."

I feel like I'm cumming 10 times as much as I usually do. But I'm not, as usual, the cum stops shooting out of my dick after four squirts. It just felt, oh God, fucking awesome.

"Mmmmmmmmm, gotta get every drop... Your cum tastes good Matt. You plan on pissing in these woods again some time soon?"

"Fuck yeah. Same time tomorrow, just don't drop the acorn on me?"

"He he. Anytime, anywhere. You want to come to my birthday dinner Saturday?"

"Don't you have to ask your parents first?"

"Not if you don't want to go."

"Yeah, I guess. I'll have to ask my parents too. Where do you live?"

"Right up the street here. Come on. I'll show you where and we'll check with my mom."

What a day. I get my first blowjob, then the kid who blows me asks me to his birthday dinner. Dinner?

"Why a dinner and not a party Reggie?"

"Like I said, everybody around here avoids me. The first couple I asked if they would come to a party laughed at me. I figured, why suffer through that any more? So, my parents are just taking my sister, her boyfriend, and me out to a nice restaurant."

"That sucks. Even without the blowjob, I could see myself being your friend."

"Thanks Matt. I would like you too even if you didn't let me do it."

Like I said, Reggie's a little bigger than me, but less than 2 inches. That's not unusual, there were only 2 kids shorter than me in 8th grade. He's heavier too. Not chubby or fat, just more meat on his bones and more muscle. Black hair, dark brown eyes. He's black, but that doesn't bother me. Shit, after that blowjob, he could be purple with orange polka dots and I wouldn't care. We turn into a driveway, it's about the third house I deliver a paper to before the last. It's still on the driveway, so I pick it up.

"Hi mom. I'm home."

"I'm in the kitchen Reggie."

"Oh, and who's this?"

"Here's your paper Mrs. Lincoln."

"Oh, yes, the new paperboy. Are you collecting already?"

"No, I was coming out of the woods and he was just finishing delivering. I struck up a conversation with him thinking he was about my age, and just like that, we became friends. He's Matt Harrison."

"Nice to meet you officially Matt. You don't live around here though, do you?"

"Not too far, over on Oak Road. This is the furthest street on my paper route."

"You must be thirsty, it's hot today. Would like a soda, cranberry juice, water?"

"Juice would be good."

"Reggie likes cranberry, that's the only thing I can get him to drink besides soda and the occasional water."

"Mo-om. Save some secrets for me to share with him. And I do drink other things."

"So what grade are you in Matt?"

"I'll be starting 9th next month."

"Reggie too. At Portland?"

"Yes. He beat you telling that secret, he he."

"You'll have to let him know when you get your schedule, maybe you'll have some classes together."

"Yeah, hopefully."

She takes a sheet of paper off what looks like a shopping list pad and writes a number on it.

"Reggie, give him your cell number too. Matt, not to share another secret, ha ha, but Reggie doesn't have many friends. We're taking him and his sister to dinner Saturday at Longhorn Steakhouse. Would you like to come along?"

"He beat you on that secret too. Yes, I'd love to. I obviously have to check with my parents. Actually, I should probably get going before I'm too late and they start worrying."

"Why don't you call them, tell them where you are, maybe you can stay for a little while and keep Reggie company, maybe even stay for dinner."

"Uh, sure."

She hands me their cordless phone and I call home.


"Hi mom, it's me."

"What happened Matt? Is there something wrong?"

"No, everything's fine. I made a new friend when I finished delivering my papers, Reggie Lincoln, he lives on 3rd street. His mother asked if I'd like to stay for dinner and hang with him. Can I?"

"I don't know..."

"They're really nice, I'm sure they're not going to kidnap me, especially since you know their names... wait, Mrs. Lincoln wants to talk to you."

I hand her the phone and Reggie drags me away.

"Let them talk, mom will convince her you can stay. Come on, let's go to my room."

