Grocery Store Fantasies

By Lee Wilson

Published on Aug 4, 2023


This story is an original work of gay fiction. None of the people or events are real. While some of the town names used may be real, any other geographic references (school, events) are purely fictional. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is completely coincidental. This story depicts sexual situations between high school aged males. If reading this is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, you are reading at your own risk. This work is the property of the author, Lee R Wilson, and shall not be reproduced and/or re-posted without his permission. Story ©2023 Lee R Wilson.

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Grocery Store Fantasies

CHAPTER 1 - The New Bag Boy

Yo. I'm Ted Kanady. Yeah, I know. I hear it all the time. But it's ka-NAH-dee. And no, I don't want to talk about Chappyquitick, or however the fuck you say it. I'm a 17-year-old high school student at 'You Don't Need to Know' High School. You may have noticed I come off as a real smart-ass. OK, a lot of you are thinking asshole. You'd all be right. Do I give a fuck? Right. I do not.

Anyway, I've been working at the Shop-N-Save for almost 4 months now. I may be an asshole at times, but I'm a good worker. That's why in 2 weeks I'll be upgraded from bag boy/cart fetcher/toilet cleaner/gopher to grocery clerk. I try not to be an asshole at work. I usually succeed. Not being a smart-ass, well, that's a different story. Maybe it's more being majorly sarcastic. Whatever you want to call it. I have a quick wit and a poor brain-to-mouth filter. Say something stupid and you'll get called on it.

So, it's Monday in my penultimate week as a peon. That's next to last for those of you with single digit IQs. That's another thing about me. Not trying to brag, but I am really smart and have very little tolerance for idiots. Working with the public, that's not always a good combination. Like 'K' said in MIB - 'A person is smart. People are stupid.' Truely, really smart. My IQ has been tested at 155.

Here comes the front-end manager with apparently the new bag boy. And God, he's fucking gorgeous.

"Ted Kanady, this is Brian Travis. He'll be replacing you when you move into the grocery department."

"Hi Brian. Nice to meet you."

"Same here."

"Ted, I expect you to get Brian up to speed before you change jobs."

"Yes, Miss Graves."

Miss Graves leaves us alone. I'm trying not to stare at Brian.

"Well, follow me, I'll give you the grand tour."

I showed him around the store, showing him where all the tools of the trade are. Where they keep the spare bags, trash compactor, cleaning supplies. Then the fun one, gathering up carts from all over the parking lot. I found out he goes to the same school as me and that he's 2 years behind, and just turned 16. I'll be 18 in a couple months, so our ages aren't a problem. The problem is figuring out how to get him interested in me.

We'll be working the same hours for the next two weeks. Me and my shadow. But he's picking things up well. A few others in this job I've run across are either total dimwits or simply don't care. Me, they're paying me to do a job, I'm going to do it well. Anyway, after a couple days, I can occasionally leave Brian on his own so we get everything done sooner and can take it a little easier toward the end of our shifts. More time to just be around him without too much to do. I like that.

Back to getting him interested. I try at least once each day that we work to have to use the bathroom while we're cleaning it. He's either totally straight (likely, much to my chagrin), or hiding any homosexual tendencies he may have. No peeks that I've noticed. Nor will he stand next to me. He usually pees after we finish cleaning and I have no excuse to hang around in the bathroom. Subtle isn't working, I have to try to be a little more direct. We've gotten close enough in this first week that somewhat personal questions wouldn't be unexpected.

"So, Brian, got a girlfriend yet?"

"No. Maybe if I can save enough money after working here for a couple months I can try to find someone. You?"

"Nothing steady. A date here and there. Hard to find the right one."

"Yeah. Seems anybody nice is already attached."

That's twice he's avoided using a female pronoun.

"Eh, we're too young to get attached. I just look for who might be fun to be with."

"Oh, I only meant attached as in already seeing someone else. I don't think I want to get that serious with anyone until I'm a little older. But yeah, it'd be cool to find someone to have fun with."

Here goes nothing.

"I noticed you've been gender neutral in your comments. Ever consider having some of that fun with another guy?"

Was that a flash of panic I saw?

"Uh uh. I don't think... eww, just the thought of it makes me cringe."

