Grizzlies and Geezers

Published on Sep 10, 2004


Grizzlies and Geezers

Part 9

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

Things calmed down when Rocco returned. We all relaxed and rested. I thought Giorgio needed some to time to get his thoughts in order. He liked man sex, but since he had a bad experience in the past, I thought we should let him set the pace.

The pace slowed even further where Wayland came by with his son Jimmy. Jimmy was a mess. He looked like death warmed over and I felt sorry for him. I was in the strange situation of being the victim of a rash act, but having no memory of it. Mark still glowered at him like a mother dog protecting her puppy, but he was polite. I introduced them to Giorgio, who told them to call him George. He was only Giorgio in his family. We sat down and talked.

"Dad said you were doing much better," Jimmy said. "I was afraid, I'd ruined your life forever."

"He ain't out of the woods yet," Mark muttered.

"But I can see a clearing in the woods," I said. "I'm feeling fine and all sorts of things which were difficult a month ago are easy now."

"I'm just visiting here. What exactly did you do?" George asked of Jimmy.

Jimmy looked uncomfortable. "Tell him what happened, Jimmy," Wayland said. You could tell it was an order. Jimmy complied. George was a psychology major in college and I later found out was planning to go to graduate school for counseling. He got Jimmy's number quickly and didn't let him off the hook.

George wasn't aggressive in his questioning, but he was perceptive and probing. After a half hour it was clear Jimmy knew more about himself than he had when he arrived at my house. Wayland had to go, so they left, with Jimmy apologizing again. It was a bit more genuine this time.

"Damn, you're good at that," Mark said to George after they left. "I think that idiot had at least a clue about why he's a jerk."

"He does seem clueless, doesn't he?" George commented. I went to the kitchen to make dinner. George joined me and helped. It was clear he had no kitchen experience, but he was willing to be helpful. After dinner he cleaned up.

The door bell rang and I opened it; Wayland was there. "I just wanted to thank your visitor for helping Jimmy. Jimmy needs to see a shrink, but won't go. George helped a lot, he got him thinking." George and Rocco came into the room and talked with Wayland. They clearly hit it off well. George was a perceptive man and Wayland confirmed a number of suppositions about his son and filled in other bits of information.

Wayland loved his son and was deeply concerned about him. Wayland was a nice man and a good father. George recognized that and I could see the young man become attracted to the bear like mason. Wayland didn't mind the attention from George either.

George adjusted his balls. I don't know if he did this on purpose or not, but Wayland noticed and responded. I saw Rocco wink at Wayland.

Wayland asked Giorgio about his future and then enthusiastically endorsed George's plan to become a councillor. "I got Jimmy to go to one counselor, but he was into confrontation. As soon as you confront Jimmy, he gets defensive or belligerent. He has to think he's doing it himself. That or God's doing it."

"Praying for a bolt of lightening to make everything good again?" George asked.

"That's it," Wayland admitted. "I say God helps those who help themselves. It's no good to just pray and hope."

"I had a professor who said that while prayer or meditation can be helpful for some, for others it's just an excuse for doing nothing," George said. "He also thought intense religious feelings sometimes are related to other problems. Some people will become purer than the pure to cover up what they regard as a horrible sin. A sin so awful, they don't even admit it to them self."

"Damn, you know my son well," Wayland said. "His mother was worried about the "sins of the flesh." I always thought it was a lot worse to be an asshole than to be too casual where your cock is concerned. She was horrified by Clinton's blow job. Eight years of peace and prosperity were nothing compared to that sin."

"Do you think Jimmy's gay?" I asked. "I would bet that would be a top-of-the-line sin in his book."

"I never thought of that," Wayland said. "He sure has had a hard time finding the right woman. I know he's a virgin, or at least that what he's told me. Saving himself for marriage."

"Does homosexuality run in your family?" Rocco asked.

"Nope, not to my knowledge," Wayland said. He then looked at me and laughed. "As a worthy sage has said, I'm not gay, I just like sex with men!" Everyone laughed at that. "I may not be gay, but I sure am open minded."

