Grizzlies and Geezers

Published on Jul 25, 2004


Grizzlies and Geezers

Part 5

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

Rocco and I had a good time. I wasn't sure he was as uninterested in man sex as he purported. Somehow he seemed to be both enthusiastic and good at it. He liked to fuck and it didn't take long for him to get skilled at it. I think he was one of those guys who were naturally driven sexually, but was too up tight to admit he liked men.

That can be very annoying in a man. I have known men who like the sex, but pretended they didn't as soon as they had shot off. Rocco wasn't that way at all. He freely admitted he liked sex with men. He was considerate and fun to be with and grateful. He didn't love men, he just loved sex with men.

Rocco's classes were very demanding. When he came home, he would be tired, but would have to get dinner ready for me. I had a slew of motor skill problems and we'd work on them after dinner. We discovered sex after the final therapy session worked for him and for me. It was satisfactory for both of us.

Mark returned from his class and noticed the atmosphere had changed. Looking at Mark you would never guess he was a perceptive man, but he noticed everything. He asked me about it and I told him about Rocco and me.

"I suspected something like that might happen," Mark said. "The minute he saw me naked, I knew he was a size queen. I turned him on, but he was afraid of what I might do. I've been trying to move him along slowly, let him ease himself into it."

"You're a Saint!" I said, smiling.

"Don't joke about my good deeds!" he exclaimed. "I do feel sorry for guys who go through their entire lives without ever having a truly successful sexual experience. I met some pretty sad people who have suffered from that."

"You may be right about that. I feel sorry for closet cases who never actually do it. They seem unhappy and bitter."

"Bitter is the right word," Mark continued. "I think love is a hit or miss thing. Maybe you'll run into the right person, maybe you won't. A person doesn't need to be perfect for the sex to be great. Sometimes sex is better with someone you don't care as much for."

"Like you and me?"

"Yes, I guess that's right. Maybe I'm not the great love or your life. I like you and think of you as a friend, but I'm not in love," Mark said.

"And the sex is great!"

"Bingo. Q.E.D." Mark replied.

"I do think of you as a friend, and to say I'm grateful doesn't even come close to expressing what I owe you." I said.

"Let's not get misty eyed here. I think of you as a friend and a great bottom!" Mark stated decisively. "All this talk has made me horny, do you feel like some deep down and dirty relaxation?" I did. Rocco walked into the room.

"Hey Rock," Mark said. "Tommy and I were getting ready to get it on, do you want to join us?"

"I don't know," Rocco murmured unconvincingly. His heart wasn't in that reply at all.

"Come on and join us," I said.

Rocco was silent for a short while and then agreed. As soon as we were naked in my bedroom, I could see what Mark meant when he said Rocco was a Size Queen. Mark's organ seemed to transfix him. The look was almost of awe. I could also see a little tinge of fear in his eyes. Rocco was a little bit afraid of it.

I was on the bed and Rocco straddled me so I could suck his cock and he could suck mine. This would also give him a front row and center seat to view Mark's cock work its magic. When I had sucked him before I noticed his mushroom didn't ooze much. When Mark's cock touched my hole, Rocco began to drip.

Mark took it nice and slow. He used lots of lube and pressed his cock into the hole rather than thrusting it in. When the cock head finally pushed through the sphincter and vanished into my ass, Rocco moaned, then tried to swallow my entire cock. His cock stopped oozing precum in individual drops; it began to flow. All but an inch or two of Mark's fuck tool were in when Rocco shot off.

It was a gully washer and it caught me by surprise. The orgasm didn't effect Rocco's interest in my cock. He kept on sucking me as if nothing had happened. He liked the taste of my cock and the view of Mark's member. Soon the intensity of sensation generated by Mark's cock and by Rocco's sucking of my cock merged into an overall sensation of total sexual involvement. I wasn't thinking anymore, only feeling.

How long this went on, I don't know. Eventually I shot off as did Mark. Remarkably Rocco popped a second time when he tasted my cum. I'm not sure if our orgasms were coordinated, but they were close enough to seem simultaneous.

As a man firmly ensconced in middle age, I had never thought sex could be shared between three people. Well, you definitely can teach an old dog new tricks. I realized there were many sexual frontiers yet to be explored.

The media's image of sexual activity is of being all youth oriented. That combined with our Grandparents' image of old age as sexless contrasted with my own experience. Being older meant I was more experienced and more open minded than I had been when I was younger. After my near death experience sex had become more important to me. There were many things I couldn't do and even more things which were difficult. Sex was still good.

After long day of tedious and sometimes painful therapy, sex made it all worthwhile. I didn't need to keep my balance and I didn't need to organize my thoughts in a coherent pattern. My body remembered what to do and everything which could feel was still in working order. In the back of my mind, I was thinking if I didn't make it to 100% function again, the parts of me which were still working made life worthwhile. Mark, Rocco and I were good for each other.