"Just curious. I'm not going to jump you or nothing. Talking just makes cleaning bathrooms seem to go quicker and less gross."

"Oh, no, I wasn't implying that you, um. Never mind."

"I get it. But no, I'm not gay. Like I said. I'm naturally curious about other people. We have to work together, no reason we can't also be friends."

"Yeah, that'd be cool. I didn't think you'd necessarily want to be friends with a sophomore."

"Two years is nothing. Now if you were 12, I'd be chasing you away."

Yeah, right. Younger boys are almost always really cute to me. If one were interested, chasing him away would be the last thing I'd do. OK, I planted the first seed. Gotta let it germinate for a couple days before I pile some shit on it.

We finish the bathrooms. By the way, it was funny watching him go into the ladies room for the first time. It was like he was entering a dark alley with unknown threats hiding within. It was a little intimidating for me at first too. But after a couple days, like me, he got used to it. Time to run the dust mop/broom over the floors and then go home.

He's waiting outside when I leave a couple minutes after him.

"Need a ride?"

I know I'd love to ride you.

"Um, I don't know. My mom isn't usually late."

I hand him my cell.

"Call her, see if maybe she got hung up somewhere. I can't see you waiting here for a half hour if we can save her a trip."

He calls, I only hear his side, obviously.

"Hi mom... No, nothing's wrong, I thought you were going to pick me up from work... Is he OK? ... No, don't worry about it... Another guy I work with lent me his phone to check with you, he offered me a ride... OK, see you later."

"I don't mean to pry, but is who OK?"

"Oh, my little brother. The chain on his bike broke and he wiped out. Twisted his ankle trying to keep from falling on his face. Mom took him to the ER to get checked. Um, so yeah, I guess I could use a ride. Thanks."

"No problem."

"Nice truck."

"It gets me where I need to be. Plus, it was cheap. 12-year-old small Chevy trucks aren't in great demand I guess."

"Looks like it's in good shape."

"Yeah, kind of low mileage. My older brother is an auto mechanic, so I get free labor. Dad makes him fix anything wrong with it. How old is your brother by the way?"

"You wouldn't quite have to chase him away, ha ha. 14."

He directs me to his house. It's only about 4 blocks away from mine.

"I live really close, if you want to save your mom the trouble, I can give you a ride in and/or out as long as we're still working at the same time."

"I guess. She'll want to meet you before she puts her baby in someone else's hands."

"I detect a bit of sarcasm."

"Yeah, she thinks my brother and me are still 6."

"No worries. My number will be in your mom's call history. I can pop over just about any time."

"Cool. Thanks for the ride. See you tomorrow, one way or the other. She'll probably say OK and want you to come a few minutes early to meet you. I'll call later and let you know for sure."

"Whatever works. See ya."

Three days of working with him this week. Three days of jerking off thinking about him as soon as I get home. I thought of him when I jerked off the other two days too. Maybe tomorrow I'll meet his little brother too. I can double up on the wanking with 2 new subjects.

Brian calls a little later. Tomorrow's Saturday, so it's his first long day. Being part-time, most days it's 4 or 5 hours. Saturdays we're there for 8 1/2, including a lunch/dinner break, depending on when one starts. Tomorrow we're working the closing shift, 1:30-10:00. I'll be heading over to his house to meet his parents a little before 1. Wow, meeting the parents, that doesn't usually happen until the third date or so. Well, I guess we've worked together three times now. I suppose that qualifies. And since I've said parents a couple times now, I'll share that one of the quasi-words I hate is 'rents when referring to parents. Another term is 'come with.' As in, 'you're going to the store, can I come with?' I always add the 'you' or other appropriate pronoun at the end.

Anyway, his parents seem pretty cool. Mom's a stay-at-home mom and dad's the Assistant CFO for a large local company. Pretty successful guy. His brother Barry? Wow. A mini-Brian. I could die a happy boy after spending a couple hours in bed naked with the two of them. Barry has an ace bandage wrapped around his ankle. Time to earn some points with the parents.

"Brian told be about your accident Barry. How's the ankle feeling?"

"It hurts some. Just a sprain, fortunately not broken. My bike chain broke as I was going around a corner, lost my balance."

"Well, I hope you get better soon."