We start playing video games and Mrs. Lincoln comes in and said my mom said it was OK for me to stay, as long as I got home before dark. She also said it was OK to go to dinner on Saturday.

"Thanks Mrs. Lincoln."

"You're welcome Matt. Have fun, I'll call you boys just before dinner so you can wash up."

"Thanks ma."

After she's been gone a couple minutes Reggie wants to ask me something.

"So, I know I told you I'm gay. Is there any chance that you might be too?"

"Um, I never really thought about doing anything like that with another boy. I jerk off thinking about girls, although I have a feeling at bedtime tonight I'll be thinking about what we did. I guess it doesn't freak me out possibly doing stuff. Not sure about swallowing cum, but I know that a lot of people do it, so it can't be that bad. I don't know, I guess you could say I'm curious."

"Took the long road to get there, huh? Cool. Maybe you can arrange to come over after your paper route some other times and we can fool around."

"I guess. Is your mom home every day?"

"No, she's a nurse at the hospital, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are her regular days off. Sometimes she has to work one or both of those days. Just not this week."

"What about your sister? She mentioned her before."

"She's 16 and is with her boyfriend every waking minute. At least it seems like it. She's hardly ever home. And if she is home some day you're here, we'll either be careful or we don't fool around."


"Cool. You want to see my dick now?"

"But your mom..."

"She'll be in the kitchen. You don't have to do anything, just look."

"OK, you really want me to see it I guess."

"Yeah, I like showing it, but not many want to look. And doing it without asking them is just looking for trouble."

He stands up, looks out the door to make sure his mom isn't anywhere close and drops his pants. He's wearing dark blue briefs, and I must admit, they look pretty good against his dark skin. Then he pulls the briefs down too. He's hard, a little bigger than my 3 1/2 inches when I'm hard, but not huge. Maybe 4 1/2 inches.

"What do you think? Would you play with it? I don't mean now, but at all?"

"It looks pretty nice. I haven't seen many uncut ones. I'd try playing with it, yeah."

He pulls his briefs and pants back up.

"Cool. You're quickly becoming my best friend. Although, you don't have much competition. I hope we have a lot of classes together."

"Um, thanks. Sorry, but I can't say that yet. My nextdoor neighbor, we've been friends since, like 1st grade."

"That's OK. I'll be happy with normal friend status. But I'll try to change your mind, maybe get myself up to vice-best-friend."

"Vice is right. He he."

"Oh, yeah, didn't think of it that way. OK, assistant best friend."

"Boys, go wash up, dinner's almost ready. Reggie, your father just pulled in the driveway. I hope Matt didn't leave his bike in the way."

"OK. No, I had him put it off to the side. We'll be right down."

The family room is basically at the bottom of the stairs, and the kitchen is the first at the top of the stairs, so they didn't have to yell. My house is a ranch, kitchen on one side and bedrooms on the other. No family room. My bedroom's furthest from the living area. Yelling would be a requirement. We hit the downstairs bathroom, wash our hands and head upstairs.

"Hi Cal. You didn't tell me you went and had another child."

"Before you get too confused, Matt. Mom's name is Calista."

"OK, thanks Reggie. Although I wasn't really expecting Calvin."

"Yes, Elias, they were running a special on young teenagers at the store."

"You always love a bargain. But, I believe we're making him think we're odd. Hello son. How are you and who are you?"

"Hi Mr. Lincoln. I'm good. I'm Matt Harrison. Actually, I'm your paperboy. Mrs. Lincoln offered to feed me instead of paying for the paper this week."

He looks at me questioningly, but I can't hold in the laugh too long.

"Very good Matt. You had me fooled for a moment. I don't think many boys would have tried that on someone they just met."

"Sorry. I figured since you both made a joke, you'd be OK with me returning one."

"Oh, don't be sorry. I liked it. But seriously, we haven't seen you before, how did you meet Reggie?"

"Just happened upon him after delivering my papers today. Almost the same age, we got to talking, and boom, new friends."

