Grocery Store Fantasies

By Lee Wilson

Published on Aug 10, 2023


This story is an original work of gay fiction. None of the people or events are real. While some of the town names used may be real, any other geographic references (school, events) are purely fictional. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is completely coincidental. This story depicts sexual situations between high school aged males. If reading this is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, you are reading at your own risk. This work is the property of the author, Lee R Wilson, and shall not be reproduced and/or re-posted without his permission. Story ©2023 Lee R Wilson.

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Grocery Store Fantasies

CHAPTER 3 - Aren't You Freezing?

I've been at the Shop-N-Save almost 8 months now. The last 3 in the frozen food and dairy department. I'm Wayne. Wayne Jefferson. It's the summer before my senior year in high school. I'm the kind of guy that nothing bothers. Difficult people, bad weather, accidents, mistakes; I take it all in stride. Bad weather includes both outdoor and indoor; indoor namely being the freezer I spend maybe a quarter of my time in while I'm at work.

Nobody believed the 25 degree Fahrenheit temperature doesn't bother me. Well, they usually did after I gave them a demonstration. The one exception was the little geek that bags groceries, cleans the toilets, etc. They're usually called bag boys. I think they should be called miscellaneous grunt work boys. This one though, he's amazingly annoying. Almost to the point where it bothers me. And believe me, one had to push me pretty hard to even approach that threshold. Kerry Madison. Like I said, geek. I would never say it, but a lot of people call him Dolly Madison behind his back. I think that's a bit much. Common thought is - he's a fag. But like calling him Dolly, that's not my style. For me, gay works just fine as the definition. He pretty much proved that feeling with me. But like anybody else difficult, or different, I don't hate him. As it turns out, his annoying me had a purpose. For him, anyway.

Kerry came into the freezer one day looking for me because a customer couldn't find something.

"Holy moly. It's freaking cold in here. How do you stand it?"

"I think I'm part lizard. The cold doesn't really bother me. But everybody needs to see for themselves. Need something?"

"Oh, yeah. There's a guy out here looking for, um, some kind of pizza."

"OK. Feel free to follow and learn."

"Hello sir. I'm Wayne, how can I help you?"

"Where do you keep the Elio's pizza. The kids are bugging my wife for it and she usually does the shopping. I get to stop on my way home from work."

"Yeah, it is a little hard to find."

I walk him to the door where it is.

"Down here on the bottom shelf. Not a lot of shelf space, so it is a little difficult to locate."

"Thank you Wayne. You saved my eardrums from an attack when I get home."

"Ha ha. No problem."

After he walks away, I turn to Kerry.

"Even if they're stupid, make them think they're not. Of course, if they're looking for eggs when the display is 12 feet wide, 3 shelves high, that's a challenge."

"Thanks Wayne. What did you mean by `everybody needs to see for themselves'?"

"Oh. People don't believe I don't really feel the cold. Want a demonstration?"


We head back into the freezer and I take off my work jacket, then start taking off my shirt.

"Whoa. You get naked for anyone that asks?"

"No. Just my shirt. Some people don't think that's so hard; until they try it themselves and put it right back on after like 5 seconds."

"That would be me. Um, thanks for the demonstration. I better get back to work."

He was staring at my chest. I watch him out of the corner of my eye. He's adjusting the front of his pants. Shit if just seeing my chest turned him on, what would have happened if I stripped completely? It was only a couple days later when I found out.

"Hi Wayne."

"Hi Kerry, what's up?"

"Um, can I ask you something?"

"Sure. Asking is free. Sometimes answers cost."

"I, um, started my break and got to wondering if you ever had to undress completely because someone didn't believe you don't feel the cold."

"Well, a couple friends when I was younger and we were outside playing in the winter. But I'm guessing you mean here."

"Um, yeah."

"Once, but I'm not telling you who she was."

"Coz, I was thinking. You're probably so used to taking your shirt off in there, so it's not a big deal."

"Not to be funny, but, that's what she said."

"So, would you do it?"



I'm guessing he's come up with a clever excuse for seeing me naked. I figure why not? Give the little guy a thrill. I may end up being his jerkoff fantasies for a year or so. I work with the public because I like helping people.

"OK. Come on in but flip the sign and close the door all the way."

I had made a sign for all us frozen foods workers to use when were went to the bathroom or on break. It just simply says 'Stepped away, be right back' attached to a magnet.

"I see you're shivering already so I won't waste any time."

I take off my jacket and shirt. Thankfully they don't make anyone below assistant manager wear a tie. Then down come the pants, around my ankles.

"Do I need to actually take them off or is at my ankles OK?"

(Gulp) "Ankles are OK. Underwear too?"

"If I must."

I don't even bother turning away. I'd say I did with the girl if he asked, but there was no girl. I only said there was so he'd know I was OK stripping in the freezer. I slide my underpants down my legs. He stares at my cock for about 15 seconds.

