Grizzlies and Geezers

Published on Sep 5, 2004


Grizzlies and Geezers

Part 8

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

I didn't know where the conversation was going. Since Giorgio had experienced a bad sexual experience, I would have avoided the subject of sex. Mark had no such qualms. Much to my surprise, Giorgio didn't have any problems either.

"You like to fuck?" Giorgio asked of Mark.

"I sure do, but my cock is for the gourmet cock master. It ain't fast food and it sure ain't for the casual fling," Mark said.

"It's huge, does it actually fit in a normal ass?" Giorgio asked. "I can see why a guy likes to fuck, but I can't see taking it in the ass."

"Well, it's not for everybody," Rocco said. "I'm a top man myself, but Tommy likes it. When it's good, it's great, when it's bad, it's bad. I think it depends on the attitude."

"I don't think it's all attitude, although Tommy has the best attitude I've ever encountered, and I'm not exactly a virgin." Mark added.

"If that's a compliment, thank you," I said. "Given how interested most people are in sex, it's amazing how little we know. You certainly can't predict when a sexual experience will be good or bad. There are some men I really like, but the sex isn't much. I think basic anatomy play a big role in fucking."

"Especially since you're flying blind. You have a lot more control when you're sucking. You can see the cock and he can see you. There are a lot of things you can do with lips and a tongue to make things work out well," Mark said. "When you pop into a guy's ass for the first time, you have no idea what you'll hit. Maybe it will be the jackpot, but maybe your cock will miss the target completely."

"What exactly is the target?" Giorgio asked.

"For me it's the magic nut, the prostate," I said. "It's the stealth sex organ, alas, it's in your ass and hard to reach."

"It's not hard for me to reach!" Mark said. Giorgio and Rocco laughed.

"I think my doctor has done that," Rocco said. "That's sure no thrill."

"I've noticed that. It's different when it's a cock doing the touching," I said. "I don't exactly know why."

"I think it's part of the attitude thing," Mark said, "In some ways fucking gets a bum rap. It ain't as if only the fucker gets to enjoy himself. If that's what happens when you're not doing it right."

"Do all of your partners enjoy it?" Giorgio asked.

"90% do," Mark replied. "The other 10% had eyes which were bigger than their ass holes. That happens sometimes, a guy thinks he's a size queen, but he turns out to be a size princess." We all laughed.

"What do you do?" Giorgio asked.

"I pull out a bit unwillingly," Mark answered. "It's really hard to get a hot and bothered, build up a head of steam and then have no ass to shoot it in. I make do." Rocco went off to make dinner and we continued talking. Giorgio was really interested, but uneasy.

"There is no class in college giving you pointers," Giorgio said. "High School sex education told you what not to do."

"As in don't have sex?" I asked.

"That's it. Save yourself for marriage. Not useful advice if you're gay!" Giorgio said.

"We didn't have sex education in my hometown, they though it would give you ideas!" Mark said. "Looking back, it's hard to figure that one out. We had pregnant girls in 7th grade. The school board was worried about rushing things. They said the family should do the sex education. The pregnant girl's daddy was the one who got her." Mark took a long look at Giorgio. "I do give lessons, if you're interested."

Giorgio laughed. "I think I need to get lessons from someone with four or five fewer inches of cock!" Rocco returned to the conversation. He was carrying a tray of sandwiches and drinks.

"Have I missed something?" he asked.

"I just offered to give your nephew some lessons in gay sex," Mark replied.

"Well dinner is ready. It's basic but easy. We'll have to have the rest of this educational conversation afterwards," Rocco said. Rocco wasn't much of a cook, but he was a great maker of sandwiches. He had a special sauce made up of horseradish and something else that transformed any meal.

The conversation turned my medical situation. Mark explained what had happened and what was to be done. It was odd to hear someone describe my situation in such detail. It also sounded as if it was improbable it would be successful. I said that.