"Well, I'm happy you ran across each other. A lot of local boys don't like Reggie much beca..., oh, um."

"It's OK dad. I already told him I was gay. I figured if he was going run away at some point, may as well get it over with quick."

"Well he doesn't look distressed, so I assume you didn't kidnap him. Thank you for being tolerant Matt."

"No thanks needed. It's just the right thing to do. I can make friends with just about anybody. Wait, you're not a closet ax murderer, are you Reggie?"

This made the whole family laugh. Well except his sister, who was apparently at the boyfriend's house.

"I like him Reggie. He's fun, like a teenager should be. I don't know if he told you or not Matt, but most of the boys around here won't associate with him because he's gay. I swear they think they'll catch the gay disease."

"He told me. I'm guessing the disease comment was sarcasm?"

"Indeed it was. Harrison? Is your father Bruce Harrison, of C & H Renovations?"

"Yes, that's my father."

"Smart man. I've dealt with him a couple times at my bank."

"That's cool. Small world I guess."

We finish dinner in relative silence.

"The food was really good Mrs. Lincoln. What kind of fish was it? I don't think I've ever seen anything like it."

"Technically, it's not fish. It's Mako. Shark."

"It was good. I hope I never run across any of his relatives at the beach. Wouldn't want them to eat me because I ate him."

Along with the Mako, we had rice and spinach.

"Would you like some chocolate cake, Matt? It's store bought, but it's still rather good."

"Yes, I'd like that. But not too large a piece. The Mako was quite filling."

After dessert, I figure I'd stayed almost long enough, so I spent another 15 or 20 minutes with the three of them, so it didn't seem like an eat and run.

"Thanks for having me over Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln. I enjoyed both the food and the company."

"You're welcome Matt. You're very polite, please come back and see us again. Although we do eat a little later most days, and not as fancy, but I'm home most Tuesdays and Wednesdays, so I like to make a good meal."

"I'll remember that. Actually, Reggie already mentioned your schedule. Just my good luck we bumped into each other on a Wednesday I guess."

"Thanks. We'll see you on Saturday. Goodnight."

They all say goodnight, Reggie walks out with me to my bike.

"Thanks for coming over. Any day when you're done delivering, feel free to knock on the door. Hanging around in the woods wouldn't be fun if I didn't know you were coming over or not."

"Sounds good. Definitely tomorrow, though."

He leans in and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"I had a really good day today Matt. Because of you. I hope that kiss didn't bother you."

"I had a good time too. No, the kiss was OK."

I ride home and beat sundown by a good 20 minutes.

"Hi Matt, did you have fun with your new friend?"

"Yeah dad. He's really nice, and so are his parents."

"So, mom told me you said they lived on 3rd? Nice house?"

"Yes, it's big. His mom's a nurse, works at the hospital, and his dad's like an assistant VP at some bank."

"What was their last name?"


"I think I know him. I've seen him a couple times regarding loans at my job. VP of finance at Chase. Not bad. He's black."

"He mentioned dealing with you. Is him being black a problem, dad?"

"No, not at all. He's a highly ranked professional. Good in my book no matter what."

"Well, you're up there in the construction hierarchy too, right?"

"Yes. We're more than a construction company, but yes COO is a pretty nice title, even if the company is only about 100 employees."

I go back to Reggie's when I finish delivering on Thursday.

"Hey Matt."

"Hi Reg. Is Reg OK?"

"Yeah, sure. Come on in."

When he opens the door all the way, I see he's just wearing a pair of red briefs.

"Going swimming?"

"It's not a speedo. I guess it kind of looks like one. But if we were going swimming, with almost an hour before mom gets home at a little after 5, we'd do it naked."

"You swim naked?"

"Yeah, all the time."

"Even when your parents and sister are home?"

"Yeah, why not? They all swim naked too, most of the time. I guess you really didn't see the pool yesterday."