"Everyone here is open minded, I think," Rocco said. "I've been trying to introduce Giorgio to the finer points of man sex. He's new to it. Tommy and Mark have been helping him."

"Can I help too?" Wayland blurted out.

"You sure as hell can!" George exclaimed.

Mark appeared from the hall from the bedrooms. "Did someone say something about sex?" he asked.

"I think you have an ear in your cock in addition to the brain!" I said.

"It's my nose, not my ear," Mark said breezily. "I smell sap rising!"

"I don't know about rising sap, but I wouldn't mind another educational interlude, "Giorgio said. "Maybe we could kick it up a notch."

"To tell you the truth, I'm nothing if not experienced, but there's always room to lean. I've been surprised at the new tricks I've learned from novices," Mark said. "Let's not sit around the living room, my bedroom is near by. Maybe we can all learn something."

Mark's room was mostly bed. He had a king size bed in what had been intended to be a child's small bedroom. Giorgio, Wayland and Mark were first undressed. I went to my own bedroom and Rocco came with me. "Giorgio seems to be fitting in well," I said.

"I was hoping he would. He was pretty screwed up when I first saw him at the funeral," Rocco said. "The episode with his cousins was really bad and seeing them again brought it all back to him. We had some long talks about it. I hope you don't mind, but I wanted him to meet some normal gay men. He associated gay sex with pain. That's a big problem for a guy who likes men."

"You'd think such a bad experience would sour you on men," I said.

"I'd have thought that too, but it's clear that not the way it works," Rocco said. "You're born gay. There's no way to pretend you are not turned on by men if that the way it is. It seems those things are hard wired. It not the software, it the processor. I don't know if it's glands or hormones, but whatever it is, you can't fool mother nature."

"You're right about that," I said. We joined the group in Mark's bedroom. Giorgio and Wayland were entwined cock to mouth, Mark was providing helpful hints and a helpful tongue where he could fit it in.

"I think Wayland and Giorgio hit it off," Mark said as he leaned over and licked my cock. I was half hard when I walked into the room, my cock responded immediately. Rocco went after Mark's cock. Rocco tended to be macho and rarely initiated sex. He usually waited for sex to come to him. Mark always claimed his cock was a stud magnet and that might be true. Not only was Rocco sucking him, he was sucking with obvious enthusiasm. I glanced at Giorgio and saw him sucking Wayland with the same enthusiasm. Maybe it was genetic. Rocco and Giorgio shared the sucking gene.

After a while we rotated musical chairs' style. Giorgio was sucking me and Wayland took care of Rocco as Mark sucked him. As the sex got better and better, I began to want a cock in my ass. I wasn't sure how to get where I wanted to go. I knew Giorgio was uncomfortable with anal, and I didn't want to offend. He was having such a good time I didn't want to interrupt the sexual flow.

"Guys, I really feel like fucking. Does anyone want to step up to the plate?" Mark asked.

"I'd like to help you out, but I don't think I have enough nerve," Giorgio said.

"Well, is there anyone here who would be a more likely candidate to get in your ass?" Mark asked. "Do you want to try it tonight?"

"I'd like to, but I don't know who," Giorgio said.

"You want to get fucked?" Wayland asked. "Damn, I'll love to get in your ass."

"If that ain't a profession of love, I don't know what is," Mark said.

"Wayland is too thick," Rocco said. "Tommy's a much better size."

"I think it's Giorgio's choice," I said. "I bet he has a good sense about what will fit."

"I don't know if Giorgio wants an old Grizzly's cock in his ass," Wayland said. As he said, this Giorgio put his arm around Wayland's shoulder.

"You look more like a Teddy Bear then a Grizzly," Giorgio said. He reached down and stroked Wayland's cock. "You do have a Grizzly cock."

"It's thick!" Rocco exclaimed.

"Have you tried it?" Giorgio asked.

Rocco was silent for a few seconds. "I've never had a cock in my ass," he said. "I guess I shouldn't talk."

"Well, Rocco, if you feel you'd like to try a cock I'm willing." Mark said.

"A grizzly is one thing, Godzilla's is another." Rocco said. He smiled. "I think we're getting carried away with our horse hung metaphors. Anyone want to try Moby Dick's dick?" Everyone laughed.