"Not improbable at all," Rocco said. "You're a smart man who can help with the therapy and you have as much professional care as is possible."

"To be perfectly frank," Mark said. "You're far better now than any reasonable prognosis would have predicted a few months ago. Tommy, you're a medical miracle now!"

"I don't feel like a miracle," I said.

"If Rocco hadn't told me about you, I never would have guessed you'd been through what you have," Giorgio said.

"Not only is he a fucking medical miracle, he a great lay!" Mark exclaimed.

"Well thank you for that bit of information," Rocco said. "It's nice to know the brain in your cock head is still working."

"Don't complain about the brain in my cock," Mark said. "It may not be very big, but it sure has served me well!" We talked for a while after dinner and watched the television, then I went to bed. I felt good about things. My recovery seemed slow to me, but Mark and Rocco were pleased with it and I trusted their good sense.

The next morning Rocco went off to classes for the day. Mark had the day off, so he worked on my physical therapy with Giorgio helping some. He liked the exercise machine and had worked in a health club, so he knew quite a bit about exercise.

The conversation moved in the direction of sex, much to my surprise, Giorgio was doing the moving. Mark had been very direct the day before, but today he held back and let the younger man do the talking. Giorgio was interested in sex and clearly interested in man sex. As we got deeper into the exercise routine, we got closer physically. Mark wasn't shy about that. Giorgio wasn't either.

We went to shower and Giorgio wanted to join us. I had a big, walk-in shower and there was room for three. The Giorgio's cock looked bigger than it had the day before. He was near half staff. I was under the shower soaping up and washing my hair. When I rinsed off and could see again, Mark was well beyond half staff and Giorgio was standing next to me staring at it.

"Are you ready for a lesson?" Mark asked.

"I think so," Giorgio said. Much to my surprise, Giorgio dropped to the floor and began sucking my cock. I thought he was interested in Mark's.

"That's right, suck that cock and enjoy it. Take you time. We got the whole afternoon." Mark said. I was still sure Giorgio was interested in Mark, but he was sucking me with obvious relish. Mark put his arm around me and his other hand on Giorgio's head.

"Let's dry off and go to the bed," Mark suggested. We did as he asked. The second I was on the bed Giorgio was on my cock again. He was good and getting better. Mark got next to me. I could see Giorgio glancing at Mark's cock. I suspected he was building up his nerve. "You can do it," I whispered to him. He looked up, smiled and then switched to Mark's monster.

He carefully licked around the rim of Mark's cock head. The young man licked the edge slowly and carefully. Mark moaned in encouragement. Giorgio worked up his nerve and I saw his tongue get closer to Mark's slit. Some precum oozed from the slit and touched Giorgio's tongue. He actually shivered when he tasted the cock juice, then he took the whole cock head into his mouth.

Giorgio obviously liked the taste. "If you keep on sucking, you'll get a lot of that juice," Mark said. "Lick the rim of the head again." I could see Giorgio's tongue licking the edge of the head. Mark must have oozed another glob, because Giorgio twitched again. I rearranged myself on the bed and got Giorgio to move so I could get at his cock.

He had a spectacular, young man's erection, with a bloated, purple head on the top of a 6" shaft. It was a perfect size for sucking so I deep throated him. I knew he was trying to do the same with Mark's monster, but it was too big to fit. I sniffed his balls for a few seconds and pulled off. Giorgio rewarded me with a good glob of precum. Repeating this several times, Giorgio's cock when twitched and I tasted cum. Giorgio was too close. We broke apart to cool off.

"Are you okay?" Mark asked of Giorgio. Giorgio nodded. "We haven't gone too fast?"

"Oh no," Giorgio said. "It's great." He paused. "You guys taste great."

"You like the special brew?" Mark asked. The young man nodded. "I have to admit, I didn't like it when I was your age, but it grows on you. Now I like it. Precum is a sure fire sign you're enjoying yourself."

"I thought an erection did that." Giorgio said, smiling.

