Grizzlies and Geezers

Published on Jul 13, 2004


Grizzlies and Geezers

Part 4

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

Mark had most of his worldly possessions in my garage. I looked at the small pile of boxes and realized he was into stuff. "I like to travel light," he said. I also discovered he was organized and in charge. It was hard for me to reconcile his goofy looks with his organizational skills. There were physical therapy sessions for me to go to and doctors' appointments.

I couldn't drive, so Wally picked me up on the way into his work as a choir director and organist. My session was over at noon, so Wally got me, took me home and made lunch. I was shocked he would do all of that for me, since we hardly knew each other.

"Tommy, if I was putting myself out, I wouldn't be doing it. I go to work and come home for lunch. I can do that for two as easily as one," he explained. "Don't make me into a Mother Theresa type. It just ain't true." When Lou was sick, I discovered his family would help as long as there was an audience and you were effusively grateful. Wally's low key approach was new to me. If Wally was busy at noon, Karl or Templeton would pick me up. I discovered they were an informal mutual assistance society. Mark coordinated things and scheduled help as needed.

I am normally a cheerful person, but I don't have much tolerance for failure. My recovery wasn't easy. One day I could talk clearly and without effort. The next day I would get confused. I would get down. Dr. Freddy, who had the bedside manner of Attila the Hun, set me straight about that. "Don't think of yourself as a patient, think if yourself as an experiment. You know as well as I. Setbacks are as useful as gains. We're learning a shit load of stuff about brain damage from you. Even on a bad day, you're helping." It was difficult, but I understood. I hated the idea of being useless, and Dr. Freddy's idea of being an experiment helped.

I was in my late 50s, but functioned as a somewhat infirm 80-year-old. Mark kept an eagle eye on me and pointed out that in the course of a month I had gained a lot, in spite of the setbacks.

Mark resumed his massages about five weeks after the electrocution. One of the odd byproducts of the shock was erasing a part of my sexual memory. I remembered Mark as a friend and I have very warm feelings about him, but I couldn't exactly remember why. In his usual easy manner he worked my back and then nosed his meat into my ass.

Not only had I forgotten why I liked Mark, I had forgotten what sex was like and that there was a sex organ in my ass. I had no real sexual recollections. For the second time in my life I had a chance to discover the joys of anal sex. After the most joyless period in my life, all the feelings came flooding back. I felt as if I had died and gone to heaven. The near death experience I had already had, the heaven part was a revelation.

Sex is good anyway, but after you forgot what it feels like, it's spectacular. I was like a kid at his first fireworks display. Given the state of my memory, many things struck me as new. I remembered food, but not ice cream. When Mark began easing his cock into my ass, it didn't seem odd to me at all. I was relaxed. I trusted him and figured if he wanted to shove his meat into my ass that was fine with me.

Since I was so relaxed, his cock had no problem entering. While I had no memories of sex, Mark remembered all the good spots. He made it a point to hit them all and many times. My memory would all but completely return over the course of the next few months. I had once been uneasy about letting a man into my ass. Way back in my memory there seemed to be something unmanly about it. There was no hesitation or holding back with Mark.

I don't know if it's possible to be fucked into your senses, but that happened to me. Until Mark's horse cock rammed my prostate I had been in limbo. Afterward I felt as if I had rejoined the human race. Thinking of yourself as a living science project is one thing, looking forward to mind bendingly good sex is quite another.

After that our lives settled down to a routine. Mark's workload picked up as he was put in charge of training for the Richmond Region. He arranged for another addition to our household. This would be someone who could do some house keeping and be there at night when he was on duty. I expected this person to be a middle-aged lady. It turned out to be a 45-year-old man named Rocco. Rocco was a former assembly line worker who had been laid off during a "restructuring". His wife had left him and he was going to school to become a Physical Therapist.

Rocco was a short, fire plug of a man, very powerful looking. He was also cheerful and affable in a gruff way. The company was paying for school as retraining, but he had lost his house and car in the financial disaster which followed his lay off. Free room and board is all he wanted. I couldn't drive my car, so he got the use of it and I got a chauffeur. In three or four days he was a member of the family.

It took me a little longer to realize he was also a member of the fraternity. Rocco had been a member of a Volunteer Rescue Squad and had met Mark at a training session. Apparently Rocco's study of Physical therapy had been at Mark's suggestion. It had turned out well for Rocco who had been as sea after losing his job.

I was talking with Rocco at dinner. He was a good cook, if you liked Italian food. I do. I had thought he was Italian, but his father was Persian, his mother Italian. He had curly black hair, with a matching close-cropped beard. Mark had just called. He was in northern Virginia for a five-day session on emergency preparedness. He wanted to make sure I was doing well.

