Grizzlies and Geezers

Published on Aug 21, 2004


Grizzlies and Geezers

Part 7

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

Wayland came over toward me and Ralph was nice enough to give his cock a lick or two.

AI thought Englishmen were standoffish? @ Wayland said.

"You haven=t been watching BBC America, @ Sean said. "This is the era of Cool Britannia, and Ralph is as cool as they come.@ Sean had a dusting of hair on his chest, other wise he was smooth. He wore his brown hair long and with bangs. He was clean shaven. Sean's cock was so hard it pointed up. While his mushroom was normal sized, his shaft was a thick tree truck shape. The base was massive and the organ tapered as it reached the head.

Ralph was balding and had shaved what had not fallen out. His hair started at his neck and went down. He must have had the hairiest back I had ever seen. I couldn't see his cock since he was sucking me.

AGuys, I know some of us have just met, but I=m in the mood for some fucking,@ Wally announced. AIf that bothers you, let me know or forever hold your peace.@

APretty open minded here,@ Wayland said. "I don't mind some fucking as long as there is no potential for child support."

Ralph laughed. AOpen minded here too,@ Ralph said. AAnd I=ve got an itch in my ass I can=t reach!@

AEveryone here seems to have a good attitude!@ Wally observed, as he walked over to us. "Ralph, why don=t you get on your hands and knees and get that ass into striking distance?@ he asked. Ralph did as Wally requested. The Englishman was sucking me rather than Wayland when he moved. I saw a big bead of precum ooze from Wayland=s slit and fall to the floor, connected to the cock by a thin filament. He was excited.

ADo you want to see my cock before I pop in, or do you want to be surprised?@ Wally asked.

Ralph laughed, AI=ll take the surprise!@ He switched from sucking me to sucking Wayland. Wayland was sitting on the bench. This was a more comfortable position for Ralph. I went over to Sean.

AAre you a top or bottom?@ I asked.

AVersatile, but to tell you the truth,@ Sean replied, Atopping rings my chimes big time. You?@

AVersatile, but to tell you the truth,@ I said, Athe bottom is more of my thing.@ We watched Wally lubricating Ralph=s ass. Ralph loved that.

ALucky, aren=t we?@ Sean asked. AYou don=t have any objection to taking a guy= cock the first time you meet him, do you?@ By now Wally was nosing his cock head into Ralph=s ass. Ralph=s pink hole was just about the only part of his rear which wasn=t hair covered. He had been twitching the hole in invitation.

Wally=s cock was much like Sean=s, it tapered from a massive base to a comparatively small head. Ralph had no problem with the head at all. Heavily lubed, it vanished into his ass without effort.

AIf I take you doggy style we can watch and fuck,@ Sean whispered. That sounded good to me, so I got on my knees. Sean got behind me and began to ease his cock into my ass. It was easy. His small cock head popped through my sphincter. His cock was well lubricated and he pushed deeper. Eventually his balls was against my ass. I hole was stretched wide, but the I had no problem talking his cock.

While the base of his cock was very thick, because the taper and the lubrication that wasn=t a problem. It was sort of a stealth cock. It was in before I realized just how thick it was. The curve of his cock was exciting. Sean was rock hard and he was hitting unexpected places. Next to us, Ralph was moaning as Wally thrust deep.

Sean pulled out. ADamn, I=m a lot closer than I thought,@ he said. AI need to cool down.@

AWhy don=t you scoot over here and help Ralph?@ Wally asked me. "Show him what a good American cock sucker can do." I got on my back and wiggled under the beefy mason. He had a short, thick cock which seemed to be mostly head. I licked it and tasted his precum. It was thick, strong and pungent, more like a draft of Guinness than a Bud Lite.

Usually precum is sweet and tasty. I didn=t like Ralph's at first, but the flow was plentiful and was refreshed with a new spurt every time Wally went deep. On the fourth of fifth spurt the ball juice got to me. His cock drool must have been mostly male hormones and they turned me on. I was pretty excited anyway, but I kicked into over drive.

ALet=s rearrange ourselves and go for the gold,@ Wally said. Get on your back, Ralph, I want to watch you.@ When Ralph moved, everyone had to move too. I got my first look at the front Ralph, I had only seen his back and ass. Ralph was built like a brick, a hairy brick. His body was that of the 19th century strongman, massive, muscular, but graceless. He was also one of the most masculine men I had ever seen.

None of us were girly men, but next to him I felt a bit like Mia Farrow. Ralph oozed man. His cock was a massive beer can.

