Grizzlies and Geezers

Published on Aug 1, 2004


Grizzlies and Geezers

Part 6

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

"You boys are friendly," Wayland said.

"Mark runs a one man welcome wagon," I said, "but, we're all friendly."

"I haven't been blown in years, I'd forgotten how good it was," Wayland said.

Mark looked up from his sucking duties. "You're not new to this?" he asked.

"Yes and no," Wayland said. "I took a few trips to the wild side when I was younger, a lot younger. It was so long ago, I may have turned into a virgin again."

"Hell, if a long time between sexual episodes makes you a virgin, I may have been re-virgined several times!" Rocco said. "And that was when I was married!"

We all laughed. "If you think of it that way, I had the same experience several times," Wayland said. "There were some lengthy dry spells." He looked us over. "I take it you're all gay?" He asked.

"I'm not gay, I just like sex with men," Rocco said. Wayland looked at him quizzically.

"And you?" I asked him.

"I sure like what Mark is doing," Wayland said. "I've never thought of myself as gay, but I do think about sex with men. I've never done it, but . . ."

"Well, Wayland, this may be your lucky night," Mark said.

"I'm not sure . . .?" Wayland murmured. I knew from the tone of his voice he was unsure, but was willing to be convinced. "It's been 25 years since anyone made a pass at me, not to mention wanted to have sex with me. I've been a weathered old geezer since I was 40."

"Hard work ages you fast, but it pays off later," Rocco said. "You're in good shape now."

"You think so?" Wayland asked.

"I know so," Rocco said. "I work with a lot of older guys. You're as good as it gets."

"And you have no problem getting it hard either!" Mark added. He was still working on Wayland's cock. Wayland blushed. I think he was pleased, but embarrassed.

Rocco went over to Mark, touched im on the shoulder and asked, "Can I cut in?"

"Sure, I got him going good," Mark replied. Rocco took over the sucking duties. Mark stood and Wayland saw his erect cock for the first time.

"Damn, is that real?" Wayland asked.

"Sure as shit it is!" Mark said. "It looks good, but tastes better. I think it's time for you to open up your sexual horizons. You're ready, aren't you." Wayland nodded as he took Mark's cock into his mouth. He licked Mark's cock once, then went after it. Wayland came really close to deep throating the monster organ. It was clear Wayland had decided to try out the wild side again.

"I think we had better get out of this hot water and go where we can be more comfortable," I said. That struck everyone as sensible. We got out of the tub, dried off and we went to my bedroom.

Wayland was like a five-year-old in a candy store. He may not have admitted it, but he liked cock. I wasn't so sure he had never done it before. It may have been he'd suppressed his gay tastes when he was married. Now, he could indulge his tastes and he jumped in with both feet. Wayland wasn't shy.

During a rest period, we talked. By then he had sucked my cock as well as Mark and Rocco's. "Are you having a good time?" I asked.

"I sure am. Damn, I haven't had this much fun in years," Wayland said. His beer can was hard. The skin was pulled back and his head was bloated and purple. I stroked his cock and a stream of precum dribbled from his wide slit. Mark leaned over and licked it up.

"You're oozing the champagne of cock cocktails," Mark remarked. "I love your special sauce."

"I'm an old man," Wayland said.

"Maybe precum is better when it's from aged balls," Mark said as he cupped Wayland's huge balls. "They're not just pretty, everything is still working."

"Since my wife died, everyone has been treating me as a geriatric case, "Wayland said.

"How old are you?"

"67," he replied.

"That doesn't seem to be old to me," I said. "Not anymore, at least as I see it now."

"You guys like older men?" Wayland asked.

"I think it's more correct to say I like men period," Mark said. "Tommy likes men too, Rocco's not too sure about men, but he sure likes cock. What about you?"

"I'm not sure," Wayland said. Then he laughed. "Thinking it over, it seems as I like cock, and I sure like you guys. It's not what I thought gay sex would be like."

"Better, I hope?" I asked.

"Incredible," he said, "No one had a headache yet! I'm kind of flattered."

Wayland was a nice man. I liked Mark and Rocco and our sex was good, but a new man still turns me on. I was staring at his cock. It was wider and thicker than Mark's. I looked up and saw Mark had noticed my gaze. He knew what I was thinking. I wanted to feel Wayland's beer can stretch my ass.