"Well, thanks for coming over Ted. I appreciate your offer to shuttle Brian back and forth. Sometimes, like yesterday, life gets in the way."

"No problem Mrs. Travis. I live over on Magnolia, so it's not really out of my way. Besides, he's a pretty cool kid. I've enjoyed spending the time with him at work."

"That's nice. But I do have a favor to ask you. Harold and I have a late wedding to go to next Saturday. Barry is sleeping over at a friend's house because Brian is working late. Since you'll still be working the same shift from what he's told me, would it be OK with you if you stayed with him for a while, until we get home, probably around 1 AM?"

"Mo-om, I can be alone in the house for two or three hours."

"Not that late at night honey. I think you'd prefer a friend than your grandmother."

"OK, you win. Grandma's nice Ted, but like mom, she treats us like we're little kids."


"Well, you do."

"Yeah, that should be fine. I'll check with my parents tonight and let Brian know. I don't think they'll have a problem with it."

I sure as shit won't have a problem with it. Alone with him for almost three hours? It'll either be heaven, or torture. If it's torture because he won't do anything, at least I get to be near him longer.

"OK, well you boys better be going. You don't want to be late."

"OK, bye mom, dad. See you later."

"Bye Mr. and Mrs. Travis."

And with that, we're out the door.

"See, I told you she treats us like six-year-olds."

"It's cool. Nothing wrong with hanging out with a friend for a while after work."

I'm looking forward to it, believe me.

"Well, thanks. Hopefully your 'rents won't have a problem with it. You're a much better option than grandma."

I cringe.

"Um, could you not use 'rents? It makes me crazy when I hear that. I kind of hate it when people butcher the language."

"Oh, sure. Sorry, I didn't know."

"No worries. Now you do."

The long shift is tiring at times. Saturday is always busy, so it means more trips outside gathering up carts. Yeah, they're on wheels, but pushing more than a few of them at a time gets harder as the day goes on. Shop-N-Save isn't a very big chain, so we don't have those motor-driven cart collectors you sometimes see. Manual labor all the way. I'm not tiny, probably about average height for my age, but I'm a lightweight. Although after almost 4 months of pushing carts around, I am getting stronger. When I first started I couldn't handle more than 4 carts. I can bring in 8 at a time now. Brian's not big either. He still struggles a little with 4, but it's OK, it still takes less time when two of us are doing it. DA little double entendre there. I'd rather it take more time if the two of us were 'doing it.'

Throughout the week, I jokingly make comments like that, using the terms 'doing it' or 'get it on.' I make them fit the situation, like when we're refilling the bags at the cash registers, or about to dust mop the aisles. He's a pretty smart kid. I think he's understanding my hidden meanings. Maybe that's just wishful thinking, but he did take a piss next to me on Thursday. There are those barriers between the urinals, so there's no way to peek. I did back away before putting Ted Jr. away though. Give him a chance to look if he wanted to. He turned his head slightly in my direction. Needless to say that got me instantly hard. Whether he really looked or not, I can't say for sure. Like I said, maybe wishful thinking.

So, the big night is here. We're outside for the last time, gathering up the carts. Brian's been quiet the last part of the night. Maybe he's just tired, but a couple times it seemed like he was just lost in his own head, thinking about something. Obviously I'm hoping he's thinking about the not-so-subtle hints I've been dropping all week. We're in my truck on our way to his house and I find out for sure.

"Ted, can I ask you something and you be serious? I know you joke around a lot and I can't always tell when you're joking."

"Sure. I'll answer with a serious response."

"You joke a lot about doing things with me. I kind of wonder if there's any truth behind it."

"I'll put it this way Brian. I'm serious enough to follow up with it if you said yes, but joking enough to not be upset if you said no. To be perfectly honest, you're hot, and I really wouldn't mind messing around with you. But like we said last week, I'm not looking for a serious relationship."

I hope I didn't scare him off, but he wanted a serious answer.

"OK. I've been confused about it. I like you a lot. I've never really considered other boys as 'hot,' but I guess you'd be considered handsome. To be honest as well, I've gotten a little curious about maybe trying things with you I never would have thought about a couple weeks ago."

"So, maybe we can play around a little tonight, see if there are things you'll like or not?"