Several days later I was home alone, when someone rang the door bell. I opened the door and saw a man I didn't recognize at first. There was something vaguely familiar about him, but I couldn't figure out who he was.

" I'm sorry to bother you, Dr. Maxwell, but I had to tell you how sorry I am," the man said. He looked like something the cat had dragged in and seemed disturbed. He was unshaven and dressed in ratty looking clothes. He saw I didn't recognize him. "I'm Jimmy Savage," he said. The name didn't ring a bell. "I'm the man who electrocuted you," he whispered.

"Oh," I said. "My memory is a bit uneven." The man burst into tears and collapsed on the floor of the porch. I didn't remember much and I hadn't seen the water glass being thrown, so I had no memory of the electrocution at all. I tried to help him get up, but lost my balance and almost fell. Getting him finally him in the house, I poured him a stiff drink.

The man pulled himself together and began apologizing. He went on for a while. I felt sorry for him. Looking back, I was doing the wrong thing. I kept on telling him I didn't remember, so he shouldn't worry about me. He recognized my bad memory was the result of his actions, so I made him feel more guilty.

Rocco and Mark arrived home at just about the same time and found me with Jimmy who was all but hysterical with guilt. Mark knew who he was and gave him a piece of his mind. Strangely, that calmed Jimmy down. He wanted to be punished and Mark wasn't kind at all. Mark vented and calmed down after he had called him a fucking asshole and a disgrace to mankind.

"What in hell were you thinking when you did that?" Mark asked.

"I had visions the debate would launch my political career," Jimmy confessed. "This was my big chance, I figured. Dr. Maxwell was blowing me from the water and things weren't turning out the way I thought they would. I'm a big guy, usually I can intimidate my opponents. It didn't work. I got carried away."

"If there was anything I could do to change what happened, I'd do it," he sobbed. "I prayed every night for you, Dr. Maxwell."

"That's a stupid thing to say. There's nothing you can do to change the past. I'm not much impressed by praying. Sometimes I think praying and doing shit are just about the same," Mark said, "It seems to me it's damn close to doing nothing."

"It didn't help," Jimmy muttered. "Nothing helped. The Governor fired me." At this point Jimmy rambled on, listing all the bad things which had befallen him. He had calmed down, and Mark told him to leave.

"You know, I think he's more disturbed at what has happed to him than what happened to you," Mark said after Jimmy left.

"I got that impression too," Rocco observed. "It's not really attractive."

"He's not my type, but it did take some gumption to come here," I said. "He was genuinely sorry. I don't think he's going to be one of my closest and dearest." We all agreed on that.

A few days later the door bell rang again. This time an older, white-haired man was there. He had a well-groomed white beard and looked like a dapper Santa.

"Dr. Maxwell" he asked.


"I'm Wayland Savage, I'm Jimmy's dad. I owe you an apology. I'm afraid my son may have disturbed you again and I want you to know it won't happen again," he said.

"I appreciate the thought, but he really didn't bother me," I said. "My friends didn't take it too well, but it wasn't a problem for me. I don't remember much about the whole event." Mr. Savage was a big man. It was hot and sweat was rolling off his head. "Come inside, out of the heat," I said.

He came in and I got him a glass of ice water.

"After this awful incident you may not believe it, but my son's not a bad boy. He's excitable and easily led," Wayland explained. "His Momma was the same way. She had a heart of gold, but no common sense. She'd get under the spell of one of these revival style preachers and life would be hell, until the spell wore off."

"That fool of a Governor is just the kind of man she'd like. She liked talkers more than doers. Jimmy's like her that way. He can't see the Governor's a charlatan, a snake oil salesman." Wayland continued. "The Governor's a smart man, he uses fools to do his dirty work."

"Like your son?"

"I hate to say it, but exactly like my boy. When they passed out the gullible pills, Jimmy took two!" the man said. "He told me he had come here to say he was sorry. He needed to do that, but Jimmy likes confessions. I'm Methodist, but Jimmy and his Mom are Baptists. I was afraid Jimmy had turned a real apology into an "aren't I good to admit I'm so bad" session."

I smiled. He knew his son well.

"His Mom died a year ago and Jimmy took it badly. He thought praying was enough." Mr. Savage said.

"I must have hit a raw nerve," I said.

"Fantasy land is nice, but there is the real world," Wayland said. "I told him his Mom was terminal. He just refused to believe it. He went off on mission church to South America to "help people" just before she died. She was dead and buried when he got back."

"That's horrible."

"It's his own damn fault. I told him. He's been on this save-every-life-idiocy ever since. He's much more worried about saving a sperm and an egg that just happened to hook up than to help a living child."

"He more worried about peasants in South America than his mother?"