"No, just noticed there is one out the sliding doors."

"Yeah, you can't see much of it that way. Come on."

We head out back. The swimming pool is huge. I guess they call it kidney shape, and the back yard is surrounded by a, probably 6 foot high, privacy fence. And to further prevent outsiders watching, the trees just inside the fence extend another 6 or 8 feet above that.

"So, do you want to swim?"

"Can we?"

"Sure. My parents don't like Candy, Candace, and me swimming when there's no-one else here, but you qualify as someone."

"OK. But I've never skinny dipped before."

"You can take your clothes off in the cabana, or even just drop them here on the patio."

I decide here on the patio is fine, he's already seen my dick. I strip and jump in. Reggie's already in the water, he didn't have much to strip. We're splashing and dunking each other. He pinches my ass at one point. I return the favor, but at the same time, reach around front and grab hold of his dick. He's hard, like i am.

"Mmmm, I was hoping you'd do that sooner or later."

We move over to the side and where the water isn't so deep, just up to out chests. We start jerking each other off. It feels as good, no, better, as when he was touching me yesterday. And I'm not uncomfortable touching his. I'm starting to get close.

"Um, I'm about to cum. Is doing it in the water OK?"

"Sure, it'll go through the filter."

"Then, Ahhhhhhhh."

My dick is throbbing in his hand. I look down and see the four short strands floating away. He follows shortly thereafter with 5 of his own. I made him cum too; pretty cool.

"Matt. Is it OK if we kiss?"

I was actually thinking that while we were masturbating each other, so I move my face closer to his. We lock lips, and we both open our mouths at the same time to start using our tongues. We do that for a few minutes, still also fondling each other gently. I never kissed anyone like that before. I never imagined my first kiss would be with another boy. But like my dick yesterday, my lips can't tell it's a boy. I'm quickly realizing I like doing these things with him. Maybe I AM gay.

"We better break it up. Mom's already home. I saw her pick up our clothes and put them on the table."

"She saw us? When?"

"Chill, it's cool. We were still stroking each other. They're really open about sex. I don't mean we have family orgies or anything, but they know I'm gay and you're not the first boy I wanked in the pool with them home."

"Yeah, but did they see what you were doing?"

"Yes. Although this is the first time both of us were wanking."

"Shit, it is kind of a turn-on knowing we're being watched though."

"Want to drive my sister crazy?"

"She's watching now?"

"Yeah, she probably thinks I don't see her, but she's up in her room looking out the window. Not that I would care anyway."

"What do you want to do?"

"You're still hard. Jump up on the side and let me blow you."

"I guess if she's already seen us..."

I do as he asks and he starts in on my dick. I lean back and lie on my back. I can just see her on the side of her window. Knowing I'm being watched, I don't last very long, despite cumming just a few minutes ago. After that, we get out of the pool, walk over to the cabana and grab two towels to dry off. I don't even try to hide my dick while we're walking back toward the house. We sit down at the table and Mrs. Lincoln comes out with two glasses of lemonade.

"Here you go. I thought you may have gotten thirsty in the pool. Are you staying for dinner Matt?"

"No. I told my mom I would be home for dinner."

"OK. I'm glad to see you don't have a problem with nudity. Reggie had one boy over once. They were swimming and when I brought out drinks for them, I thought he was going to die of embarrassment. He couldn't wait to get into his clothes and out of here. It was really quite funny."

"After Reg told me you all swam naked and you've seen him with a couple friends, I figured, what could it hurt?"

"Yes, once the initial shock of being seen nude passes, it's really quite liberating. If it won't cause you any distress, you can come over early and join the whole family in the pool before dinner."

"I think I'll be OK. I'll have to think about that. Mom will be dropping me off, I could just tell her I want to get here earlier."

"Let us know. If you do plan on coming over, we'll make sure we're clothed when you mother gets here. But it would be a good idea to share that we are naturalists with her. I wouldn't want her to be surprised. People tend to overreact when they're surprised."