"Um. Yes. I don't want you to think I'm gay or anything, but like I said, I've started to get curious."

"No worries. The way I see it, it'll just be two guys getting off. No strings attached. And it wouldn't matter to me if you were gay. I consider who the person is I want to be friends with, hot what they are."

"Thanks. So, um, if I wanted, um, a blowjob, would you be willing?"

"Ready, willing, and able. I've wanted to 'experiment' with you since the first day we met. I'll do pretty much anything you want me to."

"Wow. I kind of hoped you'd at least consider it."

At this point, we're pulling up to his house. I park on the street so I'm not blocked in when his parents get home."

"What the heck? Barry's light is on. Hopefully he just forgot to turn it off when he went over to Curt's."

Fuck! This close to messing around with Brian, God, even sucking his dick. Heaven was winning out over torture, but torture found a way to hit a game winning, walk-off home run. Fuck, shit, and damn all rolled into one. We walk up to the door. It's unlocked. Fuck, shit, and damn squared.

"Barry? You home?"

He comes hobbling down the stairs. His ankle still bothering him a little. Man, would I love to kiss it and make it better.

"Yeah Bri. Curt got sick. His mom didn't want to risk me catching something. I told her you'd be home in a little while, I'd be OK until you got here."

"Yeah, it's cool. Um, Ted can you wait here a minute while I go talk to Barry alone?"

"Um, yeah, sure."

They head back upstairs. I obviously can't hear what they're saying, but you all can. Listen in for me?

"You look unhappy Bri."

"Yeah. Um, you know how much I like Ted, right?"

"Yeah, we've talked about it."

"Well, I was hoping we could have messed around a little tonight. He actually said he'd be willing to give me a blowjob."

"Oh, you lucky shit. So, you want me to hide in my room and pretend nothing's going on?"

"Yeah, would you?"

"Fuck no. I get to watch and if he's willing, get my dick sucked too."

"You're kidding?"

"No. I'm 14, I wouldn't mind getting a blowjob too. If I can weasel one, I'm going to do it."

"OK. Let me go try to talk to him. I've been horny all day looking forward to maybe doing something tonight. I'm just desperate enough to ask him. Stay here, I'll let you know."

"Fine. But if you don't call me or come back up in a few minutes I'm coming back down, whether you're doing something or not. I don't want to be tricked."

"Yeah, I get it."

Brian is coming back down. He has a concerned look on his face.

"I'm guessing our fun is off?"

"Um, not necessarily. But you might not like the conditions."

"Well, let's hear them."

"He wants to watch. And if you're willing, he wants you to suck him too. Damn, I was honestly looking forward to this too."

"How do you feel about him watching?"

"Shit, I'm horny enough to let a whole crowd of people watch."

"And we're not saying you and me will get serious, so blowing both of you doesn't affect 'us,' right?"


"Bring him down and let's get our clothes off."


"Yes. He's a mini-you. You're hot. Sucking you will be awesome. Sucking you both could make this one of the best nights of my life."

"Barry, come on down."

Barry comes back down.

"So what's the verdict?"

"Your conditions are acceptable."

"No way. Really, you'll suck me too Ted?"

"Yes, and probably enjoy every minute of it. But Brian's first."

"That's fair."

"So let's get naked."

Brian runs to the linen closet and comes back with a towel.

"I don't want to sit naked on anything, just in case."

I tell him that's smart. And we all take our clothes off. My five inches are standing up from its forest of sandy brown hair. Brian looks like he's got just a little less, maybe 4 1/2 and a smaller, darker brown bush. Barry's smaller yet, definitely not even four inches, probably around 3 1/2. But he's completely bald down there. I almost want to say forget Brian, but nope, I want both of them. I tell them to sit on the couch and I kneel down in front of Brian. Barry's eyes go from my mouth to Brian's dick and back again. I start by giving Brian's cock a kiss on the tip. He's already leaking. I see Barry reach for his own cock out of the corner of my eye, but he's only rubbing it slowly. Hopefully not enough to make himself cum. I don't want him to waste it. I lick up and down Brian's shaft.

"Oh, God, that feels so good."

I'm thinking 'wait, it'll get better.' Then I make it better by taking his dick into my mouth.

"Oh, fuck, that's awesome."