"Rocco, you know Tommy can take my cock and he loves it," Mark said. "I take my time and work it in slow. I'm not a sex machine, but as I told George earlier today, 90% of my partners come back for seconds."

"If I was going to start taking cock, I'd be starting at the top with your monster," Rocco admitted. As we were bantering, Wayland had worked some lubricant into George's ass. Wayland's finger had clearly reached the prostate and the young man was twitching in pleasure. That struck me as a good sign.

Looking at them, I knew Giorgio was willing to take Wayland's meat. Giorgio was coating Wayland's cock and they were getting into it. Murmuring, they seemed to have negotiated a suitable position to penetrate Giorgio's ass. He was going to sit on it. That would give him control over the situation.

As they worked out their plan of attack, I hadn't been paying attention to Mark and Rocco's banter. Mark had been extolling the virtues and pleasures of anal sex, and much to my surprise Rocco seemed to be weakening.

"I'm not saying you're going to like it," Mark said, "but a lot of guys do. It might be worth a try. We are friends, I am a careful guy in spite of the size of my tool."

"Do you think I could take it?" Rocco asked.

"I think so, but if I were you, I might try a spin in Tommy's love pole," Mark said. "It would open you up easier." Rocco glanced at me and I saw he was really interested now. His eyes were glistening and so was his cock. It was coated with precum.

A little later, somehow I was on my back with Rocco lowering himself on my cock as Giorgio did the same on Wayland's meat. It was synchronized fucking, with the uncle and nephew facing each other as they skewered themselves. I felt Giorgio wouldn't have a problem, he was really turned on and wanted Wayland's cock bad. I wasn't so sure about Rocco. He was both macho and timid. That didn't seem like a good combination to me. If he could relax, it would be fine.

Mark had a bottle of poppers. He gave it to Giorgio who took a snort, then to Rocco. Rocco took a deep snort. The amyl must have hit both men at the same time. You could see both men relax and let gravity take its toll. It was almost as if Rocco melted on my cock. It slipped in easily. He sat still for a few moments.

"Holy shit!" Rocco exclaimed. He undulated his ass a few times, adjusting his ass tunnel to my cock. "Damn," he cried, "this is fucking unbelievable." Mark was watching us. He smiled in approval. It was clear my cock had changed Rocco's outlook on anal sex for the better. I glanced over at Giorgio, his mouth was open and he looked dazed. Wayland's cock had winded him. I saw him move slightly and jerk his ass. He was trying to get Wayland's cock into a more comfortable spot.

Giorgio twitched a few more times, then the dazed look vanished and was replaced with a glow. He began to undulate his hips and the glow was replaced by a look of total satisfaction. Wayland was watching him closely and when he saw the change, he relaxed. Giorgio continued to wiggle his hips and his cock, which had been soft, inflated.

"Are you enjoying this as much as I am?" Rocco asked.

"Does it get better the longer you're on the cock?" Giorgio asked.

"That's sure the way it feels to me!" Rocco replied. He lifted up than sank back on my cock, moaning a little. Giorgio copied his uncle and did the same. It had the same effect. He was getting accustomed to the cock and enjoying it more.

Mark was on the side of his bed, watching the action and waiting for a chance to get involved. He had lubricated his cock so he was ready if an opening appeared. He looked at me with questioning eyes. I nodded and he knew I was willing to let him take Rocco, if Rocco was willing.

"Damn, I'm close," Giorgio whispered. He leaned forward and Wayland's cock popped out of his ass. "I don't want to shoot now. I want it to last."

Rocco got of my cock at the same time. "I need a breather too," he said. He lay on the bed and Mark snuggled behind him. As he snuggled his cock in Rocco's ass. Rocco surprised me when he raised a leg to give Mark easier access.

"Are you ready to try it?" Mark whispered to Rocco. Rocco nodded. Mark nudged his cock into the hole. "I'll take my time," he said. "If it hurts, just tell me and I'll slow down."

"Do you think you can take it, Uncle Rocco?" Giorgio asked.

"I'll sure give it the college try," he replied.

Next: Chapter 10

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