"OK. I will. At some point."

I definitely want to come over earler. Candace is going to dinner too. I'll be able to get a look at her. Mrs. Lincoln will probably look good nude, but being around my mother's age, it's kind of a turn-off.

"Mom. Since Matt doesn't have a problem with our nudity, can he spend the night tomorrow?"

"As long as it's OK with his parents."

"Want to Matt?"

"Fu... Um, yeah. Friday night's better anyway. I get up earlier to deliver on Sundays. I will have to leave for a while late Saturday morning to deliver. So, I guess I won't need mom to drop me off if I can."

Both Reggie and his mother got a chuckle out of my near slip. In hindsight, I bet she wouldn't have had a problem with a 'fuck yeah' response.

Mom and dad OK'd the sleepover, but they wanted to meet Reggie and his parents. Since I was given Reggie's home number, mom gave Mrs. Lincoln a call and invited them all over for a barbeque on Sunday. Our house isn't very large. Squeezing 7 or 8 people around our kitchen table wouldn't work. Outdoors was the only option. I just hope Reggie and his parents don't think we're, like, second class citizens because our house is so small, and where we live. Oak Road will never be considered prime real estate.

Friday comes and I pack my backpack full of everything I think I need. Clothes, including something nice to wear to dinner with dress shoes, toiletries, pajamas, bathing suit (just in case), all go in there. If I forgot something, it's a 15 minute or so bike ride, although I've never gone straight there, my two visits have always followed paper deliveries. The ride might be shorter. Anyway, hopefully I didn't forget anything crucial. The canvas bag for the papers always goes in the basket on my handlebars, so having the backpack too isn't a big deal, I just wear it on my back. What a coincidence. I finish my route in pretty good time, although I skip the Lincoln's house on the way past and bring the paper with me to the door. Reggie opens the garage door, OK, one of three garage doors, and I bring my bike inside there so it's not fair game. Next, my backpack gets dropped off in his room, and we head back to the kitchen for a drink and snack. After some video game time in his room, we hear his mom come home, so we head back downstairs.

"Reggie, do you want to set Matt up in the guest room, or are you boys OK sleeping in the same bed? Never mind. Dumb question after seeing you out by the pool yesterday. Reggie has a queen size bed, so there will be plenty of room in it for both of you."

There'd be plenty of room for us in a twin bed. If we're not cuddled together all night, I'll be surprised.

"Yes, Mrs. Lincoln, I think that will be alright. Assuming Reggie's OK with me invading his bed?"

"Invade and conquer, I'd say."

I'm a little embarrassed by Reggie's comment, but Mrs. Lincoln is laughing. I have to get used to Reggie's parents knowing he's gay, and I guess, assuming I am too, although the jury's still deliberating that one. Depending on how I feel after seeing Candace naked tomorrow, if I even do, those deliberations may be complete. Since his mom worked today, dinner was simpler, ziti and meatballs, with a side of green beans. If I eat over here too often, I'm going to get spoiled. Mom's a good cook, but her sense of variety is a little lacking. Any kind of pasta and meatballs means spaghetti and meatballs. Not like that's a problem, I'm a 14-year-old boy. Spaghetti and meatballs is near the top of our favorite foods lists. Dessert was apple pie a la mode. How 'a la mode' means 'with vanilla ice cream' is beyond me. Call it shit on a shingle, it was still good. After dessert it was movie time. I never knew there were that many channels and services. We have Amazon Prime, which usually has a good selection, but they had Peacock, Tubi, Crackle, Netflix, Hulu, and more. Geez, if you can't find something to watch, you're not looking hard enough. They asked if I wanted to pick, but how do you choose one out of a couple thousand? We decided on one of Reggie's favorites, Maze Runner. I'd seen it before, but since I didn't remember much of it, I was OK with it.

"Matt, would like to take a shower before bed? I know it was pretty hot today. Delivering papers in the heat must be sweaty work."