"I'm afraid so," he replied in a tone of resignation. We talked abut his wife. She had cancer too, and I shared my experience with Lou. His son and Lou's daughter seemed to have the same approach to life and we exchanged notes.

"It's odd, but I was afraid Jimmy was the only fantasist. I had always thought when the chips were down, he come forward and help out. That's not the was it worked out."

"Your not alone in thinking that. Somehow, those who do get to do more. Those who don't, get to do less," I said. "How long were you married?"

"27 years," Wayland replied. "You?"

"Twenty years, plus or minus," I said "It was strange to be alone after all those years, but I got use to it."

"I missed the continual nagging," he said. "It sounds stupid and I don't want to make Liz sound like a bad woman, but she did like to nag. I like the quiet now."

Rocco came back from class. I introduced him to Wayland.

"Oh shit!" he exclaimed.

"Oh no, we're fine here," I said. "We seem to think alike."

Rocco apologized, but Wayland didn't seem to take offence. We talked for a while. Wayland was a brick mason. Rocco's father was a carpenter and the two men hit it off. They discussed the aches and pains associated with hard physical labor.

"There's nothing like a hot tub to loosen up after a hard day." Rocco said. "It really works out the kinks."

"I've heard that, but never tried it. Back at home everything is old fashioned. I had to fight to get rid of the claw foot tub," Wayland said. "My wife liked it. I had a shower in the garage. She thought I was too dirty after work to come into the house. Damn it was cold in the winter!"

"My Dad was dirty too, but to my Mom he was a god. He provided well for her and for my sisters and brother," Rocco said. "It wouldn't have occurred to her to leave him in the garage."

"Well, come into the sun room. Tom has a hot tub with a whirlpool. We use it every day when I get back from school. It's both relaxing and therapeutic," Rocco said. We all went to the sunroom. The tub had been a new addition several years earlier. I hadn't used it much, but both Rocco and Mark liked it. It relaxed me and seemed to make some of my uncooperative muscles more cooperative. Rocco took off the top and turned on the jets.

"I should be going," Wayland said.

"No need to do that. Why don't you join us? Give it a try, It will do you some good," Rocco said. He stripped off his shirt. I wasn't positive, but I saw Wayland start when he saw Rocco's hairy chest. Wayland looked tempted, but uncertain.

"The dress code here is informal," I said. "We're all men and no one can see in from the yard, so it's private."

"Are you sure?" Wayland asked, "I'm not imposing on you?"

"Not at all," Rocco said. By then he had dropped his pants and briefs and was getting into the tub.

"If you don't mind, I'll give it a try," the brick mason said.

I had thought Wayland was a fat man. As he stripped his clothes, I saw he was solid as a rock and quite muscular. He was well tanned and the hair on his body an even coat of white. When I got in the tub, he rose to help me and make sure I didn't slip. As I sat, I got a good view of his genitals. His uncut cock was a classic beer can shape, thick and wide, but his balls were huge and low hanging. I understood why he was comfortable getting naked with strangers. He had nothing to be ashamed of.

We had been in the pool for a minute or two when Mark arrived. Mr. Savage had rescue squad licence plates on his car. That was enough to reassure Mark, Wayland was okay. Mark knew the unit Wayland worked with and they knew many of the same people. Mark stripped and joined us in the tub. Wayland did a double take when he saw Mark's meat. With four of us in the tub it was tight and we were touching.

"You sure are a furry bunch of men here," Wayland said. "My wife thought body hair was gross. I shaved it when she was alive."

"My wife felt the same way," Rocco said. "Looking back, I don't know why she married me. She knew what she was getting before we got hooked up."

"No one would mistake us for California beach bunnies," Mark said, "that's for sure. I'm afraid my days as a nubile youth are over."

I laughed. "The vision of you as Pan, playing his flute and dancing through the woods doesn't come into focus well," I said.

"I don't remind you of a Greek god?" Mark said, mock seriously. "I am shocked!" The other men laughed. "You mean there isn't a Donkey Donged god?"

"There isn't, but there should be!" I said. "There are Satyrs. They're half man and half goat, hairy as hell and always hard."

Wayland got out of the tub and sat on the edge of the tub. Mark looked at him. Wayland's equipment was at eye level. The hot water made the balls hang lower. His cock also had firmed up some. The head had grown and stretched open the foreskin. His wide slit was showing.

"Damn, you've got some impressive baby makers there," Mark told him.

Wayland blushed and smiled. "I haven't gotten much use out of them."

"That seems a shame. They're beauties," Mark said. He must have had a much better reading of the situation than me. He reached out and cupped Wayland's balls in his hands. "They're heavy too, full of man seed?" Mark asked.

Wayland blushed and nodded, "Yep," he muttered. His cock began to rise.

"I guess you've noticed we're a really friendly bunch here?" Mark asked. Mark leaned for ward and took Wayland's cock into his mouth.

Next: Chapter 6

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