"He is a regular mother hen, isn't he?" Rocco commented after Mark hung up.

"He sure is," I said. "Hen isn't the word for him; mother cock is more like it."

"Mother of all cocks!" Rocco said, laughing. "It's a world's fair exhibit."

"Maybe he should be regarded as deeply concerned stallion." I said, continuing the theme.

Rocco was silent. Then he asked, "Mark says you can take it? I can admire it, but not do much more with it."

"I don't know why, but it seemed to be a perfect fit for me."

"That's what Mark tells me."

"You're gay?"

"Not really," Rocco said, "I do like sex with men. Sucking, fucking."

"That's a good start," I said, laughing.

"Those are the exact words Mark used," Rocco said. "I like sex. Sex with men seems to have fewer strings attached, and I have to admit men seem to be much more appreciative."

"Did Mark introduce you to man sex?"

"Yes. I was messed up after the company fired me. I hadn't guessed my wife would leave when the paycheck stopped. I was low and Mark was helpful, more than helpful," Rocco explained. "I ended up in bed with him, had great sex, then we talked. He found out about my problems and planned a way out of it."

"He is a take charge kind of guy," I said.

"He's more like an affable cruise director. He straightened things out for me. I couldn't see the forest for the trees," Rocco replied. "It's like the sex thing. It's for enjoyment, not to prove you're a man."

"You like Physical Therapy?"

"I do. I like to help people. I'm a strong man and I like to use my strength. It's good for me. It's a lot better and more rewarding than making toasters," he said. "You're lucky. You're a scientist doing research, finding cures. My mind doesn't work that way."

"I'm afraid my research days are over."

"That's not the plan," Rocco said. "Mark and the good Doctor are aiming for a recovery."

"Do you think that's possible?"

"I don't see how it's possible, but they move in more advanced circles than me," Rocco replied. "You're asking the plumber what he thinks about a Nobel Prize winner. The Dr. Freddy is really happy. Mark says he's on to something."

That night Rocco took a shower with me. Mark always showered with me in case I fell. Rocco took his place. I had never seen him nude before. The curly hair which covered his head also covered his chest. A trail connected it to his thick bush. As far as I could tell his cock consisted only of the cock head. It alone sat like a mushroom displayed on his bush.

I felt comfortable with him. He was much smaller than Mark, but more muscular and stayed near enough to catch me if I slipped. Mark had installed grab bars I held on to while he washed me. We had once tried taking a bath, but he was so tall, it hurt his back, so the shower was a better alternative.

"What exactly was your introduction to man sex?" I asked, "I take it Mark didn't fuck you on your maiden voyage."

"He gave me a blow job," Rocco replied. "I hadn't had any sex in almost four months and that includes jerking off. I was that depressed. When I shot off, I thought I was going to choke him. Instead of being pissed, he told me it was the first time he's ever had his thirst quenched by cum. It may sound stupid, but I was pleased as punch at that. I had one hell of an orgasm, and he had enjoyed it as much as I had."

"I had never experienced all testosterone sex," he continued. "We didn't have to kiss and cuddle and I didn't need to tell him how pretty he was and that he was the only man for me in the world. It was more of a "let's use our cocks to see how much fun we could have" spirit to it. I loved it. At first I thought it was okay just to get blown. It seemed to me it was a bit effeminate to suck a cock."

"I looked at Mark and realized no one was less effeminate than him," Rocco explained. "After he blew me, we talked for three or four hours and I felt a whole lot better abut myself and my life. I decided to suck him. It was half a thank you suck and half a payback suck for having blown me. Damn if it wasn't the most exciting sex I'd ever had. I couldn't believe it. The taste and smell of his cock drove me up the wall."

"All man smell?"

"That's it," Rocco said. "Now, since I told you my life story, you tell me about your first experience with Mark?" I told him of the massage and Mark's sly and crafty way of easing his cock into my ass. We were finished with the shower and I was drying off.

"I don't believe you can take that thing!" he exclaimed. "It's like having the Empire State Building shoved up your ass."

"You've never been fucked?"

"Other than by the corporation I worked 20 years with, no," Rocco replied. "I've never fucked a man, nor been fucked. I was good about screwing women, until I got married, that is."

I laughed. "I had a friend who claimed sex was great until it becomes legal." I said.

"That's me," Rocco said laughing. "I was the fish and sex was the worm my wife used to get me. It's funny. I just work on an assembly line, but where she came from, that was good money. I like to fuck, but it's going to be a while before I hitch myself to another bitch."