"The erection is phase one, pre cum means you're cocked and ready," Mark said. "Are you ready to kick it up a notch?"

"I don't think I want to be fucked," Giorgio said.

"Actually, I was thinking your cock might feel good in my ass," I said.

"You're kidding!" Giorgio exclaimed. I saw his cock twitch and I knew he was interested.

"Lie back and let me sit on it," I said. "Mark, you get the lubricant." I looked over at him and he already had a tube of K-Y in his hand. He slowly coated Giorgio's cock. Mark knew the young man was close, so he was careful not to over stimulate the organ.

"Tommy will take it nice and easy. Try to hold back. The longer you can hold off shooting, the better it will be." Mark explained. I straddled Giorgio and sat back. His head popped into my hole easily. His was holding his breath, so I lowered myself and his shaft slid in until it was fully lodged. It was good.

"Does it hurt?" he asked.

"Not at all. Does it feel good?" I asked.

"God yes!" Giorgio replied. I rotated my hips and he moaned. Tightening my ass on his cock, I felt him twitch. He was having a full scale orgasm. After the last ejaculation I got off and let him catch his breath.

Mark was right behind me. "Are you ready for some heavy duty play?" he whispered in my ear. I nodded. A few seconds later his cock was at my ass. Mark was always a good playmate, but he hit the jackpot this time as his cock slipped into my ass. I don't know exactly what happened, perhaps I was relaxed after taking Giorgio's ass. Whatever it was, it was great.

I was twitching and moaning in pleasure as Mark used my prostate as a punching bag for his cock. He knew what I liked and he surely knew his way around my ass, so he didn't need to be too gentle. It took a while but I had a hands-free orgasm. As soon as I finished shooting, he pulled out and shot his load over my hairy chest. It too was hands-free. My contracting ass must have pushed him over the edge.

We lay on the bed afterwards, catching our breath. "Damn, I don't believe that monster fit," Giorgio exclaimed. "That was hot."

"Tommy and I have done this before," Mark said. "We're getting it down to a science."

"Do you ever get tired or bored? Doing it with the same guy, I mean?"

"Never had that problem," Mark replied. "As a rule, things get better the more you practice. Tommy and I had put in some good hours practicing."

"Meeting a new guy is usually exciting, but the sex is better with men you know," I said. "If you get tired or bored, I think you're doing something wrong. My guess is, when guys say things like that, something else is wrong."

"I guess you're right about that. My asshole Uncle Sal was always complaining he didn't get enough," Giorgio said. "He said my Aunt was old and tired. He had turned into a tub of lard, and she was a sweet woman. I think it was an excuse to go chasing after other women. No one ever talked about sex in my house, so it's all uncharted territory for me."

"That's the way it was with my parents too," I said. "They were loving and nice and great people, but it was really hard for me to think of sex as a part of everyday life. I tended to think of sex as foreign and alien. I didn't associate sex with a loving relationship. Even with my late partner, we never talked about it. We sure did it enough, but we didn't talk much. Mark seems to have cured me of that. We do it and talk about it too."

"My mom and pop never talked about it either," Mark added. "They were Baptists, but at least they didn't teach me it was bad. I had some friends who thought you'd go straight to hell if you did anything, and I mean anything. How can you be a healthy person without sex? It's a basic, biological drive. It's like telling people eating is bad for you. You have to do it, but you feel guilty when you act on the urge."

"Well, it not exactly like eating," Giorgio said.

"I think it's closer than you think. Eating keeps your body alive, sex is necessary to preserve the species," I said.

"It seems odd to me when giving pleasure and feeling pleasure is bad an evil," Mark added. "Most of the Bible-Thumpers seem to be into punishment, not pleasure. If God likes punishment and pain more than pleasure, we're all in deep shit."

Rocco entered the room. "How was your day?" I asked,

"Long," he said. "I can see yours was good."

"If you get naked, you day will take a turn for the better," Mark stated. Rocco smiled.

Next: Chapter 9

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