"Holy cow!" Wayland exclaimed. I looked at him and saw he reacted the same way to Ralph as I did. Wayland, Sean, Wally and I surrounded Ralph. All of us were hard and turned on. "I can't believe I'm doing this," Wayland said as he straddled Ralph's face and fed the Englishman his cock.

"Looks to me, you are enjoying it," Wally observed.

"If it didn't feel so good, I'd be afraid I'd be heading straight to hell." Wayland said.

"Baptist?" Sean asked.

"How did you know?" Wayland asked, laughing. "Lick that spot again," he asked Ralph. Ralph had his tongue in Wayland's foreskin and was licking the underside of the cock head. As his tongue caressed Wayland head, Wally eased his cock into the mason's ass. Both Ralph and Wayland moaned in response. Wally was stroking Ralph's cock. Sean and I flanked Ralph and we were playing with his tits. They were sensitive, but I wasn't sure if there was any part of Ralph's body which wasn't sensitive by this time.

"Forget the Baptist guilt. We're just men helping each other out," Wally said as he took deep strokes into Ralph's ass. "I'm not doing anything I wouldn't have you do to me. In fact I insist you do me next!" I pinched Ralph's tit harder than before and he began to twitch.

"That's it! Let it flow!" Wally said. "Let that man seed shoot and spray us all. Don't be shy!" Ralph's entire body twitched and a huge volley of cum shot from his cock. It hit Wayland's hairy gut, then dripped on his cock. Sean leaned forward and intercepted the remaining ejaculations with his mouth. I realized he was a cum hound.

We broke apart and let Ralph get up. He was winded, but happy. Wally took his place in the bench. "Anyone like to ring my chimes?" he asked. He was looking directly at Wayland. Wayland looked unsure but a bead of precum oozed from his cock.

"Don't you be shy," Wally said. "Lube it up and work it in." Wayland came forward and Sean lubricated his cock, while I worked some lube into Wally's ass. I was surprised at how responsive Wally's ass was. I got a finger in and pressed his prostate. He went crazy.

As soon as I pulled my finger out, Wayland was there, ready to shove his cock into the vacated ass. Wayland had a big head and he too his time penetrating the ass. Once he had his head through the sphincter, Wayland was hard but fair. He didn't exactly shove it in, but it wasn't a walk in the park either. Wally wasn't exactly a virgin either, but Wayland's meat was a new experience for him.

For the first few strokes, I sensed Wally was being polite. After a dozen or so deep thrusts, the politeness was replaced with pure animal sexuality. Wally became really receptive and Wayland turned into a junkyard dog in heat. Both men enjoyed it. They shot off together. Sean must have been very experienced, as soon as Wally tensed up, he had his mouth open and this time he got t he entire load including ther first shot. It was getting late, and I was getting tired. The second his balls were empty into the recesses of Wally's ass, Wayland turned into the attentive nurse again. He saw I was tired and we went home. It had been a good night, but I was bushed.

There was nothing scheduled for the next day. I needed a day of rest. I was feeling better and many of my normal thought processes seemed to be returning, but I was tired. The next day Wayland went home, since Mark was going to home that evening. I was left alone in a peaceful house. I sat in my favorite chair with a book and slept for most of the afternoon. Mark returned on schedule. There was no physical therapy the next day and much to my surprise, I slept most of that day too. I had no idea how tired I was.

That afternoon, I was in the back yard sunning myself when Rocco returned. He was with another much younger man.

"Tommy, this is my nephew, Giorgio. I gave him a lift part of the way back to New York. I hope you don't mind if he stays a day or two here?" Rocco said. "By the way, he's George outside the family circle, Giorgio in. The young man looked like a younger and smaller version of Rocco. He looked at his Uncle with clear admiration and I had a feeling there was more than admiration in his eyes. I saw a trace of lust.

Giorgio was almost a perfect copy of his Uncle, but he was barely five feet four. Rocco was a good looking man, but the features which were handsome in him were almost pretty on him.

"No problem at all," I said. "Pull up a chair and join me. The sun feels great."

"I'll get something to drink," Rocco said. Giorgio was wearing a Hawaiian style shirt and shorts. He took off the shirt and sat in the chair next to me. He was hairy like Rocco, but the hair was still downy. He didn't get in the sun much, but he had a dark, Mediterranean complection which would tan easily.