"I never thought I be a bottom," I said. I had done it a few times, more to be polite than out of desire. Lou, my friend hit the right spot. The more we did it, the better it got."

"You think so? Sex went down hill for me."

"Even with Mark?" I asked.

"Come to think of it, no. With Mark it's getting better," Rocco admitted. "I'm not as nervous. I'm more at ease."

"That was the way it was with Lou. It just got easier and better," I said. "If you like a guy, there's a lot you can do to make it better." I noticed Rocco's cock had perked up. The head was enlarged and there was a bead of moisture in his slit. I reached over, touched the bead and tasted it. It was precum.

"You like it?"he asked.

"Sweet," I said. "Would you like to play some?"

"If you do, I'm game."

"Do you think you like to fuck me?" I asked. "I'd be glad to give you a lesson."

"I've got a big knob," he said. I took that answer as a yes. I was in my bedroom so I went to my bed side table and took out a tube of lube. I squeezed some on my hand and spread it on his head. As he said, his knob was a big purple mushroom with a wide slit, drooling precum. When the lubricant touched his cock head, the shaft came to life.

Guys may say they're hard as a rock, but Rocco's mushroom crowned a steel like shaft. His shaft was thin, but long.

"Does this feel good?" I asked.

"You bet. It feels great."

"Do you want to lube me up?" I asked. "If you don't, I can." I got on my back on the bed.

"I kind of like cunts," Rocco said. "Your ass can't be any worse than that. Open up and let me in." He took some lubricant on his finger and rubbed in on my hole. "You want some on the inside, don't you?"

"I sure do," I replied. His fingers were thick and stubby. He pushed his index finger into my pucker. My sphincter resisted some. He put more lube on his finger and pushed harder. "Damn, it's tight. Are you sure my cock will fit?"

I laughed. "Don't worry. It will fit."

Rocco pushed his finger deeper. "You seem to like it. You've got nice equipment. Good, low hangers."

"We all get the cards we are dealt."

"My wife thought hairy balls were gross. The abominable Snowman would be happy with yours. I shaved mine once or twice, but I didn't like it. I hate the idea of a sharp instrument near the family jewels. "

"Did your wife like your shaved balls?"

"Shit no. I think she just liked to complain," he said. "Now where exactly is this prostate I've been hearing about?"

"You've never been examined?"

"Nope, I know where it's supposed to be. Anatomy isn't my strong suit."

"Push a little deeper, and press toward my cock." He did as I told him. I shivered when he hit it.

"Is that it?"

"That was it."

"Is it that good? You sure reacted." Rocco pressed it again. I reacted the same way.

"Yes, it can be even better when a cock rubs it," I explained. "It's the stealth sex organ. I read a book on gay sex that all but ignored it. It's like being jerked off from the inside."

"Do you think you're ready?" he asked. "You don't need to go through with this if you don't want to."

"Let do it," I said. "Put my legs on your shoulder and work it in." Rocco was very careful. He added some more lubricant and then nuzzled his cock head in my ass. He pushed, pulled back and pushed again. With each successive push, my ass opened a bit more. He had a big head and I was resisting some. Suddenly it popped through my sphincter and he was in. The comparatively thin shaft entered easily and my balls were resting on his bush.

"Shit, I going to shoot!" he cried.

"Don't move. The feeling may pass!" I ordered. He did as I asked. I felt his cock twitch once, but that was it.

"I've stopped," he said after a minute or so. "Are you okay?" I was getting to like Rocco more. Here he was on the cusp of an orgasm, worried about how I was doing.

"I'm fine. Pump slowly until you know you're not going to shoot off too quickly."

"You like it slow?"

"At first."

"That the attitude!" Rocco exclaimed. "It's just the way I like it. Damn you're tight. It not what I thought it would be like at all." He pulled out part of the way and his head rubbed my prostate. I shivered. "Is that the good place?" I nodded. He smiled. "You know, in fifteen years of marriage I never found a good spot in my wife's love tunnel." I squeeze my ass.

Rocco was good. The combination of a big head and thin shaft was both effective and comfortable. What turned it from being a good experience to a great one was Rocco. He was considerate, grateful and enthusiastic. It was a new experience for him, and he loved it.

"What happens when I shoot off?" he asked.

"What do you mean?"

"My wife didn't want me to shoot inside her."

"Well, feel free to leave it in. I don't mind some Persian man seed in my ass." I said. Rocco broke into a wide smile. I felt him spasm and I knew he was unloading. He continued to pump, using his own cum as lube. Rocco was one happy guy. So was I.

Next: Chapter 5

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