Mark was always subtle and refined. "Enough foreplay. Wayland, do you like to fuck?" he asked.

"I sure do!" Wayland exclaimed. He hesitated. "You mean a man?"

"Have you fucked a man?" Mark asked. Wayland shook his head.

"This is your lucky day. Tommy, here, is a great and willing bottom. I think he'd like for you to give him a prostate massage with that beer can of yours." Mark said.

"You're kidding," Wayland replied.

I smiled. "Not at all. I do like it, and wouldn't mind trying yours on for size." I said.

"So you think it'll fit?" he asked. "It seems kind of sudden. We just met."

"He's after a good time; he doesn't want to marry you!" Mark said. We all laughed.

"If you're willing, I'm game," Wayland said. I realized he was a very sexual man, and he must have suppressed these desires for years. He was ready, willing and able. I coated his cock, then straddled him and sat back. He was thick, but his blunt head opened me up comparatively easily.

Lou had a big head, but the shaft was thinner. With Wayland I expected the head to clear the sphincter, then feel some relief. With Wayland's meat, there was no relief. It didn't hurt, but it wasn't comfortable either. When it was fully lodged, I couldn't figure out what to do you it. It was in, but I was afraid to move.

I looked down on him. He didn't know what to do either. I looked at his furry chest and nipples. They were big, the same diameter as his bloated cock head. I reached over and pinched them. He violently twitched as if he had an electric shock. He was a big man. I bounced up and shifted slightly in response to his movement.

His cock came into contact with my prostate. His cock filled my chute totally and there suddenly wasn't room for his cock and my nut. I tried to shift and relieve the pressure on my prostate. I couldn't find any place. As I moved, I massaged his cock and I was essentially jerking him off with my ass.

I was having dry orgasms. His huge member kept cum from filling my prostate. The pressure must have simulated the feelings you get just before shooting off. I was going crazy. As he approached his climax, his cock continued to grow, increasing the pressure on my battered prostate. When he came, I actually felt his sperm shooting into my ass. I pulled off.

Without his cock in my ass, the urge to shoot vanished. I crashed emotionally. Mark must have guessed what had happened. A second or two after Wayland's cock vacated my ass, Mark's cock filled the void. My over-stretched ass contracted on his organ as if it was shrink wrap. It was a relief to feel Mark's organ slide into the cum filled recesses of my ass.

It was wild. I had never enjoyed Mark's cock more. Rocco was kissing Wayland and stoking the older man's cock, milking cum from the still impressive organ. I wanted to lick it up, but I was too overwhelmed by Mark's meat to do anything. Neither Mark nor I lasted long.

Rocco started moaning as he shot off. I wouldn't have guessed in a million years Wayland would take Rocco's load, but that's what he did. He both took the spewing cock and he obviously enjoyed it.

Wayland had to go home. He got dressed and thanked us for the good time. I told him to drop by again. He left his phone number.

"You wonder how a nice guy like that had such a piece of shit for a son," Mark asked after Wayland left. "Tommy, did he do to you what I though he did? He got you revved up."

"That he did," I replied. "I don't really know what he did, but it was pretty remarkable. I've never felt that way before."

The next morning Mark took me to the hospital for an injection. They were experimentally injecting brain cells to replace those damaged. I had to stay there for a week for them to see if there was any rejection of the new cells by my body. I was essentially incapacitated for two days, since they wanted me to be perfectly still. When I came home, I was still groggy.

My body accepted the cells, but they wouldn't know if they were able to reproduce for a month or two.

I reacted badly to the drugs which they used to sedate me. I lost a good month of progress and had to repeat the therapy. I knew there might be one step backwards for every step forward, but I didn't have to like it. Rocco was finished with his classed and was to intern at a hospital, but my doctors had him assigned to me, under their direction.

This new arrangement worked well for me, since I now had 24 hours to get the therapy rather than two to four hours per day. We had things down to a routine that worked for all of us. Mark didn't have much control over his schedule since he had to travel to training sessions. Most were local, but he as sent off to New York for a week long conference two weeks after I got back from the hospital. Murphy's Law is the governing rule of the universe, and Rocco's Mother died in an automobile accident in Florida three days before Mark was to get back.

I hadn't realized it, but Rocco and Wayland had hit it off really well when they met. They had been talking on the phone and had gotten together once or twice. Rocco got Wayland to stay with me until Mark returned. Wayland was a senior member of a Rescue Squad and was use to dealing with emergencies.