"How long do I need to stand here to prove to you it doesn't bother me?"

"Um, I guess, um, that's good enough."

"Don't be nervous. I know you just wanted to see me naked. It's no big deal. I'm proud of my body."

And I should be. 6 feet, 210 pounds. Well defined muscles in my abs, strong arms and legs. I'm a a linebacker and tight end for the high school football team.

"Uh. OK, thanks. I better go."

"Wait!!! Let me get dressed before you open the door. With my luck someone will be out there and see me naked. Customers sometimes stray into the back rooms looking for help or the bathroom. That would be a job killer."


He stands there watching me dress. I have to admit, it's a bit of a turn-on being watched. I get dressed quickly though, don't want him to see that I'm getting hard. I'm not huge down there, only a little over 6 inches, but he doesn't need to see the whole thing.

"OK, it's safe to open the door."

"OK. Thanks, um, for showing me."

"Any time. But maybe not the freezer ever again. It actually does start feeling too cold with nothing on."

He's smiling because he caught my hidden message.


We both had to work until closing that night. Apparently, any time also included 'later that same evening.' Which I suppose it does. I just wasn't expecting it to.

"Hi again Wayne."

"Hey Kerry."

"I liked your show before. I have my bike so I'm not waiting for anyone else. Do you think we can sit in your car for a few minutes, so I can see your dick again?"

"Just waiting for me. Do you remember what I said before about asking and answering?"

"Yeah, answers can cost."

"This is one of those times. You don't get another free look at my dick. I should get something out of it too."

"You want to see my dick too?"

"No. I was thinking a hand job. That way you get to see it and touch it, and I get some pleasure out of it too."

I can see he's only delaying so I think he's not sure about it. I can tell inside he's celebrating this turn of events.

"OK. But you can't tell anyone I did it. I don't want people to think I'm gay."

"I won't tell, but that toast has already popped."


"Everybody already does think you're gay. Although, to be honest, most of them don't use gay, but I don't like that particular f word."

"Oh, geez. Really?"

"Really. Don't let it bother you until someone bothers you with it. If they do, let me know. So, here's my car. You ready?"

Not that my car is really nice or anything, but we're supposed to park further away from the store, and even if it was a POS, I wouldn't want it to get damaged by a runaway shopping cart. Those things are dangerous once they get moving.

"Um, yeah."

I unlock the doors. He gets in the passenger side, I get in the driver's and pull my pants partway down. I always keep the leftover napkins from drive-thru food in the door, so I hand him a few.

"I don't want stains."

"Got it."

He reaches out for my dick, tentatively. Like he either believes I'm going to hurt him for doing this, or maybe he thinks my dick bites. Whatever, he finally wraps his hand around it and starts jerking me off. Slowly at first, then he speeds up gradually until I can't take it any longer.

"Get the napkins over it, I'm almost there."

He fumbles them, but fortunately, not long enough to miss catching my cum. He holds the napkins in front of my dick on an angle. They catch the cum, but we can both see the cum squirting out as well. I'm breathing heavily. I'm not sure if he'd done that before, but he did a great job as far as I'm concerned.

"Did I do OK?"

(panting) "Yeah... Kerry... that was... great."

"I was worried. It was my first time jerking someone else off. But I hoped you would let me. I figured you saw me getting hard, just like you started to before you got dressed before. I guess I was right that you were turned on a little."

"I can't say I'm an expert at getting a hand job, but with my limited experience, I'd say among the best."

Best, second best. What's the difference when it was only my 3rd?

"Thanks again."

"You want to put your bike in the trunk and I'll drive you home?"

"No. I just live around the corner. I'll be home in less than 2 minutes."

"Convenient. Well, goodnight Kerry. And thank you."


It being summer, there was really no restriction on high school kids working what were typically school nights until closing. 4 days later, there we were again. Him waiting outside for me to get out.

"Can we go to your car again?"

He's getting braver, no hesitation this time.

"Sure, if you want."

"Yeah, I want."

He's addicted to my dick. Same deal as the previous time, but when I unlock the doors, he opened the rear passenger door. I give him a look, like 'what the hell?' He just nods at the back seat. Maybe the gear shift was in his way last time. I get in, drop my pants a bit again, and he touches me. After a few strokes, he opens his pants and pulls them down. I never thought I'd think this, much less say it.

"Yours is kida cute."


He resumes stroking me. But he's not speeding up this time. I guess he wants touching me to last. Nope!

"Can I suck it?"

I'm a 17-year-old horny boy, what do you think I said?

"Um, sure, if you want to. But do I need to get napkins first?"

"No. I don't plan on cumming, and even if I do it will be in my pants. Your cum won't even touch the air."

He was right about him cumming in his pants. After sucking my dick for about two minutes longer, he was also right about it never touching air.