"Yes, it is. I wouldn't mind having a shower. Thank you, Mrs. Lincoln."

"No problem. Reggie, would you show him where everything is? He might enjoy the big shower. That way you can take yours at the same time."

There it is again. I know she's not TRYING to embarrass me. It's just so weird being able to do things I'd have to sneak around doing at home. Reggie taking a shower with me, at my house? Never happen. I follow Reggie upstairs and down the hall from his room into the biggest bathroom I've ever seen. It's a two-headed shower. I'm sure it has another name, but that describes it pretty well. There's also a jacuzzi tub and a sauna. I feel like I'm in a fucking hotel. Not that I would know what a real hotel bathroom looks like, except from TV. Which, of course, there's one of those in here too.

"Wow. This is amazing."

"Um, yeah, I guess so. I'm used to it, so it's not a big deal for me. Want to sit in the sauna for a few minutes before we shower?"

"Can we?"

"No. It's there so we DON'T use it. Of course we can."

Reggie starts stripping so I do the same. It's hot in the sauna, but not like when it's real hot outside. It's a comfortable hot. We sit next to each other on the bench.

"Wanna play with each other?"


"Cool. Tell me to stop before you cum. We'll finish off in the shower."

"Sounds good."

We sit in the sauna for about 10 minutes, gently fondling and kissing each other. When we get out, the rest of the bathroom feels cool, even with the heat lamp on. Not cold enough to lose our boners though. Reggie gets the shower water to a good temperature, we're only using one shower head. They're too far apart to do anything if we used both of them. We have fun soaping each other up, all over. When he washes my butt, he slides his finger into my ass hole. It's a shock at first, but then it feels really nice. He stops after a couple minutes and asks me to do the same.

"Don't like, shit on my hand or anything."

"Never. Pissing or cumming on each other would be OK. Nope, not playing with shit."

I soap up his ass, my finger is real slippery so it slides into his hole easily. I thrust it in and out like he was doing to me, but he stops me after a couple minutes so he doesn't cum yet. He turns around and we face each other. We start kissing and jerking each other off. After all the foreplay, I don't last long. After about a minute of him stroking me, I tell him I'm about to cum. He kneels down in front of me and takes my dick in his mouth seconds before I start blasting away. I felt six good spurts. I'm almost always only good for four. It was amazing. He looked like he enjoyed it too. He stands back up, I take his dick back into my hand and start jerking him off again.

"I'm getting close. You don't have to suck me if you don't want to, just keep jerking."

"Uh uh. I want to try."

I kneel down in front of him, looking at his dick from real close up. I lick it a little bit. I know it's clean, since we're in the shower. I take his dick into my mouth, and start moving up and down his shaft, like he was doing to me. It doesn't take long before he warns me.

"I'm about cum. You don't have to take it in your mouth if you don't want to."

I keep sucking. If he likes doing it to me, the least I can do is try and go all the way through it. He starts spurting in my mouth. It caught me a little by surprise, even though he warned me. He shoots three times in my mouth before I don't think I can hold anymore, so I pull away from him and swallow. Not far enough, apparently, he's still got a few more spurts left in him and it lands on my nose and lips.

"Shit, sorry. That felt like my biggest load ever. Stand up and I'll clean off your face."

I was expecting a wash cloth. Nope, he's licking his cum off my face. God, what else am I going to do for the first time this weekend?

Next up - "Skinny Dipping, Family Style, and a Barbeque."

Author's Note

Each chapter of this story will be based on a real fantasy I had as a young man, mostly during my supermarket days, although there weren't that many to make it too long a story, so at least a couple won't be grocery store fantasies, at least the first 3 will be though. Only the fantasies themselves were real. Nothing that follows really happened.

This one got long, so I thought I'd better break it up into two chapters.

Feel free to drop me a line if you haven't already. I appreciate the comments, good or bad.

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Next: Chapter 5

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