Wayland appeared as Rocco left. Rocco left detailed instructions. He had been keeping a log of every activity, so he everything scheduled to the minute. Wayland was a natural leader and had a way of making things effortless. He reminded me of a Saint Bernard keeping watch over a puppy.

Dr. Freddy came by to check on me. He had a private conversation with Wayland and seemed reassured. Wally called and asked us over for dinner. Wayland wasn't much of a cook, and getting dinner was an ordeal for him.

We got to his house at six. The Captain was with Mark in New York, so Wally was alone. Wally got alone with Wayland well. They went over the brickwork of Wally's house and he knew how to repair the damage. We were looking over the balustrade on the riverside terrace when two other men appeared.

One of the men, Sean, was a member of Wally's choral group. The other, Ralph, was a friend visiting from England. They had just dropped in. Wally was a perfect host and remarkably adaptable. Soon everyone had a drink and Wally invited the two new men to join us for dinner.

Sean was an accountant with a wild sense of humor. He was good looking and conventionally dressed, but he had an unorthodox view of life. Ralph had a Rugby players build, and a face which looked downright beat up. He wasn't the kind of man you would want to meet in a dark alley. He was a stone mason brought to Richmond to repair one of the historic homes.

Dinner was good. Wally was a superb cook. The food was simple, but distinctive and very enjoyable. Wayland and Ralph got along well. They were both craftsmen who enjoyed their work. Ralph had a problem finding a helper and Wayland volunteered. "Once I'm done with my brilliant-scientist sitting job, I'm free as a bird," he said.

"What's the story?" Ralph asked. I told him about the electrocution and my recovery.

"Are you really a brilliant scientist?" Sean asked.

"It seems more likely to me that I may become the smartest laboratory rat in world history," I said.

"Tom is a bit modest," Wally said. "He is a distinguished scientist and what his research group is doing may be a breakthrough."

"I wouldn't have guessed you had a problem of any sort," Ralph said. "I have a friend who had brain damage. He's almost a basket case. Is what you're trying safe?"

"It's as safe as they can make it," I said.

"Is that a euphemism for dangerous?" Sean asked.

I laughed. "Not quite dangerous, but not a walk in the park either." We went to the living room after dinner. Sean sat at the piano and began playing; he was good. He also had an encyclopedic knowledge of obscene lyrics to popular songs. Then he began singing. Ralph joined in. Ralph had a beautiful tenor voice. It was clear and had no tendency to screech or be shrill. Sean was half of Ralph's size but was a bass-baritone. Wayland joined in with a solid and deep bass.

The musicale was rolling-on-the-floor funny. The bawdy lyrics with the beautiful voices contrasted in a way which enhanced the humor and sounded good too. The three men were having a great time. I went to the kitchen to help Wally get coffee.

"Are they as good as I think they are?" I asked.

Wally burst out laughing. "I think so. The voices are well matched and they seem to fit well. They're the Andrews' sisters gone bad!" Wally was next to me and he whispered, "Sean told me he'd met a guy I'd like. Ralph is a happy bottom, he said. I had no idea he could sing."

"I hadn't guessed Wayland could sing," I said. "He's an unbelievably thick top, just in case you are interested."

Wally smiled. "Why would you think I'm interested?" he said. "Seriously, do you think he's into some playtime?"

"I'll ask," I replied. We returned to the living room.

"Let's adjourn this little soiree and go to the cupola," Wally said. "We can sip our coffee while watching the sun set on the James." We all climbed to the attic level of the house. The cupola was glass on all sides with a panoramic view of the river. There was a continuous window seat on all sides. The room was hot as hell and Wally stripped off his shirt and opened the windows to let the heat out.

"It will be fine in ten minutes, but there is no dress code here, get comfortable," Wally said. "I usually get really comfortable here." As he said that, he dropped his pants. He wasn't wearing underwear.

"Wally, you forgot the cream!" Sean complained. Sean was all but naked, wearing only a jock strap. The rest of us were stripping. I glanced at Wayland, he was down to his jockies. They were tented.

"I've got some cream, if you want to work for it," Wayland offered. Sean was already at Wally cock. Ralph glanced at me. He came over, dropped to his knees and began to coax my cock to life.

Next: Chapter 7

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