I start sucking him, teasing his head with my tongue on every upstroke. I want this to last a while, but I can tell he's only got a minute or two before he explodes, so I slow down a little bit. This drives him crazier. He's cursing and moaning, begging me to speed back up. I don't want to torture him, so I do so after about 15 seconds of his begging. Less than a minute later he's thrusting his hips up, pushing his dick deeper into my mouth. I feel it pulse and am rewarded with five shots of the sweetest tasting cum I've ever had. Not that I've had much, I've only blown three guys before this, but his is the best so far. I keep licking and sucking until I'm sure I've gotten it all. I swallow it all down and look up at him.

"Holy fuck that was awesome Ted."

"You looked like you were going to cry happy tears Bri."

"It was definitely a possibility, Barry."

I let them have their moment and then I move in front of Barry. Once again, starting with a kiss, moving on to licking and then sucking him deep. I can get his dick and balls in my mouth without gagging. He's apparently loving it, cursing and moaning like his brother did. He's not lasting long either. I feel his dick throb and then one shot and a couple dribbles of cum enter my mouth. I gladly swallow that as well.

"Oh, wow. I could die a happy boy, even though 14 is too young to die."

"I'm glad you both liked it. I could die happy now too. I've never blown two people right after each other. I loved it though. God, I'm so hard."

"I'll take care of that if you want me to."

"Really Barry? You never told me about wanting to suck a dick."

"I never had anyone suck my dick before either. Ted looked like he enjoyed it a lot. I want to try."

"Well, go for it if Ted's OK."

"OK? Fuck. A great night is about to get even better."

Barry and I switch positions. I can't believe I have a younger boy, over three years younger, sucking my dick. I don't last as long as either of them. After maybe 90 seconds I'm shooting 6 loads into Barry's young mouth. It doesn't seem like he's hating it, swallowing it all as I'm filling his mouth.

"Oh, God. Thanks Barry. You've got a hell of a future if you keep sucking dicks like that. Guys will keep coming back for more. No pun intended."

"I did a good job?"


"Shit, it's almost 1. Barry, take your clothes and get upstairs and in your PJs. Ted, down that hall, there's a bathroom on the right. I'll head upstairs and get dressed too."

I chuckle at the unintentional reference to CCR's song 'Bad Moon Rising.' We all split in different directions, Brian grabbing the towel we all sat on in addition to his clothes. I'm out of the bathroom and sitting back down when the front door opens. Brian is halfway down the steps.

"Hi mom, dad. Have a good time?"

"Yes. I had to drive home because your father had too much wine."

"I told you I was fine."

Slurring his words a little. Maybe feeling fine, but not fine to drive. Another pet peeve, driving drunk. I had a cousin killed by a drunk driver. Another example of my intolerance of stupidity.

"Anyway, how was your evening?"

"Work was OK, tiring, Saturdays are busy, lots of cart wrangling. We mostly just sat around getting to know each other better."

I had to stifle a chuckle. That was an understatement if I ever heard one.

"Oh, and Barry had to come home. Curt got sick and Mrs. Allen didn't want to risk getting Barry sick. Knowing I'd be here with a friend, she was comfortable letting him come home."

"That's good. I'll go check on him. Ted, thanks for coming over. I feel better when someone else is here with the boys if we're not."

"You're welcome Mrs. Travis. I'll be heading out now. Like Brian said, lots of cart wrangling. I'm going to go home and take a hot shower. Chase away the sore muscles."

And then a cold shower so I can actually sleep without a boner.

"Goodnight then. If you ever want to when you bring Brian home late and we're not here, bring a change of clothes, you can shower here if you'd like."

"Goodnight. Yeah, sounds like that would work. See you next time."

And maybe that could be a three-way shower. I'm going to like the Travis family.

Next up - "Working With Fruits - How Apropos"

Author's Note

Each chapter of this story will be based on a real fantasy I had as a young man, mostly during my supermarket days, although there weren't that many to make it too long a story, so at least a couple won't be grocery store fantasies, at least the first 3 will be though.

Feel free to drop me a line if you haven't already. I appreciate the comments, good or bad.

If you liked this, check out my other stories on nifty: (Complete) (Complete) (Complete) (Complete) (Complete)

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Next: Chapter 2

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