The next few times we both close, the same scene repeats. I'm starting to get used to this and aside from the cute remark, I haven't done anything really gay from my perspective. It's about a month after the pizza encounter when that limit approaches the line. This time it's a Saturday night.

"My parents went to an out of town wedding, so nobody's home at my house. Can we go there instead of your car? It might be a little more comfortable."

At this point, I'm not thinking anything's really so different as we're walking to my car.

"Yeah, sure. No bike?"

"No. I ran it home on my break."

He shows me where he lives. I should have guessed it would be a nice house when he said it was 2 minutes away. By bike, that's not far at all. It could be close to a mile and on the poor side of town in a car. He unlocks the door and I follow him in.

"Follow me."

He leads us up this really nice staircase. It opens on the front and back and meets in the middle for the rest of the way up. We pass one set of double doors, which I assume is the washer and dryer, maybe a closet.

"That's my parent's room."

He opens the door for a second and I see a bedroom that is at least twice the size of mine. And I always though mine was pretty big. 12x15.


There's another door almost across from the double doors. Only one door, but it's got to be 4 feet wide.

"My bedroom."

"Holy shit!"

It's a mirror image of his parent's room. Or close to it. Even with a king-size bed, couple dressers and a massive entertainment unit, it looks sparse. He starts undressing.

"Joining me?"

"Um, yeah. I'm just amazed at the size of your room."

I start taking off my clothes.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, but I was hoping you would fuck me tonight."

"You... fuck... huh?"

"No. You fuck me. I don't think you'd even want to give me a hand job. But that's OK. But I've been looking forward to this night since my parents mentioned the wedding. Even more so when I saw we were both closing again."

I've recovered somewhat from the shock.

"I'm, um, I'm a virgin."

"Me too, but I'd love it if you took my cherry."

Wee Wayne is screaming at me to get undressed. If my belt wasn't tight he'd be bursting his way out of my pants.

"It looks like your dick likes the idea."

All this time, he's laying on the bed, using a tube of something to smear it all around and in his asshole. It's looking at me and seems to be saying 'here I am. You want me, don't you?' So I start stripping. I've never even imagined doing it with another boy. Yeah, I've jerked off some lately thinking about Kerry's mouth. Fucking him has never been a thought. I kneel between his legs and he rubs the lube all over my dick. I'm hoping I don't cum just from the rubdown, but he finishes rubbing.

"Put it in slow. I know it hurts a little, hopefully my work with a dildo will keep it from hurting too much. You're bigger than the dildo I have."

Here it is, the moment of truth. I'm going to fuck for the very first time. It's not Cindy, who has been a jerkoff fantasy of mine for years, but it's still a fuck. I press into his anus. It's not as difficult as I thought it would be. I guess his dildo made a difference.

"Keep going. Just keep pushing forward slowly."

I continue pushing myself deeper and deeper until finally, my pubic hair is rubbing up against his ass.

"Oooooh. Awesome. Stay like that for a bit."

I do, because it serves a pretty important dual purpose. First, it ensures this lasts longer and second, but related, I'm not feeling like I'm going to cum right away.

"Go ahead. Start fucking me."

What 17-year-old boy has ever heard that and not obeyed? Not this one, that's for sure. I start slowly, again, trying to keep myself from cumming too fast. Kerry pushes up as I'm pushing down. His knees are so far back, he's practically folded in half. I'm watching my dick go in and out of his asshole. The rhythm is practically hypnotizing me. I'd love to say we fucked for an hour, but that wouldn't be true. I looked at his clock when I first entered him. It's 8 minutes later now and I'm beginning to feel the orgasm rushing down the highway at me. I pump harder and faster. I feel the first of the spurts leaving my dick and I push in as hard and as deep as I can. I'm cumming deep inside his ass. It finally registers that I've been jerking him off at the same time when he cums all over my hand.

"Gaaaaaaah." 'Aaarrrrrrgh."

We're both groaning through our orgasms. Finally I have to stop thrusting. I take my hand off Kerry's dick and he reaches for it. He pulls it up to his face and starts licking his cum off my fingers.

It's odd. Kerry hasn't been waiting for me after the nights we both close. I finally caught up with him to ask why.

"I know you don't want a boyfriend or anything. I guess I just used you to get my first fuck. I'm sorry about that, but I don't think we should meet up anymore. Thanks for being my first though."

And he walks away, not even waiting for a response. Great, I get used to blowjobs and ass fucking and he takes it away from me. I guess I need to find a new fag to fuck.

Next up - "In the Woods"

Author's Note

Each chapter of this story will be based on a real fantasy I had as a young man, mostly during my supermarket days, although there weren't that many to make it too long a story, so at least a couple won't be grocery store fantasies, at least the first 3 will be though. Only the fantasies themselves were real. Nothing that follows really happened.

Feel free to drop me a line if you haven't already. I appreciate the comments, good or bad.

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Next: Chapter 4

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