"Uncle Rock said you'd helped him through a rough spot," George said. "I really appreciate that. He's my favorite Uncle. I couldn't stand my Aunt. Rock deserved better than that." Rocco returned with a pitcher of lemonade and some glasses. They gave me the rundown on the funeral.

It had gone well in spite of some familial problems. Rocco's brother Sal was difficult and his sons were unmitigated assholes. Sal was grasping and was obsessed with the will and inheritance. Giorgio's father was a lawyer and the executor of the estate. This had caused great problems since Sal and his brood had wanted to stip the house of everything they wanted.

"I like your Dad," Rocco said, "but I had always thought he was a bit of a wimp. I have to admit he had no problem standing up to Sal and the gruesome twosome he calls his sons. I was impressed. Tommy, Giorgio's father, Milton Weatherlow, is the most uptight WASP I have ever met. You may have noticed, our family is very Italian. I didn't think there was any chance in he he'd last, but they been married 25 years and seem just as happy today as they were when they married."

"Dad's quiet, but he's stubborn and can't be intimidated. Sal and his sons look like they belong in the primate cage of a zoo, except they aren't smart enough," Georgio said. "Sal Junior is the biggest asshole I've ever met. Dad says if you gave him an enema he's loose half his weight."

Rocco burst out laughing. "I didn't know you Dad knew that word," Rocco said.

"Yes," Giorgio responded. "He told he me was afraid every time Junior took a shit his IQ dropped 30 points."

"Sophia always told me your Dad had a sense of humor. I guess all of us are too loud to notice." Rocco said.

Mark came out of the house, pulled up a chair and sat down. He was naked. Looking up, he saw Giorgio and said, "Damn, I didn't know we had company! I think I'm under dressed."

"Mark, this is Giorgio, my nephew. Giorgio, this is Mark, the EMT I told you about," Rocco said in introduction. They shook hands.

"I'm not the shy type," Giorgio said. He took and nice long look at Mark's cock. "If I had your equipment, I'd show it off too."

Mark smiled. "To tell you the truth I don't mind showing it off either, but usually not on the first date!"

"No one can see you back here?" Georgia asked.

"The landscaping is thick and well placed," I said. "It's the ideal place for sunbathing."

"Feel free to join me!" Mark said.

"I've never done that," Giorgio said. He was interested, but uneasy and needed some encouragement.

Rocco stood up and dropped his shorts. "Don't be shy," Rocco said. Giorgio slipped his shorts off. He was half hard. "At the funeral I found out George was a member of the fraternity. He had a problem with the initiation rites. To tell you the truth, I brought him here so he could meet some normal gay men. His experience wasn't good with his cousins."

"I just walked in on this," Mark said. "Tell me what happened. By the way, Giorgio, you look pretty well equipped yourself."

George's cock was getting harder. He blushed. "I'm really embarrassed," the young man said.

I smiled. "I'm afraid to tell you this, but an erection will do nothing to reduce your appeal for Mark," I said. "We're pretty open minded here."

"That's one way to put it," Mark said. "Tell me what happened."

"Well, when I was 13, Sal Junior and Vinny jumped me," George said. "It really hurt."

"They fucked you?" I asked. George nodded. "You didn't tell your parents, did you?"

"I couldn't do that," he said. "That would have made things worse. Rocco's the first person I told."

"I told him that's not what gay men are like. At least not the men I know." Rocco said.

"I've run into that type. I think they're closet cases who can't admit they like it," Mark said.

"They may be true, I've assumed they are men who assume no one would want to be with them voluntarily," I said. "It's funny, I've never been considered a handsome man, but it never occurred to me I would need to use force to get someone to have sex with me. I figure, if they don't want to have sex with me, it's not going to work out."

"Sal Junior and Vinny aren't ugly, it's their personalities which cause the problem," Rocco said. "Sal has the same problem. He's a good looking guy, but after three minutes of conversation you know he's an asshole."

"I never thought of Uncle Sal as being handsome. I guess you're right, but he's not so handsome you can overlook his personality," Giorgio said. "There's always been something nasty about him. Has anyone tried to force you?" he asked me.

"Once, but I got away. The guy apologized the next day. He was drunk, but I'm not the kind of guy who thinks being drunk is the best excuse you can have for doing something stupid, or illegal for that mater," I said.

"Never was a problem for me. There were one or two guys in high school who might have liked to try it, but I'm a lot stronger than I look and if I turned the tables on them, they have to get use to have an asshole twice as wide as they were use to," Mark said. Rocco and Giorgio laughed.

Next: Chapter 8

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